Member Reviews

Liked it. It really did remind me of the inheritance games. I will have to ask my daughter to also check it out… thank you for giving me the opportunity to read it.

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This was a fun read.
Rosalyn is a 17 year old girl raised by her mother who also,happens to be a well known thief along with other members of her family.
She wants to escape this life and just be a normal teenage girl,she has it all planned out! But, unfortunately her mother is kidnapped and Rosalyn’s life is turned upside down. She must now compete with other thieves in the thieves gambit,so she can rescue her mom.
It was fast paced and definitely a fun ride. I enjoyed the romance and plot twist.
It was hard at times to keep up with all the different characters.
Also, at times I was unclear about the different relationships among the characters.
But,overall it kept me trying to figure out what was really going on and there were parts that I figured out but I’m an adult reader and I’m not sure if a younger reader would catch on to what was really going on.
I enjoyed how enemies became friends and they learned to work together when needed.
I’m definitely reading the next book as I need to know what happens to Rosalyn (Ross) and Devroe because the ending in this one made me want more!
4 star read for me and thanks Net Galley for loaning me the book for free!

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This was an incredible start to a new YA thrilled series!
Ross Quest was raised with one rule: You can only trust family. When Ross is thrust into a dangerous competition to save her mother's life, she has to decide if she's willing to break that rule in order to win.
I recommend this for:
• Fans of a Good Girl's Guide to Murder and also Portrait of a Thief
Readers looking for a thriller with just a
*dash* of romance
* Fans of books set in multiple, exciting locations

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Heist plots are my absolute favorite, but it’s so hard to get the balance right. The right amount of tension and action and detail without losing the reader and weighing down the plot. Lots of twists and turns make this just so much fun! One of my favorite books this year. This novel held my attention with its fast pace

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This book had a lot of problems, but despite that I found myself enjoying it immensely. I loved that it was fast paced, it had a smaller cast of characters to leave room for their development, and constant travelling around the world really helped keep up the pace.

A surprising highlight of this story was the rivalry between Rosalyn and Noelia, and how that developed over the story. I liked that they had history, used to be friends and became rivals, and what happens when they finally get a moment to discuss what happened to break the friendship.

There was a sizeable plot hole that I'm not sure was answered at the end of this book, so this will need a re-read before the sequel to work out if I'm wrong. However the twists at the end really did surprise me, and made me excited to see what would happen next.

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This book had a great plot and was entertaining. It did feel slightly unpolished but not enough for me to not enjoy the book. I am looking forward to book 2

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Rosalyn "Ross" Quest is a seventeen-year-old master thief, who wanted nothing more than to go to school and be an ordinary teenager. Her plans to run away from home are foiled when she is invited to join a high-stakes thieving competition, and her mother gets kidnapped. Accepting the invitation to the competition is the only way to save her mother: the kidnappers want a billion dollars, and if she wins the competition, she can give them just that.

I enjoyed this one way more than I thought I was going to! I loved the rivalry and the high stakes that the premise of the story created. It is super fast paced, with creative, competitive teenagers taking the reins. I enjoyed the character dynamics as well; they're teenagers who aren't completely jaded with life, but know that the people they're surrounded by are deceptive and want to win the competition at any cost.

Some plot points require you to buy-in to the story it's trying to tell, and require a bit of suspension of belief on occasions. There are so many plot twists revealed at the end that you need to keep up with, but most make sense if you were paying attention.

Thank you for an advanced copy of this one! All opinions are my own.

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A Quest can only trust another Quest...right?
I loved this book. The representation, the tension, the drama, the romance! I enjoyed every moment of this fast-paced, high-interest read. I recommended it to students this past year, and I added it to a list of summer reading choice book reads presented to our district. I am so excited to hear what students thought of it. There is a second book coming out in the fall in this series, and since Thieves' Gambit ends on a thrilling cliffhanger, I cannot wait to read the next installment.

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This definitely scratched the itch for a Jennifer Lynn Barnes and Six of Crows-esque action heist novel.

Although some plot points were predictable, overall the novel was able to keep things interesting and fresh. I loved the rivalry between Rosalyn and Noelia, and although she acted super unhinged, the romance between Rosalyn and Devroe was very intriguing.

My only complaint is that the pacing felt a bit off - I think developing Rosalyn's relationship with her mother at the start of the novel would've really helped me feel more connected with her motivations.

I definitely think this book will look so good on the big screen and that they'll be able to smooth out the kinks. It was super bingeable and a very easy, fun read. I'm super excited for book 2 & the potential movie adaption!!

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The only life that Ross and her family has ever known is the world of thievery, trained from a young age to commit professional heists, she desires to live a normal life but her mom stands in the way of it. When a heist goes wrong, Ross enters a competition, thieves’ gambit, to save her family. Ross finds along the way that her family’s ways aren’t always the best ways and never trust a thief applies to her family as well. This story was action-packed and engaging throughout, ready for book two!

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This book hooked me right away. A teenage thief who wants to get away from her family to be a normal teenager? A will they or won’t they relationship? Will they betray each other or stay loyal? This book has all of that. I cannot wait for the second installment as I read this one in a day!

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