Member Reviews

Well, I requested this book because I have read books by this author before and enjoyed it, and the synopsis seemed interesting to me.
Unfortunately, the execution didn't please that much.
I understand (now) that this book has been published before but it's getting a new edition from the publishing Tor (in February 2025), and that's something I didn't know before I requested this book. Had I known that probably I wouldn't have requested this.
Personally, I don't have a good history with older books by TJ Klune. Older than 2020, I mean. Everything he's been wirting and publishing since 2020 I tend to enjoy. But his backlist? Nope. I've tried some of his older books before and I actually DNFed all of them. Curiously, I'd skipped this title for some unkown reason...

THE BONES BENEATH MY SKIN has some of the usual tropes (or clichés?) typical in Klune's books: a lonely gay man who carries the weight of the world on his shoulders, who has also been bullied or outcast by being gay; a unique or special child whose big part of the story is centered around them; an unlikable character who will get redemption and 'become a better person' by the end of the book; and let's not forget the magical and romance elements.
I mean, if you are a fan of this author I'd say this book will most likely please you. Pick this up if you haven't already.
But to me this book wasn't the best time I've had with this author.
I did enjoy the child character. As usual, Klune's best written and more fun characters are the children.
Also in my opinion, this book is too long. After the 60% mark I got the feeling the story was dragging on and on and becoming repetitive, even some dialogues were being repeated. Even though I like aliens stuff, I got bored by the alien storyline here. And the vulgar and porn sex scene that happens around the 75% mark? Totally unnecessary and uncalled for. Completely out of context here. To bring smut into this story makes no sense at all.

Anyway, as I said before I'm sure TJ Klune's fans will love this book. I didn't, but I recommend it to the fans.
Thank you, NetGalley and Tor, for providing me with a free eARC of this new edition in exchange for my honest review.

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Another excellent magical novel by TJ Kline! A story of family, love, loss and grief. It was as engaging as it was entertaining.
Thank you to the publisher for the opportunity to read this advanced copy. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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