Member Reviews

Not really spoilers but possibly spoilers if you dont want to know ...

I liked this story - loved that the setting was in Madrid.
Lots of spiciness in this book so if that is not your thing it might not be for you or you can forward through those. This book was a love story but also it was a coming into your own type of story. I listened to the audio version and liked the narrator

4 stars!

Thank you Netgalley for the advanced reader copy!

Publish date 07/23/2024

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My first book by this author and it has some merit. It is a spicy story with some sex. The story line is solid though with not settling but determining what you really want in life rather than what is expected. Margot walks out of her wedding and her fiancee decides she needs to determine what she wants and he is going to take two months to see if he can forgive what she has done. Enter a bad bar scene and a cell ohone left behind and Margot meets David. On a whim they decide to travel to Greece together and in traveling they find out who they are and what they want in life. The narrative is done well and the story line a bit long as well as spicy could be a great add to the reader looking for something a bit different. 3.5 rounded up. Thank you to Netgalley, the author and publisher.

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A Perfect Story is an emotional, frustrating, exciting, confusing and beautiful love story. It is one that I’ve been sitting on my thoughts for a little on how to review. I think going into this book blind is your best bet. It will either be for you or not.

The story is a little frustrating sometimes, it does get a little redundant also but I do think it's worth the read. The realness and rawness of the emotions and the story are what kept me hooked. I did want to throw the book sometimes and just say but WHY? Just be together !!! I won't lie at first the relationship is very physical and solely based on s*x, but I did start believing in their love.

Overall, it was a good book, was it perfect no, was it lengthy for what it was yes. It was still a fun read that I think a lot of readers will enjoy, but it will definitely be a love it or hate it situation.

🎧 The narration by Giordan Diaz & Stacy Gonzalez was good. They kept me invested in the story. They were good at relating the story and emotions. It was a fun listen.

✨️Thank you to @netgalley, @dreamscapemedia, @sourcebookscasablanca & @elisabetbenavent for my gifted ALC & finished copy in exchange for an honest review

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A modern fairytale with a princess and a poor guy. An impossible love story with Margot, high society and beautiful woman, and David, a bartender without future. After two failed relationships they met and connect and decide to take a vacation to Greece. Even if their love is impossible their connection grows strong and at the end they need to fight if they want to stay together. The audiobook with Giordan Díaz and Stacy González makes the story better.

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Margot has the perfect job, house, fiancé. Until she has a panic attack at the altar and calls the wedding off. She has a wild night out to drown her sorrows. She goes back to the bar the next day to get her sister’s cell phone where she runs into David, the bartender. He convinces her to be his fake girlfriend to make his ex jealous while she spends time thinking how to get her ex fiancé back. That escalates when they plan a trip to Greece. What could go wrong?

Thank you Net Galley, Dreamscape Media, Sourcebooks, and Elisabet Benavent for the audiobook! Pub date 7/23/24

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I just can’t finish the audiobook of this one, I’m sorry! I think it may be due to the book being translated from another language to English. The dialogue and behaviors of the characters are absolutely cringey to me. I’m completely uncomfortable listening to any more of it, because it feels so awkward.

I really do appreciate the opportunity to preview this ARC in exchange for an honest review, but I think I’m the wrong audience for this one.

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I listened to the audio version of this book via early access. Typically I don’t like books with two voices narrating, but it worked for this one. Production and reading was smooth and easy to follow.

This story was the perfect amount of typical romance fluff. I enjoyed that I wasn’t sure right away who I wanted the main character to end up with. I loved how the author wrote the strong rich character to be the female lead since so many similar books use the male as the generous wealthy one. I will say they alternate endings definitely threw me off- so had she not explained in the epilogue I would’ve been pretty lost. Great read with a bit of smut so readers be warned if you’re going with the audio!

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This audiobook was a DNF for me at 20%. Perhaps it was the narrators, but the characters all sounded like whiny, entitled high schoolers. I just couldn't take it anymore. I typically listen to books at 1.75 speed but I couldn't do that with this one. The two narrators spoke at significantly different speeds and I couldn't understand the MMC at that speed. The FMC spoke so slowly that even at 1.5 I was getting bored with her, I am somewhat intrigued by the story, but I don't think I would pick up the book and read it given that it is over 600 pages. I might consider watching the Netflix show to see what happens.

I received this digital audiobook thanks to the publisher and NetGalley.

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This book was ok. The story itself at the end left me feeling like something was missing. I feel like this was way too long.

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Thank you to Dreamscape Media for the ALC of this book! I really enjoyed this one and felt that it was a beautiful story of both love and self discovery. I liked the dual point of view and felt that the narrator did a fabulous job of conveying all of the details of the story sign enthusiasm. It was very entertaining to listen to. For me, a few things got lost in translation due to the fact that this was translated to English from the original Spanish.
The two main characters were complete opposites and their very different circumstances led them to each other in a very unexpected way. The love was both beautiful and believable. Also, I truly enjoyed the way the author wrote the ending. I would recommend it!

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I think this story just wasn't for me. Based on the other reviews, it is a great story if not a little long, but I felt no connection from the beginning. I didn't like being spoken to by the FMC as if she was preaching to me. If wasn't for me but others would definitely enjoy it.

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This was interesting story and I enjoyed the narrators and apparently a show on Netflix. Gonna need to check it out possibly.

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This was a fine story. I feel like I'd like it more if it wasn't so long. Some of the main issues I never felt got resolved. I almost DNF close to the end of the book but was so far into it I didn't

This is about 2 broken people finding each other trying to help the other get there ex back and change some of the issues in there own life. They start as friends and fall for each other but also want there exs so why not have a summer of living before they go back to real life.

I also liked the duel ending. Where it could of ended either way and saying anything can happen its what you choose.

Thank you NetGalley for this Audio- Arc in exchange for my honest opinions.

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I unfortunately stopped this short of the halfway mark. I just could not get into the story a d the narration did not do it for me.

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4.5 stars!

Thanks to Netgallery and SourceCasa Books for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

To be honest, this book took me on a very unexpected emotional journey, and maybe reviewing it won’t be the easiest of tasks but I will do my best.

Quick summary:
Margot has it all—a successful career, a high salary, a great apartment, and a perfect fiancé— but when her wedding day arrives, she finds herself running out of the hotel, leaving all behind. David, just got his heart broken by the girl he thought was the love of his life, so when in a drunken night at a bar, he meets Margot, the two of them start an unexpected friendship and plan to help each other out to win back their exes. However, their scheme leads them to a fun escape that turns complicated as their growing feelings force them to make significant life choices.

Read if you like:
- "Sorta" fake dating
- HIGH angst
- Friends with benefits
- Age gap (FMC is 5 yrs older)
- Opposites attract


Like I said before, reviewing this book can be complicated because for one, the book is better to be read without expectations or really knowing much about it. Things happen that can make you either love or hate the story. For the most part I really, really enjoyed it. Did I cry? yes, a lot. Did I laugh? also yes! Was I frustrated and scared the whole time? Yes! Yet I am glad I gave the book a chance. I found the writing to be BEAUTIFUL, with such emotional moments, and very real and raw situations that made me think a lot. I adored, ADORED David, and I really really liked Margot. I was mad at them at times, and the book does get a bit redundant towards the 70-75% but still I found myself caring for both of them and wanting nothing but the best for them. I do feel the book is not for everyone, for reasons I won't discuss here (nothing to do with TW, but its a big spoiler so I will just not say anything), but if you ever in the mood to read a very angsty book, with great writing and overall lovable characters, check this one out. In terms of the audiobook performance, I LOVED IT!! I specially adored David, and the way the narrator gave so much heart to the performance.

Again...thanks to Netgallery and SourceCasa Books for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Wrong when two brokenhearted people go on a fake dating vacation together? If you’re looking for the answer, A Perfect Story is the book for you. I listen to the audio version which I liked greatly.

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i realllllllllllyyyyyyyy loved the Netflix series so i was super excited to get a copy of this audio book from NetGalley. I was not disappointed at all. I loved the narration of this story. You could imagine every scene with the emotions in the narration.

definitely worth listening to.

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Margot Ortega always struggled to be the princess in her own fairytale: a successful career, a huge salary, a gorgeous apartment, and a perfect fiancé. But on her wedding day, she suffers a major panic attack and has to call it off. Devastated and ashamed, Margot decides to drown her sufferings in a mad night of alcohol and dancing. The next day, she goes back to the sleazy club to retrieve her sister's cell phone and has a crazy encounter with David Sánchez, the handsome, fun-loving bartender who persuades her to pretend to be his new girlfriend in order to make his ex jealous.

A trip to Greece together that Margot sees as a much-needed getaway creates an unexpected connection and depth of intimacy between two people who belong to two totally different worlds. What starts as a simple escape for fun and adventure becomes complicated and devastating when the depth of their feelings pulls the two lovers in different directions and forces them to make a life-altering decision.

4.5⭐ (story) I originally read this in Spanish and I'm so glad there's a translation in English now for the rest of the world! This is a long book, but well worth the time to listen to it. I really enjoyed Margot's craziness. It's always fun to see love interests that are so different from each other. The fake dating trope is one of my favorites, so this was a winner for me!

4⭐ (audio) I listen to tons of audiobooks. Both narrators did a good job telling the story without pulling me out of it. It was a bit annoying that the male narrator spoke faster than the female narrator, but otherwise, it was fine!

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the advanced audio copy (ARC) in exchange for an honest review!

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This is a cute, funny story. The sisters give me Sex in the City vibes. Relatable for moms too. Recommend for easy, fun read. The male narrator speaks quicker than female narrator, so slightly annoying to adjust speed when POV changes.

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A Perfect Story was just ok for me. It really felt too long in my opinion. I thought it would be more of a romance but it was really very spicy which I was not expecting. I didn’t really feel like the main characters were all that “perfect “ for each other. Thank you Net Galley and Dreamscape Media for the advanced copy of the audiobook in exchange for my honest feedback.

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