Member Reviews

Thank you NetGalley for giving me the chance to read this book ahead of time in exchange for a review. You should read it!

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I tried reading this book because it was different from my normal reads. I got about 15 percent in and realized I could no longer read the story because of the special ch!arct$rs that were thrown in there. I understand that the ARCs are unedited and that they are trying to prevent piracy, but for someone who tries to really get into the story, it turns you off. I may try this book again once it is out and read it a different way. There will be no review posted anywhere, but on NetGalley.

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Ended up reading a different way. Such a thriller of a book! The plot was fast paced and the characters were enjoyable to follow.

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Thank you for this ARC.
Second Chance Killer is a thrilling mystery-mystery story set on Jekyll Island, Georgia, focusing on themes like suicide and depression. The story's emotional depth is inspiring, but the secularism and inclusiveness may be unfit for a Christian book.

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The idea and post had me interested in the book, but after a while it became hard to read the book as some of the ideas were just repetitive. The writing style too me was a bit lacking and even thought it was an uncorrected ARC, there was just too many errors that made reading it hard.

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The story is quite different from your normal Christian thriller or dystopian novel and the first two parts were intriguing, but the third part was somewhat over the top, the bad guys too bad, the political innuendos too simplistic.
Interesting new story, but the writing style is disappointing.
I'm aware that my copy was just an ARC and not the final text, but typos and grammatical errors were quite distracting.
I hope there will be quite some good editing and proofreading that will make the story smoother and about a third shorter.

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I knew this was a faith based thriller going in so that didn't surprise me but just how long and repetitive it was did. It started out strong and had me hooked, then about halfway or so it lost me. There was way too much going on and it got confusing. I managed to finish it and I am glad it had a happy ending. Damon seemed like a nice guy. My rating is for the story and all the formatting mess did not factor in at all though it did make the book harder to read. Maybe I will look for the audiobook and give it a chance.

Thank you netgalley for giving me a copy of the book. This is my honest voluntary review.

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This is a faith-based thriller. Damon is accused of murder while sleeping walking. He relies on his faith to help prove his innocents. This was quite my cup of tea, but I think readers looking for the faith-based story will really like it.

Thank you NetGalley and Prodigious Publishing for this advance copy.

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I would like to thank you for giving me a ark of this book first of all. I struggled getting into this book a lot but I did kind of enjoy it. There was a lot of spelling errors and I also feel like the story was dragged on. I think this would be a better book if it was around 300-350 pages instead of over 600. I liked this book but it definitely could of have been better.

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I’m sorry to say that I could not get into this book at all. The characters were annoying and the plot was not enthralling at all.

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Initially I struggled to get into the story but once I'd pushed through it was a gripping story. Such inspiration to remember that God always cares and never leaves us, even when it appears that way.

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This was a different kind of thriller to what I’d usually read but I thought I’d give it a go anyway. In my opinion this was just ok and I didn’t feel myself desperate to read on at any point. It was fairly fast paced at first which I enjoyed however towards the end I felt it slowed down and there were certain parts that I felt a little bored and just ready to finish the book.

As this was an ARC I expected the writing to not be perfect and finalised, however there were a lot of spelling errors and special characters in replace of letters which I think made it more difficult to get into and a much harder read.

I personally wouldn’t recommend this book to my friends/family, however if a thriller with a more religious focus is something that appeals to you then I’d say it’s worth a read!

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Thank you NetGalley for sending me an ARC for this book.

Damon Faulkner is a delivery driver that ends up in the wrong place at the wrong time. He is delivering a package to a house when he hears a woman's screams. Not knowing what to do, he decides to invesrtigate. He breaks into the house and finds the woman dead on the ground.

I could not get into this book. I think the main reason was all the random special characters in place of letters. Like, it be be O$cer or random exclamation pints. I know that ARCS are undedited copies, but i just could not get throught it.

I think that when this book comes out, I will give it a nother chance, I love murder mysteries, and this book seems like it has a great premise.

Thank you again to NetGalley for givng me a copy of this arc.

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An ordinary delivery truck guy stops to help a woman in distress, and ends up as her only murder suspect. A user of alcohol and drugs and Ambien, Damon is accused of murdering the woman while in a sleepwalking. State. Despite having no memory of the crime, but does remember his attempt to help someone in danger, Damon now fights for his life against a seasoned detective determined to close his one-hundredth career case. And he doesn’t care if Damon is guilty or not guilty.,

Now Damon sits in a filthy prison cell with little way to prove his innocence and reveal the truth. Damon discovers faith in Christ from the influence of fellow inmates and the regular church service he reluctantly agrees to attend.

The first half of this very long book, is a faith based thriller with many well placed scripture references as It explores guilt and redemption. For me, the second half slowed way down went off in the deep end. I struggled to finish but I wanted to find out what was going to happen to Damon who after receiving Christ, asks to go by his middle name David.

It seemed the book needed to go through another edit before being published.

Note: this book has a lot of characters to when a new name is introduced get it registered in your mind,

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If this is an already published book, why are there so many spelling errors? It's to the point I can't read it anymore, and I'm not that far into it.

Maybe I can get into another time. But this is not the time.

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Second Chance Killer is a great blend of thriller and faith-based redemption story. Damon Faulkner finds himself in a nightmare scenario, accused of a murder he can't remember committing due to his sleepwalking. The suspense builds as he races against time to uncover the truth and clear his name, all while grappling with unsettling revelations about his community's past. I enjoyed reading this book because it skillfully weaves together intense action with deep themes of faith and forgiveness, making Damon's journey thrilling and emotional.

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Hold onto your seats, folks, because Second Chance Killer is a heart-pounding ride that'll leave you breathless! Imagine waking up to find yourself accused of murder, with no memory of the crime—all thanks to some serious sleepwalking issues. Damon's story isn't just about solving a mystery; it's about digging deep into faith, redemption, and uncovering hidden truths. This book packs a punch with its suspenseful twists and turns, making it a great read for anyone craving a thrilling story that's as gripping as it is inspiring. Grab it now and get ready for a wild adventure! 🕵️‍♂️🔍

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