Member Reviews

I liked the plot of women getting their own back on abusive men and the therapy group context. The book felt a bit slow though

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Domestic violence is horrific and this book gives the power back to the women. I enjoyed terrible men getting their just ends because in real life, that doesn't usually happen. I was worried it might end up feeling too formulaic but with a female detective thrown into the mix, it kept me on my toes. Fun read!

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This book is crazy-good! Therapist Mia sees individuals but also runs a group for women who've lost a partner to domestic violence. All five women are obviously grieving but also filled with rage that most of these men have gotten away with it as they were deemed "accidents" so Mia has a plan to help them mitigate their anger. And what a plan it is! But it's brilliant in its simplicity and oh so Hitchcockian! I loved every minute of it!
Thanks to NetGalley for this ARC!

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This book was previously published in JAN 2023, but the title was Seven Sisters
This book is very predictable , however the banter and the characters in this book are worth the read. They’re not perfect and I like flawed things , and I love that the author included each individuals purpose.

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I kept hearing about this book and I was so excited to read it. It did not disappoint at all! I love the plot and the characters were easy to like. Definitely recommend!

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Mia's grief counselling practice, The Pleiades, is named for the seven sisters from Greek mythology who were the companions of the Goddess of the Hunt—and who, in some stories, die of grief or are killed to be saved from attackers.Mia has been gathering broken women together for a radical form of group therapy. This book is a story about sisterhood and getting justice when the system failed. I enjoyed the story and read it in a day! This book releases on November 5th, 2024 and I highly recommend!

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thank you to NetGalley and Poisoned Pen Press for providing me with an advance copy of this book to review!

2.5. I do want to start with the good since I'm going to sound kind of negative on this overall: it's an engaging read that I feel like a lot of people are going to enjoy. it's not in any way a bad book, just one I kinda... don't think did what it was supposed to.

now on to the negative. mostly, I am getting kind of tired of thrillers and suspense novels that are not thrilling or suspenseful. this is more like general or crime fiction than a thriller. there are also no twists at all, like I kept expecting Naomi's husband to betray them or something but... nope.

I guess at the end of the day it's not a terrible thing that it rarely feels like the women are actually in danger, but it's still true, and I feel like it didn't fulfill what I expected from a thriller. there were a lot of characters and most of them came off quite samey. also weird copaganda at times, like emphasizing that cops are just soooo dedicated to saving abused women??

I dunno. like I said, I think this is still an enjoyable read. just don't expect to be like on the edge of your seat or anything

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This was fantastic. I really enjoyed reading it. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this ARC!

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I say give me MORE!

I will not say much about the plot because “revenge thriller” is everything we need to know if you’re interested in picking up this book.

The characters are believable and yes they are as realistic as things are. Doubtful at times. Guilty of not doing enough. Facing grief and loss. Living with the consequences of injustice.

A group of women who are supposedly participating in a therapy group will do the “job” for their lost loved ones who are not getting the justice they deserve.

The writing is good and the plot is good. The ending is interesting!

Thank you, Poisoned Pen Press, for the advance reading copy.

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When a therapist puts together a support group of women that have been affected by domestic violence, the only thing that can help them heal is.... revenge. The six women swap abusers to get the justice they deserve. a truly thrilling and satisfying story. everything about this story had me hooked from the very beginning.

thank you Poisoned Pen Press and netgalley for this advanced reader's copy- I truly enjoyed this book and could not put it down

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Thank you so much for this ARC! The premise was so intriguing; a grief counselor (mental health practitioners in thrillers are Chef's Kiss for me!), seven women suffering from tragic losses yet united in their grief and a plan for revenge. I thought this was an easy 5 stars for me. My attention was caught immediately and held strong for about 20% of the book. From there, the unbelievability of the story just took away from my excitement. Who agrees to commit murder after one group meeting? Who travels somewhere remote with essentially a stranger to commit a crime?

I am so glad to see readers adored this book - however, it was not for me. I will certainly try it again on audio as it was well received!

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Thank you net galley and to the publishers for this ARC. I really enjoyed this story. From the very first chapter I was hooked and I wanted to continue. Talk about a binge read. Great characters and plot. As the story went on things got even better and the ending was perfect. I highly recommend this book and I will be looking forward to what the author does in the future. 4 out of 5 stars !!!

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Mia leads a therapy group for women who lost a sister to domestic violence. Not only are they grieving their beloved sisters, but they also have to live with the knowledge that the perpetrator got away with a slap on the wrist at best. That’s when they start their new project, based on the "Strangers on a Train" story: you take mine, I’ll take yours, and no one will ever know why it happened.

While I don’t advocate for taking justice into your own hands in real life, I find it incredibly satisfying in books. It’s the kind of story that makes me want to sing “he had it coming,” and the men in this book? They surely do. Since the system let them get away with what they did, it’s only fair that the women taking revenge do too.

The best part of the story is that they don’t get away with it so easily. Some people in the police aren’t that dumb, and one woman starts to connect the dots. I hate when everything is a little too easy in thrillers. Most of them also don’t have an easy time actually committing the murder, which I appreciated because it’s realistic. Being angry doesn’t mean it can turn you into a killer easily and without damage.

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Overall I enjoyed this. I didn't find it was written the best and it lagged a little in the middle where it got repetitive. I also don't know if it's an Australian thing, but Olivia using "darl" in every sentence got quite annoying.

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Quick thriller revolving around a group of women seeking revenge on domestic abusers that killed their loved ones. Was it predictable? Yes. Did I finish it in under 24 hours? Also yes. Super quick read and page turner that is a fun twist on 'Strangers on a Train'. Thank you Poisoned Pen Press and NetGalley for the eARC!

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Okay, talk about a page turner!!!
This is a tense, pulsing and utterly gripping and I raced through it.
At first, I had a difficult time keeping up with all the characters names, and definitely felt that some had more airtime than others, which made it hard to connect with all the women.
The Sydney setting was cool, and totally reinforces that horrific domestic violence statistics in this country.
Easily one of those morally grey novels.
Are the characters motivated by justice or revenge? Each of them believes the are protecting the other and future victims.
The police investigation was just far enough removed to not over take the main storyline of the novel, but to still seem realistic and I would absolutely recommend this

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I loved this book. The beginning few chapters were a little choppy but after that I flew through this. Read it in one day. I love a women’s rage/revenge story. Do you have to suspend belief a little? Yes, but isn’t that what fiction is for. I don’t need my fiction books to have the most plausible story line, and I don’t sit and think would this really happen in real life. Spoilers……I’m glad the women all got their tasks done. I liked the ending because it means there could be another book.

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I love the premise of this book, a revenge thriller for the sisters of abuse victims. Great characters and edge-of-seat suspense! Highly recommended. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC. Pub Date: Nov 5, 2024


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Wow, Kill Yours, Kill Mine is a great thriller. What happens when women want revenge? Read this book and find out.

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Reminded me of another story I read recently. Very predictable at times but was an ok thriller. Not my favorite. Thank you NetGalley for this arc

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