Member Reviews

Honestly, this was everything I want in a book. The author did an amazing job on this one. This is the first I’ve read from the author, but I look forward to reading more.

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I really enjoyed this book! It had me hooked from the start. Reminded me a bit of Sex in the City & Gossip girl.

Thank you to Farrar, Straus and Giroux, Netgalley and Brittany Newell for an ARC copy. All opinions are my own.

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"Soft Core" by Brittany Newell is a pretty good book that dives deep into young adulthood's complicated feelings and experiences. Newell writes in a straightforward way that pulls you into the world and emotions of the characters. The story explores themes like identity, love, and the search for meaning in a real and raw way.

The characters are well-crafted, with each one feeling distinct and fully developed. You get to see their struggles and triumphs up close, which makes the story even more engaging. The plot moves well, keeping things interesting without rushing through the important moments.

One small drawback is that sometimes the dialogue feels slightly like it doesn't completely fit the character or situation. Despite this, the book is a strong, engaging read.

Overall, I'd give "Soft Core" four stars. It's definitely worth reading if you like stories that make you think and feel simultaneously.

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I don’t know what I was expecting when I started Soft Core, but I sure was wrong. This was a unique work that I really enjoyed.

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A propulsive tale about an exotic dancer-turned-dominatrix reeling from the disappearance of her ex. This novel is a delight. I tore through it. I loved the voice and sentences, gems of wisdom amongst all the muck of San Francisco's underbelly. Thanks to the publisher for the e-galley.

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I was not expecting the almost diary/epistle style of writing, but I think it is super effective in this case.. The way the main character recounts everything is interesting to me because it's not what some would expect. Fetish can lend itself to an erudite style and true to the name, Soft Core is more approachable in its relation to narration. The way other characters spoke sometime felt a bit odd, but it could be chalked up to perspective.

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This book felt so real I forgot it was a novel until I was halfway through. Every line of it is a perfect balance of being surreal and totally believable. Unlike anything else I’ve ever read. A total melancholic joyride through a strip club!

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I loved it! There are so many things I loved about it but I don’t want to give any spoilers 🫢 These kind of books are different from what people are used to so it’s hard for them to understand. And I love these types of books. There are real life stories, characters and raw thoughts. The descriptions were vivid felt like I was in the book. And I loved the main character so it made it much better. I also loved Dino, such a great addition. I was expecting the ending but it was still good a little bit bittersweet like life itself. Thanks to Netgalley and Farrar, Straus and Giroux for providing me ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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This was like watching gossip girl mixed in with sex in the city but it's actually enjoyable. We follow Baby a stripper who lives with her flamboyant and dashing ex-bf Dino. He goes missing and she goes on a journey of self discovery, love, power and let's face it, really ridiculous side quests. This was addicting and I mean I literally sat and devoured this in one setting. You will laugh, you will relate and you will laugh some more. You will love and despise the girls at the club which adds to the addicting nature of this read. Honestly it's delicious trash tv wrapped up in a story. If you love romance, revenge, power and friendship you will love Soft Core.

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