Member Reviews

Kiara will not stop until she defeats Artec, but how far will she has to go?
Artec has been watching Kiara for years, she knows that she can't run from them anything longer because they know where she lives and where her friends live. But she also knows that this time she isn't alone. With the help of friends they know they can help the spirit world. They come up with a plan to charge right into the heart of Artec to defeat them for good. Will Kiara and all her friends come out alive? Or will Artec continue with their corruptions?

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What a crazy end to a series that I have absolutely loved.

This wrapped up everything with Keira and Artec really well. I've enjoyed this journey and this is definitely one of my favorite series.

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The fifth book of the Gravekeeper, the story of Keira and her black cat, Daisey, who lives in the groundskeeper's cottage at Blighty Cemetery, continues to unfold.
Keira has a gift of seeing spirits, so she tries to help them resolve their unfinished business on Earth before they can move on.
This time, the story focuses on revenge after revealing most of the secrets of her past.

I used to say that each book in this series functions as an individual story, with Keira and her two inseparable companions, Zoe and Mason, solving another ghostly mystery. However, in the last two books, especially The Vengeful Dead, the storyline appears to come to a conclusion. So, I suggest reading the books in order. It seems this might be the end of the series unless we begin to see new stories, possibly this time as individuals with a fresh start.

My important question this time is: Where was Harry? Why was he in shadow? And why wasn't there dialogue: "Mother. I may not return. Or if I do, I will likely forever be changed." ?!

Huge thanks to Poisoned Pen Press via NetGalley for giving me a chance of reading The Vengeful Dead (Gravekeeper #5) by Darcy Coates, I have given my honest review.

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A satisfying ending to the Gravekeeper series.

I’m so sad to be saying goodbye to Keira and the rest of the Blighty crew but I’m so satisfied with this ending. The whole Artec saga had me on the edge of my seat and jumping to read the next book. I fell in love even more with Keira, Mason, Zoe, and the rest of the ragtag group from Blighty. We got to see more of past characters and was introduced to new ones. We got to see Keira being empathetic and helping some ghosts and also be a complete badass. And, of course, we got to see Daisy being adorable and completely magical.

If you haven’t picked up this series or finished it I highly recommend reading it if you enjoy ghosts, friendship, and a cozy story with some mystery and action!

Thank you *Poisoned Pen Press* for providing this book for review consideration via NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

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I gave this book 4.5 stars on storygraph. I love this series. Although, I was surprised that there was no Confrontation with the doctor about his son, I feel like that could have been done differently. I believe I enjoyed the helping a single ghost more than following her past. The first three books focus on a single case then her past and the last two focus directly on her past. I wish there was more of a balance of the two. I always love the characters in the series, I believe my favorite was Dane and Zoe! Wish there was more books in this series, but I love to read Darcy Coates books!

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I love Darcey Coates. I think her books are way more than just YA horror. They’re thought provoking, interesting, and easy to read. I hardly read books in one sitting anymore but with this author it’s hard not to!

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Love all of Darcy Coates' books and this one was no different.
I really enjoyed the ending to this wonderful series!

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I love Darcy Coates and this book was as good as expected. I love the Kierra series and can't wait for the next one.

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I enjoyed this book. Keira is a wonderful main character who came upon her abilities after being exposed to research involving the dead while in her mother's womb as her parents conducted research for a company called Artec. When Artec's evil intentions became clear, Keira's parents fled to save her life and ended up losing their own. Now Keira is locked in battle with Artec for her survival and to end their horrible torture of the spirits of the dead. The pace was fast and the plotting was intriguing which made for a great reading expereince. Fans of paranormal fiction will enjoy this one.

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I didn't realize this was part of a series but there was enough information throughout that I felt comfortable following everything. I enjoy ghost stories, but it's horrifying that someone has figured out how to trap them and use their energy.
Keira is the main character; because of her abilities to see and help ghosts, she used to be a loner. Now she has friends to help face off against the bad guys. I kind of got Stranger Things vibes from some of the settings and situations, which was fun.
Thanks to NetGalley for letting me read this

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The Vengeful Dead, is a fifth book in the gravekeepers series by Darcy Coates, Keira is still in fear of Artec’s and desperately wants to take it in its owner out in the meantime she gets a visit from the president of the Blighty propriety society Ms.Agatha. she tells Keira she knows about her ability to speak to ghost and thinks her home is haunted and of course Keira agrees to help. investigating Miss Agatha‘s home only leads to a much bigger issue. All this while still dodging the mercenaries working for Artect miss Agatha isn’t the only one who knows about Keira and where she lives because she gets a note mailed to the pastor asking for a meeting. The meeting proves things are going to get much worse before they get better but West and Kiara still fine time to have their second “date.“ I don’t wanna give away the whole story so just know this is another great installment with Keira, Zoe and West get ever closer to ruining their enemy not to mention the great mic drop ending with Miss Agatha not a big one but a good one. I love these books and can only hope Keira continues to solve ghostly mysteries I really think I would be lost without having these books to look forward to. Love these guys and of course miss Daisy so much! Darcy Coates is one of my favorite authors whose books I just cannot get enough of and look so forward to more in the future as for this one it is one I absolutely definitely recommend 190%.#NetGalley, #PoisonPenPress, #TheBlindReviewer, #MyHonestReview, #DarcyCoats, #TheVengefulDead,#GraveKeeperSeries,

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The Vengeful Dead by Darcy Coates is a paranormal mystery novel, and the fifth (and final book)  in the Gravekeeper series.  

Series Background:    (Warning – Contains spoilers from previous books)
Keira can interact with ghosts, usually helping them to move on. She became the graveskeeper at Blighty Graveyard when she stumbled upon it, with none of her memories intact.  She has made friends since then. Adage, the clergyman who hired her; Zoe who is a conspiracy theory nut, Mason, who is supposed to be studying to become a doctor, and Harry, a teenager with dark thoughts.  Keira has recently been getting her memories back.  Her parents, when working for an organization called Artec, received a massive dose of spectral power and passed it to Keira.  Artec wants to use her powers.  Keira wants to shut them down.  Artec have been keeping the dead chained to this world to use their energy and sell it for hydro-electric power.  So, between her powers, and her runes, Keira is going to shut them down.

My Synopsis:    (No major reveals, but if concerned, skip to My Opinions)
Keira has been practicing a lot.  She needs to develop her runes.  She has figured out a few already, and is working on more.  She thinks they may need them soon.   After they had destroyed one of the cemeteries where Artec was harnessing the power of the ghosts,  Keira knows she has left a trail.

Meanwhile, word is getting out around town that Keira can talk to ghosts, and one of the town's most prestigious women has asked for help.  Keira discovers that the house beside Agatha's is  more of a problem.

When Artec finally sends mercenaries through her town, Keira and her friends have had enough.  They target the organization's headquarters, and Keira will have to face Schaeffer head-on.  Hopefully her new runes and her ability to draw power from her friends energies will be enough.

My Opinions:
I loved these books.  Even though the topic is somewhat dark, they feel like a light, easy read.  So they could easily be aimed more at the YA crowd.

The characters are very entertaining, and their comradery is great.  The plot is an extension from one book to the next, so I would highly recommend you read the books in order. 

Although this is actually a good place to end the series,   I'm hoping the author changes her mind and adds more books.  I need some light reads in between some of my other, deeper books.

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The Vengeful Dead brings us the next step in Keira's battle with Artec. She knows who she is now but, unfortunately, so do they. This is the 5th Gravekeeper book so some of the characters were a little stagnant. It almost felt like a replay of the previous book at some points. Not to say it wasn't a satisfying addition to the Aztec saga. People who chain down spirits in order to steal their energy have to be stopped, right? I was most happy with the way it ended. There are hints of letting the characters grow and change. I think that's what they need after so many books.

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i loved all of darcy coates's books that I've read and so didn't hesitate to request this. my fault for reading the fifth book in a series without any idea it was part of a series! this was enjoyable enough but simply too confusing for me I'm sorry!

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Author is an auto buy for me. I love these books and can’t wait to see what is next. If you enjoy the creep factor check out this authors books.

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This installment of this series really delves more into the deeper backstory, what all of the previous books were leading up to. I really enjoyed it. I love these characters. I love the changes made within the dynamic between them. Their bonds are so strong.

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As soon as the audiobook comes out, I'm rereading this book.

Yes, it was that good. The Vengeful Dead was the perfect ending for this beloved series of mine.

The Vengeful Dead picks up right after the events in the previous installment, The Hollow Dead, and, even though there's a little bit of info dump here and there about this ghostly world and its characters, it's the perfect amount to get swept back into it.

Keira's group of friends grows bigger, the bonds become tighter and the stakes get seriously higher. This book has more than one plot line, and the way they're approached made for a fast paced and engaging story.

There were, admittedly, some very convenient and unexplained things going on towards the end. But it's not like it was so random that it made no sense whatsoever. It was a bit fantastical, yes, but that's allowed here. The characters had been through a lot and they earned their magical reprieve.

Plus, I do love a happy ending after having my heart racing from all that action.

I don't think I can be entirely objective anymore when it comes to the books in this series, because it has officially cemented itself as one of my all time favorites. And whatever flaws it may have, they are not bad enough for me to hold them against it.

I don't know how much more emphatic I can be when I tell you to please read these books. They are worth it. They're a really good time. They're cozy, they're kinda creepy, there's romance, there's found family. And a cat. What else could you possibly need?

Thank you, Darcy, for this unforgettable journey. The Gravekeeper series will forever live in my reading heart.
And thank you Poisoned Pen Press and NetGalley for the arcs.

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The fantasy or world-building is pretty rudimentary, while there are dollops of running around, exploding things, 'several large fires,' and to-and-fro banter. Though the writer pushes us right into the midst of the action, she inserts short recaps whenever needed to bring her first-time readers up to the action and to remind her regularly. I loved the clever placement of such snippets throughout the novel without affecting the pace.

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The vengeful dead was the perfect wrap up to the graves keeper series- loose ends tied up, Keira helping more ghosts, and Keira finally confronting Artec. The series as a whole really valued the power of friendship and even though it’s horror based it’s more of a feel good book. While reading you kind of intuitively just know everything will work out.
My official rating was a 3.75/4 stars but for the sake of a whole star system I would round up to 4 instead of down to 3. Looking back I’ve rated each book in the series a 3.75/5 stars so the books have stayed the same though out which is nice. I do think as far as a final book in a series though I was hoping for a bit more from it and some of the trials Keira faces with artec just seemed a bit unfeasable which is a personal pet peeve of mine as far as book situations go.
Overall I would and have recommended this series. It’s a perfect cozy spooky read.
-on a side note I’ve taken a hiatus from my book socials since the fall of 2024 and am still on hiatus so will not be doing a video review since I’m still protecting my mental health social media wise.

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This is the fifth and final book in this series, and I would definitely recommend starting at the beginning to get the best reading experience.

This series has amazingly complex and interesting characters, consistent twisty ghostly mysteries, and an overreaching plot that had me invested from page 1 in the first book.

This is one of my favorite series, and while I'm sad this is the end I thought it ended spectacularly, and if Darcy Coates ever wants to revisit with Kiera and the gangs I will absolutely pick it up.

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