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Interesting but nothing really new. Most of the information is opinion based but does bring a little clarity to the sad state of journalism in the country.

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I could not finish this book. I did not enjoy it. It simplified lying but it was based on a lot of personal opinions.

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Surrounded by Liars

Surrounded by Liars is the third book I’ve read by Thomas Erickson. While I sometimes find his narration style grating, I think he captured the many complexities of lies fairly well. I especially liked how he approached the idea of deception from a modern day perspective including influencers, advertising and technology.

What is a lie? And what is the cost of a lie to us and society? If I filter my instagram pictures so that I look thinner, is that a lie? All of us are liars to a certain extent. We lie to save face or to avoid conflict. We lie to make people feel better, we lie to gain something for ourselves.

This book gave me a lot to think about, especially when it comes to my own relationship to the truth. How often do I tell white lies to protect someone’s feelings and is it always necessary?

In the beginning of the book, Erickson talks about the three ways we can respond to a situation 1) tell the honest truth (as we see it) 2) say nothing (silence) 3) or lie. I felt the Erickson believes you should never tell a lie using honesty or silence instead. But I disagree, I think there are times when it’s better to give the answer someone is looking for rather than the honest truth or silence. If someone asks me “do I look fat?” And I know they want me to respond “of course not” then that is what I will do.

There is a lot to this book, more than I can cover in one review. If you are interested in knowing more you should check out the book which is will be available November 5, 2024.

Thank you to Net Galley and Macmillan Publishing for an ARC of this book.

Rating 4/5
Genre: Non-Fiction

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