Member Reviews

this is the first graphic novel i've read after so many years and it was an experience to say the least!! this definitely made me want to rewatch the show as well as the movies!! younger mali would have been flabbergasted if she found out that she got to review this prior to its launch, so thank you to 'Mad Cave Studios' for providing me with this eARC for review consideration!! Winx club was MY STUFF when I was younger. July 30th which is when 'Fate: The Winx Saga. Vol 1' will be published!!

musa and riven have always been my favourite couple and it is spectacular to see that the playful banter and personality are still there. also, i am confirming that Riven has had MAJOR character development since the animated show!! he has gone from being red flag-coded to a walking neon green flag!! he's extremely supportive and sweet to musa (still in riven style of course and the banter between them both had me smiling and kept me on my toes!! on the topic of couples, we all know that the 'it couple' HAS been sky and bloom which is what you can more or less expect to find here - sometimes the dynamics of their relationship had me puzzled slightly. i think a lot of people, me included were confused reading this graphic novel, at times i had no idea what was happening

i will say the plot fast paced. it does feel like you're jumping between the different scenes and i would have enjoyed seeing a few more filler scenes at the beginning and instead build up to the action instead of starting in the action.
the second half of the graphic novel was more interesting, i simply could not stop reading!! there is a cliffhanger at the end which makes me super curious as to what will occur in the next volume!!

I do recommend you watch 'Fate: The Winx Saga', which you can find on netflix. 'Fate: The Winx Saga. Vol 1' takes place after the two seasons from the show, so if you liked the show you’ll enjoy this too <33 my expectation going into this was thinking that it would be 'magical' and similar to the animated show but i was surprised to find that it was not really fairy related & i enjoyed the illustrations much more than the plot, some of them were BEAUTIFUL!! the one's of bloom towards the end had me obsesseddd

*All opinions are my own <33

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First of all, I want to thank you, NetGalley for offering me the opportunity to read the novel before its release.

After the cancellation of the two-season Netflix' series Fate: The Winx Saga, I was very saddened because of the potential the series had and the set of cliffhangers it leaves unresolved.

I was very glad that the series was able to continue in graphic novel format, so it could be put to an end. After having read the first volume, it is not only worth noting that it is a continuation, but also a redirection of the saga, leaving aside some elements of the original series, thus making changes that in some ways, are quite surprising, but not to my taste. In my opinion, they make the original plot meaningless and I think it's a bit easy to feel disoriented or lost at the beginning.

As for the character development, I think it happens too fast and not at the right pace. I feel that they are not given enough time to grow and explore, so it makes it a bit complicated to feel affinity or build a relationship towards them. This is personal, so it is different for everyone.

The art style is better than expected, as it has more detail than the cover, and I think I understand the choice of this for the graphic novel.

In conclusion, I think the plot has potential, but from my perspective, it hasn't been handled in the best way and doesn't match Fate The Winx Saga well enough, especially after the second season.

It's true I am interested in the path the novel is going to take, so I look forward to reading the next part.

Thank you very much.

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This was so cute!! I haven’t read the actual books yet but I loved the tv show (so sad it was cancelled) but I absolutely adored this graphic novel!!

I’m hoping there will be more!!

I loved the story and all of the illustrations were beautifully done!!

Thank you so much!

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"Fate: The Winx Saga" is a solid continuation of the cancelled Netflix series, with great writing and graphics. I do think the book would have benefited from some sort of summary or flashback to catch readers up that are new to the series. There were some new plot points that didn't quite make sense, even with viewing the Netflix series first. Since this is the first volume of the series, it's possible those holes will be filled in during later volumes. However, for someone brand new to the Winx universe, this book would be confusing.

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While I enjoyed the art of this graphic I felt like that was super short and the story was very rushed. I am not sure what the connection or next part would be but it left me wishing there was a “conclusion” to the story.

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Thank you, NetGalley for an advanced ARC of this graphic novel

This was a fast-paced fun read and I got engrossed in the story. Read in one sitting and I look forward to reading more and seeing what happens.... I got upset with two characters getting hurt and I hope in the next volume we find them OK, I built a connection to some of the characters

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I grew up watching the Winx show. I haven't seen the Netflix revival, but I didn't need much explanation for what was happening. The art was really cool! I loved the use of color and how the characters were designed. However, I felt that this book could've been longer. The plot was rushed. The characters each needed their own space to shine. And the drama kind of felt forced.

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This volume had gorgeous illustrations and an exciting plot to follow. I will be waiting for volume 2 to continue reading.

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The graphic novel left me speechless, but in a bad way. I didn't know what to say or think when I finished the novel.

When the graphic novel was announced, it was said that it was going to be a continuation of Fate The Winx Saga, a canceled two-season series, and that the plot was going to pick up where the second season ended. That never happened. To continue a series is to continue without inconsistencies and inconsistencies with the product you are continuing. That doesn't happen in this novel, because there are several inconsistencies that make no sense and are not understood. It is true that the continuation is written by someone who was not part of the production team of the series, but that does not justify the inconsistencies, because anyone with a minimum of writing intelligence would have written it without inconsistencies in the plot. This graphic novel creates too many plot holes, perhaps due to the author's misunderstanding of certain aspects of the series, or too little research. Research that should have been very necessary, like watching Winx Club, the original series.

The second season ended with three cliffhangers, none of them being the couples. Those three cliffhangers were Bloom and her mother, Beatrix and her sisters Isobel and D'arcy (Icy and Darcy in the original series), and Flora and her powers. Bloom's cliffhanger was only partly dealt with... but that whole plot is so incoherent that it's almost as if it wasn't dealt with either.

Beatrix's sisters are named Isobel and D'Arcy, this is made very clear in the second season. The showrunner of the series and the creator of the animated series himself made it clear that they were going to be in the third season. There is no justification for Isobel and D'Arcy not appearing in the first volume. Because it's no longer that they don't appear, it's that they're not mentioned. I'm very disappointed by this, and I'm not the only one, because all the fans are or will be disappointed by this... and by the senseless change that has been made.
Rainbow may not have allowed the characters to be used (as is the case with Tecna), but even so, it could have been written much better and not done the nonsense that was done. Beatrix could simply be with Bloom and her mother with no family relationship, and she could mention her two sisters. It is also possible that Beatrix is cheating on Bloom and her mother, but it would have had to be written better for the cheating to be inferred, with again, having a character mention Beatrix's sisters, for example, Stella.
Stella's plot in this novel is awful. This is something I will criticize later. Stella's plot in what would have been the third season was simply to look for Beatrix's sisters. It was very easy to guess that. That never happens.
I hope that for the second volume this is correct, and that the publisher listens to the fans.

The third unaddressed cliffhanger is Flora's powers. Flora is nothing more than a secondary character who is just there, without doing much. All the limelight is given to the boring character of Terra, when it shouldn't be the case. Flora suffered from whitewhasing in Fate The Winx Saga, they hired a white actress, but changed the name to Terra to avoid criticism, criticism that in the end there was. The graphic novels would have been a perfect opportunity to give prominence to characters like Flora, but that was not the case. It seems that the Terra/Kat thing was thought to be a cliffhanger, when it wasn't. In my opinion that felt more like a cliffhanger than a cliffhanger. The plot gets too distracted by this couple, when they should have been a very minor thing, and take advantage of the panels for characters like Flora.

If they wanted to do a redirect and ignore the cliffhangers, they should have sold the graphic novel in a different way, and not as a sequel. Because doing this is cheating the fans. Fans had expectations that certain themes would be addressed. The publisher was very wrong in its approach.

Generally speaking, the plot of the graphic novel feels very rushed, it dwells too much on things and doesn't explain enough. More pages are needed.

The whole graphic novel is about Bloom, and as much as she is the main character it shouldn't be. The characters don't shine on their own, they all depend on Bloom. Absolutely everything is Bloom. The characters could have had plots of their own not connected to Bloom. Bloom being the main character is no excuse for everything to be about her. Stella's plot should have been her own, rebelling against her mother and proving she can be a great ruler. Stella was transformed at the end of season two, let her have her moment to shine. And the other characters too, let them have their plot without relying on Bloom. Aisha, Flora and Sky deserve much more. There are so many wasted opportunities that would have made the graphic novel better.
As for Musa, with a certain plot-twist in the graphic novel, there is zero justification for not fixing the whitewhasing he suffered in the series.

In closing, I just want to say that I am very disappointed. One reviewer said that this felt like a fanfic, rather than an actual plot. And that's true, it feels more like a fanfic that's done for fun. The tone of the series doesn't even feel

The art is gorgeous, no criticism, the only thing salvageable. Only criticism is the whitewashing.

I hope it improves for the second volume, and the fans are heard.

Thanks to Netgalley and the editor for ARC for an honest review.

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I enjoyed the art style of this book, even though it didin't match the Winx aesthetic I was expecting. The characters also didn't seem to follow the personalities and the decision-making of the Netflix series. I thought the pacing of this story was also very strange. Parts felt rushed and others felt quite drawn out for little reason. The perspective changed very abruptly throughout the story, interrupting plot points and switching to another character's storyline randomly. It felt very clunky and probably should've been in two parts to allow for a deeper exploration of each character's story and development.

Overall, I thought this story had promise, but the execution was rushed and confusing.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an advanced copy of this story!

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Thank you so much to Netgalley for a copy of this comic in exchange for an honest review.

This was one of the first comic's I have reviewed for NG and I have to say it will probably be my last. The formatting of the ARC led to a really annoying reading experience and while the story was ok the artwork was nothing to write home about and the story line was not easily followed.

I'm glad I tried it but I will not continue with this series or any other comic.

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3 stars!

I grew up loving the Winx cartoon, and I also watched the Netflix show so I was so excited to see this continuation. I think my biggest con was that I kinda needed a recap to remind me what happened when the show ended, but I thought the art style was really pretty, the story was fun, and I would be interested in continuing the series!

Thank you to Netgalley and Mad Cave Studios for an ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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Disclaimer: I requested and received an ARC of this graphic novel from Net Galley. I'm Leaving this review voluntarily.

I grew up watching "Winx Club" so I was so excited when I saw this graphic novel. I will be honest I didn't read the description I saw "Winx" and jumped at it. (I would have requested it regardless because the description just made me want to read it more.) However, according to the description this graphic novel is "a continuation of the hit Netflix series". I didn't watch the Netflix series.

So, while reading Fate: The Winx Saga Vol.1-Dark Destiny by Olivia Cuartero-Briggs I did, at first, feel like I had been dropped into the middle of something. It felt like I had missed a lot. But the author does an amazing job of using context clues and conversations to fill those blanks. Which is to say I don't think you need to watch the show to enjoy this graphic novel. Especially if you, like me, grew up on Winx and are a bit familiar with the world. However, this graphic novel (because I can't speak for the show) gave us something the original Winx never did. Diversity. There are so many different body types and skin tones. But there is also queer characters!

There is so much to love about Fate: The Winx Saga Vol.1-Dark Destiny. For example: That ending!? I need volume two now. I have to know what happens next. There is so much I want to say but can't because I can't pick what to say first, and its all spoilery. I so badly want to freak out about this book with somebody. I can't wait for it to be released on July 30th, 2024. I want someone to scream about it with me. If you and a friend loved "Winx Club" as kids or watched the Netflix series you should buddy read this graphic novel. Because books are better with friends who will scream about them with you.

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I did not know how much i needed this, but this is the perfect continuation of the netflix series. I am somehow even more impressed with this storyline than i was with the second season of the show. It is really awesome and i cannot wait to see more. The illustrations are really good too, you can see theyre someones own style but you also immediately recognize the characters. Absolutely awesome!

Thank you to netgalley and the author for sending me the book in exchange for an honest review

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I’m being generous with this rating as I loved the show but this was way too rushed and didn’t really capture the magic of the series. I appreciate we are Gerri g some closure for this story since the series was cancelled but I just wished this had been more fleshed out. The art was pretty and it was semi enjoyable but still too much going on with not much background info for new readers.

Thanks to NetGalley and Mad Cave Studios for granting me access in exchange for an honest review.

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This was the first time I consumed any Winx content ever, so I had no background knowledge of who those people were and as to what was going on at all before starting the book. To be honest, I felt like I was missing a lot of necessary info about the characters, politics, events etc. that the story was dealing with.
I did like the art style though, so I might still consider continuing this series.

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This was a fun read, I really enjoyed the TV show, so I really enjoyed this story it gives more information on Bloom that we didn't learn, and it was an interesting story all together can't wait for the next one to come out.

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I was underwhelmed by this. The graphics were okay but the story felt more like fanfiction for the show than an actual plot. If you're someone who really loved the show and are desperate for a continuation, maybe you'd like this, however, I found it boring.

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**Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the ARC.**

As a fan of the Netflix show, I really enjoyed this! The dialogue felt so close to the show I could believe this was an adaptation of a script from the show's writers. After the cliffhanger ending of the show it was awesome to be able to read this and feel like I was getting the same story, even with the change in medium. Hope we get more of these.

Biggest downside for me is the art. It's good art, I quite like it, but the style just doesn't really fit the vibe of the show, IMO. But the style I'm thinking of would be a lot more time-consuming so I understand. And it was easy to get used to.

But yeah, if you enjoyed the TV show I absolutely recommend reading this.

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FINALLY - We Know What Comes NEXT!!

Picking up after the end of the Netflix show and a little bit of a time jump, Fate: The Winx Saga Vol. 1 gives readers (and watchers) exactly what they need, the next part of the story. Things have slowly but surely become more routine in Alfea and students are settling back into the routine with familiar faces helping guide that process.

I think picking this up and reading it, felt so familiar and comfortable. It gives readers a dose of their favorite characters, even though the time jump ensures there is PLENTY to catch up on. Bloom is off on her adventure in another realm with her mother and she is still in the process of finding herself with her family. The rest of the Winx faeries are keeping the Alfea safe. The threats against the fae continue though this time the threat is especially feral. However, things start to converge and when Bloom is needed back at Alfea, it starts to take off.

I think this will be a great start to a fun new series, and I will be following this as it comes out!

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