Member Reviews

“A toast to all our frailty / and the mess we make of everything eventually.”

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the eARC!

Full Rating: 4.5 stars rounded up

Exit Opera by Kim Addonizio is a hauntingly sardonic exploration of what it means to be alive, steeped in the futility of attempting to control the uncontrollable aspects of our existence. From the opening poem, Addonizio's speaker grapples with the impossibility of mastering life, ultimately suggesting that perhaps the best course of action is to relinquish control and embrace life's unpredictability. Allusions to Greek mythology, philosophy, and literature are woven throughout the collection, adding depth to the speaker’s reflections on the absurdity of existence.

Addonizio confronts the dualities that define our lives—hope and despair, faith and doubt, life and death—often opting for a darkly humorous resignation rather than a definitive conclusion. The speaker's musings on religion and the search for meaning are particularly poignant; despite exploring spirituality as a potential answer to existential woes, she ultimately finds it wanting, leaving her to navigate the vastness of existence with a drink in hand.

What stands out most in Exit Opera is the speaker's palpable sense of smallness in the face of a chaotic, indifferent world. Yet, amid this bleakness, there are moments of solace found in nature, art, and connection with others. Addonizio balances this tension masterfully, acknowledging the inevitability of decay and death while still clinging to fleeting glimpses of hope. The poems are at once introspective and irreverent, blending the everyday with the philosophical in a way that feels both surreal and deeply grounded.

Stylistically, Addonizio’s language is vivid and sharp, oscillating between sardonic wit and poignant reflection. Her imagery is eclectic, often juxtaposing the absurd with the profound to evoke a sense of disorientation and contemplation. While the collection may lose some cohesion toward the end, Exit Opera remains a powerful addition to Addonizio’s body of work, resonating deeply in these uncertain times. For fans of Melissa Broder and Miranda July, this collection, with its blend of humor, pain, and introspective beauty, is sure to resonate with many of us in these times of increasing uncertainty.

📖 Recommended For: Admirers of dark humor and existential themes, readers who enjoy poetry that blends the mundane with the philosophical, those intrigued by explorations of mortality and the absurdity of life, fans of Melissa Broder and Miranda July.

🔑 Key Themes: The Futility of Control, Mortality and Decay, Existential Loneliness, The Search for Meaning, The Tension Between Faith and Doubt, Finding Solace in Art and Connection.

Content / Trigger Warnings: Mental Illness (minor), Pandemic (minor), Rape (minor), Alcohol (minor), Alcoholism (minor), Drug Abuse (minor), Drug Use (minor), Cancer (minor), Gun Violence (minor).

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