Member Reviews

This was a sweet and thoughtful account of the recovery from a young woman who had a stroke. It was scary seeing how hard it was for a young person to heal from this. Well written story!

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“In the Face of Catastrophe” is a moving memoir What started off as a typical morning for the young and vibrant Jenn quickly became a serious medical emergency. Jenn’s story is told by her mother, father, younger sister and partner in diary entries. Their words capture their fear, and devastation as their daughter clings to life, due to a massive brain clot. Her long recovery is also a stressful time for the family.
But this is a family whose love and caring shines through, as Jenn begins to improve.

Thanks to Greenleaf Book Group and NetGalley for an advance review copy. This is my honest review.

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Having seen members of my own family suffer from strokes and brain injuries, I was drawn to read this book about a young woman fighting her way back from a traumatic brain injury. I especially liked getting the viewpoints from each member of her family and eventually from Caryn herself. What a miraculous journey! Thanks to NetGalley, Greenleaf Book Group and the authors for an advance copy to read and review.

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this book absolutely brought me to tears and shook me to the core!!!! what an incredible true story. a young woman's survival basically reframes her entire outlook on life. 5/5 stars!!!!

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Thank you Herbalist for the free ARC. Story told from different view points about a traumatic brain injury and the long struggle through rehabilitation..

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This was a very inspiring memoir told from the point of view of 5 different people. What an amazing outlook Jenn has and so lucky to be surrounded by so much love. I have no doubt that she will continue to progress with all her goals and recovery!

The diary entries were well written and easy to read. What a wonderful gift to have done this together!

Thank you to Netgalley and Greenleaf Book Group for the eARC of this book in exchange for my honest review

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In the Face of Catastrophe is a unique look at a family’s experience of their 31-year-old daughter’s/sister’s/girlfriend’s catastrophic stroke. Compiled in sequential diary entries, the reader hears from Jennifer’s mother, father, sister, a little from her boyfriend, and, finally, from Jennifer herself. The book begins with the stroke itself and travels forward one year in time, detailing the near-daily phases of fear, hope, and recovery in between.

This is a quick, powerful read. The book is short and the brief entries from each storyteller keep the pace quick. Hearing each person’s perspective, each with total vulnerability, is a hard and fascinating experience. And at the end, as Jenn becomes stronger and able to tell some of her own story, inspiring and incredible (in the truest sense of the word, hard to find credible).

Recommended. Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Wow if anyone had ever loved me half as much as this family loves this girl, my entire world would've been completely different. This book walks the reader through a shocking event - the 30 year old daughter having a completely unforeseen stroke and surprisingly, barely surviving only to be completely unable to walk, speak, eat, write. She couldn't move at all, was incontinent, and could barely even think, as her brain had been completely changed. For years. Very slowly improved.

But she was able to survive, heal, develop her 2nd chance at life due to the absolutely unending and unwavering love and devotion of her family. It was really beautiful. And extremely well-written.

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In the Face of Catastrophe by Jennifer Rose Goldman and Caryn Meg Hirshleifer begins just like any larger-than-life story. From the beginning, it seems that a reader will be swimming in a pool of sympathy, with great suffering and the book needs just praises for the pain in return. Instead, the story turns HUMANELY; it becomes real! This is not just the story of a catastrophe; it is also a story of survival. The most interesting part is the way it is narrated; it holds the reader with 'What happens next?' until the end. The way it delves into the psyche of every character is also remarkable. How humans can picture the funeral of a loved one one moment and gather the strength to fight back in another is something we often do not know about ourselves. This book does not romanticise pain; it gives you a hard hit. Sometimes it gets so real that all you wait for in the book is the next medical report! Yes, it does go to that extent.
At the end, It can be said that In the Face of Catastrophe is a beautifully and empathetically written short read.

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## Book Review: *In the Face of Catastrophe* by Jennifer Rose Goldman and Caryn Meg Hirshleifer

*In the Face of Catastrophe* by Jennifer Rose Goldman and Caryn Meg Hirshleifer is a deeply poignant memoir that chronicles Jennifer's journey through a life-altering stroke and the profound impact it had on her and her family.

Structured as diary entries, the memoir begins with Jennifer's sudden stroke just days before her thirty-first birthday, plunging her into a coma and leaving her loved ones grappling with shock and uncertainty. Each family member's diary entry offers a unique perspective on the challenges they faced, from navigating medical crises to finding moments of hope amidst despair.

Jennifer, a wellness advocate before her stroke, and her family share intimate moments of grief, resilience, and the transformative power of love and community. The memoir is a testament to the human spirit's resilience and the profound strength found in familial bonds during times of crisis.

Goldman and Hirshleifer's writing is candid and emotionally resonant, capturing the rollercoaster of emotions that accompany profound illness. Their prose invites readers into the intimate struggles and triumphs of Jennifer's recovery journey, portraying the highs and lows with authenticity and empathy.

*In the Face of Catastrophe* is not just a personal narrative but also a source of inspiration and hope for readers facing their own challenges. It underscores the importance of gratitude, resilience, and the healing power of connection. The memoir is a powerful reminder of the fragility of life and the courage found in confronting adversity with strength and grace.

Overall, *In the Face of Catastrophe* is a compelling memoir that illuminates the resilience of the human spirit and the profound impact of love and community in overcoming life's greatest challenges. It is a story that will resonate deeply with readers, encouraging reflection on the strength found in unity and the transformative power of hope.

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An inspiring book. What made it so unique was the collaboration of Jenn’s family sharing their experiences alongside Jenn about her journey back to health. They all showed incredible strength.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC.

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I received a free ebook from Netgalley in exchange for a fair and unbiased review. I like non-fiction. I like inspirational stories.

This book is written from 5 points of view. It's a story with different people telling how the story effects them. When someone gets sick, the family suffers too. It's real and enlightening to see a book about this.

It is an easy book to read. I finished it in less than 2 days. There are dairy entries that are in the book. You know, with time, the emotions and what is written changes.

It's an inspirational book. It's inspirational in ways we don't consider inspiring. Everything is not perfect at the end. Life doesn't work that way. It makes the reader look at their own life. The reader is changed after reading the book.

Thank you to Netgalley and the author for this amazing book. I look forward to reading more from the author in the future.

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This book was absolutely beautiful!! I was so touched from the very beginning at how beautiful this book was. The way it was laid out for the reader was just wonderful. Highly recommend.

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