Member Reviews

I enjoyed this history of the typeface Albertus. The author weaves together history, memoir, and pop culture uses of the font to tell its story. Designers and bookmakers who are already sensitive to the aesthetic nuances of typeface and design, I’m sure you’ll enjoy this text. It would also be a useful resource for those who hope to cultivate an understanding of the visual language of typography. The writing is clear, accessible, and entertaining. If anything, I think more visual examples and illustrations of the font in use would have improved the overall experience of the book, but I would definitely recommend it.

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This is my second book in this series. I enjoyed this one just as much as the one on Comic Sans. Although Albertus is a font that (at least I thought) I was much less familiar with. I quickly learned that this was not the case and started noticing it a lot more. I appreciate how much this volume focuses on the designer Berthold Wolpe. As I said in the review of the Comic Sans volume, I would absolutely love to see more volumes in this series.

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