Member Reviews

Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for this e-ARC!
3.5 stars rounded down

So, I got this as an ARC, which I don't understand since the book had been published for a bit prior to me getting it, but whatever? XD

This is a really fun thieving adventure! I can't say the cast was super fleshed out, but they were enjoyable to read about. Each of the various trials were fresh from the other and fun to see the solutions and opponent/teammate interactions.

Not all the twists and betrayals really hit home for me. Some were well set up, but others I felt less invested in. It may fall under the fact one was less set up and more just us constantly being told there was a gut instinct about the thing.

Still fun. Still plan to read the sequel. Still recommend for those who like these type of books. There was just nothing that really made me fired up about this book vs others, you know?

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I really enjoyed this story!!! It was very entertaining and action packed!!! I cannot wait to read the next book and learn more about Ross and Devroe!

I really enjoyed watching Ross (Rosalyn) grow throughout this book! It was a wild ride! My heart actually broke for her in some places. I cannot wait to see what happens with her in the next book!

Devroe is a great character as well. I cannot wait to see what happens between him and Ross in the next book!

The next book is going to be another wild ride and I cannot wait to get on it!!!

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3.25 stars!

Thieves' Gambit follows Ross Quest, a thief who comes from the infamous Quest thieving family, as she enters a thieving competition called The Gambit. So much is at stake: can she trust any of her contestants? How far is she willing to go to win? How will she cope with her ex-friend being in the competition with her?

What I Liked:
- I thought it was fun to be in Ross' head as she tried to figure out her next moves and I liked how some of the skills brought up in the beginning came back to help her
- I love reading more YA thrillers with Black protagonists!
- The ideas of the heists were super interesting

What Didn't Quite Work for Me:
- There was a lot of telling rather than showing. I wish this had unfolded more like a heist movie where we see the heist play out and then the explanation came later
- Sometimes characters were just so infuriating with their decisions and they really made no sense
- The romance didn't really work for me (I'm finding this is common in YA thrillers except AGGTM) and I didn't really get why Ross liked him except that he was cute
- I also didn't really care about any of the side characters
- There's a lot of unanswered questions? But I'm going to attribute most of that to this being a series

I surprisingly did not see the final twists coming, and I think this sets the book up for a very fun sequel that I will definitely be reading.

Thank you to Netgalley and Nancy Paulsen Books for an ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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If you love a good heist with a character who has MAJOR trust issues, a charming, flirty, well dressed love interest, and a challenging game, then you should read this book.

This book started off in a way that drew you in and made you want to keep on reading. This book did end up having so much going on right at the end it was almost hard to follow. There were several twists, one of which I did figure out before the end and one I did not. Overall I'm going to give this book 4/5 stars.

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The Inheritance Games meets Ocean’s Eleven . . .

With a tagline like that, it was difficult not to develop even the slightest bit of interest in what might unfold within the pages of “Thieves’ Gambit”. And, overall, the book was quite enjoyable, save for a few shortcomings that didn’t resonate with me specifically. Even with that in mind, however, I do eagerly anticipate picking up the second one.

The overall plot idea is this: Rosalyn “Ross” Quest was raised by a legendary thief in a family of thieves. With aspirations of escaping the thief lifestyle, if only for a little bit, her plans are ultimately dashed when her mother is kidnapped and Ross is expected to participate in the World’s Greatest Thieving competition in order to save her. In doing so, she finds her archnemesis, which as you might expect, also opens the avenue to a solid, plot-focused enemies-to-lovers scenario.

Kayvion Lewis manages to stay focused with the plot on the foreground throughout the majority of the book. The romance between Ross and Devroe was, to me, understated for most of the reading time, and thus would have likely benefitted from not being included at all. The whisperings, however, of an enemies-to-lover trope are too bold for many to pass up.

This book, by and large, is fast-paced and gripping cover to cover. Highly comparable to other heist-based stories like the Six of Crows, or as the tagline itself indicates, Ocean’s Eleven. It is precisely this fast-paced storytelling that makes devouring the novel so easy.

Rosalyn’s own development is tantamount throughout the book, as she establishes herself further as a bona fide thief and further cements her own prowess within the field she so desperately wanted to shy away from at the start.

Where the book lost me, to a degree, however, was the general structure of telling rather than showing. Throughout a sizable chunk of the book, it felt as if the words were intended to explain, rather than contribute to the mental image of Ross and her tribulations. This, to a degree, was a downfall for the book – but did not many it any less enjoyable, despite the disappointment that may have arose with the consistent tone.

Moreover, the characterization of several key players took a bit to play out and by the time we really got a feel for who they were, what their motivations were and how they might play into the greater tapestry of the story, the book was rapidly coming to a close. This is something that I hope to see remedied in the second novel, as we continue alongside Ross and her journey.

As many have already shared, the book is rather bingeable, and is rife with twists and turns, some anticipated and easy to read, others entirely shocking and less so.

I would be remiss to give accolades where accolades are due as Kayvion Lewis has surely laid the groundwork for what I hope to be a satisfying and gripping reading experience throughout as we continue the saga of the Thieves’ Gambit.

Many thanks to #NetGalley, Kayvion Lewis and Penguin Young Readers Group for providing me with a copy of #ThievesGambit in exchange for my honest thoughts and feedback.


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3.5! Very reminiscent of a watered down Jennifer Lynn Barnes book. I liked the diverse cast, although none of the characters were very complex / flushed out. The heist action parts of the novel were exciting and fast-paced, although the "romance" aspect was extremely lacking. However, this book set the stage for future books and I am looking forward to reading the second book!

Thank you to Penguin Random House and NetGalley for giving me an eArc!

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WOW!!! This was a lot of fun. I had a little bit of a problem keeping my characters straight at the beginning. Mainly because the names are different. But once the characters developed a bit more, I could keep them straight. Lots of intrigue, a whole lot of back stabbing and well, A whole lot of stealing. Pure fun.

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Thieves’ Gambit
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ / Pages: 380 / Genre: YA Thriller

Ross Quest is a 17-year-old master thief born into the biz. So, of course she gets invited to compete in the Thieves’ Gambit—a competition of dangerous heists among the best young thieves in the world. And the grand prize is a wish for anything. So when Ross’ mother gets kidnapped on a job and the ransom is $1 billion, Ross is more determined to win than ever.

I am not a fan of YA literature but I loved the premise of this story. The heists were all so suspenseful and thrilling. And thankfully, the young characters were all interesting and serious about their craft so they were not a bunch of whiny immature brats, which is why I don’t usually read YA. Ross, in particular, was innocent in the ways of the world outside of her family, but had enough heart and courage to always do the right thing and figure things out on her own. I’m really looking forward to the second book in this series due out in November.

Thank you, @NetGalley, @PenguinTeen, and @KayvionCLewis for my gifted copy.

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The main character is relatable and likable, if not very complex. The heist action is exciting and fast-paced, and the romance is teasing.

A lot of the world and details of "the organization" are murky and unknown. That's not surprising since the story is told first-person and a lot of that is unknown to her, but it still feels like we're feeling around in the dark.

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Ich hatte wirklich hohe Erwartungen an das Buch, weil ich Oceans Eight richtig gerne mochte und das Buch mit dem Film verglichen wurde. Leider war ich beim Lesen größtenteils gelangweilt und die Plottwists wurden immer ganz schnell abgehandelt, während der Rest super lang beschrieben wurde. Ich habe die Lovestory nicht wirklich gefühlt und finde, dass der Enemies-to-Lovers Trope fälschlicherweise genutzt wurde, um das Buch zu vermarkten. Leider keine Empfehlung von mir.

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Kayvion Lewis is such a bright voice, capturing the heist genre at its peak in Thieves' Gambit. The motley crew assembled for this gambit is sure to keep readers on their toes -- and coming back for more this fall to read on in Heist Royale.

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In Thieves' Gambit, Kayvion Lewis crafts a gripping, high-stakes adventure that perfectly melds the cunning of The Inheritance Games with the thrilling heists of Ocean’s Eleven. The result is a cinematic and heart-pounding novel that keeps readers on the edge of their seats.

Ross Quest, a seventeen-year-old master thief, finds herself thrust into a deadly competition where the stakes couldn’t be higher—her mother's life. The Thieves’ Gambit, a series of perilous international heists, promises the ultimate reward: a wish for anything in the world. For Ross, this wish is her only chance to save her mother.

From the start, Ross's journey is fraught with tension and unexpected turns. Lewis deftly builds a world where trust is a rare commodity, and alliances are as fleeting as the wind. The competition is fierce, with opponents ranging from her childhood nemesis to a charming contender who threatens to steal more than just the prize.

Ross’s character is compelling and multi-dimensional. Her internal struggle between adhering to her family’s creed—trust no one whose last name isn’t Quest—and the necessity to form alliances is portrayed with nuance and emotional depth. The addition of a possible romance adds another layer of complexity to the narrative, keeping readers guessing about her true intentions and the loyalties of those around her.

The novel’s pacing is brisk, with each heist escalating in danger and complexity. Lewis’s writing shines in these action-packed sequences, painting vivid scenes that are both thrilling and strategically intricate. The international settings add a layer of glamour and variety, enhancing the cinematic feel of the story.

While Thieves' Gambit excels in its suspense and character dynamics, there are moments where the plot’s complexity can be a bit overwhelming. Some of the secondary characters could have benefitted from more development, as their motivations occasionally feel underexplored.

Overall, Thieves' Gambit is a riveting read that combines clever twists, high-octane action, and emotional stakes. Kayvion Lewis delivers a heist thriller that is both entertaining and thought-provoking, making it a standout in the genre. Fans of intricate plots and dynamic characters will find much to enjoy in this adventurous tale.

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It's not necessarily a bad book tbh, it just failed to grip me and I felt as if there were more parts where I had problems than parts where I enjoyed it.

What I liked:
• I liked the idea of the book and how it was set and up + how the plot twists and ending complemented it. I feel like the author set up one twist to be a little predictable so the other wasn't and she nailed that part 😭 because I was shooketh.

• The whole heist had me intrigued and I liked how it made the book more action packed, with a better style and better execution this part alone could've made the book worth 4 stars at least because I enjoyed them quite a bit.

• The characters ( part of both things I liked and disliked) I started to get fond of them by the end and I really started liking them and was growing fond of them but that doesn't negate the 70% where I felt no attachment to them.

What I disliked:
•More telling, less showing. This books fast paced nature didn't complement this style at all and I often felt bored. It was quick to get through but not that fun to get by?? It was boring at times and I just wanted thing to be shown more.

• The romance was so dry?? So boring. I'm glad that it wasn't really a big focus because it would've been horrendous because we literally get attached to the characters after spending such a long portion of the book so the romance just didn't hit.

• Some of the parts in this book ame off as way too predictable for a mystery/thriller.

• The characters took such a long time to grow fond off that by the time I finally did grow fond, the book had ended.

Overall, not the best mystery/thriller book but I am intrigued to see how things resolved in book 2!!

*Thank you to penguin random house for giving me an arc*

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Quite unpredictable and original. There's echo of some best selllers but it's a fast paced and action packed that find it's way and kept me reading.
Some romance, a contest, well developed characters
Many thanks to the publisher for this ARC, all opinions are mine

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A delightful mashup of the Inheritance Games, Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library, and Starter Villian for those of you keeping score. Ross Quest is part of an elite global syndicate of thief royalty. When her mother's last mission goes awry, she enters the Thieves' Gambit, a global competition of thievery, to save her from karma's fingers. Non-stop action and spicy teenage melodrama are packed into each page of what is sure to be a new and successful series.

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Rating: 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌓
Genre: 🔪 Thriller
Sub-Genre: YA
Violence: 🔪
Spice: 🔥

Synopsis: Rosalyn “Ross” Quest made a selfish choice—maybe for the first time in her life—and her mom paid the price. To save her, Ross must win the Thieves’ Gambit. All she has to do is beat 8 other players in 3 phases of increasingly complex trials. It’s bad enough she’s competing against her childhood nemesis. But one of her competitors is a swoon-worthy Brit determined to charm her. And boy do these two have chemistry. As play continues, Ross begins to suspect “the organization” hosting the competition is shady, and that’s coming from a career criminal.

Thoughts: If you like inventive heist scenarios, great character development, and a slow-burn romance, you will love this fun, fast-paced read. The book reads in part like a primer on thieving. Whether any of it is accurate or not—don’t worry, I don’t plan to field test, asking for a friend—the well-thought-out methodology Lewis sprinkles through the narrative gives Ross’s expertise verisimilitude and manufacturers obstacles for the cast of characters to overcome. Ross’s cunning and aptitude for revising strategy on the fly, along with a good heart and a moral center, make her a MC you root for from the beginning. And while winning never seemed a simple proposition, I definitely didn’t see the final twist coming.

Thank you to @PenguinTeen and @netgalley for the #gifted copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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This was such a fun read. I love me some mystery and riddle solving. Not being able to trust anyone kept me on the edge of my seat. The different characters and how some of them are connected through their past made this a lot more interesting! Also the stakes were high in the beginning but the development of friendships and relationships really upped the game.
The story was kinda slow towards the middle and the ending was rushed but it kept me interested and I definitely want to pick up the sequel because there are so many unanswered questions!

Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for this arc!

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I loved the inheritance games and when I heard this one gave off similar vibes I was so pumped!

This follows the story of Ross, a teenage thiever, who gets invited to participate in the Gambit Games. These games are for the top young thieves in the world to prove they are the best and if you win you get a wish. When Ross gets put into a situation where her mom’s life is at risk she decides to enter the games to save her mom with her wish.I loved the chapters where they were in the different phases of the game but I was honestly so confused by the ending so it fell flat for me. Overall quick easy young adult read

Thank you to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for an ARC. Book was released 4/9/2024!

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I just loved getting to enter this world. I just loved getting to meet these characters and see what they are currently getting themselves into. This book was just a really fun read. I just lost myself in this great story and I didn’t want to put it down. I can’t wait to see what happens next.

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The Thieves’ Gambit was a fun read. Ross Quest is the sole daughter of a thieving family. When her mother is kidnapped in the middle of an operation, Ross is determined to come to her rescue. The problem is the kidnappers are demanding $1 billion.

So Ross decides to accept an invitation to the mystery and worryingly dangerous Thieves’ Gambit. Ross will be competing with the best teenage thieves in the game with the highest stakes, but is absolutely committed to winning and saving her mother.

There’s some wild competition, danger, a hint of romance and a diverse set of characters. The book moves quickly and easy reading. The ending is a big cliffhanger, encouraging the reader to move on to book 2 of the series.

Recommended. Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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