Member Reviews

A story about avenging terrible wrongs, protecting others, and women supporting women. In order for this story to work, there was a need for so many characters, but they were hard to keep track of at times. Thankfully the story still worked!

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This was an interesting revenge thriller focused on grieving women. However, I felt the whole book was entirely predictable, making it a bore to read. The characters were well written though.

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This was mesmerizing! I truly loved the dynamic group but that they all came together to help one another overcome their loss. Making sure other women weren't harmed by the same men who harmed their sisters. I was intrigued to see how this played out. Several moments, I was on the edge of my seat, just rooting for all of the women! The detective was determined, and I knew she wouldn't stop at any cost. I truly loved how gripping this one! Be prepared to read this in one sitting. It's hard to put it down!

I received this ARC from NetGalley and Poisoned Pen Press to read/review. All of the statements above are my true opinions after fully reading this book.

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"Kill Yours, Kill Mine" does its best to capture the tense atmosphere of "Strangers on a Train" with its plot involving multiple revenge-driven killers. The premise, although not new, is intriguing and offers some suspenseful moments. The characters are diverse; however, the twists are somewhat predictable. Overall, it’s a fun read for those who enjoy revenge thrillers.

Many thanks to NetGalley, Poisoned Pen Press, and Katherine Kovacic for the opportunity to read and review "Kill Yours, Kill Mine" prior to its publication date.

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I find it so interesting that in a matter of few months I’ve read two books inspired by Strangers on a train and both of them were really really great reads!

I practically inhaled this book I enjoyed it so much. A true page turner with short chapters. Every character is deeply grey but with good reason, or atleast that’s the question that this book makes you ask yourself.

This book raises a lot of questions about the judicial systems and who exactly they are protecting, the victim or the perpetrators.

It provides such a powerful insight into how the loss of a loved one due to domestic violence affects the family left behind.

In short, Kill Yours, Kill Mine by Katherine Kovacic is a gripping and absorbing thriller that will captivate readers who crave complex, dark, and suspenseful stories about female empowerment, revenge, and the unbreakable bonds of sisterhood, making it a perfect fit for fans of Gillian Flynn and Paula Hawkins.

Thankyou NetGalley and Poisoned Pen press for the advance reader copy.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Poisoned Pen Press for this ARC!

"Kill Yours, Kill Mine" by Katherine Kovacic is a gripping and intricately plotted crime thriller that keeps readers on the edge of their seats. The story centers around Detective Alex Clayton, who is thrust into a complex investigation when a series of seemingly unrelated murders start to show disturbing connections.

Kovacic's writing is sharp and engaging, with a well-paced narrative that skillfully builds suspense. Detective Clayton is a compelling and nuanced protagonist, whose determination and keen instincts drive the story forward. The cast of characters is well-developed, each adding depth and intrigue to the unfolding mystery.

The plot is full of twists and turns, keeping readers guessing until the very end. Kovacic expertly weaves together multiple storylines, creating a tapestry of suspense and surprise. Themes of justice, revenge, and the moral ambiguities of the law are explored with thoughtfulness and intensity.

Overall, "Kill Yours, Kill Mine" is a standout in the crime thriller genre, offering a thrilling and thought-provoking read. Katherine Kovacic delivers a masterful tale that is both chilling and compelling, making it a must-read for fans of intricate mysteries and strong, character-driven narratives.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Poisoned Pen Press for providing this book, with my honest review below.

Kill Yours, Kill Mine had such a great premise of vigilante justice that I was eager to read it, and I was so glad that it my anticipation was worth it!

Starting with Naomi we learn about this woman who is suffering from the death of her sister, Jo, who was killed by her boyfriend with no justice fulfilled. Naomi is seeing a therapist, Mia, who introduces her to group therapy to help. The circle of woman in her group all have one thing in common - their own sisters were killed by their partners without justice meted out. The women decide to pull a Strangers on a Train, leveraging their own unique talents to kill the men who killed their sisters, planning it out so that their connections to the men they kill won’t be discovered by swapping targets.

I love the plot and how cleverly the characters and their journey to justice was written out. Nothing is as simple as it was believed it could be at the start, but that makes all the more satisfying. This book was kept from becoming simply a rage fest by the introduction of Detective Fiona, who has her own emotional connection to the original crimes committed which brings the readers in to her conflict - if bad people are being killed, does her duty as a detective come first or is justice in all forms a many layered thing?

A great thriller I’d recommend for fans of the genre!

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A well-crafted thriller with a well-worn trope, you will root for these vengeful ladies despite yourself. The writing and the world building are clever even if you feel like you may have met these women before. 4 stars.

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“Naomi, tell me everything you can about the man I’m going to kill.”
Kill Yours, Kill Mine is the first stand-alone novel by award-winning Australian author, Katherine Kovacic. Since her footballer brother-in-law, Malik murdered her older sister, then got off with a suspended sentence, Naomi has been seeing therapists to try to come to terms with Jo’s death. The Pleiades, the practice Mia DeVries runs, is the first one that seems to have helped at all. When Mia suggests group therapy, Naomi reluctantly attends.

She soon discovers that the five women she meets have more in common with her than she could ever have imagined: a support group for the sisters of domestic violence murder victims is the last thing she expected. “She heard herself in their words, saw her fury and frustration reflected in every face. These women didn’t just understand her, they were her.” When they share their plan, she’s shocked, but unable to reject the idea.

Each of them needs justice for their sister: “They wanted to remove six blights from the earth, and swap targets so there would be no trail. Targets, not victims – the only victims were the sisters, along with their families and friends living each day with the knowledge of how they died and how little their deaths seemed to matter to everyone else.”

All the women suffer survivor guilt as well as the frustration of not having been able to save their sisters. But their motivation is not just revenge: removing these monsters from the planet so they can’t harm anyone else rates just as high. They prepare: they make plans, allocate targets, and offer each other expertise in achieving their aims, and knowing their targets.

And then, very much under the radar, they embark on their audacious scheme. Not quite everything goes to plan, but men die, in what seem to be unfortunate accidents. In all their careful planning, their burner phones, long intervals between kills and clandestine meetings, however, they haven’t reckoned with Detective Senior Sergeant Fiona Ulbrick. Fiona worked hard to get one of those men charged with murder, and is angry and discouraged when he is released after just a few years in prison.

She keeps a private file on him, just in case he pops up in another domestic violence situation. And then begins keeping notes on other offenders who escaped incarceration in the same situation. So when her initial offender is in the news due to his accidental death, her interest is piqued. Even moreso when another man on her list suffers a fatal accident.

But there’s nothing suspicious, no links to possibly disgruntled survivors. Eventually, she’s making a new list, of domestic violence perpetrators with fatally bad luck: DIY mishap, drowning, overdose, car crash. She spends far too much time on it, but has she finally found a connection?

It’s not often that a reader will find themselves anxiously wondering if a vigilante killer will succeed, perhaps even cheering them on, but Kovacic’s exploration of the potential actions of those seeking closure when left behind after domestic violence reaches its most tragic conclusion, may find themselves doing just that. This is a heart-thumping, nail-biting page-turner.
This unbiased review is from an uncorrected proof copy provided by NetGalley and Poisoned Pen Press

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NetGalley ARC review; 3.5 stars. This book was Strangers on a Train x 6! A trope which I always enjoy. I loved the plot of these women getting revenge on the men who killed their sisters. Though not an original idea, it still felt original because of the way it was told and to the extremes it went to.

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The premise is, of course, very intriguing. It's a cool setup to theoretically let the readers know what's going to happen from the onset. However, I struggled to stay engaged with the writing. Even though the author clearly tried to differentiate all of the women, they blended together for me. It was hard to keep straight everyone's backstory, target, and partner in crime. This eventually found its way to my DNF pile, but I hope it finds its audience.

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This was an easy and very enjoyable read combining domestic violence and a Strangers on a Train revenge vibe. I loved the characters and their convictions and felt anxiety each time revenge was attempted. The ending was somewhat open-ended but I enjoyed the ability it gave me to draw my own conclusions - and who knows, maybe it’s for a potential sequel! Give this one a try for sure! Thank you to NetGalley and the author for the opportunity to read and review this ARC.

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