Member Reviews

A reimagining of the classic Medusa tale that finally empowers the character of Medusa and retails her story in a way that she finds peace and strength from her adversity and affliction. This will really humanizes and brings to life the character and gives her a real feminist edge.
🎧The narration by Helen Laser was a good match for this story. Mostly told from the perspective of Medusa, Helen brings this character to life and the livers an emotional retelling. She also voices other characters and does a good job differentiating the different voices.
👉I recommend this book to mythology afficionados and anyone who wants to read about a character surviving and finding strength and adversity.

⭐️Thanks to NetGalley and Hachette Audio for this ALC.

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Medusa's story was a blindspot for me, so I got to experience the deconstruction of my own misconceptions about the monster called Medusa so many other Greek mythology books mention. However, as someone not overly familiar with her story, I can't comment on the accuracy of this retelling (not that it matters because, you know, it's mythology at the end of the day!).

I enjoyed this story quite a lot. Like many others of its era, this feminist retelling puts injustices, abuses against women, and their power at the forefront of these previously male dominated stories. At times, there were some of the monologues and dialogues that felt a bit heavy-handed with their messaging, but nothing that distracted significantly. I generally prefer when breakthroughs or takeaways feel less direct and self-helpy (I hope that makes sense).

Overall, a wonderful story. I got to listen to it as an audiobook; I was so satisfied with the narration! I thank NetGalley and Hachette Audio for providing a review copy of this title.

I'm also obsessed with the cover of this book! Technically, my audiobook had the yellow cover (which is still beautiful), but this purple/green one is so good I couldn't not use it. I'm hoping a print version with this cover comes out because it's probably my favorite cover of this year!

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First, the narrator was fantastic.

Medusa was given great character development, she is extremely relatable and a likable character, the author does a great job making this character personable. The story is tragic and still very relevant today. There are a lot of characters as is expected with world building, but most are well known in Greek mythology which helps.

Absolutely enjoyed this version and retelling of Medusas story and would recommend to anyone. I read this quickly, once I got into the story I didn’t want to put it down.

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by Nataly Gruender
Narrated by Helen Laser

I received an ARC of this audiobook from Netgalley.

I truly enjoy books that bring Greek myths to life (Atalanta, Hera, Percy Jackson) and this book proved to be on par with the others.

Greek Gods and Goddesses and monsters are brought to life in such an incredibly brilliant and beautiful way.

Medusa makes the monster into a woman that is easy to love and root for. In this book she is more heroine, defender of herself, victim, and wronged party. But, she is also a monster that acted before harm could even try to come to her. But, was it monstrous or just self-defense?

As many Greek myths do - this, too, tells the tale of meddlesome Gods using mortals, demigods, immortals, and monsters for what seems like their own amusement.

Fate also plays a huge role in Medusa’s story. Can we ever outrun our fate? Is destiny always going to come for us?

The people brought to life in this book include Athena, Poseidon, Perseus, Medusa & her sisters (the 3 Gorgons), and Dionysus.

It is a beautiful and enchanting tale that is also sad and heartbreaking.

I highly recommend this audiobook!

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3.5 stars, rounded up to 4.

Medusa by Nataly Gruender offers an enjoyable take on the classic myth, diving into the relationships that define Medusa's story. I particularly enjoyed Medusa's bond with her sisters, with her connection to Echidna (and Cerebrus!) standing out as a highlight. Dionysus was another strong point, with him depicted in a very refreshing way.

I listened to the audiobook version, and Helen Laser's narration was fantastic. For a book full of women, Helen Laser gave each character their own unique voice.

That said, while I have seen some describe this book as a revenge story, I didn't get that impression at all. It also leaned more towards a YA genre than I had anticipated. Finally, I found the pacing to be somewhat uneven. Key decisions and discussions seemed to pass by too quickly, especially as the book neared its conclusion, making the ending feel a bit rushed.

Overall, Medusa is an engaging read and would appeal to an audience interested in Greek mythology.

A huge thank you to Nataly Greunder, NetGalley and Hachette Audio for the chance to listen to the audiobook ARC, in exchange for an honest review.

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Medusa by Nataly Gruender offers an intimate and unique retelling of the classic myth, focusing on the inner life of Medusa as she navigates a world where her fate is controlled by the whims of the gods. Told primarily from Medusa's perspective, the story dives deep into her conflicting emotions and the relationships she forms along her journey. The bond with her sisters is particularly touching, providing a fresh angle on a familiar tale.

I enjoyed the book's exploration of different gods and their histories, especially seeing events unfold from Medusa's viewpoint. Dionysus was a standout character for me—a surprising sweetie who brought some much-needed lightness to the story. There's something inherently satisfying about a good revenge story led by a wronged woman, and Medusa delivers that element effectively.

However, the book wasn't without its flaws. At times, the story felt disjointed, making it difficult to connect with the characters fully. While Gruender attempts to add depth to the gods' motivations, such as Athena's reasoning for cursing Medusa, these explanations often felt too superficial to have a real impact. Additionally, some parts, like Medusa trying to use her beauty to charm others before her assault by Poseidon, felt uncomfortable and unnecessary, giving the narrative a problematic undertone.

Despite these issues, Medusa still stands as a worthy retelling that fans of Greek mythology will likely enjoy. While it may not be a perfect home run, it offers a different, more personal perspective on Medusa's story that makes it a worthwhile read. If you’ve read Stone Blind and are looking for another take on the Medusa myth, this one is different enough to keep things interesting.

As for the narrator, Helen Laser's narration is consistently flawless. She effortlessly differentiates between characters, bringing each one to life without ever making them feel exaggerated or cartoonish.

Thank you to Nataly Gruender, Hachette Audio, and NetGalley for sending me the ALC in exchange for an honest review.

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I had been in a mythology rut until I read this book. After Song of Achilles and Ariadne, I was hooked on this genre but nothing could really give me the same high I had after those two reads. Circe, I hated, Hera, depressed me...this one won my heart. Let's be honest, everyone knows the tale of Medusa, or they think they do. Snakes for hair, turns people to stone, killed by Perseus. But she is so much more than that, we often forget the human side of the heroes and villains in these tales and it was wonderful to get to be exposed to the human aspect of Medusa, who was really just a girl put in a terrible situation (as always by an all powerful male god). I highly recommend this read if you are looking for a mythology book to grip you. I loved the copy of the audiobook ARC I received from NetGalley, the narrator adds to the story.

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I started crying at 28% when Athena said “not just mortals” and just didn’t stop. This was just so well done. It was heart wrenching and empowering the entire way through. I think I always get concerned about how this story is going to be told but this was masterfully done!

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This was amazing! It reignited my love for Greek/Roman mythology. I absolutely loved our Medusa and her life. I was in aww of everything here. The narration was amazing too! I loved all the ways the gods/goddesses/demigods interacted with the world around them. I couldn't get enough of this!

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The life of Medusa has forever been told by the perception of her gruesome end at the hands of a demi-god. So the book brings forward a story that covers her life and the major incidents that played a vital role in pivoting her life to the one we all know.

While reading the book, I got to know innumerable aspects about Medusa that otherwise were never mentioned at such lengths. Her childhood, her on & off chemistry with her two sisters, her role as a priestess and more. As a character, she has always fascinated me, so I was looking forward to an in-depth exploration of her character.

One thing that I did appreciate as a reader was the author did not alter the ending but did however add her own touch to it, which made the experience a little emotional and attached.

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I love a good feminist Greek mythology retelling and for some reason the Medusa story is particularly interesting for me. Many books have been written about Medusa by new to me author, Nataly Gruender really did a great job personalizing Medusa. I especially enjoyed the emphasis in this book on Medusa's relationship with Athena and how she cursed Medusa. Great on audio and highly recommended for fans of authors like Natalie Hayes or Jennifer Saint. Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an early audio and gifted finished copy of this new release!

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Through an interesting turn of fate, I received this book at the same time I was given access to Stone Blind. Knowing I had wanted to read Stone Blind for a while, I was super curious to do a comparison of them and how these two retellings would tackle the same subject. I was a bit nervous that it would be repetitive but it was very clear early on these are two very different stories.

Nataly Gruender’s Medusa is an intimate portrayal of a woman whose life is fated away from what she desired. With the majority of the narrative being in Medusa’s voice herself, Gruender did a fantastic job taking us through Medusa’s conflicting emotions as a pawn of the gods. Her connections on her journey were touching and at the end of the story I really loved the narrative with her sisters.

I truly enjoyed this story. Even if you have read Stone Blind, I think this retelling has a different, more intimate, view that makes it totally worth while

Thank you NetGalley and Hatchett Audio for the ARC of Medusa.

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I went into this book not knowing Medusa's backstory. I really enjoyed this retelling and getting to know her as a person and not as a monster. I love Greek mythology and this book filled that love. I love the relationship she has with her snakes (snakes creep me out!). She wasn't who I thought she was and after reading this story, I could look up to her. The narrirator's voice I felt was perfect for Medusa.

Thank you Hachette Audio for providing this book for review consideration via NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

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If you liked Circe or The Song of Achilles then this book is for you. I am really loving all of the Greek retellings coming out and this book is no exception. It's a viewpoint that was always there but never placed as the main point. The sale and the pace really pulls you into this book and makes you feel rage on behalf of Medusa. The thought and intention behind telling the story without being callous was a relief and well done.

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I loved this book! The writing was beautiful and the characters were so well-developed. It offered a fresh and modern take on Medusa's origin story while staying true to the original myths. The pacing was perfect and I enjoyed the romance, friendships, and ending. I definitely recommend it to fans of Greek mythology retellings. The audiobook narrator did a fantastic job, adding to the overall experience. Thank you to the publisher for the free ARC copy!

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As a lover of Greek mythology I’m always excited to try out a new author and Nataly Gruender knock her debut novel out of the park! She is also very thoughtful and discusses a particular trigger warning scene before the book begins to make sure her readers are comfortable. Respect!

I’ve read at least four retellings of Medusa and this was by far the most enjoyable. I loved that it wasn’t as harsh as so many I’ve read before. There was a level of understanding and kindness to almost all of the characters, even the gods that are involved, that allowed me to feel much more connected. I particularly loved this portrayal of Medusa and the relationships she cultivated after being turned into a “monster”.

A fantastic audio experience and a book I highly recommend for all my fellow mythology lovers!

Thank you Hachette Audio for the alc via Netgalley!

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An intimate and emotional Greek mythology retelling of Medusa’s story from the point of view of Medusa herself. Much like Madeline Miller’s Circe, we get to see a misunderstood and villainized character tell their side of the story. We follow Medusa as she departs from her parents and sister Gorgons to study at the temple of Athena as a priestess. The events following this (no spoilers if you are unfamiliar with Medusa’s mythology) are difficult to read, but told with care and intention.

What I loved most about this was how we got to see Medusa’s humanity and her longing to heal and find community even after her curse. Her bond with her sisters was lovely to see and experience as a reader. Much like my experience reading Circe, I found myself emotional and rooting for our main character, wanting the best for her despite knowing the how the story will end. This was simultaneously heartbreaking and heartwarming and honestly up there with my favorite Greek mythology retellings that I’ve read.


I also listened to the audiobook and recommend it.

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I was not really familiar with the story of Medusa, but I've seen the growing number of Medusa tattoos. After learning what they represent, I was really anxious to read more about her. I thought this was well written and it kept me interested throughout.

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Thank you, NetGalley and Hachette Audio | Grand Central Publishing books for this advanced audiobook. I was a little familiar with the backstory of Medusa, but this audiobook REALLY brought the story of Medusa to life. I loved this story and how she started as a very beautiful, but mortal woman and through no fault of her own was cursed by Athena and became Medusa. I now understand why women get tattoos of Medusa as a symbol of regaining your power and womanhood.

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Medusa by Nataly Greunder was an absolute blast—a super fun and delightful take on the Medusa myth. I loved diving into the different histories of the Gods and seeing everything from Medusa’s perspective. And let’s be honest, Dionysus was a total sweetie; he can basically do no wrong in my book. There’s something so satisfying about a good revenge story led by a wronged woman, and Medusa delivers that perfectly. I got the chance to listen to the fantastic ARC, thanks to NetGalley and Hachette Audio, and I’d definitely recommend it to anyone who loves Greek mythology and a fresh retelling.

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