Member Reviews

Rating: 4.5🌟
Spice: 2🌶️

- Adult fantasy romance
- Redemption story
- Hurt/comfort
- Forced proximity
- Grumpy x Sunshine
- Necromancy
- Traveling to the Underworld
- Traumatic pasts
- Meddling Gods
- Animal companions
- Slowburn romance with tension

This is Book 3 in the Crowns of Nyaxia series, and follows Mische and Asar, a new character introduced in this book. Asar is the exiled bastard Prince of the House of Shadows, but he’s better known as “The Wraith Warden” 👀.

This was definitely a redemption story for both Mische and Asar. We get a deep look into their pasts, especially Mische’s, and realize how much she struggles with “righting her wrongs”. Her story is devastating, and I love the relationship that develops between her and Asar. They start out rocky, but at the end, they were both willing to sacrifice themselves so the other can be happy (I won’t say any more about this! 😌).

I did find some of the trials to be repetitive, but more in the sense of wanting to know what happens next cause each new trial revealed new information about the character’s past. I wish we had chapters in Asar’s POV, but I’m assuming the next book likely will be dual POV.

Overall, I really enjoyed this story and the characters, and I can’t wait to read the sequel ❤️

I’ve been ARC reading for Carissa since her World of Lost Heart trilogy, and I am honored to be granted approval for this book once she became traditionally published. Thank you to Carissa and the Bramble/Tor team for the ARC!

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I have loved all books in the Crown of Nyaxia series so far and The Songbird and the Heart of Stone is no exception. This book was beautiful, sad, dark, and thrilling. I LOVED the setting and atmosphere, the character going on a quest through the dead felt at times like a container place and other times vast and deep with endless possibilities. I highly recommend Songbird and the Heart of Stone for the characters, the setting, and the romance. And I cannot wait to continue Mische’s story!

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Thank you for sending me a copy of the 3rd book in the Crowns of Nyaxia series. If you are a fantasy lover girl like me then you def gotta check this series out! One you won’t wanna miss! Carissa is an excellent writer and she knows what she’s doing when it comes to all of her characters! She puts in great detail and emotion into all of it and it keeps you invested throughout the whole book! ❤️ Definitely one people need to check out!!!

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I feel truly blessed to have received this arc! I re-read the first two Crowns of Nyaxia series with a special eye on Mische before diving in and I am glad I did! This book felt like a darker progression after Ashes and the Star Cursed King and drew me in immediately. Mische was a secondary character in the first two books, but she is fully developed and ready for the spot light in this one! This expanded world was at times hard to follow, I did feel the tree metaphor for the layers of the underworld helped. The ending was classic Carissa and really the only down side of getting an ARC is that now I am waiting even longer for the next in the series!!! 100/10!

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First: thank you Carissa for the ARC, for letting me see a glimpse behind the curtain as this book was created. I want nothing more than to live inside your brain and paint pretty pictures for you to earn my rent.
Second: OMG YOU GUYS THIS BOOK. I don't even know where to begin. But I have a heart rate monitor that tells me this book literally, physically, affected me while reading.
I loved it so much. I saw myself in Mische- getting to know her was like getting to know a little bit of myself. And wanting the best for her means extending my own self some grace as well.

And Asar???!!! *Cue Saint Motel's "My Type" playing on loop*

There's such a raw vulnerability in it that left me aching, gasping. Carissa writes the way music feels. It's effortless, exciting, and dripping with emotion.

I literally can't say anything because i don't want to spoil anything. But MY GODS you need to trust me and read this book.

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As erotic and biblical as a Hozier song, Carissa Broadbent delights readers in the newest, lush and dark Crowns of Nyaxia series installment.

Not a title to start before bedtime, this book sucked me in immediately. All the beauty and terror of a stained glass window in a haunted church, The Songbird & the Heart of Stone is one part romance, one part religious horror, and one part ode to Greek mythology. This book at times reminded me of the Percy Jackson series, Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows, and at other times of Dante’s Inferno.

As Mische grapples with shame and self-acceptance in the face of religious guilt and a lifetime of grooming, Asar, the Wraith Warden, bastard son of the House of Shadow, and half-brother of her maker, the vampire she just murdered–drags her down to the underworld with a mission she’s uniquely capable of helping him achieve.

This book was hauntingly atmospheric, dripping in lavish, romantic darkness as if it had just been pulled from the River Styx itself. An opulent love story verging on a tribute to Hades and Persephone dives into a tale much more akin to Eve biting the apple.

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✨Book Review✨

The Songbird & the Heart of Stone - Carissa Broadbent

📖 Mische lost everything when she was forcibly Turned into a vampire – her home, her humanity, and most devastating of all, the love of the sun god to whom she had devoted her life. Now, sentenced to death for murdering the vampire prince who Turned her, redemption feels impossible. But when Mische is saved by Asar, the bastard prince of the House of Shadow with a past as brutal as his scars, she’s forced into a mission worse than execution: a journey to the underworld to resurrect the god of death himself.

📚 I have wanted more about Mische and her backstory since reading The Serpent and the Wings of Night and this book does not disappoint. Not only do we learn about Mische’s history we also follow her and Asar as they travel the underworld, facing the dark side of death and the ghosts of their pasts. This has a sprinkle of grumpy vs sunshine and some morally gray coloring that is my favorite. The worst part of this book was that it ended; I am already looking forward to the next installment of the Nyaxia series.

🌟 If you have read the Nyaxia series up to this point you are going to want to preorder this book immediately. If not, circle back to the start of this series! It is a fantasy romance with vampires, adventure, and some spice. The Songbird & the Heart of Stone is set to publish on November 19th! Special shoutout to Carissa Broadbent and @NetGalley for allowing me to read this advanced copy.

Reading order for the Crowns of Nyaxia Series:
The Serpent & the Wings of Night
The Ashes & the Star-Cursed King
Six Scorched Roses (A Novella set to publish soon!)
The Songbird & the Heart of Stone

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#Bookstagram #CurrentlyReading

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4 stars ⭐

Carissa Broadbent is one of my favorite authors, so when I got approved for this ARC, I may have screamed a little. Reading Oraya and Raihn's story in the first two Crowns of Nyaxia books was such a beautiful experience, and those books remain some of my favorite fantasy reads. Through their story, I not only fell in love with Oraya and Raihn but also connected with Mische and her story.

So knowing I was about to dive into a book following her story had me very excited!

I missed Carissa’s writing (seriously… The way she writes books is unreal) and was eager to return to the world of Vampires and deadly houses. The storyline was engaging, and we learned so much about Nyaxia and the god of death – and the current state of the world following the ending of the previous book. It was also nice to get more backstory on Mische, especially her upbringing in relation to the sun god and everything that happened after she became a vampire. Mische is full of hope, loyalty, courage, and kindness…how could you not love her?! Like seriously.. I just wanted to give her a massive hug half the time and show her just how worthy of nice things and love she is. Seeing her self-development journey throughout the book was so beautiful and heartbreaking at times, and you can’t help but root for her to find every bit of happiness. I also really enjoyed Mische and Asar’s banter and liked seeing them together.

There were just a few things I would’ve loved to see more of!

- ROMANCE! Trust me, Carissa is the queen of slow-burn romances so I knew going into this, that it would be a much slower pace than some other books I’ve read! In comparison to the slow burn between Oraya and Raihn, I just felt like Mische and Asar’s romance was almost non-existent until we got over the halfway mark other than a few subtle hints here and there. Then, we all of a sudden jumped right into the realm of romance. I personally would’ve liked to have seen a bit more buildup and tension!

- It felt very repetitive at times, with the characters often facing the same battles and dealing with the same general issues. I found myself getting a bit bored during the middle of the story before things really started to pick up (and they definitely picked up!!)

- Asar... his character fell a bit flat for me. He’s described as the bastard prince of the House of Shadow, a mysterious necromancer, and a cold-blooded killer. However, I don’t feel like we truly got to see much of this! Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed learning more about his past and seeing glimpses of his softer side, but I was hoping to experience more of the darker side of him we heard so much about. I think it would’ve made seeing the softer side of him more special!

Despite these few things, this book was still truly amazing! The first two books (and the novella) were just SO good that I went in with super high expectations.

All I will say is… THAT ENDING! I never would have predicted that. My jaw literally dropped and the gasp I let out at 1 am woke up my boyfriend so yeah.. 🤣

Overall, I still really enjoyed this book and will definitely continue with the series! I’m hopeful we’ll get to see more of Asar’s brutal side in book two LOL

Thank you Pan Macmillan, Tor Bramble, and Netgalley for the eARC!

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This was an absolute brilliant book.
The journey To the underworld was breathtaking. Creepy. Haunting. Sad. Beautiful.

The ending Actually made me GASP.

I’m so ready for book 2.

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C A R I S S A.

This book changed me: mind, body, and soul. I had no expectations and yet they were somehow still so blown away. The journey to the underworld, the romance, the necromancers, the gods, the vampires, AHHHHHHH.

I can't even explain how great this book is and how amazing it was to be back in Nyaxia. Mische is such a strong FMC and she is so different than Oraya (from Serpent and the Wings of Night). Miss Carissa can truly do it all.

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god i love this series and with every book i find myself loving it even more, which i didn’t think it was possible. this was so addictive right from the very start. getting to be immersed back in this world was such a treat. so much tension, action, swoony moments that left me not being able to put the book down.

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Another great addition to the Crowns of Nyaxia series! If you enjoyed the first two, you’ll like this one especially if Mische was your favorite (she was mine).

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I enjoyed this book so much. If you’ve been keeping up with this series, you’ll want to pick this up. I feel like if you haven’t read the first 2 book, you’d be able to pick this up and read as well. Once it hits 50%, be prepared to not be able to stop reading.

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The Songbird and the Heart of Stone by Carissa Broadbent is an exhilarating continuation of the Crown of Nyaxia series, focusing on Mische’s captivating journey. Broadbent’s world-building shines, further immersing readers in the richly crafted universe of Nyaxia. The novel weaves together a haunted past, the engaging grumpy and sunshine trope, and a slow-burn romance that builds with exquisite tension. Heart-wrenching twists and an unexpected cliffhanger make this installment a thrilling emotional ride. I absolutely loved it and am eagerly anticipating the next chapter in this mesmerizing world!

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I love this series SO much! And this was no expecting! Mische was my favorite side character and I was so excited to read her story. The journey was both emotional, intriguing and romantic. I loved getting to see some more of this world and also the underworld was very interesting! The romance was a bit of a slower burn which I loved as well. Anyways I recommend this to literally everyone and will be adding to our library!

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Carissa Broadbent is honestly a storytelling master. She can weave together her characters and worlds so seamlessly that you are always left waiting for the next one.

While "The Songbird and the Heart of Stone" is the first of the Shadowborn duet, it should be read after completing the other stories in the Crowns of Nyaxia universe.

This story picks up with Mische very soon after the end of "The Ashes and the Star Cursed King". Mische was one of my favorite characters from the original duet, so I was very excited to get a book from her POV.

I did love the journey that we went on, but it was honestly not what I was expecting. I was very apathetic to the other characters besides Mische for the first half of the book - it really felt like we spent a lot of time getting nothing accomplished. The timeline was a bit odd as weeks continually pass with only a mention. I think that took me out of the story a bit as I didn't always feel the depth of the journey or emotions. It did get a bit repetitive, but that was the nature of the story that was being told.

With that being said, Mische's personal growth throughout the book was amazing. This very much solidifies her as one of my favorite characters. Compared to the first duet, this feels more like a character story and an exploration of what it means to be yourself.

I highly recommend the Crowns of Nyaxia series to any fantasy fan.

Rated 4 stars. Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for the ebook ARC.

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4.5 stars

I was so excited when I got the opportunity to read this early. thank you #netgalley for the advance copy!
I loved the previous books, so I had high expectations. I was not disappointed.

I loved Mische in the first books and wanted to know more about her past and I was really happy that we learned more about her as a strong, optimistic and determined FMC. She doesn’t let the atrocities of her past change her perspective of life and I was rooting for her up to the very end.

The cliffhanger though, that almost killed me.

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This is the first book of the Shadowborn duet and follows Mische’s character. It was a slow read in the beginning with all the world and character building but about the last third of the book, it was a page-turner. Now I have to wait for the other half of the duet to see what happens next.

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If you have been following me for any amount of time you know just how much I love Broadbent’s books. She has this amazing ability to suck you into her stories and fall in love with her worlds. Her characters are cemented into my soul and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

This story follows Mische. A woman of fierce bravery and hidden talents that have an origin story of their own. We get to see her hit rock bottom, pick herself up and go head to head with the many faces of death. She gains an ally in a man who has more secrets than even she does. Together they must complete an impossible task for their Gods or face a fate worse than death.

This book ripped my heart out and left me questioning the meaning of life. From the first to the very last page I adored every word. The epilogue left me completely speechless. I had to sit there and just contemplate the magnitude of this story and how sad I was that I had no more pages left to turn. I will anxiously be waiting for the next!

This is a book you are not going to want to miss!

Huge thank you to the author herself for sending me the ARC to enjoy early. All thoughts and opinions are my own

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Thank you for the advanced copy! This book was so so so good! I love the relationship between Mische and Asar! Carissa is such a fantastic writer and each book she writes gets better and better! Cannot wait to see what she comes up with next!

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