Member Reviews

pit and peach.. pit and peach.. pit and PEACH!!
i absolutely devoured this book. i can’t even begin to express how much i loved every single character, every single word, every single aspect of this book. the characters were witty and relate able and it made everything that much better. there is a 100% chance i will be buying a copy as a shelf trophy once released. THANK YOU FOR THIS OPPORTUNITY!!!

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Pit and a Peach by Anna Pollock has its moments, but it ultimately fell short of my expectations. The premise of Conrad Sutherland’s journey of self-discovery after a breakup had potential, but the execution left much to be desired.

Conrad, the main character, starts off as intriguing, but his development feels inconsistent. His interactions with Maeve, the new associate editor, are intended to be heartwarming but often come across as forced and predictable. The pacing of the story is uneven, with some parts dragging on while others feel rushed.

The attempt at a humorous yet poignant writing style occasionally falls flat, which makes it hard to follow along. Though brilliant, the adage "for every peach, there comes a pit" has been overdone to the point of cliché.

Overall, "Pit and a Peach" falls short of my expectations regarding depth and emotional resonance, albeit having some redeeming characteristics. If you're looking for something light to read, it's a decent read, but it might not stick with you.

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I loved these characters and the tension Anna was able to build between them—this felt like watching New Girl and knowing that at some point Nick and Jess were going to end up together but WHEN and HOW when so much is stacked against them!!! I already shared about the book with my audience on Instagram and will continue to include it anytime I'm recommending romances to other readers. Can't wait to read more from this author!

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If you were to ask me what my pit and peach were reading this, I’d say my peach was every time I laughed while reading and my pit was starting this book at 10pm and having to stop reading so I could get some sleep.

Pit and a Peach is a beautiful book about love of all kinds, personal growth and how important perspective is. One of my favourite things about this book was the different ways food is discussed - from Lacey using food as a way to gain fame and adoration to Maeve writing about food in a way that showed her love for not just it but the world too.

I really loved every character, they all felt so whole and real and I’d love to read more by this author about the other characters in the book and how their lives are going.

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I adored this book.

I desperately wanted to read it because I am a sucker for romances that include beautiful writing about/experiences with food, and this gave me both in abundance. The romance was sweet and realistic and vulnerable- whilst I am not normally a fan of romances that occur quickly after /during breakups, this was so sensitively and heartbreakingly done that I just loved it. Conrad had such an honest, charming voice and I really resonated with him intermittently realising that he had become one-sided within his relationship with Lacie and forgotten who he was. I loved watching him develop relationships with the editorial team and his relationship with his sister was tender and delightful.

I hope we get more in this world- George and Kiara and Zakariyah were all so vivid and established that I would love to see them again!

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*Pit and a Peach* by Anna Pollock is a beautifully written novel that explores themes of love, longing, and personal growth with poetic grace. Pollock's vivid imagery and emotional depth create a captivating world that resonates with readers. It's a heartfelt and memorable story that lingers long after the last page.

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Couldn't get over that his name is Conrad and all I could picture was Catcher in the Rye. He's so angsty and not in a charming way. I didn't find the "peach and pit" thing as charming as I think it was meant to be. I don't know I usually love a slow burn but this was just okay for me.

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This book was absolutely peachy and I ate up every single bit of it!
Written from the POV of Conrad the MMC, he sort of breaks the fourth wall by talking to the reader every now and then and I found that unique and quite cute.
At its core, this book is about personal growth, reflection and vulnerability.
This book was well written, the characters all had depth and I may have teared up a bit in some parts.
Overall this book was an easy 5 stars for me and I’m so glad to have read it!
Thank you so much Braseberry Press & NetGalley for giving me this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Honestly I was hesitant just because it was written from a man’s POV (but by a woman, so I love!) but I was lastly surprised. This felt refreshing and so heartbreaking. It was such a good book, and really really made me feel and think about my own heartbreak/love experiences.

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I had no hesitation reading this book and finished it in one day! This story is about a man (written by a woman) sharing the feelings and coping with heartbreaks and when a crush develops into something more. Anna Pollock did an amazing job in capturing these feelings, I as the reader felt like I was reliving a crush all over again. There were no parts that felt dragged on, which I feel like anyone who is looking for a cute, lighthearted, and quick read would appreciate this book.

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It’s very demure and cutesy. The way the book is written is very easy to read as it’s short book but it does pack a punch with all the scenes the characters pass through. Their is a lot of emotions that pervades the story from the very beginning which is good, it shows the author knows how to write angst.

I would not be surprised if the author watches a lot of Christmas lifetime and hallmark movies as this book reads like one with the office romance. I can easily see this book being turned into a movie like one of those where they cast a very hot male lead to play Conrad and a very cute girl to play Mauve.

My one critic is that I could not believe I was reading from a male perspective as men don’t analyze situations the way women do. So I struggled in the first few characters to understand if I was reading a male perspective. I even wondered if I was reading a lesbian romance at first because men don’t think the way women do. The author needs to learn this, it’s the only reason this book is getting three stars from me. Otherwise it’s a good way to spend a few hours reading.

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This was really surprising to me, I mean, I expected to like it, but I didn't know it would be this much!

This was a super short and relaxing romance. It was super cute and a lot of fun. And I never thought I'd describe a book as relaxing before (maybe because I've never read a relaxing book, I guess), but this really was so chill to read. I wasn't overly stressed at any point, I just felt like I was having a really nice and relaxing time.

This follows Conrad (who works at a magazine), Conrad has just been dumped by his influencer girlfriend because he's not into being an influencer like she is. But things turn around for Conrad when there's a new employee at the magazine and they get along very well.

This felt very slice-of-life, but in a really modern way.

The characters felt like real people with real problems and realistic ways of dealing with those problems.

This book was super short, you could read it in a single sitting if you wanted to. And I do think the cover and concept behind the peach and pit thing is super cute. And I like how there was a little epilogue "chapter" at the end with a list of peaches and pits (you'll understand what that means once you've read the book if, like me, you'd never heard that phrase before).

Thanks to NetGalley for the e-ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review! My review on Goodreads is already up and my TikTok (Zoe_Lipman) review will be up at the end of the month with my monthly wrap-up.

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A cute story told from a man's point of view
I loved how the author has shown how a man is human that has feelings too as we delved deeper into Conrads life and expectations.
Maeve is an excellent character too.
I.loved how this book has just the right amount of everything in it to keep me interested in the whole book. I finished it in two days it was so cute.
Written in In Verse style as well but still pretty good.
4 stars
Why 4 stars? I didn't really like the cover at all. First time in all my born days that i didnt like a cover on a book. Nor did I think the story go with the title except maybe just a teeny tiny bit.
My thanks for a copy of this book. I was NOT required to write a positive review of this book All opinions expressed are mine.

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5/5 Stars ⭐️

"Pit and Peach" by Anna Pollock is a refreshing breath of air in the romance genre, offering a story told from a man's point of view. Conrad, the main character, is the kind of guy you'll find yourself rooting for from start to finish—he's charming, relatable, and could easily become your next book boyfriend.

What makes this novel stand out is its blend of fun and angst, balanced perfectly to keep you engaged. It's the kind of story that makes you giggle and smile, and you might even find yourself kicking your feet in delight as you read. The plot is both cute and realistic, with the "pit and peach" idea playing a significant role throughout, adding depth and continuity to the narrative.

The romance is sweet, and while there's only one mild spice scene, it fits seamlessly into the story. The focus remains on the characters and their journey, and frankly, the book doesn't need any more spice to be thoroughly enjoyable.

I highly recommend "Pit and Peach" to anyone who loves a good romcom. It's a unique and delightful read that will leave you smiling long after you've turned the last page.

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I received this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

This was a cute book. I like/dislike the artsy peach and pit cover, which seems to not fit the plot inside.

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I really liked the storyline of this book. I also thought it was very unique of the author to use the POV from the male main character. I don’t think I have ever seen that done before. Originally I was a bit nervous that I wouldn’t like the book because of that, but the author did an amazing job.

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Pre-Read Review:
This story sounds like my kind of romance! I'm really looking forward to reading Pit and a Peach. The mix of self-discovery, healing, and new beginnings, all wrapped up in a charming narrative, has definitely caught my interest. I can't wait to see how Conrad's journey unfolds and how his new friendship sparks a transformation in his life. This book seems like it will be a delightful and heartfelt read.

Post Read Review:
"Pit and a Peach" is a charming, light-hearted read with a few standout elements. The dynamic between Conrad and Maeve adds a refreshing touch, though Conrad’s character can be hard to empathise with due to inconsistencies between his actions. The conversational style makes for an easy read but sometimes edges into cheesiness. Overall, it’s a fun, enjoyable romance with themes of family and relationships, ideal for a relaxed read.

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Thanks Netgalley for the ARC!

I almost DNFed this book about 40 pages in because the main character felt like such an irredeemable whiny twerp. There was a lit of condescension for his current relationship who's only personality trait seemed to be Annoying. His dry sarcasm and poor choices eventually grew on me a bit, but our FMC had a bit too much manic pixie dream girl in her. She's simultaneously sweet and cute and made of sunshine and conducting an emotional affair. I almost wish they didn't end up together but they deserve each other with their mess and chaotic relationship behavior. All whining said and done still rounded to 3 stars because I had fun hating them. This isn't a romcom it's a tale of some of the messiest unhappiest people you know finding love with each other. Also the references were SOOOO specific and will date this book to death in the future. Do we really think the negroni spagliato with prosecco meme is going to have lasting influence? My girl Chappell Roan did get a shout out though which I accept. Read this for fun and chaos! It's a pretty quick read after the first 50 pages.

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I loved how simple and at the same time, interesting this book seemed. I fell in love with the characters a few pages in and the story drew me in. All in all, it was a simple, enjoyable read that wasn't too long, the perfect beach read. I look forward to reading more stories like this :)

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Pit and a Peach by Anna Pollock is a compelling story of love and self-discovery. Initially, Conrad comes across as unlikeable, but as the story progresses and his layers are revealed, he becomes a deeply relatable character. I found myself gradually understanding and rooting for him, especially in his relationship with Maeve. The concept of "pit and a peach" effectively symbolizes the duality within each character, adding depth to their development. This novel is a heartfelt exploration of complex emotions, with moments that made me both laugh and cry.

Thanks to NetGalley and Braseberry Press for providing the ARC. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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