Member Reviews

"What on Earth are you, Abigail?" He asked as he stared in wonder 🤔. "How am I going to take care of you when I don't even know what you are?"

She was like nothing he had ever seen before and clearly possessed powers beyond comprehension.

Adrian who is known to be meticulous to the point of obsessive will learn to put aside his compulsive, obsessive nature like an old pair of shoes for the love of Abigail.

This short story packs a punch- was not what I expected but in a good way and with a subtle but effective twist to boot. It was more of an awwww than the usual wtf 😄 the beauty of unconditional love and acceptance is all that matters

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A perfect short read. I loved that I was reading like I knew how it was going to end and then had to literally back track to make sure what I was reading made sense and then my jaw dropped. A great add to your Fall TBR!

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I didn't see that coming! Such a plottwist in the end! Really, really good, enjoyed it and absorbed it totally. Already recommended it to collegues and friends. Sadly enough, it's not available for German bookmarket...

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I am not a short story girlie, but I did enjoy this one. Which is odd because it is not only a short story but also about a baby.
Abigail is left on Adrian’s doorstep with only a note. Upon sight Adrian is entranced with her even though she is different—she has horns claws and scales.
He takes her in and drops everything to care for her, but he is afraid to let others see her because she is so different. He finds out though that she has the same effect on everyone that meets her.

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A cute little story about love and acceptance. I loved how brand names were changed slightly. I’ll admit I was expecting something creepier but overall I enjoyed this story.

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“And Abigail was definitely different; he had never seen anything like her in his life. But she was special, a gift—his gift.”

A wonderful story about protecting someone who is different than you instead of acting with fear and violence. This story is filled with unexpected revelations and surprises.

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Abigail by Daemon Manx was received directly from the publisher and I chose to review it. I had never read this author before and based upon the reviews, I was really looking forward to reading this novella. I was disappointed in this story to be honest. The story was mostly build-up and then the "shock" twist ending was a let-down, to me anyway .

Three Stars

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A really quick read that was a story that I had not read before. While I was reading the book I was intrigued to see where the tale was headed. As I continued to read on, I was shocked to finally understand what the book was actually about. This author definitely has a way of disarming the reader and leaving his mark long after the book is finished.

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This was the sweetest little short story. I could hear Abigail’s laugh in my head and it made me smile too!! I just feel more full of love after reading.

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Wow, that was a bit heavy and emotional. I went in blind on this one, so I was really surprised by how it turned out. I thought it was going to be a horror short story about an evil child, but it ended up being much deeper and more meaningful than that.

Daemon Manx was able to convey a sincere message through this book—something we should really embrace more often: acceptance of ourselves and our flaws. People might judge or condemn us, but we should never judge or condemn ourselves. We may be different or live differently than most, but as long as we love and accept ourselves, that’s what truly matters.

I love this book. It made me feel good about myself, despite my flaws.

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I know this publication happened a while ago, but I still wanted to request and hopefully read it, for my daughter’s name sake. This was such a fun read. I really enjoyed myself. I am an avid horror reader with a sub genera love of psychological horror. This was like a comfort read. There’s some fun character development, some attraction, drama and some really good human reflection. The character reflection and growth was fun and the twist actually surprised me! It really strengthened the drive the author set out to do. Well done, and very clever indeed! I don’t want to discuss the story line too much for fear of taking away the journey and fun surprise. Just read it! Have fun!

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4 stars!!

Short but impressive! This was my first story by this author and it definitely won’t be my last.

I love a story where you think you know where it’s going then it goes in a different direction. It was a satisfying end which I’m happy about.

It’s hard to say much about this story without giving anything away. I recommend you read this for yourself as you won’t be disappointed!

Thank you to Netgalley for my arc.

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This story warmed my heart to read. What a blessing it was to be granted this experience from NetGalley and Last Waltz Publishing and Daemon Manx. You may think this story is going in one direction but it defies expectations. A story of love and acceptance that I definitely needed to read right now.

And how about THAT unexpected twist? Give yourself a gift of warmth and love and read this story.

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This novelette was great!! I almost wish there was more to the story. The ending was definitely not what I expected. Talk about a twist! It made a twist and U-turned and twisted again. I recommend this story and go into it blind! Definitely worth the read and a lot of fun.

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A mildly amusing novelette that reminds you of the limitations and low expectations of indie genre offerings. As in, when it comes to indies, the sheer fact that the writing is blandly serviceable and decently edited is often a win in and of itself. It might ever qualify for an award.
This very plainly written tale tells a story of a man who suddenly finds himself stuck with a rather demonic-looking baby. The entire thing is pretty blah until the twist ending. The entire production here hinges on that twist ending, which is what elevates the book just (barely) enough to warrant a generous three-star rating.
If you prefer your scares and jokes served up on a literary platter, this will leave a lot to be desired. But for the undemanding majority, this will probably work well.
Either way, it's such a quick read. Thanks Netgalley.

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I really enjoyed how this story was written. It was engaging and captivating. I did not see the twist coming at all! Such a great short story.

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Thanks to NetGalley and Last Waltz Publishing for the ARC.

I got a real kick out of this one. It was a great twist at the end, one that I really didn't expect. It really reminds us that what we consider normal or abnormal can be different from others, if they even notice at all. It reminds us to have an open mind and accepting heart. Just not in the way that you might be thinking, lol.

Check out this review of Abigail on Fable.

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One thing I love about novellas is that they pack a pretty decent punch! There are things you can do in a novella that you can't get away with in a regular length book. And it is a great way to discover a new author's writing style.

Abigail is the story of a baby showing up on the doorstep of Adrian's home. She doesn't look like a normal baby. Adrian doesn't hesitate for one second taking her in. He immediately devotes his life to her care. Of course there are some twists in the end.

I really enjoyed it. It was weird and fun!

Thank you to NetGalley, Dameon Manx, and Last Waltz Publishing for the opportunity to read Abigail. I have written this review voluntarily.

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Stop what you are doing and go check this book out asap! It’s the perfect bit size spooky book with a fun twist. I would suggest going into this story blind because I think it adds to the overall experience. The writing was easygoing and descriptive without being overly so. This has definitely inspired me to check out more from this author. Also let’s give it up for that cool cover art!! Thank you NetGally and the publishers for allowing me to read the ebook for review.

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A surprisingly sweet story. The twist was something I definitely never would have guessed. I definitely recommend this short story.

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