Member Reviews

This story delves into the the health issues that can effect anyone at anytime. Pulling inspiration & strength from the author made this book that more enjoyable. My takeaway was to appreciate every up & down in your own life. Ypu never know when you or your family will be tasked with the unthinkable.

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This is an intense emotional and inspiring book. The discussion of Jenn’s time in the NICU reminded me of the stress and uncertainty when my wife was in the NICU with uncontrolled seizures. What we experienced was not as traumatic or difficult as Jenn and her family, but I can relate to the fear and uncertainty.

Not surprisingly, Jenn and her family struggled to deal with the aftermath of her stroke and the slow recovery (which is still ongoing). However, as Jenn started to experience more obvious improvement, her attitude and optimism increased significantly, which is pretty impressive. In her situation, I don’t think I could have developed and maintained her positivity. Which is not to say that she was always optimistic; she still had (and has) her doubts and struggles.

For a story that deals with such a traumatic experience, there are some pretty humorous moments, including the fraudulent psychic and Jenn using the middle finger to express herself in the hospital when unable to speak.

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BOOK: In the Face of Catastrophe: How a Traumatic Brain Injury Became a Blessing (ARC)
AUTHOR: Jennifer Rose Goldman
PUB DATE: by Greenleaf Book Group
PAGES: 194
GENRE: Non-fiction/Memoir

A BIG Thank You to @netgalley, @greenleafbookgr, and the author for gifting me an advanced digital excerpt in exchange for my honest review!

FAVORITE QUOTE: “I am also reminded that our power, as humans, lies not in our ability to control what happens but in our ability to respond to the things that happen to us. We have the power to be optimistic, take each day as it comes, and try to be grateful for the other gifts we have in life.”

QUICK & SPOILER-FREE REVIEW: I had seen another booksta friend read this arc and it intrigued me after seeing her review. This is a poignant story of what happens when you’re faced with the unexpected. I can’t recommend this highly enough. It is so special in that it’s told through the memories of Jenn’s mom, dad, and sister, so their truthful recollections & vulnerability to share what they went through during such a delicate time was so appreciated. I was moved by all the positive affirmations. Don’t sleep on this one!

#NetGalley #GreenleafBookGroup #InTheFaceOfCatastrophe #JenniferRoseGoldman #JenniferGoldman

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"In the Face of Catastrophe," by Jennifer Rose Goldman and her mother, Caryn Meg Hirshleifer, is an account of Jenn's terrifying health emergency and its aftermath. Shortly before her thirty-first birthday, she collapsed and was rushed to North Shore University Hospital. She had suffered a stroke that left her comatose and near death. Her dad, David, a physician; her mother, Caryn, an attorney and entrepreneur; and her younger sister, Amanda, stood vigil for countless hours, and when Jenn woke up, they cheered her on.

In addition to Jenn, this book is told by alternating narrators, each of whom expresses his or her fear, sadness, and frustration at watching the woman they adore endure so much agony. They feared that, even if Jenn were to survive, she would be permanently impaired, both physically and mentally. Fortunately for Jenn, a large team of medical professionals worked tirelessly to save her, and over the next year, she fought hard to regain as much cognition and mobility as possible.

This moving true story reminds us that each day of good health is a tremendous blessing, and that a gravely ill person facing a grueling uphill battle can accomplish so much more if she has devoted family members and friends by her side. Jennifer and her loved ones are immensely grateful that she survived this terrifying ordeal, and they hope that "In the Face of Catastrophe" will be a source of hope and encouragement for others who face what appear to be insurmountable obstacles.

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In the Face of Catastrophe* by Jennifer Rose Goldman and Caryn Meg Hirshleifer is an incredibly powerful and moving account of resilience, love, and the strength of the human spirit.

This book chronicles the unimaginable journey of Jennifer, a vibrant young woman whose life takes a sudden, unexpected turn when she suffers a stroke. Through a series of journal entries from her mother, father, sister, and Jennifer herself, we witness the raw emotions, struggles, and victories of a family united in the face of adversity.

What struck me most was the depth of vulnerability shared by each family member, especially Jennifer’s sister, Amanda, who battles her own challenges while supporting her sister. The honesty in these pages is both heart-wrenching and inspiring.

In the Face of Catastrophe isn’t just a story about survival; it’s a testament to the power of love, family, and the unbreakable will to keep fighting. This book is a must-read for anyone looking for a deeply emotional, real-life story that stays with you long after the last page.

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This was an interesting look into a woman’s experience of her stroke recovery. She was very young to have a stroke (in her thirties), however, it also showed that with the support of family and her partner how it affected each of them throughout the ordeal.

Truly an inspirational book and an amazing family to go through this together and become so much stronger.

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Wow- what a story that this family is still living into in 2024! I was curious about the book because of brain injury in my family, but the two have played out very differently. It was both gut wrenching and heartwarming at times to read how Jenn and her family dealt with such a life changing event. I appreciate the realness with which they shared the story-I imagine that many people/families who go through a similar health trauma will find healing in this insightful and honest contribution

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Thank you to Net Galley for giving me a copy to read and review. Having been through my own and my daughter’s traumatic brain injury so much was relevant to our story. Hearing that your child, no matter how old, is severely injured or trying to survive a stroke is a complete shock. We are left numb. Mothers try to heal their families first before focusing on their health.

Reading about Jenn’s recovery as told by her family and then through her own words was powerful. Reading about doctor visits and the bluntness of some projections was heartbreaking. I wish Jenn and her family continued healing. Keep moving forward and enjoy all the special times you have in the future.

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“In the Face of Catastrophe” is written and voiced by Jennifer Rose Goldman and her mom Caryn Meg Hirshleifer. Jennifer’s dad David (a physician), her sister Amanda (who has psychological and physical issues of her own), and her boyfriend Misha also share their feelings, thoughts and insights after Jenn’s tragic stroke and brain bleed. This brain injury has left her incapacitated at a young 30 years of age. The story is told in the form of a journal narrative that takes us through a year long recovery. We have a glimpse at Jenn regaining some semblance of normal life following that first year. I would love to see a follow up as she continues to regain strength and functions.

The family is completely committed and resilient following this devastating event. All remarkably honest and raw as they share the innermost thoughts and feelings. The emotional strain and strength it took to assist Jenn in her recovery is applaudable. It’s powerful how they all championed together to get Jenn to the finish line.

Having gone through a 2 year battle with cancer with my husband I could empathize with each of them. Entering the world of the sick is like waking on another planet. Acronyms abound, CT scan, MRI, PT, and so many others that you’ve never heard of until a loved one gets sick. I was so glad her dad had the benefit of being a physician and was able to sort through the murky waters for them and give them best case scenarios. They each had a very important role to play and can be credited for much of her recovery to date.

May she continue to gain strength and return to living her best life truly awakened to the blessing she’s been given.

Many thanks to NetGalley, the authors and publisher Green Leaf Book Press for an advanced readers copy of this book.

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This is the story of 31-year-old Jenn’s catastrophic stroke and lengthy recovery. The story is told as a series of diary entries from Jenn, her mother, her father, her sister, and her boyfriend, as well as snippets of her medical records. I found the first part of the book very compelling when Jenn is in critical condition and things are changing quickly. The later portion of the book covering more than a year of her recovery was still interesting, but less compelling. There’s a lot of emotional sharing and discussion of spiritual beliefs and practices that I’m sure were very important to the family but were not as interesting to me.

This family went through a series of terrible traumas in a fairly short period of time, and I admired the way they worked together to recover. However, they also seem very privileged in their financial resources and access to good health care, rehabilitation services, and long-term in-home care.

This book is most likely to appeal to fans of memoirs, medical recovery stories, and stories of personal and familial resilience.

Thanks to Greenleaf Book Group for providing me with a free review copy through NetGalley. I volunteered to provide an honest review.

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Incredible story.
Thanks to author, publisher and Netgalley for the chance to read this book. While I got the book for free it had no bearing on the rating I gave it.

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The Gift of Presence when a violent stroke and a significant brain bleed leaves Jenn comatose and clinging to life just days before her thirty-first birthday. Starting from the day Jenn suffered a stroke while at work, this is a true story of survival after an unexpected injury, a story of family support and the commitment needed both mentally and physically to recover. Spending 11 weeks in the NICU (Neurological Intensive Care Unit) and rehab, Jenn and her family face an overwhelming and painful journey as they struggle to grasp what’s happened. A memorable, multi-perspective memoir Jennifer Rose Goldman and her mom, Caryn Meg Hirshleifer, have written this powerful, poignant, and raw page-turner, structured like a diary comprised of entries: each person’s point of view and how they felt during and endured each stage, journaled by Caryn, David (dad), Amanda (sister), and eventually Jenn who suffers the stroke while at work. And it continues a year later, detailing what progress and setbacks she has encountered during that time. To move forward and heal, they discover an unexpected how-to-be-present as they grapple with grief and learn gratitude and intentional time together, while holding onto hope through uncertainty and challenging times. Jenn was already a motivational speaker and professional advocate for welllness and self-care before her stroke, and now she and her family share a very personal and intimate time of their lives in the hope that those who are struggling with similar experiences of loss and change will find connection, solace, and the courage to overcome even the greatest of challenges. An enlightening story, what touched me the most was Jenn’s goodbye to the reader, thanking her reader for taking the time to follow her through the process and confusion of sorting memories and relearning basic motor skills and her apology and regret that she now leaves us with loose ends untied as she continues her healing journey without us. In The Face of Catastrophe, easy to read, original, and inspirational, was encouraging and thought provoking, and I’d like to thank NetGalley and Greenleaf Book Group for the #ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Thank you, NetGalley and Greenleaf Book Group | Greenleaf Book Group Press books for this ARC for review. And thank you, Jenn for sharing your amazing journey with everyone. Imagine being a smart, successful, and independent woman one day and then 3 days before your 31st birthday, you have a massive hemorrhagic stroke due to a unknown malformation in your brain and your family doesn't know if you will live or die. But you do live, only you have partial paralysis in your right side and have to learn to walk and talk again over the course of the next year. This is everything and more that Jennifer Goldman went through in 2021-2022. She weathered it all amazingly and bravely with the support of her family and boyfriend. She and her family have come through this journey with a sense of purpose that many others may not have found.

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I received a free copy of, In the Face of Catastrophe, by Jennifer Rose Goldman; Caryn Meg Hirshleifer, from the publisher and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. Thirty year old Jennifer had a stroke, this book is told from her families perspective while she was in the hospital, and rehab, and when she came home. Jenn takes over after she starts recovering at home. An incredible read, about a young stroke victim.

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Jennifer, extraordinary young woman, sensitive, generous, loved by all and living her very best life, is struck down by a totally unforeseen stroke. It is only by the luckiest of circumstances she gains access to medical care quickly enough to have a fighting chance to survive. And survive she does, with top notch doctors and specialists, round the clock nursing assistants, a loving family lifting her up every step of her journey, and of course, her own indomitable spirit.
The story is told in a series of journal entries recorded by her mother, father and sister as well as the thoughts and feelings of Jen herself. The narrative covers the first year of her convalescence with the understanding that the story continues as Jen moves on with her new life.
The family members are strong for Jen but reveal their vulnerabilities in the pages of this book. Especially affecting is Jen’s sister Amanda who has emotional, physical and psychological issues of her own.. The patience and fortitude of this family is remarkable.
Having said all that, I feel like a bad human being for not giving this book 5 star review, but in all honesty. It suffers from lack of editing. I am sure every word recorded is significant to the writers and recreates the amazing journey for those participating. For those drawn to the story by the medical topic, it was heavily weighted toward emotions and became repetitive.. It also included a section on horoscopes that I just couldn’t take seriously.
If you are more interested in the emotional aspects of a life-altering health crisis, you may really enjoy the story. As a caregiver for a family member with some of the same issues, I couldn’t help but wonder at the cost of this care and treatment. Round-the-clock aides, multiple therapy sessions, visits from specialists in every relevant medical field and the unquestioning love and support of family who sacrificed their personal lives without hesitation. It is an uplifting story, to be sure, but it made me feel like I am not up to the job that Team Jen has accomplished and that is not a good feeling to have at the end of a book.

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When a young woman is felled by a stroke, her family rallies around her to support her recovery through the unimaginable challenges and daunting odds. The most powerful aspect of the book for me was the different perspectives and voices of her loved ones, not just the woman who was forever changed by a catastrophic event. All our lives are connected to other lives and this book demonstrates how the love, courage, support, and gifts of those around us enable us to rally, to face the unthinkable and become the person we are meant to be. I imagine this will be an inspiring book for everyone, those experiencing the crisis and those supporting the person through the darkest valleys. I received a copy of this book and these opinions are my own, unbiased thoughts.

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4.5 stars! I just so happened to stumble upon this book and I'm so glad I did. It's told in diary format by Jennifer's mom, sister, dad and boyfriend, as well as Jennifer herself. This is a quick read and I have no doubt the heartbreaking and inspiring story will touch many lives, as it did mine. Thanks to NetGalley for the advanced copy in exchange for my honest review - pub day is today!

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In the Face of Catastrophe explores an entire family's response to a medical crisis that struck one family member- Jenn- with ripple effects amongst the entire family.

Jennifer co-wrote this book with her mother, Caryn. I found Caryn's entries particularly touching, as she described the sadness, the overwhelm but also the gifts of being able to experience a new closeness and intimacy with her daughter. Jennifer's sister Amanda's entries were hardest to read for me as she had her own medical concerns and insecurities.

The ending is not a perfectly wrapped package with a shiny bow. It is positive but also realistic.

Thank you to Netgalley and the Publisher for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Jennifer Rose Goldman and her mom, Caryn Meg Hirshleifer, have written a powerful, poignant, raw, and memorable memoir.

Jenn was a few days away from her thirty-first birthday when she had a stroke and a significant brain bleed. She spent eleven weeks in the NICU (neurological intensive care unit) and rehab.

Jenn's memoir is written from several points of view:
Caryn, her mom
David, her dad
Amanda, her sister
Misha, her boyfriend

This book packs an incredible punch as the medical hits just kept on coming---during the first several intense days and weeks, as well as once Jenn returned home with 24/7 care. Caryn aptly summed it up, with a dry sense of humor, "Seizure the day."

This is a book about rebirth, renewal, and recovery.

Highly recommend!

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What a story!!

I saw this ebook in a newsletter, and first, the cover drew my attention; after reading the blurb, I was intrigued to read this story. It is a story of survival after an unexpected injury, family support, and the commitment needed both mentally and physically to recover.

The story starts from the day Jenni suffered a stroke at the young age of 30 while at work. And it continues a year later, detailing what progress and setbacks she has encountered during that time. It is told in the voices of four persons: Jenni and her mom, who recorded the most, and her sister and her dad, who were all there observing and helping Jenni along the way. Although her boyfriend does not record his words, he is there from day one, supporting her and her family.

I found this story enlightening, especially reading each person's point of view and how they felt during each stage. In the Face of Catastrophe was encouraging and thought-provoking, with many little life gems.

Reasons I enjoyed this book:
Easy-to-read, Inspirational, Original, Page-turner, Wonderful characters

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