Member Reviews

Thank you to Gina LaManna and Net Galley for allowing me to read and review an ARC.

I didn’t have a lot of experience with reading any previous Gina LaManna books. But I’m a sucker for a paranormal romcom so when I read a brief synopsis of Hate Hex I had to give it a go!

Hate Hex is a quirky and quick read! Our story follows Trixie, a witch who hates magic and is a taxi driver, and Dominic who's a 300+ year old vampire that Trixie hits in the face with a wine cork. Who then begin a playful games of “Hate Hexes” on each other after being forced to run for a seat on the Council.

Hate Hex has left me saying "wow" for the last hour. Which is fabulous because I had zero expectations going in and completely devoured in a few hours. Hate Hex had great banter, fast pacing, and my favorite trope enemies to lovers. The only reason I didn’t give Hate Hex five stars was because I wish it was longer. I needed more Dom & Trinity!

I 100% recommend this book please pick this book up on September 1st when it releases!

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Paranormal romance with some good banter- it’s cozy but not my cup of tea! Thank you for the ARC netgalley!

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Received ARC through NetGalley

This was a cute, cozy, fun and short read. The characters were very lovable and had some fun banter which made for good reading. The enemies to lovers trope felt quite fleeting, they were barely enemies and very quickly lovers. There was no real drama and any issues were very quickly resolved. This was particularly noticeable at the end when the bad guy is defeated almost instantly. I would’ve loved for the book to be a little longer to build up the tension more.
It wasn’t quite what I was expecting, but I enjoyed it nonetheless. Perfect if you’re after cozy, witchy vibes with minimal drama

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This was a hilariously fun, short, sweet and exciting paranormal read! It's full of vampires, witches, elves, magic potions, and crazy plants that draw you into the fun world the author has created. Despite being on the shorter end of novels, it's rich with humor, relationships, romance, and more and definitely a lighthearted little read that incorporates more than the average romcom. The characters have great banter and through Dom and Trixie's POVs it's clear how they find their voice and themselves. I honestly wish it was longer so I'd have more chances to enjoy the trajectory of their relationship!
This review will be posted over Goodreads and Instagram on July 12, 2024.

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Hate Hex is a perfectly serviceable paranormal romance. There is no steam and the enemies to lover trope is there but not for long. All the characters are lovely and pretty much nice to each other. Except the bad guy, and he is vanquish with out too much trouble. I mean his actions had some consequences, but mostly everyone was fine. I guess what I am saying is while the characters were fine to read, the book lacked tension. It’s a very surfacey book. But if you really love a witchy story and don’t want much drama, it might be for you. It was not for me. (I read an ARC)

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Gracias a NetGallery por el ARC!


• Me gusta cuando desde un principio el personaje masculino se enamora, hace todo un poco más interesante.
• Me gustaron los dos POV.
• A partir del 58% la situación mejora.
• Aparte del romance de ellos dos, hay otras historias paralelas, lo cual le da fluidez a la historia. Me gustaron. Lo mantenía interesante.
• La construcción del mundo fue sencilla, pero agradable fácil de entender.


• No me agrada la personaje de Trixie; tenía potencial para crecer después que la presentan como una “woman child” me hubiese gustado verla crecer a ella como personaje y no solo en aspectos magia. En general su persona le fue el que menos me gustó.

En general me gustó es un libro adorable simpático de una historia de amor que involucra personajes de fantasías y semi romance de lento desarrollo, en general “cute”.

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I think the book was exactly as described- a paranormal romantic comedy. It wasn't deep, it wasn't very paranormal- it was a nice easy read. The enemies to lovers transition was a bit too quick. Overall i enjoyed it- although i was a little confused by what The Circle was supposed to be- a governing body? A paranormal council? I thought it was going to be related to the Hex Files but other than mentioning the Sixth borough in passing it was completely unrelated.

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A well-written enemies to lover, so captivating that I finished the book in one day!

Lurking in the shadows of the alleyway near her apartment is a hot vampire with a dangerous allure. She soon learns he owns her apartment building and is selling it to the quickest buyer. Trixie declares him, Dominic, as the enemy because he is taking away the only happy home she’s ever known. In her quest to teach him humility, she sends a hate hex, which begins a cascade of sparks between them.

Trixie is a witch suppressing her powers, which puts her in danger. No worries though, her soon-to-be hot vampire boyfriend, Dominic, is willing to hurt anyone who hurts his girl! Trixie is more than capable of defending herself and lets it be known that she is not a princess who needs saving, but she can’t deny that it is nice to have a boyfriend to protect her.

The fun banter between Trixie and Dominic was enjoyable to read. I love how both characters developed, and their love grew for each other. The romantic moments between them were so heartwarming and cute!

The book had good pacing, as there weren’t any slow dragging moments or rushed scenes. I really enjoyed the unique take on the enemies-to-lover trope. This book was super enjoyable to read, and I look forward to reading other books by this author!

This review will be posted on Goodreads on 07/12/2024.

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I thought this book was really cozy, but perhaps a little too cozy. I also felt it didn’t have the grit or the edginess that I crave from a paranormal romance. I also struggled with the “bit” in this book. Like she’s supposed to be in this campaign but like for what exactly? A circle? Of what? Like politicians. I’m unclear. The world building was just a little confusing. I think the thing that was lacking the most for me though, was the transition from enemies to lovers. It was too immediate and there was zero burn. I didn’t hate it though, solid 3.5 stars. I think I would’ve like it more if the spice was spice-ing (andddd it’s closed door womp womp).

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This was really a fun read! It was more lightheaded and funny/weird than I thought but totally in a good way! I love anything with witches and vampires so it was right up my ally. Trixie and Dom had great banter and it was a fun enemies to lovers story. It was more supernatural romance than anything else but I really had fun with it. Will be adding to our library 100%!

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Hate Hex by Gina Lamanna is about a witch named Trixie who comes across a vampire named Dominic. It’s hate at first sight but the fates keep forcing them together under weird circumstances. As they spend more time together, they realize that there is a connection that can’t be denied. While their connection deepens, it is up to Dominic to protect Trixie from his family drama.

I enjoyed the book and thought it moved at a good pace. Trixie was a likable protagonist and I thought the connection between her and Dom was realistic. It was sweet and funny and good easy, supernatural read.

This review can be found on StoryGraph beginning on July 11. Rated 3.75/5

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Hate Hex is a fun, light hearted paranormal romance. We have Dom, the rich, handsome and protective vampire; and Trixie, the alcohol loving Uber driving witch. Throughout the book you can feel how playful their relationship is with their banter and back and forth hexing of one another. The side “quest” of Dom’s brother brought an element of mystery to the book that was a great, fun addition! The story has good conversations and is paced well for the length of the book.

Thank you Gina and NetGalley for allowing me to read this ARC! The review is posted on instagram, threads and Goodreads!

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Witches, supernatural billionaires, enemies to lovers. A great little rom-com perfect for spooky season. Dom is exactly how you would expect such a character to be. I’d definitely recommend this one!

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this book , wow , where do i even start? This book was a rollercoaster! I enjoyed it from start to finish. It’s the perfect introduction to a romantasy. Trixie and doms relationship was just portrayed so beautifully! I really enjoyed the enemies to lovers story. Both of the main characters had their own troubled past and it was just so satisfying to see them come together to help each other heal! I loved this

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I have read several books by this author and have enjoyed every one. Ms. LaManna has a unique style of writing that blends humor along with clever repartee and characters that just make the stories compelling. I would definitely recommend this book to readers who like paranormal romance with a slightly skewered style. I received this e-book in return for an unbiased review.

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ARC Review:

Hate Hex by Gina LaManna is an enemies to lovers paranormal romantic comedy. This was a quick and fun read. I loved the characters and the plot was fun. This story is set in Magical New York City where paranormal beings live. The FMC is a witch and the MMC is a vampire. This book had good characters and I loved the dual POV. I thought this was overall a cute paranormal romance. I definitely think that this is a fun read for the fall if you like to read paranormal books during Halloween. Trixie was so relatable and funny! I loved her character. Her and Dom were so cute. There banter was fun and they complimented each other so well. I recommend reading this book if you like witches, vampires, banter, and enemies to lovers!

Thank you NetGalley for the ARC of Hate Hex!!

📚 Hate Hex is available now to preorder!

🗓️This book will be released on September 1st , 2024



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Thank you to Gina LaManna and Net Galley for sending over this ARC.
Wow I'm not even sure where to start except that "wow", I have been thinking for the last half hour about a witty way to start but i cant even think of any way to better describe the way this book made me feel other than "wow". I am absolutely be-witched (hah) by this book and it just *sucked* me in (hah), somehow the mix of banter and the way that things were covered with both depth and a soft touch left me genuinely aching for these characters. Dom and Trixie genuinely live in my head *rent free* (ok the last intentional pun i swear), not to mention grandma and Belinda both are my queens!! This book had good conversation, proportional pacing, intrigue, tact, and so so so many amazing little details I couldn't even begin to list. Although some small little things dampened the book overall and I can see how it might be flawed slightly I still wholeheartedly loved this book. I genuinely wish for more of them (please the epilogue only left me craving for more of these amazing characters and their sweet love and banter!!)

4.75/5 stars (duh)
*no spice this is a YA book! but it doesn't dull the romance i promise!!*
3/5 plot - honestly I thought this was a fresh and relatively unique take on modern fantasy and such with some really interesting setups and character developments but some of it seemed to fall a bit to the wayside due to the length and pacing of the book!

100% recommend this book through and through and i will be making sm tiktok content abt this book! (to be posted soon!!)

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Hate Hex was a great supernatural romcom, perfect for spooky season. It pairs a witch against a vampire. Will the hate last, or will they fall in love. Read this book and find out.

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Such a lovely rom come book, with plenty of moments of humour and romance, which made it so I couldn’t put the book down! A fun page turner and a quick read. Great if you’re looking for something to get you out of a reading slump!

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Tracy, a witch/Uber driver who refuses to use her magic & Dom, a billionaire vampire (who is also her landlord) make an unlucky match in this hilarious rom-com. They start as “enemies” hexing each other, but will they be able to ignore their spark? More importantly, will Tracy start using her magic before it begins to put her in danger?

Tracy is so relatable, and her grandma is just the best! While the pace of everything is quick, it didn’t feel too rushed & the characters have good development. I loved the shenanigans between Tracy & her roommate. I couldn’t really relate to Dom but I did find him endearing by the end.

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