Member Reviews

Thanks to Charlesbridge Books and NetGalley for the digital copy of this book; I am leaving this review voluntarily.

What a lovely book! This is the story of one little boy who loved the television show, Reading Rainbow on PBS, starring LeVar Burton, and the impact the show and the books featured on his life. It also includes a very cool story about the boy, who happened to be in a store with his mom and ran into his TV idol. His mom took a picture of him and LeVar, which he has cherished to this day. At the end of the book, the author shares the actual picture of him and Burton and the story of the genesis of the book. There’s also a list of children’s books referenced in the text. The illustrations are done well, too. My only complaint is that there is one word, galimoto, that I had no clue what it meant, and I don’t know if kids would just skip over that word or try to look it up.

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I received an arc of this title from NetGalley for an honest review. The story of a little boy who watches LeVar Burton on Reading Rainbow and then gets to meet him in real life.

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πžπ€π«πœ π‘πžπ―π’πžπ°
5 🌟
Early learning and adults who grew up reading rainbows will enjoy this reading Rainbow inspired book.
Reading Rainbow!
Butterfly in the sky, I can go twice as high
Take a look, it's in a book,
AΒ Reading Rainbow!
I can go anywhere
Friends to know, and ways to grow
A Reading Rainbow!
"BUT you don't have to take my word for it."
Love, love, love this book already!
π‘πžπ₯𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 Oct.1
Thank you, Netgalley, and Charlesbridge for the eBook for my honest review.

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When I was a kid, I loved Reading Rainbow. I used to watch it on PBS Channel 13 when I got home from school. I vividly remember going to the library and checking out the books read by LeVar Burton and the other books recommended by kids in the episode. This author shares his experience with Reading Rainbow and his random meeting with LeVar at age 5. It’s a very sweet book with great illustrations and a list of the Reading Rainbow books/episodes referenced in the story.

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As a fan of Reading Rainbow as a child, this was a book I was excited to read.

I'm excited to see a diverse array of children on the pages, as well as use of the public library! Features the importance of using your imagination and reading in a way that does not come off as preachy.

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As a kid who grew up on reading rainbow, I absolutely loved this tribute to Levar Burton. I also
Loved that it was based on a true story of the authors childhood. I’m excited to share this book with my children and students.

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I received a copy of this children's book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

This is a really cute book. The pictures are adorable and the story is wonderful!

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This is a real story about a lucky kid who got to meet Levar Burton. But the best thing about this story is how we all feel like we know him, because he's shared so much with us and taken us so many places. When Ezra goes to school and tells everyone he got to meet his hero, his friends say they know him too -- they can share their love for their mutual friend.
This book references a lot of great books, and they are listed at the end. As Levar says in the book, we don't have to just take his word for anything because we can explore the world ourselves.
This is such a sweet, simple little book with great big messages. Thanks to NetGalley for letting me read this

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My Friend LeVar recounts the author's childhood fondness for LeVar Burton and his TV program The Reading Rainbow. This charming picture book culminates with the story of the author's unexpected meeting with Burton, running into him at a drugstore while out running errands with his mother. The book has lovely illustrations, with the story focusing on how Reading Rainbow fostered a love of reading and curiosity in its young viewers. This book will be nostalgic for grown-ups who grew up with Reading Rainbow who want to share their love of this program and reading with the kids in their lives, appealing to grown-ups and kids alike.

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Really simple, but I love the story and the references. Great example of a book that shows/fosters a love of reading. Love the representation.

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This book has gorgeous illustrations as well as a story that many people who grew up in the 90's will relate to. I loved watching Reading Rainbow as a kid and I'm excited to order this book to share that experience with the kids at my library.

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This was the cutest book ever!!!

I loved how this book show us how important the tv people and public figures are to us - especially as kids!
The illustrations were amazing - super colourful and well done bringing life to the story!

I found myself teared up with this kid connection and when the author show us the true story behind - it truly did something to me.
I completly adored this book!

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A huge thank you to #NetGalley and #Charlesbridge for an advanced readers copy of #MyFriendLevar.

This story was everything I needed and more and I cannot wait to incorporate it into my classroom. As a teacher I am always looking for stories my children will love and enjoy. What made this story so special to me was the message that when you meet someone you idolize as a child no matter how many years passed when you look back meeting someone you idolize can make an impact on any child. I absolutely loved the images and the representation within the story.
Congratulations Ezra Edmond on a job well done.

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My Friend LeVar is a lovely picture book that celebrates LeVar Burton & the connection that Reading Rainbow made for generations of young children. I loved all of the adventures that our protagonist went on with LeVar and remember seeing many of the same Reading Rainbow episodes as a child.

I hope that this one will find a new young audience and inspire them to watch Reading Rainbow as well. Thanks to Charlesbridge, Ezra Edmond, and NetGalley for the chance to read and review! My thoughts and opinions are my own.

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At first I worried this book would only serve 90's kids with nostalgia, but its a really cute TRUE story of a boy who is introduced to stories on the TV show Reading Rainbow and how his imagination goes wild from there. He ends up running into Levar Burton at a drugstore and you can see the real photo at the end of the book. What a fun way to teach kids about a pop culture icon who influenced so many of us to pick up reading. "But you don't have to take my word for it!"

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A beautiful love letter to Reading Rainbow and LeVar Burton. Like many kids, I grew up watching Reading Rainbow and, to this day, will see a book that he read and instantly recognize it. This may be a niche book, but Mr. Burton deserves every bit of credit he gets for his love of reading and childhood literacy and the author has such a beautiful memory and I'm grateful he shared with us!

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for access to the e-ARC.

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The illustrations were great! It has the real-life connection of being a child and idolizing a famous person. It incorporated culture and some things I can expand on when reading to my class. I am giving it a 3-star rating due to the higher vocabulary being used. Instead of Fables/Folklore, I would have used Fairy Tales since this is a book geared toward children. Most children in today's society do not know the story of Paul Bunyan so I think I would have used a different tale to have it be more relatable. Overall, I think the plot line and illustrations will have my class enjoying it!

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I'm forever a Reading Rainbow kid and a Star Trek adult, so LeVar has always been around. I was so excited to see this book, and I'm happy he's getting the flowers he rightfully deserves! β™₯

My Friend LeVar is a wonderful tribute to the man and his impact on generations of bookish kids. With beautiful illustrations, it recounts the true story of the author's love of (and eventual accidental encounter with!) LeVar. It's a perfect tribute.

I also love that the author compiled a list of referenced episodes at the end. Very helpful for those who want to go back and reminisce, as well as for those who are hopefully introducing Reading Rainbow to a new generation of kiddos. 🌈

(Thank you to NetGalley and the author for providing me with a free digital copy in exchange for an honest review.)

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