Member Reviews

Everyone knows the stories of Medusa turning men to stone with just a flick of her eyes, but how many of you actually know the story behind her making?

I started this book with a decent understanding of Medusa and her history but walked away with so much more.
Medusa has always been portrayed as a monster, but that isn't really the whole story. She was born the only mortal child of two sea God's and experienced loneliness and neglect due to her mortal status. She became a priestess of Athena and sought to do good. In a turn of events that were out of her hands, she was cursed and thrown out of the temple that was her home. With a head full of snakes and the inability to look at any living creature without turning them to stone, she sets out to find safety for herself and others. Along the way, she experiences some cognitive dissonance as she works through her anger and adapts to her new life. It's so easy to let fear and anger consume you and seek revenge when you have been wronged, but it's even harder to let go of your morals when you are a good person.

What an insightful and fascinating retelling of such a well-known greek "villain". This story absolutely filled me with rage for Medusa and for women in general. Yet the lessons we learn from Medusa definitely make this a must-read.
Thank you, NetGalley and Hachette Audio, for an advanced copy of Medusa by Nataly Gruender in exchange for an honest review. It was an exceptional read! The story is amazing and I loved the audiobook because Helen Laser is a phenomenal narrator.

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OMG, you guys! I just finished this book and I am, like, totally blown away! 🌟 It's an absolute gem! 💫 I mean, we’ve all heard the Medusa story, but this version is like, a whole new level of amazing. The author gives Medusa such a personal and feminist twist, and it’s so refreshing! 😍 I loved how it delved into Medusa’s background. It was, like, totally bittersweet and my heart was, like, so full of feels! 💔✨

And the audiobook? OMG, it was like, totally awesome! Helen Laser was the perfect narrator and made the story come alive in such a fab way! 🎧📚

Thank you so much, NetGalley, for the audiobook copy in exchange for my honest review. This book is a must-read for sure! 💖

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4.5 Stars rounded up!

I thought I "knew" Medusa's story, but it was always as a side character, or from someone else's perspective. Medusa by Nataly Gruender gives us a first hand account of Medusa's life and I absolutely loved it. I, like many other reviewers, am shocked this is Nataly's debut novel and I definitely can't wait to see what she comes out with next! It would be cool if she did more greek mythology novels as this is one of the best I've read.

A really unique perspective was the sweet relationship Medusa had with her snakes. They made me smile so many times and I loved how Medusa and her sisters' relationships progressed throughout the book.

I will be (not so) patiently awaiting Nataly's future work. This was amazing, thank you for the opportunity to listen to this! I also really enjoyed the narrator.

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Really enjoyed this retelling of the story of Medusa. I don’t read a lot of this genre, Greek mythology historical fiction, but whenever I do I really like them!
I didn’t know the story of Medusa other than-snakes for hair and turns anyone who looks in her eyes to stone. But as with many villainous monsters’ origin stories, there is a lot more to it. Medusa was a girl who was mistreated and cursed. She was fated to become the monster we’ve all heard of but she goes on a journey. She finds friends and reconnects with family and in the end it is up to her if she becomes the monster the world knows her as.
Great debut! Loved the audiobook. Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC!

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GUH!! This book had me feeling all the feels!!

Medusa's storyis a famous one but the truth of her is far more heartbreaking than people really know. This book was amazing! I loved the relationship between Medusa and her snakes, it was a really amazing part of the story. It really humanises Medusa in a truly beautiful way.

I did think the pace was a bit slow but the narrator did a wonderful job of keeping the story engaging and I enjoyed the heck out of it.

4 stars

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Medusa is legend for being this horrible beast that turns living things into stone. The sad story behind how Medusa really is and how she came to become what she is famous for. I enjoyed listening to Medusas journey on finding how who she is after an unfair curse was put on her. She never was scorn enough to go after things. She just wanted to be happy and to be loved. She found another that was cursed like her and she learned from him that you have to make peace with the curse and learn embrace it. Even though it was a very tragic thing that lead to it. To never let it break you down but to make you stronger. And her sisters realizing that they do love her and needed her in her life.

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Medusa is a debut novel by Nataly Gruender that offers an intimate exploration of one of mythology’s most infamous figures. The story follows Medusa, the only mortal daughter of two sea gods and a priestess of Athena, as she navigates a world devoid of compassion for her plight. After enduring a grievous violation by Poseidon, Medusa is punished, not for the crime against her, but for the desecration of Athena’s temple. Transformed into the feared monster of legend, Medusa's gaze now turns any who meet it to stone.

I've been fascinated by Medusa's story since I was young, drawn to her complex and tragic tale. Over the years, I've encountered many versions of her story, but what sets this story of Medusa apart is the way she portrays the inner turmoil of a woman cursed with a power that isolates her from the world. The novel delves deeply into Medusa's humanity and struggles—qualities often stripped away in traditional myths. Nataly masterfully captures Medusa’s conflict between embracing the monstrous identity forced upon her and holding on to the remnants of her humanity. There were moments when I was near tears, thinking about how difficult it must have been for her, how drastically her world changed, and how that world treated her in return. I often reflect on how Medusa’s story mirrors the complexities of womanhood, and how beautifully Nataly captures that complexity.

The audiobook, narrated by the talented Helen Laser, brought this story to life with remarkable skill. Helen's narration gave each character a distinct voice and personality, making the experience even more captivating. The flow of the novel was perfectly balanced and engaging without the occasional stumbles that retellings can have.

I want to thank NetGalley and Grand Central Publishing for providing me with a free Audio ARC of Medusa by Nataly Gruender.

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I was a bit hesitant to begin this book, as most people are aware of the details of Medusa's story. In the beginning I felt a sense of dread as we began approaching Medusa's transformation. However, the author and narrator handled every aspect of Medusa's character with love and respect. This story is not just about the base myth of Medusa, it's about sisterhood and self acceptance. Each sister is given a unique voice and personality as well as the other minor characters in the story, They come alive and change Medusa in small and large ways that lead her to accept her prophesied destiny.

Such a well known story could be boring, but the author and narrator were able to breath live into the well known details. The pacing of the story and the inflection of the narrator made this an enjoyable and surprising read.

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Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for this eARC (in audiobook format).

Nataly Gruender’s Medusa offers a fresh and intimate retelling of the mythological figure who has long been misunderstood and vilified. This audiobook, brought to life by the evocative narration of Helen Laser, provides a compelling and humanizing perspective on Medusa’s story.

The narrative follows Medusa, the only mortal daughter of two sea gods, who begins her journey as a priestess of Athena. Her life takes a tragic turn when she is violated by Poseidon, leading to Athena’s wrathful transformation of Medusa into the snake-haired monster of legend. As Medusa grapples with her new identity and the curse that turns anyone who meets her gaze to stone, she embarks on a journey across ancient Greece. 

Gruender’s portrayal of Medusa is both nuanced and empathetic. Medusa is depicted not just as a monster, but as a woman struggling with the trauma of her past and the burden of her curse. Her interactions with other characters, including a debaucherous wine god and an alluring nymph, reveal her vulnerability and strength.

Helen Laser’s narration is a standout feature of this audiobook. Her voice captures the emotional depth and complexity of Medusa’s character, bringing a sense of intimacy and immediacy to the story. 

Gruender’s writing is lyrical and evocative, blending elements of myth and reality to create a rich and immersive narrative. The themes of trauma, transformation, and empowerment are explored with sensitivity and depth. 

Medusa is a powerful and thought-provoking audiobook that reimagines a well-known myth with empathy and insight. Gruender’s storytelling, combined with Laser’s compelling narration, makes this a must-listen for fans of mythological retellings and those interested in stories of female empowerment. This audiobook not only entertains but also invites listeners to reconsider the narratives we accept and the voices we choose to amplify.

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I was provided and Audio ARC via Netgalley, all opinions are my own.

The narrator did a great job keeping the pace of the book moving as sometimes Greek retellings can get a little slow at times. I thought she did a wonderful job with Medusa's story.

Medusa's story is one that I've heard several times before, but it usually is told from Perseus' point of view. The tales almost always include some sort of punishment for Medusa's transgression with Poseidon or her having always been a monster. Check out trigger warnings if you aren't aware of the full extent of why Athena cursed Medusa. This takes us back to before the snake headed gorgon we all know as Medusa, when she was human and takes us through her lifetime when she meets her end at the hands of Perseus. I enjoyed getting to know her as a human and as a "monster" and on the many places she visits and those she interacts with.

This was a wonderful version of Medusa's story. I've read several different versions, but as I mentioned they are typically told from Perseus' point of view with Medusa always being the villain. There is so much more to her story than turning people to stone. This is a much more intimate look into Medusa's life and those who had influence in her life both before and after her curse. We get to see her humanity and emotions as she struggles with trauma, grief, betrayal, rage, and many other emotions. Medusa was doomed from the start, but in this version we learn that she was so much more than the myth and the monster everyone thought she was. I really enjoyed this and highly recommend it if you have enjoyed the other feminist retellings that are out there.

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A very emotional and intimate Greek mythology retelling. I truly loved this book. Medusa has always been interesting to me and so to get a whole book about her made me so excited.

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I liked the character exploration and the writing was propulsive. I would read more from this author.

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By Nataly Gruender

Thank you so much Hachette Audio for the free audiobook.


An intimate look into the life of a legendary mythical villain who has so often been stripped of her voice and humanity in this debut novel, perfect for fans of Madeline Miller’s Circe and the works of Jennifer Saint.

You know how Medusa’s story ends, but you’ve never heard her tell her own story… until now.

🐍 My thoughts:

Infinite stars! I have always been fascinated by Medusa and this book just made me even more so. I seriously loved this retelling so much, I simply can’t recommend it enough. This story gives us an intimate insight into Medusa’s thoughts and feelings during her most vulnerable moments. Heartbreaking and infuriating, it’s impossible not to feel hurt and rage on her behalf while reading her story. I enjoyed reading that her complicated relationships with her sisters did eventually heal over time, because that’s something we can all resonate with whether it be family or friends in our lifetime. Medusa was well written and a fantastically layered retelling that I’ll be recommending for years to come, and there’s no need to wait because it is out now!

Happy reading 📖 🐍✨

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🐍Medusa-a standalone

By-Nataly Gruender-debut author

📅Publication date 8-13-24, Read 8-28-24

📔E-Book-432 pgs.

🎧Audiobook-11hrs 17mins.

Helen Laser voices all characters. The narrator's voice fit the characters with standouts from Medusa, Athena, and Perseus. The reading style brought the text to life, and the author and narrator worked together perfectly. The pacing and flow allowed me to get lost in the story. The narrator paused and announced new chapters and there was a table of contents which helped me follow along with the E-book and audiobook.

🙏🏽Thanks to NetGalley, Grand Central Publishing, and Hachette Audio for this ARC and ALC 💚! I voluntarily give my honest review, and all opinions expressed are my own.

Genre-Greek mythology retelling, Historical Fic/Fantasy, Women's Fic

Tropes-family drama/sisterhood, female friendship, a quest, feminism, rivals

⚠️TW: SA, attempted assault, bullying, virgin heroine, victim blaming

📔Summary-This is Medusa's story growing up with her two sisters Stheno and Euryale (The Gorgons) being isolated as a mortal and victimized by the gods of Olympus. She's betrayed by the goddess Athena who vowed to protect her. And Poseidon used his position to abuse her. Medusa is cursed a monster and left to ponder the Fates prophecy of her death.

🤔My Thoughts-I just read Hera recently and Medusa's story is similar in that she has been painted as the villain without people knowing what actually happened to her. I knew about her snakes as hair and turning people to stone, but I didn't know why she cursed. She knew was going to be murdered and had to make peace with it. I loved how her sisters comforted and cared for her in her final days. Her time with Echidna and Cerberus was so precious as well as all the advice Dionysus gave her. She was Naidah the water nymph 's savior as she was put into the same position as Medusa, but no one saved her. This novel was deeply moving, thought-provoking, and stuck with me days later.

Rating-5/5 ⭐

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YESSSS. This is exactly what I wanted out of this book. The perfect retelling that had me laughing and crying and cheesing so hard. Love Medusa’s story so much and the author did our strong girl so much justice.

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I've never heard Medusa's story before, I only knew what most people know - she has snakes for hair and she turns people to some when their eyes meet. This beautiful tale will have you firmly on her side as she discovers who she is and who the real monsters are.

It has an almost feminist feel to it. You'll be appalled by some men's behaviour (not all men, Dionysus is his wise and wonderful self) but Athena also surprised me - not in a good way. There are plenty of Gods featured and mentioned throughout as the author builds Medusa's story and it's interesting to see how they are all intertwined.

It's heartbreaking and heartwarming to see Medusa come into her own - making mistakes, making tough decisions, mending relationships, finding love, accepting her curse, bending to her fate. The relationship between her and her snakes is also very sweet. They are a part of her and their bond is unique. It was a tad slow in parts (some conversations were a little lengthy) but it all came together beautifully.

I listened to this on audio and the narrator, Helen Laser, did an amazing job. Thank you to Netgalley and Hachette for this ARC review.

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The story of Medusa has always intrigued me but also filled me with rage. I've noticed some people may not know the backstory and that she is actually a survivor. This is a great feminist take where we get to see Medusa's point of view in a more intimate and personal way. The way she uses her curse to find self-love is lovely and I loved the relationships she built along the way. A lot of it was so bittersweet and my heart did hurt for her.

It can get a little slow at some parts but that's to be expected with any greek mythology retelling, in my opinion. The audiobook was done well, I enjoyed the narrator. Thank you NetGalley and Hatchett Audio for the advanced copy of this book!

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4.5/5 stars

A beautiful retelling from the gorgon’s perspective, this version of Medusa is perfect for fans of Circe, Ariadne, or A Thousand Ships. The myth of Medusa is rife with misogyny, and this female perspective puts a fresh spin on a creature we all know, one that imbues the titular “monster” with more humanity than the so-called hero who slays her. I thoroughly enjoyed this version, which follows Medusa from girlhood to her fated death. The representations of love, friendship, and sisterhood are wonderful additions to a story that is so often reduced to the pitting of two women - Athena and Medusa - against each other. The audiobook narrator was excellent, creating a listening experience that did justice to the beautiful language. I strongly recommend this for anyone who loves Greek mythology. I found myself greatly moved by the ending.

Thank you to NetGalley, Hachette Audio, and Grand Central Publishing for the ARC of this audiobook!

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For all those who see themselves in the myth of Medusa, this is the novel to top all other retellings. Hear from Medusa herself as she brings you through her life and story.

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I have been enjoying mythology retellings of late and Medusa did not disappoint. The audio was wonderful, the narrator suited to th material. I thoroughly enjoyable listen.

Thank you to NetGalley and the Publisher for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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