Member Reviews

4.5/5 stars
The Armageddon Protocol is the final book in the scifi spy thriller series The Galactic Cold War. Simon and the General have been arrested under suspicion of treason, and they must uncover the Illyrican mole within the Commonwealth Intelligence Department that set them up. Meanwhile, the rest of the Secret Projects Team are on the run to find a way to free their leaders and clear their names.
This is the most propulsive installment in the series that just doesn’t stop start to finish. It’s an edge-of-your-seat mission full of intrigue, maneuvering, and action. The team, though, is essentially separated throughout the book with essentially two plotlines running concurrently with minimal overlap. Not what I would have wanted for a final installment, but it does allow for Simon to shine as he holds his own alongside the General while the parallel plotline gives the rest of the team their moments as they escape and encounter an adversary from the past. Nat takes on the leadership role, Tanner grounds the team, Eli steps up, and Addy remains badass.
It’s actually sad to see this end because I’ve had a great time following along with this team in their missions. And honestly? This doesn’t actually feel like an ending. It feels like the closing of a chapter, but there’s certainly still more stories to tell. After all, the Galactic Cold War is still ongoing and there’s always another threat to neutralize. I real wanted to see Simon fulfill his goal of returning home to earth free of the Illyrican Empire’s control. It’s a hearty dream that still isn’t realized despite everything he has done.
One gripe I do have is that the story ties in to the plot of a previous book The Caledonian Gambit which I never got to read since it was released through a different publisher and got designated as “book 0” after the fact. Admittedly, it doesn’t hinder understanding even without having read that earlier book, but it’s just annoying feeling like you are missing out on something.
Although not exactly the ending I would have wanted, The Armageddon Protocol still delivers on the fun and action and ends it in an honest way that feels true to itself.
*Thank you to Angry Robot Books for sending me an advance finished copy of the book to review!

The Armageddon Protocol delivers a gripping, action-filled conclusion to The Galactic Cold War series, packed with twists and clever reveals that wrap up the story in a highly satisfying way.

I have been eagerly awaiting this, perhaps final, volume Dan Moren’s brilliant Galactic Cold War series. A blend of Lois McMaster Bujold, Anthony Price, John Le Carré, and Alistair McLean, the series features taut, well constructed espionage novels featuring a team of intelligence operatives pitied against an oppressive interstellar government, as well as rivals in their own intelligence services. The Armageddon Protocol is full of action, plot twists, and clever reveals. While it wraps the series up neatly, there is clearly ample room for a new chapter. Utterly enjoyable.