Member Reviews

This was another tear-jerker (happy tears) and page-turner for me. I loved this book and related to the characters so much. Fans of Amy’s other recent book, “Finding You” will be pleasantly surprised to see some character cross-over to this novel. The character development is deep, and I felt like I got to know Dakota and Hudson as friends that I would keep up with in real life. I loved seeing their growth and self-awareness as they worked through processing grief, communicating and advocating for your own needs in relationships, and financial security and stability. I am hooked and can’t wait to read the author’s next novel. Thank you to #NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC.

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Such a cute book. This is a story about a couple that broke up and get thrown back into each others lives unexpectedly. You can’t help but fall in love with the characters in this story!

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I do love a good tale that demonstrate the transformative power of forgiveness and second chances. This one is a little more complicated for me because I loved the story and how it all played out and come together, but I did not particularly like Dakota or Hudson. Dakota is successful and very independent. So independent she does not want to ask for help, even when her world is literally falling in. Hudson is also successful but stubborn and refuses to be moved. While it exemplifies why these two had issues, it was difficult experiencing the struggles with them. We all have our own growth points though, so again, the story itself was delightful and if you enjoy rekindled flames, you will probably love this one. There is great dialogue and thought processes that help you understand why the characters are thinking and feeling the way they do. There are also great supporting characters who help balance the story. If you love weddings, dollar skating, strong family dynamics, clean and sweet romance with second chances, you will enjoy this story!
I received a complimentary copy from the publisher via NetGalley and all opinions expressed are solely my own, freely given.

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I love books about weddings! This story was romantic and heartfelt. I think Amy did a great job writing the characters and expressing the voices of the main characters. I finished this quickly since it was so entertaining. Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC.

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Dakota Jamison is waiting for her own ever ever After. As the owner of a small business (Bridal shop), she is witness to many weddings. Her own broken engagement is something she often thinks about when attending weddings.

When her ex-fiancé Hudson comes back to town to stop his sister from getting married, sparks fly between the two.

This was my first book by Amy Clinton and it was a fun read.

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What a great small town second chance romance! This book was truly heartwarming! I received this an ARC read and is the first book I have read by Amy Clipston, but certainly will not be my last. I gave this book 4 stars and 0 on the spice scale. I received a complementary copy of this book. Opinion's expressed in this review are completely my own. I download the book to my kindle and did notice that there are some formatting issues in the kindle version that need worked out. Overall great read!

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Amy Clipston's "With This Ring" is a delightful contemporary romance that will captivate readers from start to finish. Set in the charming town of Flowering Grove, this novel weaves a beautiful tale of love, forgiveness, and second chances.

The story centers around Dakota Jamison, a dedicated business owner who has built her life around making other people's wedding dreams come true. Clipston masterfully develops Dakota's character, making her relatable and endearing to readers. The author's vivid descriptions of the Fairytale Bridal Shop bring the setting to life, immersing readers in the world of wedding planning and small-town charm.

When Hudson Garrity, Dakota's former high school sweetheart, returns to town, Clipston skillfully builds tension and anticipation. They have so many clumsy times they "almost" have an actual conversation about the past. Overall, exactly what you'd expect from a sweet romance.

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A pretty good book, overall, I just had a hard time getting into it. I liked the overall story and it had a perfect amount of angst. Hudson and Dakota were fun to read.

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First things first, A+ for the cover. Seriously, in an oversaturated genre, a good cover is a breath of fresh air, and this one takes the cake.
I think the 3 stars are mainly a me thing. Like, I didn't hate it but it also wasn't that interesting.
There are LOADS of books who have the exact same plotline. The couple who had different aspirations, extra seasoning if one of them was/is an jerk, the emotional reunion, the second chance trope; it was done before. The only way you can make s cliche stand out is by writing exceptional or unforgettable characters. Hudson and Dakota simply weren't.
Hudson was too a**hole for my liking, and Dakota was really bland. I didn't hate them, but I was over them by the end of the book.
With books, romance specially, they need to leave an impact.
Other readers may like it, but sadly, it wasn't for me.
*I received an ARC of this book through netgalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review*

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This was a very good romance by new-to-me author Amy Clipston. I look forward to reading more of her work! I thought that this novel had more depth than the average romances, and enjoyed being swept away into a very likeable heroine's life! Highly recommended for those who are looking for their next romance!

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Dakota and Hudson had been high school sweethearts and planning on marriage until they broke up 7 years ago. Now he is back in town, and the sparks are still there. Both have pride and stubborn issues to work through for their HEA, but luckily with the help of family and friends they do. Really liked this one and found it hard to put down, even though at times I wanted to shake them both. Would highly recommend.

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I am confident when I read a book by Amy Clipson it will be a heartfelt, clean romance. My favorites! Her books have loveable and unforgettable characters that stay with me long after the last page is turned.
Dakota broke off her engagement from her high school sweetheart when Hudson’s plan for the future didn’t coincide with hers. He was determined to head to New York, get a great job and make a lot of money. Dakota wanted to have a home and a family in their small hometown of Flowering Grove. Both ended up with a broken heart and denied the love they still felt for one another. Hudson goes off to New York where he is successful, and Dakota make a good life for herself in their hometown.
Seven years go by, and Dakota, still single is the proud owner of the Fairytale Bridal Shop in her hometown, helping brides plan their special day. She loves her work, however, is struggling with the business end of owing a business, especially when problems come up like leaky pipes.
Hudson, handsome, and wealthy from the sale of his software company in New York, and also single finds himself back in his hometown because of the upcoming wedding of his baby sister, Layla. He is determined to talk her out of getting married, citing numerous reasons, such as she is too young at age 23, and neither she nor her fiancé make nearly enough money. Hudson is already paying for the wedding, and when he offers to buy them a house, he totally offends his future brother in-law.
There are many twists and turns as this heartfelt, yet charming story progresses. New information comes to light as Hudson and Dakota develop somewhat of a friendship, questioning what caused their breakup to begin with.
I received a complimentary copy of this book. All opinions and comments are my own.

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A sweet love story about longing, regret and miscommunication, “With This Ring”, by Amy Clipston, features two stubborn people fighting the dormant attraction and feelings still there despite the years.
I loved the yearning and longing in the novel and how the author portrayed the deep feelings, emotions and bonds still existing between Hudson and Dakota despite the separation.
The stubbornness is irritating in Hudson particularly when it comes along with a need to control her sister’s life.
His insistence and meddling come from a good place but make him really annoying. These flaws also make Hudson a realistic, engaging character.
And he’s such a caring, giving person that you tend to forgive him.
Dakota is a great heroine, too. She’s overwhelmed by her business responsibilities and trying to juggle everything by herself while also engaging in family and community activities.
The rekindling of the romance between Hudson and Dakota is heartwarming. There is a lot of miscommunication and misunderstanding, and real communication between both was delayed almost until the end.
I enjoyed watching them become aware of their feelings and the fact they never got over each other as if no time had passed. The sweetness, warmth and ache of the process is very well written.
The secondary characters are wonderful, too. There’s a lot of involvement from them in the story and sometimes I wouldn’t mind having more about the romantic couple instead. I was curious, though, about sweet Aunt Truddy’s past…
I also liked the atmosphere and setting of Flowering Grove.
A very enjoyable, well-written story!

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I really enjoyed WITH THIS RING by AMY CLIPSTON. It is a romance novel with depth, in which we see misunderstandings, snobbery, stubbornness and the need to control, as Hudson Garrity comes back to his hometown to try and stop his younger sister Layla from marrying Shane Simpson, who he feels is not good enough for her……
Dakota Jamison, who broke up with Hudson seven years ago breaking both of their hearts, is shattered when he moves into an air bnb next door to her. She has started a bridal boutique in Flowering Grove and is providing the clothes for the wedding. When she is about to lose her business and her house, she realizes that she is just as stubborn as Hudson. Will the two of them get together or will he run away from his problems as he usually does?
I highly recommend With This Ring to anyone who enjoys a good romance.
I was given a free copy of the book by NetGalley from Thomas Nelson. The opinions in this rebiew are completely my own.

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I received this book as an arc in exchange for an honest review. In all honesty, I thought this book was well written, but I didn’t feel as much as I wish I would have. Overall good book though!

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The writting style of this book was very hard to follow at times. The story seemed to drag at times.

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