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[arc review]
Thank you to NetGalley and BooksGoSocial for providing an arc in exchange for an honest review.
Lines releases October 29, 2024

Have you ever wondered what your life would look like if you didn’t cross paths with a certain person, or if you never said yes to getting that cup of coffee five years ago? What if you were supposed to meet someone earlier or later in life than when you initially did?

In <I>Lines</I>, two stories unfold simultaneously: one in which Josh and Abby never met outside of Washington Square Park, and the other resulting in them getting married two months after they collided on the streets of New York City.

Each chapter alternates between the timeline where Josh and Abby are married, versus the one they are not. Since the events they live through in both timelines mirror each other nearly 1:1, keeping track of which version you’re currently reading becomes a mental workout and the story quickly starts to feel repetitive.
This is exacerbated by the fact that the spouses of Josh and Abby in the timeline where they’re not married to each other, end up being prominent side characters in the form of their close friends in the timeline where they are married.

For a star-crossed love story, it wasn’t a good sign that I was enjoying the chapters more where they weren’t together…
Josh and Abby were so miserable and I couldn’t see the connection between them that made them fall so hard and fast to begin with.

I don’t particularly find any enjoyment in reading about a man in his mid-40s passing gas, or multiple characters who are emotionally cheating.

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"there's nothing more satisfying than options, alternative possibilities, the open paths of a person's existence."

i went through a bit of a rollercoaster with this one for the first couple of chapters. while the premise—two strangers who paths cross in one world and split apart in another—piqued my interest, josh's early pov was kind of off-putting. it took a few chapters to get used to it, while abby's chapters were more engaging from the start.

this is quite an ambitious concept, as woo had to build two characters into four – joshua and abby who run into each other and build life together, and joshua and abby who once walked past each other unknowingly and now meet by chance, with josh coming across abby's art. it plays with what ifs and makes you wonder – are we sure we met someone one too early, too late, or on time?

as you compare the two versions of joshua and abby, how their lives were influenced by external factors, how the people surrounding them differ and appear the same in both worlds, you get the idea of who they are at their core, and the effect they can have on each other. "lines" is both mundane and magical. its core is love one has for their art, and how artists can bind to each other or break apart.

i'd be remiss not to mention dina brodsky, whose art adorns the pages of "lines". it's not difficult to imagine how her miniatures may inspire someone to build a little written world of their own, let alone build a novel around them.

"lines" was a unique experience in reading and an exploration of art that sees the simplicity of the everyday in all its glory.

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In this complex dual timeline what-if novel, readers follow writer Josh and artist Abby in two different lifetimes; one where they run into each other and live a life together and one where they never meet at all. Exploring what could have been for the two characters and experiencing the realities and challenges of life for Josh and Abby, readers will witness their choices and understand how important single moments and simple choices are to one’s life -- and meet-cutes don’t always end happily ever after. With so many complicated moments and two very different (and yet very similar) storylines, readers will be consumed by Woo’s narrative and Josh and Abby’s lives. The complicated nature of this book forces readers to compare the two different narratives and consider the significance of one single moment. Josh and Abby are realistic, flawed, and complex characters, and their interactions with each other and other characters are really interesting in what they reveal about Josh and Abby in both timelines. A complex, immersive novel that focuses on interpersonal relationships and realistic romantic relationships, Woo’s novel is complicated and dynamic, and the evolution of their relationship in both timelines is a fascinating study of human interactions brought to life by powerful prose, complex characters, and emotional narrative structures.

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A sliding doors type premise for a novel. This one was much grayer and darker than I initially expected from the blurb. The writing style was unique, but sometimes difficult to find a rhythm with for me. Didn't really stand out from other books with this general premise for me.

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This book beautifully illustrates the complexity of life, where every choice impacts our destiny. It's a must-read for those who value stories that explore the subtle balance between chance and decision. I found this book truly compelling. The ending was both beautiful and memorable.

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*Lines* by Sung J. Woo is a captivating and clever novel that weaves together humor, heart, and the complexities of modern life. Woo's sharp dialogue and engaging characters create a story that feels both relatable and fresh. It's a delightful, thought-provoking read that keeps you turning the pages.

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I really struggled to make it to the 25% mark of this book. I have a rule where if a book is not good by 20% I will dnf, but I tried to push through because I wanted to give this a full shot. The concept is so interesting and unique but something about the writing was challenging to get into. I do not know if it is just where I am at this time in my life, but I do not usually struggle to read and complete books.

Again, wonderful concept, just very difficult for me to get into.

Thank you to Net Galley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this book.

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This is a beautifully written and thought-provoking novel that resonates long after the final page. Woo masterfully weaves two parallel paths - one where a man and a woman collide, leading to love, and another where they pass through life, oblivious to each other. The exploration of possibilities, choices, and the delicate threads connecting their lives is captivating. However, the occasional handling of events in each version prevents a higher rating.

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I enjoyed this book, and was kept interested and intrigued the whole way through. I liked the dual storyline, and the art, and the ending. I would read the author again.

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Thank you Netgalley for the arc of this upcoming title.

Here we have a story of how strangers can be more. How one person can go from meaning nothing to something. The beauty in the mundaneness of life,

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I ended up not finishing this story due to the writing style. I found the initial premise of the story interesting, but ultimately the way it was told did not work well for me.

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I think this book didn't work for me.

I didn't hate it neither love it. It was an in between that most of the time I can't describe.

The best part of the story was definitely the difference comparing to others. I must admit this was quite unique.

The ending was so beautiful that I think I will remember it for a very long time.

The author captivated the essence of life in a unreal and magical way, with all the mess and emotion, and gave us an exceptional and heart-taking writing.

But then, I didn't really love the two main characters, at all, and that was the reason I didn't loved it.

Book apart, I will be looking foward to see other stories of the author.

I want to thank the editor and also Netgalley for giving me the chance to read this book in advance in exchange of an honest opinion/review.
- publication date: Otober 29, 2024

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I DNF'd after reading 22% of the book. I really liked the description which is why I was intrigued to read it. Unfortunately, I just didn't like it.

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Unfortunately this book wasn’t for me, but that doesn’t mean that it was a bad book by any means. Set in New York City, this book has elements of a sci-fi mixed with romance, and at times can be quite thought provoking. It is a very unique story, also focusing highly on art. I would recommend to people who are creative and like to read genre bending fiction.

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I really adored this book. It is written in a unique style, that I can't quite put my finger on, but I really enjoyed. It follows 2 ways a life could have turned out. It's fascinating to see the ways in which the same events occur in each version of the life, but how they are handled differently in each. Or the way different people or different circumstances in each life can change the outcome of the same event.

Not sure if I'm saying that well lol. The way life could have been. Excellent writing. Fantastic concept, extremely well done.

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The premise is interesting but unfortunately it didn't work on me. The dialogues felt force and the sci-fi element didn't work.
It's not the worst book I've read but it could be better. This might work to others but sadly not for me.
If you're in for alternate timeline, another road not taken kind of story, this might be a treat for you.

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On a foggy New York morning, a man and a woman collide, leading to an unforgettable connection. From a spontaneous embrace to a whirlwind romance, Josh and Abby's story is both magnetic and heartbreaking. But as their paths cross and diverge, "Lines" delves deep into the choices we make and their ripple effects on our lives.

Sung J Woo masterfully weaves a tale of possibilities, tracing the star-crossed journey of two souls through love, loss, and the unpredictable twists of fate. The author's writing is exceptional, bringing every emotion to life with vivid clarity.

I really liked this book—the ending was beautiful and left a lasting impact. This novel captures the essence of life's beautiful mess, where every decision shapes our destiny. A must-read for those who cherish stories that explore the delicate balance between chance and choice.

This book will stay with me for a long time!

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3.25 ⭐ "When she paints, it is not to become someone else but to become no one at all. It is to disappear, but even deeper than that, to not exist at all, to have never existed."

Unfortunately, this book just didn't click with me. I didn't like the characters and the sci-fi aspect of the story confused me. A few things really bothered me, but I can see how others might enjoy it.

On the other hand, this story is unique. It focuses on relationships and different perspectives, especially an artist and someone who reimagines her art to tell a new story. It's about connections and life-changing moments, making it a thought-provoking read.

thanks to NetGalley, the publisher, and the author for providing me with an arc :)

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Unfortunately, this didn't work with me.
I didn't relate or care for the characters; the writing didn't please me, the sci-fi element pulled me out of the story everytime, and the setting didn't vibe with me.
I can see other readers enjoying this book. I'm sure it has its audience, but unfortunately I'm no part of it.

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I can’t remember when I’ve read a book that was so very different from anything I’ve read before - not in a bad way, mind you. In some ways it seems quite ordinary, with a story that sometimes revolves around relationships, both good and bad. But when it comes to the characters, their perspectives, the changes taking place throughout this story, you can feel the tension rising, as one side sees it one way, and the other side, of course, sees it another way.

This is a story about art, and an artist, and someone who, unbeknownst to the artist, decides to ‘adopt’ her art and pair it with a story that he sees in her work. Unbeknownst to the artist at least until she knows, which isn’t long. But beyond that, it is a story of so much more. Of connections, of moments that change the course of our lives, of hope and despair, and every moment of beauty, as well. Not just the beauty that is fresh and new and unavoidable, but the beauty that is almost invisible. The kind of beauty that is appreciated the more you look at it, the more you see. The kind of beauty that becomes a part of how you view the world, and thus, a part of you.

A beautifully written, thought provoking and heartfelt story.

Pub Date: 29 Oct 2024

Many thanks for the ARC provided by BooksGoSocial

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