Member Reviews

I enjoyed this book book so much. It isn't something I normally read, but rival families and phyic powers' entire premise was hard to pass up. I am so glad I took a chance on this bool.

Miles the main character is such a sweet boy with so much put on his shoulders at such a young age. Having to work the family business and go to school. Then he get a vision and he rushes into saving the son of a Rival snooty family, Gabrial. Their entire reluctant detectives to tentative friends is just awesome.

The entire feel of the book was intensely spooky with a lot of funny and tender moments. The supporting characters were fantastic and felt real. They had a place in the story and didn't feel like they were placed there just to move the plot along. I can't wait for this to come out so I can read it again as I wait for book two!

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This was everything I hoped for and more! Realistic characters and relationships in a supernatural quandary! I loved it, adored it! Thank you so much!

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I really enjoyed this one, the two main characters were interesting and entertaining. I loved the mystery around there families, but was disappointed we didn't get more information about them by the end of the book. I am assuming there will be a sequel where there will be some answers. All in all it was an enjoyable read.

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This was a great read! The blurb stated it was perfect for lovers of atmospheric fantasies and it definitely delivered on that. I felt immersed into the world, which was a little creepy but great. I loved the ghosts in the cemetery and Miles was a fantastically written character.

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I really enjoyed this! It is delightfully creepy and the mystery was fascinating. Miles was a great protagonist, he was a very well-rounded character — everything from his worries to his relationship with his mother felt super realistic. I also like that the romantic relationship developed slowly and it wasn't forced. The side characters were also really interesting and I would love to learn more about them. I thought this was a standalone, but after reading that ending, there NEEDS to be a sequel!

Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC.

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