Member Reviews

This book was a great mix of heists, thieving competition, slow burn rivals to lovers and betrayals.

This was a fun read that reminded me of something like Oceans 11. However, the main character Rosalyn has some major trust issues, but she is such a strong female character. The romance between Rosalyn and Devroe was cute. It had me smiling and I enjoyed that she played hard to get. I think this is a great YA action mystery with some amazing diverse characters.

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What can I say, simply amazing! I loved this book from the first page to the last. The premise drew me in but the writing kept me reading. If you enjoy heists and contests pick this one up. If you loved Six or Crows and Inheritance Games pick this one up. Can't wait to read book two to see what happens next!

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Ross Quest is a teenage thief who comes from a long line of thieves. It only makes sense that she would enter the Gambit to save her mother. Quest is competing against other teenagers in her line of work. Will she team up with anyone to win the contest? Will she go it on her own? No, I won't spoil it. This was a fun read, but I did find myself skimming in parts.

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**Thank you so much to NetGalley and the publishers for an ARC of this book in exchange for my honest thoughts! These opinions are entirely my own.**

I loved this book! I picked it up because it was compared to The Inheritance Games, and honestly, I think that's a great comparison. I loved the plot, the writing, the characters... It was awesome!

First off, this book is really clean. Not a lot of language, and basically no sexual stuff. That made me so happy as a reader!!

I also loved the plot. It was super engaging, and was fast-paced. It hooked me! There was a lot of tension between characters as well, which drove the plot forward.

Speaking of which, the characters also had me hooked! They all were written well and felt distinct. All of the banter had me laughing for hours! This was such a good book, and definitely one of my new favorites!

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The Quest’s are a family known for their generational coverage of thievery in North America. Ross Quest currently takes jobs with her Mother and when not on a job, they live together, with Ross’ Aunt, in the Bahamas.

Ross has been raised to trust no one that isn’t family. She has no friends and no extra curricular activities beyond the “tests” her Mother sets up for her.

She’s decided that during their next job that she will abandon her Mother and make a go at an overseas Gymnastics camp. However, the job goes awry - Ross makes it out and her Mother does not. The ransom demand is $1 billion.

Knowing she doesn’t have that kind of money (nor does anyone in the family), Ross does the only thing she can do - accept an invitation to join in The Gambit, a competition for thieves.

The winner gets “a wish” and a year’s worth of jobs from the organizer.

Can Ross stay alive and active in the multi-phased competition to save her family? What will she sacrifice to do it all?

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Thieves' Gambit is the start of Thieves' Gambit #1 by Kayvion Lewis and it was phenomenal!
This was super fun and addictive heist novel.
TG was one of the most engaging books I've read in a long.
A very creative YA mystery/adventure that had me glued to my Kindle.
This book has great characters. And the mystery kept me on my toes.

Thank You NetGalley and Nancy Paulsen Books for your generosity and gifting me a copy of this amazing eARC!

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This was a great premise and I enjoyed it, but it was slow until the last quarter. I’m not sure I will read the next one.

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This was such an incredible start of new YA thrilled series! I love heist novels, and this one did not let me down! I thoroughly enjoyed the narrative and found myself engrossed in it from beginning to end.

Ross, who was raised in a household of thieves, longs for an ordinary life and friends. But when her mother is kidnapped during an operation, Ross is determined to save her. The problem is that the kidnappers want $1 billion.
Ross therefore chooses to accept an invitation to the enigmatic and extremely risky Thieves' Gambit. With the biggest stakes in the game, Ross will be up against the greatest teenage thieves, but she is utterly dedicated to winning and rescuing her mother.

This was one that I really liked more than I expected! There is suspense, betrayal, creative scheming, and an unexpected romance, and I enjoyed following along and predicting what would happen before it was revealed. While I could have predicted some of the turns and twists, most of them definitely had me guessing!

I really enjoyed Ross, the main character, since she was wise and devoted, but she also questioned the counsel her mother had given her for a long time. I really liked the way the characters interacted with one another. Although they are still impressionable teenagers, they are aware that the individuals in their immediate environment are dishonest and will stop at nothing to win the tournament.

The ending gives you some answers but also leaves some things open for the next book and I can't wait to read the sequel!

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this is perfect for fans of the inheritance games! the plot was great! the romance, meh. very fast paced and action packed. the ending tho??? jaw dropping.

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3.5 stars but round up! This book is really fun!! At first I was nervous that it would be similar to other books on the market, but I do think it was refreshing! Lewis does a fantastic job setting the scene for the heists. I particularly loved when they were in the hotel. Some of the plot is very fast paced and glosses over a bit of the character development, but the last 100 pages are lovely. Really excited to read the sequel!

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I loved this book! It was all I needed at this moment. I liked the characters, it was interesting and I loved the writing style. Great book!

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*Actual rating 3.75 stars, rounding up to 4*

I am happy I was able to receive a digital copy of Book 1, Thieves’ Gambit, before reading my ARC of Book 2, Heist Royale. The first book ended on a bit of a cliffhanger, so I’m excited to see where the story goes next right away!

This was a pretty solid book, and I will definitely read the sequel! I got a little confused at the end, but I think it will be explained in book 2. Even though I knew to expect a betrayal, the depths to one of the betrayals still kind of surprised me. I wasn’t expecting that, so I’m looking forward to what other prizes are in store in the next book!

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I didn't expect to like this as much as I did. I read it way late but WOW, I wish I would have read it and experienced release day for it. I recommend everyone go in as blind as possible, like I did!

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The first 35% of this book I found really entertaining. I felt like I was on the edge of my seat, eager to see where it was headed. But as the story went on I was less and less intrigued. By the end, I was skimming.

Overall, I think it’s a decent YA read, but it won’t be a favorite of mine.

Thank you for the publisher for the gifted ebook

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If you're looking for an exciting, action-packed read, "Thieve's Gambit" by Kayvion Lewis is the perfect choice. I finished this book in just one day. The premise is as thrilling as it sounds: a group of young thieves compete in a high-stakes challenge to win a coveted year-long contract, all while navigating a labyrinth of twists and turns to save their loved ones.

The action is non-stop, with each heist more thrilling than the last. The sharp character banter adds a lively edge to the fast-paced plot. I especially appreciated the competition's focus on strategy and cunning rather than violence—something that feels like a breath of fresh air compared to other dystopian favorites. (Look, I love "The Hunger Games," but sometimes I don't need all the players to die, you know?!) Reading "Thieve's Gambit" felt like watching a heist movie where the stakes are high, but the tone is light and entertaining.

This was my first time reading Kayvion Lewis's work, and I have to say, I am a fan! The diverse cast of characters and the roller coaster of a plot kept me turning page after page. If you're looking for a thrilling adventure with heart and humor, "Thieve's Gambit" is a must-read!

Thank you to NetGalley and Penguin Group for an advanced reader's copy in exchange for an honest and thoughtful review.

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This was a fun read, but it did take some time to get into it. The beginning was just a little slow. However, it was written very well, the characters were engaging, and heist stories are always a good time.

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I'm not always the biggest fan for YA books but this was pretty good. The entire concept of the competition was really interesting and engaging. The ending was so so so good. I really enjoyed this and cannot wait for the second book!!!! Please there be one.

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(Thanks to Nancy Paulsen Books for providing an eARC to review.)

2.5/5 stars
I stopped reading this at the 57% mark. It started off with a good premise, but it felt dragged out after the first mission; they'd just scoped out the area for the second mission at where I stopped. The main character felt bland and the other characters weren't any better. I didn't feel compelled to read more.

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Wow….just wow

Best book this year.

Couldn’t put it down and am reading the next book as soon as it comes out

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This book had a lot of action and drama but I feel like the romance didn't work there wasn't any feeling of attraction between the main characters besides physical so some of the decisions they made didn't make sense. I did love the action in the trials but some of them were more detailed than others which left me wanting for some I'm hoping some of my issues with the book will be worked out better and the next in the series so I will continue with at least one more book to see if maybe some of what I'm having an issue with is explained. I did enjoy the action parts though and felt I connected with a lot of Ross's emotional journey.

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