Member Reviews

This was not the book for me. I found it meandering and it failed to hook my interest. This may be the book for you if you enjoy:
- all the tropes
- dual POV
- international perspectives
- LONG audiobooks

Thank you to Dreamscape Media for gifting me with an ALC to review. All opinions are my own.

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First of all, I do not understand the title of this book and how it fits to the story. To me, there were zero elements of the love story that seemed perfect. And this is not critiquing the writing whatsoever, it is more that the romance barely has any perfect elements to it, I would rather say it is an embrace of imperfection. So ‘An imperfect story’ would have fit far better as a title (although I would have chosen a different title all together).

The length of the (audio)book seemed a bit daunting to me, but I did manage better with it than I thought I would. The story is very detailed, and the progression of the relationship is very realistic. Margot and David don’t know each other long, but they do have an intense time, which warrants more space on the page. Nevertheless, I feel like some aspects could have been left out or shortened (for example, the many conversations with Margot’s sister that became repetitive).
There is also a lot of se*ual content. The installments are not long enough to be considered p*rn, but they are so often and plenty that they take up a lot of space on the page. Apart from showing us their connection, I saw no merit to those scenes and think that a lot of them could have been cut, and the book would have probably been better for it. Don’t get me wrong, I really like spicy books; I just didn’t see the sense of them in this context and length.
What I struggled with the most, though, was that Margot and David get involved with each other when they are still emotionally entangled with other people. They even intend to get back with their ex-partners, after they come back from their vacation, and scheme how to do that while simultaneously exchanging se*ual favors. Had their connection been purely physical I might have been able to tolerate it, but they actually make a very cute couple, when they are not talking about their ex-partners. David even claims that they are ‘making love’ at least once every five pages. As a person that gets jealous easily, this just didn’t work for me as part of a love story. Every time they mention their ex-partners, it is like they are actively choosing them over each other. I could feel their connection and chemistry, it just felt like they were kind of physically cheating on their (ex)partners while they are emotionally cheating on each other with their ex-partners.

Part of Margot and David’s connection is their honesty with each other. But at some point, it feels like they are no longer telling the truth, but rather saying what they are telling themselves should be the truth. They have both put a lot of effort into relationships that clearly don’t work for them, but they have gaslight themselves into thinking those relationships are what they want and are hurting the other person in the process because of it. They seem to realize that the other person's ex-partner is not right for them, but they don’t tell each other this to not stand in their way. Not only that, but they are just a bit too earnest when it comes to wanting their ex-partners (like David telling Margot, he might want to introduce his ex partner to his mother to whom he promised to only ever bring one girl home) and a bit too nonchalant about their attraction to each other, for this story to be a worthy love story for me. I just don’t understand how they could have such a great connection as the book describes and dismiss it so easily.

The logic in their plan also fails me, because how could you think that the partner that you seem to want to get back with would be okay when they found out about what they were up to on holiday. And how could Margot and David ever remain friends after?

There is an age difference between the protagonist of five years and while I agree that the mid-twenties are a turning point in terms of maturity and defining your path, I thought that the book greatly exaggerated the age difference. The fact that the age difference was highlighted so much also bothered me, because I feel like if the age difference had been the other way around where the man is the older one, the author and society wouldn’t have made such a big deal about it, which feels wrong. It also seems to me that the book puts way too much pressure on ‘figuring things out’, which I feel like is a thing that actually never happens in life. You can have figured out what you want to do for work, but have to relocate for it, and then you have to figure out everything again once you’re there, you can decide that you want kids, but then you’ll have to figure out your day-to-day life all over again and again. There can be the right person at the wrong time, but I feel like the book to an extreme stance on the fact that you should be ‘perfect’ in a relationship, rather than figuring things out together and living in a true partnership.

The author decided to deliver two endings to this story, so that the reader may choose the ending they feel fits best. I am not a fan of this concept, because instead of choosing, I feel like the ending is ambiguous, so even if I liked one of the endings the other one is equally out there now and just as true as the ending that I like better. It didn’t help that I thought that one of the endings made little to no sense considering the protagonist's previous actions.

Concerning the writing style, at some part of the story, the storytelling switched from descriptive to foreshadowing. I guess this was meant to make the story seem more dramatic and gut-wrenching, but this just did not seem genuine to me.

This book was translated into English and at some point of the story, Margot is taking on the phone in English about David, so he wouldn’t understand her. But she keeps saying the word s*x, surely someone with only very minimal understanding of English would be able to pick this word out and question if this was in fact a business call, as Margot claims it is?

Overall, I really liked Margot and David’s characters, their relationship progression and their connection, but what didn’t work for me was the set-up of the relationship when they are still hung up on other people and the outlook on relationships felt less stifling and a big step to take (I don’t think being in a relationship means you have to be perfect yourself, you can grow together).
I would read another book by the author, if the set-up of the relationship (i.e. not emotionally entangling other people) is different, because she does really know how to pull on your heartstrings.

I listened to the audiobook, and this certainly helped in the progression of this book. I probably wouldn’t have finished this book for a long time if I had to read it due to its length. I liked the narrators, but the voice for Fillipo just made him sound like a douchebag. I felt like this was foreshadowing a little, because they surely wouldn’t have given him such an annoying way of talking, if he had been the main love interest.

Thank you to NetGalley and Dreamscape Media for gifting me this ALC of the audiobook to review. All opinions are my own. I was not paid to leave this review.

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I am thankful to have gotten the audioARC for free from Netgalley and Dreamscape Media so I can leave my voluntary and honest review.

I got this book ahead of its July 23rd 2024 release for its English debut. I wish I had done a bit more research into this title before requesting it as it is a well written book but it is. It for me. I thought it was a basic romance with some spice in it but it was not.

This level of spice just is not for me. It is less about the romance between the characters but about the sexual relationship. It’s pretty graphic and while I am not a prude at all, it is just a bit too much for my enjoyment, especially listening to. Also, I’m thinking that it comes off a bit harsher with it translated into English. For instance a sister calling the other “a hoe”. It’s just not something so like reading in 2024.

The readers did a good job with the material. It is a male and female narrator to round out the dual POV of the book. So if you are an audio listener and like top level spice, this book is for you! Personally listening to content like that ups the ante for me and it goes into the uncomfortable range.

So in all I’m sure many will love this which is why I gave it 3 stars when for be personally it would have been a 1 ⭐️ and I would have DNF’d it early on had it. Or been an ARC to review.

My rating system since GoodReads doesn’t have partial stars and I rarely round up.

⭐️ Hated it
⭐️⭐️ Had a lot of trouble, prose issues, really not my cup of tea (potentially DNF’d or thought about it)
⭐️⭐️⭐️ Meh, it was an ok read but nothing special
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Really enjoyed it! Would recommend to others
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Outstanding! Will circle back and read again

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This was not a book I enjoyed. It was so long and left me wondering why I was still reading. It just wasn’t a good fit for me. It was a roller coaster of emotions.

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A Perfect Love Story is a great audiobook for someone wanting to dabble in romance that has some spice. The FMC lives a life of luxury and privilege, but that isn’t always as perfect as it sounds. When she flakes on her wedding, with a serious beefcake, she has a chance encounter with a young man who also finds himself in a predicament with the whom he believes is the love of his life. The unlikely duo pair up to have some fun while finding themselves.

This story is adorable. I did find it to be rather long, I think it could have been condensed a bit and have the same impact on readers. I also myself wanting more emotional pull to the characters….I thought parts were great but I didn’t feel the deep longing for love that I wanted at certain parts. The characters were definitely lovable and you are cheering the FMC and MMC all along the way.

Humorous, witty, along with some steamy sections, this was a fun summer audiobook. I would like to thank Elísabet Benavent, NetGalley and the publishers for allowing me an advanced copy of this audiobook.

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Wow this was my favorite rom com so far this year! The witty banter between the characters made this into such a fun listen! The narrators were great. When I saw it was an 18 hour long audiobook, I was a little hesitant, but it FLEW by. Can’t wait to watch the show on Netflix!

Thanks to NetGalley and Dreamscape Media for the copy of this audiobook.

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📚 A Perfect Story by Elísabet Benavent
🎧 Format: Audiobook
🎙️ Narrated by: Giordan Diaz & Stacy Gonzalez
📕 Genre: Romance, Women’s Fiction
📖 Read: July 2024
✨ Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️

“We’re all the villain in someone’s story.”

‎‧₊˚✧ Tropes ✧˚₊‧
ꕥ Friends to Lovers
ꕥ Fake Dating
ꕥ Opposites Attract
ꕥ Forbidden Romance
ꕥ Dual POV

I am angry! Eighteen hours worth of audiobook to end up with two incredibly disappointing endings. Maybe this didnt translate well to English, or maybe I just didn’t get the point, but I’m so annoyed with this book!

I want to cry for loving every single thing about the bulk of this story just to end up feeling empty. I absolutely loved David and Margo. I loved how they met, how their friendship grew, how they eventually fell in love and how incredible their journey to self acceptance was. They deserved so much more than what we got. I read romance for the happy ending and to feel all warm and fuzzy inside. This, this just made me sad!

I will say, the audiobook production was amazing. Giordan Diaz and Stacy Gonzalez's performance added tones of depth and emotion to each character. Their delivery felt very sincere and warm. For this, and because I did love 90% of this book, I gave it three stars.

Honestly, as disappointed as I am with the ending, I would still recommend this audiobook. The performance from the narrators makes it worth while. The author is clearly an amazing writer as well. So much emotion was packed in here and there were so many heartwarming moments. I’ve seen so many amazing reviews of this story and I do think a lot of people would love this. I think unfinished and alternate endings just aren’t my thing. Give me a happy ending dammit!!

Check out my Bookstagram for aesthetics:

Thank you NetGalley, Dreamscape Media and Elísabet Benavent for this audiobook. This is my voluntary, honest review.

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"A Perfect Story" by Elisabet Benavent is an engaging audiobook that skillfully blends romance, humor, and personal growth. Giordan Diaz and Stacy Gonzalez's narration adds depth and emotion to each character, thanks to their distinct voices and heartfelt delivery, making it such an enjoyable experience.

This audiobook is an excellent choice for those seeking a delightful escape into the world of love and self-discovery, captivating listeners from beginning to end.

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I haven't seen the Netflix version of this story, but I love a good romance, so I was pretty excited to listen to 'A Perfect Story.' I love the premise of a very privileged but down to earth woman letting her life get into upheaval and then needing to figure herself out. I did struggle a bit with the length of the story. It's a solid 20 hours of listening time, which is a LOT for a romance. Especially for an extremely spicy romance like this one. I felt like I heard every different position, terminology, and racy thought these characters could have had. All-in-all, it was an enjoyable book. Not completely my cup of tea, but for those loving spicy romances, this one fits the bill.

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i've been waiting for the english translation to release ever since i watched the netflix adaptation last summer and SQUEALED when i got the email saying i was approved for this. margo and david's story has been on my mind ever since i watched the last episode and to be back in it was so fun! the duo narrators for this really added to the story, they did such an amazing job. the first half of the book had me giggling and kicking my feet like a crazy person BUT the second half was.. a bit....... of a drag? as soon as they 'got together' everything i was loving about their story just stopped and got thrown out the window. i wasn't as invested and kept wondering how much longer until we get a resolution, which could be a side effect of a romance being 600 pages (almost 20 hours worth of audio) 🙃 overall though, i really did have such a good time listening to this audiobook and can't wait to go back for a rewatch of the adaptation (which did a fantastic job at staying true to the book!)

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I LOVED this story, it is easily one of my favorite reads of the year. Margot and David are so relatable that you find yourself connecting with them the entire time! The buildup and progression of their relationship was beautiful. Thetford story was paced perfectly and made the timeline feel realistic! The spice and the banter were perfection, it’ll have you laughing and then swooning. Not only did I love Margot and David, I loved the relationship between Margot and her sisters, anyone with a chaotic family will feel at home while reading!

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I got this as an Arc from NetGalley

This book was just okay for me. It felt a little too long in some parts, the s*x scenes were subpar and cringy, and I didnt really like the characters.

It was a good palette cleanser from the fantasy slump I was in.

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Opposites attract and sparks fly in this steamy, fake dating vacation romance set in Greece. This was my first book by Elisabet Benavent but I enjoyed it soo much! Great on audio and perfect for fans of authors like Meghan Quinn. This story was full of emotional depth, great mental health rep and a heartwarming love story. Highly recommended! Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an early audio copy in exchange for my honest review!

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