Member Reviews

If you love thrillers you are absolutely going to devour this book! Kill Yours, Kill Mine by Katherine Kovacic is an intense story that follows 7 individuals who all have 1 thing in common. All of their Sisters were tragically murdered by their partners and got away with it. So what is the solution to this you might ask yourself, revenge.

I overall really did enjoy this story though at times it was a little difficult to follow with so many characters. The character development wasn't there for everyone just for some but I don't think it took too much away from the plot. It was fast paced and enjoyable and overall a definite add to your tbr.

(Nothing will be shared on social media until closer to the release date)

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"Besides, in every horror movie she had ever seen, the monster was never dead when you thought it was. In her experience, a human monster could be like that too - and when he returned, the consequences were devastating."

The Pleaides:
A support group specifically for the sisters of domestic violence murder victims.
Each of them is a sister of a murdered woman - a woman killed by her partner. Meanwhile those POS**ts got away and still out there - where they can still victimize other women.
And its eating them alive.
Will their therapy group really make the final decision to become a murder club? Will they step up where the criminal justice system has failed and will they triumph?
Their plan is inspired by the Hitchock film 'Strangers on a Train' - where they have to buddy up and swap murders so there's no connection..will all of them succeed?

I enjoyed this one and can't put it down. I was invested on what they had planned for each revenge and how they are going to execute it without being caught or traced back to each other. Since there are multiple povs, you'd have to go back and review the 'group assignment list' with who is buddied up with who and who is assigned to kill which POS if that makes sense.

Thanks to Netgalley and Poisoned Pen Press publishing for the arc 🖤

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While this novel had an interesting premise and overall decent storyline, it just fell a bit flat for me. I didn't feel like we had enough time to get to know characters before their major plot points were happening and I don't even know what that ending was supposed to be. A decent read, but nothing exceptional for me.

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Here’s a thriller I read in ONE DAY! Thank you Poisoned Pen Press and Netgalley for the e-Arc of this book. Based in Sydney, we watch seven women who lost their sisters to domestic violence come together for therapy which then becomes a revenge unaliving group by swapping their targets. Revolving around these seven women, this was such an impactful and clever thriller that definitely served karma on a silver platter. It was easy to follow and I had such a good time getting marveled by the execution. I just wished there were more distinctions between the various women though. I also loved that open-ended ending like WHAT!

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Wow what a story. I couldn’t put this book down…group of young women all with similar stories of domestic violence get together to get revenge on those who hurt their loved ones. Great story line. Really shines a light on how many people get away with domestic violence too. Thank you poisoned pen press for the ARC. This book comes out November 5, 2024. Definitely should be in your TBR list.

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This story follows seven women who each had a sister who is a victim of domestic violence where nobody was punished. These women come together to make a plan to get some sweet revenge on each of those men.
While I did enjoy the story, I personally always struggle when there’s a lot or characters to keep track of. I also felt like some of this story seemed a bit too fake and predictable.
I think if you like a book about someone getting revenge on the bad guys, you will enjoy this book. It just wasn’t for me.

Thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and author for this advanced copy in exchange for my honest review.

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Thank you,Poisoned Pen Press for the copy of Kill Yours, Kille Mine by Katherine Kovacic. This was a quick read and really kept me reading! I loved the story, but there were so many characters it was hard to keep track of all of their details and too many killings. My only complaint is some of them were too easy and not very plausible. The ending was thought-provoking and intriguing. If you’re looking for a great read that will keep you on the edge of your seat, try this one! 4 stars.

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Thank you to Poisoned Pen Press and Netgalley for this free ARC in exchange for an honest review.

This was a page turner - while I do accept that there could have been more background and fleshing out of the stories and characters, the lack of this level of detail suited the fast pace of the novel, allowing the reader just enough detail to scratch the surface, much like each woman knows about the other before agreeing to take on their mammoth tasks.

A real immersive read that lends itself to being read in one sitting.

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A group of women (led by their therapist) decide to Rear Window the men who killed their sisters in domestic violence. Yes, yes, YES! This book was a giant fuck you to abusers, and a fist pump for wonen who even the score. I cannot express how empowering I found this book to be.

Bookseller tip: This is the book for women who grew up reading Mindy McGuinnis and are looking for more "adult" reads.

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Naomi has been seeing Mia for grief counseling at "The Pleiades". When Mia invites Naomi to attend her group therapy session, Naomi is skeptical but finds a group of women just like her. Sisters of women lost to perpetrators of domestic abuse; men who have all gotten away with murder. Together and with the guidance of Mia, the women set out for revenge.

I really wanted to love this book, but it ended up not really being for me. I really liked the concept of a revenge story for women of domestic violence; however, I felt this book fell short.

Honestly, seven women, seven murders, and seven abusers was too much. As there wasn't much character development, none of the characters were memorable to me. I couldn't keep each woman and her sister's story straight. The murders were just subpar and the pacing of the murders happened too quickly even though they were suppose to be several months apart. The book takes place over a two year period, but it just moved way to quickly. Ultimately, there was just a lack of story development when it came to some of the murders.

Considering that Mia is the brains behind the revenge plots, I felt that her story was underdeveloped and just sprinkled throughout the book. Mia's story could have been more develop so that the reader could understand her passion behind these scheme. In addition, I was really hoping for more from the detective's side; however, I felt like it was just thrown in there as a side plot as well. Between the Mia and the detective, the story could have been more well-rounded since both women are passionate about the same thing.

I almost DNFed this book several times but I really wanted to see if it got better. The ending was a nice added piece since I struggled through most of the story.

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Thank you NetGalley, Poisoned Pen Press, and Sourcebooks for an advanced copy to read and review! All thoughts are my own.

•Title: Kill Yours, Kill Mine
•Author: Katherine Kovacic
•Genre: thriller
•Format: physical book, 304 pages
•Pub day: November 5, 2024
•Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

•Premise: A group of women, mourning the deaths of each of their sisters by domestic violence, create a plan for the ultimate revenge. They each take care of someone else’s target, while they themselves create an air tight alibi. Will they be successful, and rid the world of these terrible monsters?

•Thoughts: Wow, I truly loved this book. The premise was interesting and hooked me from the start. I was ANGRY for all of these women and their sisters, and found myself rooting so hard for each of them in their vengeance. Many people dream or fantasize about getting revenge in situations like these, but few carry it out since we are supposed to let the legal system handle it. The part that hurt me so much, aside from the domestic violence, was the injustice that took place. The justice system in this book did not protect these women, nor did it protect any future women from potentially being harmed. This story was a thriller, and a story about women banding together, but it was also much deeper than that. I am aware domestic violence takes place, but there were facts and statistics thrown in both in the book and the acknowledgments that shocked me. It’s heartbreaking.

I loved this book and highly recommend!

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Thank you to NetGalley and Poisoned Pen Press for the ARC

Talk about a thrilling book! Morally grey characters and an addictive storyline. This had everything I wanted and more. The plot was great and fast-paced. I flew through the book in no time and was constantly kept in edge. Suspense deluxe. A truly magnificent thriller

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Attempted to pick up this book multiple times, but always stopped at 25%
There is no background on the 7 girls, and you’re constantly questioning who is who. This book has the same ideas as strangers on a train. Although I see many people have enjoyed this book, it was definitely not for me.

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Very interesting premise that keeps you flipping pages quickly. Even though there are many things that are a bit of a stretch logically, this story feeds that revenge fantasy we probaly have all had but would be ashamed to admit. I loved how everything was truly well thought out as the story unfolds and it was fun (if that's the right word) to see these women get their revenge against men who truly deserved it. Sure, you can argue that it's morally wrong what they did, but you can secretly sit back and enjoy it anyway.

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The concept for this book was very intriguing, but unfortunately I DNFd about 20% in. This book would have benefitted greatly from more background and buildup before jumping right into the plot. I didn't know anything about the characters and or have any emotional connection to their stories, which is crucial in a vigilante story. But if someone is looking for a quick read and interesting plot over character development, this would likely work for them.

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I’ll admit that it took me a few chapters to get into this book, for me with the 7 characters I just couldn’t keep them straight. BUT, let me tell you, once I was over the hump I was OBSESSED. And dare I say, that I feel like this book needed to be wrote? With all of the domestic abuse survivors out there, some of us are bound to be in the same mindset as these ladies. There was more than 1 happy ending in this book, and I’m here for every single one. This book isn’t even out yet and I’ve already recommended it to all my gal pals. Just read the book. It could be an eye opener.

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For me this was a solid book and I'd rate it 3.5 stars.
I got through this very quickly, which for me means I was engaged in the plot and wanted to find out what happened.
I loved the central idea, however I was missing some character development. As the story follows 6 women, I felt there wasn't enough time spent on really developing each of them and their individual lives and circumstances. A couple of them stood out for various reasons, but the others blended together and it became hard to remember who was who. I also felt that the conflict around the morality of seeking revenge could have been explored more.
Overall this was a solid, fast paced thriller that I would recommend for a quick, light read.

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I really thought there were only so many ways to remix Strangers on a Train before I'd get sick of it but Katherine Kovacic has proven me wrong.

I was hooked on the story immediately. The characters were likeable and well thought out. The relationships among the women were vulnerable and heartbreaking. A story of revenge and righting wrongs, Kovacic spins a classic into an entirely new story with an interesting cast of characters and an unforeseeable outcome. I found myself actively cheering for these women to get away with murder.

Will they? You'll have to read it to find out!

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I liked the plot of women getting their own back on abusive men and the therapy group context. The book felt a bit slow though

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Domestic violence is horrific and this book gives the power back to the women. I enjoyed terrible men getting their just ends because in real life, that doesn't usually happen. I was worried it might end up feeling too formulaic but with a female detective thrown into the mix, it kept me on my toes. Fun read!

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