Member Reviews

Brutal and engrossing from the first page to the last!

In the midst of a crisis of faith, Catholic Priest, Father Vieri, is dispatched to perform an exorcism on the possessed son of a noble. A familiar set up, with a sinister twist when the exorcism results in the demon swapping bodies with Vieri; taking his, and leaving him chained in a dungeon, free to wreak havoc.

Gorey, gruesome fun.

*ARC provided by NetGalley & Mad Cave Studios*

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It took me a bit to get used to the art of this graphic novel and then the story just ended up being a basic demon tale that didn't really do all that much for me. While this may be for somebody out there it's definitely not me.

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I absolutely devoured this book! The story gripped me from the beginning and I was able to simpathize with Vieri because of the eternal questions regarding the human condition: Who am I? Where do I come from? What am I doing here? I’ve struggled with the same issues at different points in my life, especially regarding my spirituality, so this makes it an even more interesting story for me.

The way it is all narrated highlights these questions. It is easy to get lost in Vieri’s search for answers for how relatable it is, how close it feels. The art matches this in every way, creating an oppressive atmosphere so thick with tension it is hard to breathe sometimes. There came a point when I was so immersed in the reading I started panicking for what happened to this guy.

I do feel, however, it could have been a bit longer, explain more about Legion’s background, and how exactly was it that the body switching worked, or why it affects Vieri the way it does. As much as striking it is and, in theory, makes sense, there’s not a clear reason as to why this is happening right now, and why it didn’t happen before. It’s not a major flaw because it is well-developed, but it could have been better.

All in all, it is a great reading that contemplates the role of faith, ancestry, and belief in human life, with a good dose of blood and guts. It is a risky book for the direction it takes. I didn’t expect it to end the way it does, but it is effective for sure. Definitely recommend to fans of body horror, religious plots with a good twist, and philosophical questions. It doesn't disappoint!

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This one was beyond good to me. Very gory (exactly what I like), very good art, and a very good story as well. I definitely absolutely recommend this one to anyone who is not squeamish.

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Thank you to NetGalley, the author, the artist, and the publisher for this free copy in exchange for an honest review.

The Devil That Wears My Face is vastly underrated. At the time of writing, it only has about 30 people who've marked it as read on Goodreads-- it deserves so much more attention than it's gotten. It is a phenomenal exploration into what faith, or a lack of it, means in a world where demons are dangerously real and pose real physical, grotesque threats to your body and soul. It's also very campy, and plays out like any great B movie action flick. Without spoiling anything, it goes to some exciting places theologically and with its art design fans of the Dark Horse Witcher comics or Hellboy will have so much to love here. Give this gem a chance! It is a wicked weird work that has the potential to be a cult classic among comic fans.

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My thanks to NetGalley and the publisher, Mad Cave Studios for an advance copy of this horror graphic novel that features demons, priests, guilt, religious crimes, and family sins, along with lots and lots of blood.

My parents were both Bronx Irish Catholics. Their way of introducing themselves to other people from the Bronx was to ask what church they attended, or what catholic shool they went to. For the first couple of years of my life I also went to Catholic School, no one in my family every went to public school, it was considered odd. Moving to Connecticut cut a lot of bonds, and the biggest was the Church. I still went to CCD, and went through the rites, but we became what my Dad called holiday Catholics, Weddings, funerals, occasional Christmas, depending who was in town. Much of the majesty and mystery of the Church has been lost to me. I learned more reading the books of Malachi Martin, an ex-Jesuit who left the church and wrote books about Vatican conspiracies and of course exorcisms. And really who doesn't love a good demon possession story. And this one is a blood soaked doozy, written by one of my favorite new comic writers. The Devil That Wears My Face is a graphic novel of horror, both of the body, the mind and of a vengeful spirit, written by David Pepose and illustrated by Alex Cormack .

Father Franco Vieri is a priest in danger of losing his faith, and in danger of being cast out of the Vatican where he is an exorcist by training, but a neophyte in the ways of Papal politics. Vieri has been spotted at night walking among the poor and fallen women, looking for any information on his birth mother, a woman who gave him to the Church. Vieri is tasked with a secret mission, one that could help both the Vatican and himself. In Spain the only remaining son of a wealthy noble has been possessed by a demon so powerful it has killed three local priest. If Vieri can excise this demon, the Church might be awarded with metals it needs. Vieri travels to Spain and is nearly overcome by the demon, a demon known as Legion. When Vieri recovers he has found something impossible has happened. The demon has taken over his body, leaving his soul trapped in another, one that is now allergic to holy relics. Legion has returned to the Vatican, and soon strange events, and even stranger deaths are being reported. And Legion is only getting started.

A bloody good story with demons, bad priests, good priests, a woman who is much more capable than a man, and a lot of action. And blood. This is pretty violent, so reader be aware. The story is good, and holds up well, things make sense, and David Pepose does a good job explaining motivations, and why Legion came to infect his victims. There are quite a few twists, one that I liked a lot as it explained some earlier scenes, and brought up a bit of Church history that usually isn't discussed. The characters are all fleshed out, and though the seem to take a lot od damage, seem real and people readers would be interested in. The art is really good. Bloody ,like I said but so many wonderful details. The merchant boats, the swords, the Vatican, the moodiness, the violence and the blood. Oh and the costumes. Really great art that compliments the story. Alex Cormack is an artist I am going to have to look out for.

Horror fans will like this, and people new to the works of both Alex Cormack as illustrator and David Pepose, who is really doing a great job on Space Ghost, will enjoy this a lot. A spooky, dark tale.

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Father Franco Vieri tries to rescue a Spanish nobleman from a demon. However, the exorcism goes terribly wrong, and Vieri finds himself trapped inside someone else's body. And now the demon is inside Father Vieri's body and headed back to the Vatican. What kind of chaos will unfold now that the demon is wearing Father Vieri's face?

I thought the overall premise sounded really interesting but found the story to be pretty slow. Overall, I just don't think this was for me. I really loved the art style though.

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I received a free ARC from NetGalley, and this review is voluntary

This story follows Father Franco Vieri, as he questions his faith to the cloth. As an exorcist, he had seen hell in more ways than one. When the church calls on him to serve again, refusal is not an option. The mission has him traveling to Spain to save the possessed son of a nobleman; the demon unlike anything Father Vieri has experienced prior. A struggle occurs during the rite, and the Father is overpowered, which allowed for the demon to switch bodies with the priest, and wear his flesh anew. As a demon employing chaos a bit more targeted, it has plans, and time is running out.

I thought how the story unfolded was one hell of a ride (sorry). Writing for the character development was superb. This one priest you'll find yourself rooting for Where the action sequences are concerned, the demon did not pull punches. We are provided much more in the way of mayhem and destruction in this story of possession. Amazing all around, and highly recommended.

- libera te ex inferis -

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