Member Reviews

Told with humility and grace, Karma and Kismet is a memoir, a biography, a slice of history, as well as a coming of age which is engaging, genuine, brutally honest and a wonderful look at spirituality, communities and the many people who grace life’s highways.
Born into a South Africa where apartheid was in full flourish, to parents who were damaged by the Second World War: his mother experiencing the horrific ‘Kristallnacht’ of Austria, his father drafted into the Army, serving in Europe, family life was lived on the edge, never knowing when his father, a man of unpredictable rages, was to lash out.
Dysfunctional in every aspect, Gary Fuchs’ family life was far from happy; brutal beatings by this father, domestic violence and a mother who simply could not cope, saw him being sent by his father to Oudthoorn Boys High at the age of 13 years, far from his home and family.
Many years later, living in Canada thanks to his Uncles who had a thriving business there, having learned many of life’s bitter lessons, he is still wondering who he is and where he fits into anything life, so far, has to offer.
University beckons and with that comes his first Hallucinogenic experience described in clear, almost poetic language. There seemed to be a deeper and wider understanding that perhaps there was a different pathway to follow and one that may hopefully, bring with it answers to so many of the questions he needed to answer.
Michael Shandler describes his life journey into a world of peace and prosperity with a very calm and rare compassion, as he set out on a vastly different life pathway than ever imagined. Moving into the Yogic trend prevalent during the 1960’s and 1970’s he become immersed in spirituality, travelling to India and then joining a remote community in Canada on Cortez Island.
These early steps saw him meet his future wife and her family who opened their home and heart to him, giving him a loving and accepting family. The birth of their daughters saw change once again, and the charm of living and being one of the organisers of several spiritual homes, centers and events bought with it a growing is disillusionment with the varying philosophies, personal agendas and Guru’s once admired.
Once again a pathway back to University was opened up which Shandler took, leading him into a world of stability and prosperity. He was present at the death of his father and can now look back over the years without regret or recrimination.
Karma and Kismet is recommended as an excellent memoir told in a very engaging manner.

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DNF at 33%

This book turned out to be quite different from what I anticipated. I expected it to be filled with inspiring messages, but instead, it mainly recounts the author's life story. I was looking forward to exploring various cultures and religions, but I found myself reading mostly about his school transitions and family challenges. Unfortunately, I don't think I'll be able to finish it.

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