Member Reviews

I was absolutely shocked when Netflix cancelled this show but this graphic novel is the perfect way to continue the series! It captures the heart of the series and gives the fans to some answers from that cliff hanger

Loved it!

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This was totally awesome! I was really bummed when the series got cancelled, so getting any sort of continuation was a huge relief and super exciting.

The plot is super engaging and a ton of fun. The story flows so smoothly that it felt like I was watching an episode of the show. I love graphic novels, but usually, the pacing can be a bit off. Here, though, it was just perfect.

The characters are spot-on and so fun to follow. I especially loved seeing the development between Musa and Riven. Their interactions were great and added so much to the story.

The artwork is beautiful. At first, I kinda wished it looked more like the animated show, but then I realized it actually fits the live-action show perfectly, which was a nice surprise.

One thing I thought would’ve been cool is a short recap of the show at the beginning. It would have been helpful for anyone who might not remember all the details or who’s new to the series.

The action at the end was awesome, and the cliffhanger left me wanting more. I can’t wait for the next volume!

Overall, this graphic novel was a great way to keep the series going. It captured the spirit of the show and gave us a fresh, fun story. I’m already looking forward to the next one and can’t wait to dive back into this world.

*Thank you to NetGalley, Olivia Cuartero-Briggs, Mad Cave Studios and Maverick, for providing the opportunity to read this eARC in exchange for a review, but all thoughts are my own*

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As a child I watched Winx growing up and as a teenager the live action came out so getting to read this was nostalgic even if it wasnt the original Winx! I really enjoyed watching Fated and I enjoyed the graphic novel that picks up where the show left off even more! I loved getting to see the characters grow even more and see all the things we would never had gotten to see had this not been written!

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So I wasn't really a big fan of the art style, like at all. Also, I do realize this is like manga/comic type but the plot felt really rushed especially if this is going to be a series. Other than that though, it's a cool continuation of the Fate series

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This is my short review of Dark Destiny Vol 1:

I was disappointed with this volume for several reasons:

-Some characters unfortunately regressed in their development compared to what was established at the end of Fate season 2, which unfortunately can't be dissociated from this comic as it's supposed to be a direct sequel, and that's the main issue.
-Some scenes would have required a stronger reaction from certain characters, but they were strangely passive, a passivity which was pointed out by one of the character and tried to justify it later, but without success.
-The inconsistencies this sequel creates with the end of season 2, which could have been reworked to make the new plot correspond more with the one that was semi-closed (and opened) in Fate 2 for greater fluidity.
-A certain scripting facility, which is sometimes felt, in particular the creation of a certain bond between two characters which in my opinion tainted their past interactions in the Netflix series.

-The lack of 'Grand' magic, iykyk

However, there are also some good points:

-The drawing, I was a bit scared at first, but in the end it looks good and it's much more detailed than I thought it would be. The last page is superb !
-The plot is interesting, but would have deserved more pages to be better developed.
-The moments of friendship, very well done, you can see that they are supporting each other.

I'll post a more detailed review on my insta the day it comes out. Still looking forward for vol 2 !

Thank you Mad Caves Studios for this Arc ! <3

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for allowing me access to the e-Arc.

I absolutely loved the Winx Saga show on Netflix so I was excited to see a continuation through graphic novels. But the plot moved too fast. I think the plot had potential if it was dragged out a bit more. The vibes did not feel the same as the show. I did really enjoy the artwork in this volume. I felt like it represented the characters well. I also think it would have been good to have a catch you up part before going into the continuation.

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God, I read this in one sitting. I always like reading comic/graphic novels that continue the storylines for shows I enjoy watching. Did this convince me to rewatch the show? Yes. Am I excited for volume 2? Also yes.

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This really was not my favorite. I didnt think the art style really fit the aesthetic of the original Fate series. I found the story laking, and the characters making choices that did not fit their growth in the original (Fate) series. I don't feel the need to continue the story, but hope that the next volume improves upon this one.

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I used to run home from school to catch Winx Club on Nickelodeon. Such a fun show! When Netflix’s adaptation came out a few years ago I thought it was a nice addition and sort-of reboot for the show in a sense.

This graphic novel is based on the Netflix show and it’s a continuation of the series taking off where the show ended. It continues with the slightly darker tone of the live action show, and I enjoyed the adventure. Bloom is missing, and Alfea is missing its fire fairy. The adventure felt fitting to the universe. It had friendship, emotions of longing and loss and teamwork. Just like Winx Club should be.

I also liked Christianne Gillenardo-Goudreau’s drawing style.

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Fate: The Winx Saga Vol 1 is a must-read for any fans of the Netflix series! It picks up where the last season ended, and I loved seeing continuation of what happened to Bloom. The illustrations were colorful and I loved the art style. I can't wait for Volume 2!

I received an ARC from Mad Cave Studios | Maverick via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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I've been a big fan of the Winx franchise for years, so obviously when Netflix announced a live action series, I was ecstatic. Unfortunately, after two seasons, the show was canceled and a comic series was taking over.

I was expecting for the comic to pick up where the end of season 2 left things off, in other words, when Bloom went through the portal in Alfea to meet her real mother in the realm of darkness. Instead of this we have a 6 months timeskip and no mother/daughter reunion scene.
Something that would have been great for the people who are not familiar with the franchise, and want to discover it, would be to have a prequel to recap the first two seasons.

When the first art visuals were released, I was a bit scared of how the whole book would look like, but in the end the characters are easy to recognize and the art style is really nice!

Now let’s talk about the characters. We have some individual and relationship developments. The problem is most of them are happening too quickly.
First, Riven. Even though he softened a lot in S2, he changed from a bad boy to a sweet guy in a few pages. (And his relation with Musa escalated real fast too.)
The same goes for Kat and Terra.
We still have some interactions between Stella and her mother, before the fairy of the sun adapted in a world where Bloom’s no longer with the group in the Winx suite.
Now, to all the long time fans, a childhood enemy is back (although his look was drastically changed) and I can’t wait to see if the lore in the next volumes will be the same as in the cartoon!

I noticed some information differ from the show, especially Beatrix’s siblings (Isobel and D’arcy), and we have no explanations about these changes.

The plot is full of twists and turns. The ending was great, I’m longing for the sequel now!

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Fate: The Winx Saga - Dark Destiny Volume 1

Thank you, NetGalley, for sharing this with me. I am very appreciative.

"Fate: The Winx Saga - Dark Destiny Volume 1" masterfully continues the enchanting tale of Alfea, blending familiar characters with new developments. The character dynamics are engaging, with some showing notable growth while others remain steadfast in their personalities.

The storyline is filled with thrilling twists and turns, keeping you on the edge of your seat. The inclusion of captivating monsters adds an element of danger and excitement. The artwork is beautifully done, capturing the essence of the Winx universe, and the scripting by Olivia and Christianne is superb.

Fans of the Netflix series will find this volume a satisfying follow-up, packed with moments that pay homage to the original series while introducing fresh elements. The ending leaves you eagerly anticipating the next installment.

Overall, this volume is a must-read for fans, combining stunning visuals with an engaging plot. I can't wait to see what comes next!

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This graphic novel is a continuation of the Netflix series!!! I know a lot of fans of the series, like me, have been craving for more and this graphic novel delivers!! It was so good, it exceeded my expectations!!!

The illustrations are super atmospheric. And there was a looot of story, reading this really made my day!

Bloom still hasn’t returned from the realm of darkness, it’s been 6 months.. Alfea has no headmistress and Bloom took the Dragon Flame with her so Alfea is more vulnerable than ever.

There’s a completely new (and fascinating!) threat to the school and its students and meanwhile Queen Luna decides to put Alfea under control of the Solarian military. And makes some other questionable decisions.. The students need a leader to do something about the new intense threat to the school, together and stand up to Queen Luna. They need Bloom!! What they decide to do next might backfire on them tho, in more than one way..

There’s a lot of character development happening troughout the story. We learn why Bloom doesn’t want to come back, why Aisha an Terra go through some relationship struggles, there’s new romance, unanswered romance and an amazing and surprising development of Stella’s character, thanks to the support of her awesome Winx friends! The girlpower and friendship of this group really is magic!

This has SO MUCH drama haha but the entertaining kind. And lots of new mysteries! I was shocked by the ending but I have a feeling that volume 2 might provide some much needed solutions.

Thank you NetGalley and Mad Cave Studios for providing me with this exciting arc, in exchange for my honest review!

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3 ⭐️

So this is the first graphic novel I've read, which means I don't have a huge amount to compare the art style to, but I liked it. You can tell they tried to make the characters look close to the show.

Plotwise, it's definitely not how I saw the show going, although I hadn't really thought further than being convinced season 3 was finally going to give us Rivusa. (Momentary pause to cry about the loss of seeing that on screen)

Everything moves very quickly, which I imagine is the nature of graphic novels. But since I assume there's plans for more volumes, I probably would have gone for a slower burn with certain couples. Give me pining. I have a theory of what is going to happen next, and I think that may mean we get a second chance at doing it, so maybe we'll get a slower development this time.

I liked the villain introduction, I sense great drama is about to happen. While I'm giving it 3 stars, I'm definitely interested in how the storyline is going to progress.

I received an advance review copy of this book, and this review represents my honest opinion. Thank you to netgalley, the author, the illustrator, and the publisher for the opportunity to read this book.

Review will be posted to goodreads, storygraph and amazon post release

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3 out of 5 Stars

It was okay for the comic adaptation of live action that is an adaptation of nostalgia cartoon from my childhood.

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Fate: The Winx Saga Vol.1: Dark Destiny left me in tears—in the best way possible! 😭 It’s a fun read, but super-fans should enter with no expectations! The story diverges from the Season 3 path set by the TV series showrunner, Brian Young, taking a creative detour and carving its own unpredictable trail while still addressing some loose ends—just in a different way than the original showrunner would have.

The graphic novel shines in many areas, especially the heartfelt moments and the expressiveness of the characters, which I absolutely love. Without spoiling anything, there's one particular Flora panel at the end where I could literally imagine the tone of her voice in a way that had me stunned. There are also some beautifully cinematic panels that really stand out!

Given how dark things get, I see why they chose this art style—that’s all I’m going to say. 😶

Overall, as one of FATE's biggest fans, I enjoyed it and am excited to see where things go in Volume 2!

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Thanks NetGalley for the ARC!!

I watched season one on Netflix, but still felt very lost. In this book. And it would be fine to not know what was going on in a new story, but there were so many references to things the reader would always have knowledge of. It was fun and entertaining, so I highly recommend for fans of Winx and people who’ve watched the whole show.

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I have always been and will always be a Winx fan! I loved the animated series as a kid and then when Netflix did a live action show I was so excited. I'm sad the show has been cancelled but happy for this graphic novel continuation of the series. The art is different from what I'm used to with the original animation but it fit here and is a good representation of most of the live action show. For the most part, the characters look familiar and the personalities match, but it's still completely it's own version of The Winx with new challenges and characters introduced in this first volume. The pace, plot and character development were all well done and it felt like another episode of the show. For anyone who loves The Winx and was upset to see the show cancelled on Netflix, this is a great way to continue seeing your favorite characters. The ending was very unexpected (to me at least) and leaves off on a cliffhanger so I can't wait to see where the story goes next. I'll definitely keep up with the rest of the series as it comes out!

You should watch the live action show prior to reading this or you will be confused, it's not really a story that can stand on it's own without the backstory from the TV show.

Thank you Mad Cave Studios | Maverick for the digital ARC via NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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This was great, I was actually so sad that the series was cancelled so it was really nice to get some sort of continuation!

The plot is very engaging and really fun. The story flows really well and it felt like I was watching an episode of the show. I love graphic novels but I find that the pacing can be off in most of them but I felt it was perfect here.

The characters are true to the show and so fun to follow. I loved the development between Musa and Riven.

The art is lovely, at first I was wishing it was more like the animated show but it actually fits the live action show perfectly and it was really nice.

I think it would have been a good addition to have a short recap of the show at the start.

The action at the end was great and the cliffhanger left me wanting more. Can't wait for the next volume!

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Me gustó que empieza en donde se quedó en la serie.
Me perdí un poco al inicio porque había olvidado información jajaj y cuando empecé a leer me quede confundida y sorprendida😅🤣.
Fue muy entretenido, confieso que el arte es bonito pero a la vez no me convence mucho, no se, pero la historia me está gustando por ahora, no puedo evitar comparar con la serie original porque yo soy MUY FAN de las winx ❤️‍🩹y cuando aquí apareció un nuevo personaje me sorprendió como lo hicieron 😆jaja no me quejo, es raro pero interesante, también pasó otra cosa que me sorprendió con unos personajes, y no se si me gusta jaja igual creo que esta bien, ya veré mas adelante 🤔

En fin, se lee rapido, esta muy entretenido y el final muy bueno🫣

Thanks netgalley and mad cave studios for the arc ✨

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