Member Reviews

Thank you to Darcy Burke, NetGalley, and publisher Oliver-Heber Books for an advance reader copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Publication date: ‎ July 30, 2024
Print length: ‎ 347 pages

The authors first historical mystery book is a big hit with me. I'm giving out a rare 5 stars. Tilda and Hadrian are very likeable characters, and I was invested in them from page one. I have to say that Tilda sheltering her grandmother to extremes was an irritant. The woman turned out to be more resilient than Tilda could imagine, good for her. The bad guy turned out to be truly bad, didn't guess who he was right away. The secondary characters all have heft, they're fleshed out, and I got a sense of who they were and how they fit into the story. The author has added the truth that no one is perfect, people have shades of grey that make not all bad guys completely bad. There are redeemable people in the world.

Without giving away the story I can say that the plot is interesting, a bit unique, and I love the psychic abilities adding a nice twist. Hadrian thinks being able to discern things is a curse but I'd love to have it, controlled of course. A female detective trying to be taken seriously is not new but always interesting to see how they deal with the circumstances. An enjoyable read and I'm looking forward to the next adventure of Raven & Wren.

#DarcyBurke #NetGalley #Oliver-HeberBooks #historicalmystery #AWhisperofDeath #Raven&Wren

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Wow what a terrific story. I was taken in from the beginning and had a difficult time putting the book down. The story kept me wanting more and to find out who the villain was. This is a murder mystery with just a hint of romance and a small bit of paranormal with Raven being able to see people’s thoughts by touching items that belonged to them. I hope this aspect stays in the next story as it added a different approach to the storyline. I hope this series is more than just two books. Ms. Burke did a fantastic job with this new genre for her. I will be back for more.

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With a title like A Whisper of Death, I could not wait to read this book. Taking place in the 1800s in England, I knew that there would be some major obstacles for the FMC to overcome. I really liked how the investigator was a young woman and her client an Earl. Having a MMC that supported her and had every faith in her was refreshing. Having Tilda Wren be a self proclaimed spinster not wanting to marry was a plus for me. The mild romance tones were nice but not the focus of the story.

The amount of side characters was a little overwhelming at first, but the story is a slow enough pace that it is easy to follow and connect all of the mysteries.

I really enjoyed this book and look forward to the sequel.

Thank you NetGalley and Xpresso Book Tours for allowing me to review this book. All opinions are mine alone.

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What a ride this was! The first book in Ms Burke's new Raven & Wren series kept me on the edge of my seat, frantically turning the pages to figure out what exactly was going on. Watching Tilda and Hadrian figure out why he was attacked, how that attack was connected to a string of other crimes they also uncovered, AND watching them grow to respect and care for each other in the process?

I. Loved. It. Can't wait to read the next one loved it. How many of these are there going to be? It can't be enough loved it.

A Whisper of Death shares some vibes with Miss Scarlet and the Duke, except Hadrian's an actual earl and though he has *some* connections to law enforcement, he is very much a member of the peerage. Like Eliza, Tilda is trying to help support herself (and her grandmother) as an investigator, though for the most part she has a single client whom she helps with divorce cases. When she starts helping Hadrian with his case, though, she doesn't shy away from questioning witnesses, confronting law enforcement, and standing up for the significance of their investigation even as the powers that be disagree. I loved that she accepted Hadrian's abilities (aka his "curse," the seemingly supernatural abilities he has after his attack) and that together they figured out how to make them work in their favor. I'm really looking forward to seeing what happens with that aspect of their story as the series continues :)

Seriously, the TWO sentence blurb for the next book (A Whisper at Midnight) was enough to have me anxiously awaiting their next adventure! I'll be counting the soon as we have a release date, that is ;)

Rating: 4 1/2 stars / A

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.

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What a ride this was! The first book in Ms Burke's new Raven & Wren series kept me on the edge of my seat, frantically turning the pages to figure out what exactly was going on. Watching Tilda and Hadrian figure out why he was attacked, how that attack was connected to a string of other crimes they also uncovered, AND watching them grow to respect and care for each other in the process?

I. Loved. It. Can't wait to read the next one loved it. How many of these are there going to be? It can't be enough loved it.

A Whisper of Death shares some vibes with Miss Scarlet and the Duke, except Hadrian's an actual earl and though he has *some* connections to law enforcement, he is very much a member of the peerage. Like Eliza, Tilda is trying to help support herself (and her grandmother) as an investigator, though for the most part she has a single client whom she helps with divorce cases. When she starts helping Hadrian with his case, though, she doesn't shy away from questioning witnesses, confronting law enforcement, and standing up for the significance of their investigation even as the powers that be disagree. I loved that she accepted Hadrian's abilities (aka his "curse," the seemingly supernatural abilities he has after his attack) and that together they figured out how to make them work in their favor. I'm really looking forward to seeing what happens with that aspect of their story as the series continues :)

Seriously, the TWO sentence blurb for the next book (A Whisper at Midnight) was enough to have me anxiously awaiting their next adventure! I'll be counting the soon as we have a release date, that is ;)

Rating: 4 1/2 stars / A

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.

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Thank you NetGalley for allowing me to read this book. A stabbing gone wrong. A "curse" caused by a concussion. A mystery that needs to be solved. Hadrian Ravenhurst and Matilda Wren make an interesting team. A woman investigating murders and an earl who is unhappy about his case being closed. They are also drawn together due to bodies piling up. Matilda's cousin is killed in a mysterious way and what follows is Hadrian and Matilda uncovering an old cold case. This book was a wild ride full of twists and turns. A solid read for anyone who enjoys historical fiction and a good mystery.

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Darcy Burke’s first foray into a historical murder mystery was an appealing mix of clever detective work and a touch of the paranormal.

Hadrian’s newfound ability was vague at the best of times, but it worked well because the reader discovered the possibilities at the same time as Hadrian. Tilda was already an established investigator, but with this case she had the opportunity to expand her skills. The two of them had to exert themselves to their limits for every piece of evidence.

I found it to be a bit slow in some areas and maybe the case could’ve been solved a bit faster, but all the various parts of this whodunnit competently fit together. Tilda and Hadrian were very meticulous in their investigation.

This is not a romance, despite all the private thoughts and occasional longing glances to the contrary. Tilda and Hadrian formed a solid friendship and I do hope that they will have plenty of more cases to solve together.

I can recommend this if you like historical fiction with a murder and plenty of suspense. Oh, and don’t forget Hadrian’s puzzling power.

Thank you to Netgalley for providing me with a copy. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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I have read a ton of Darcy Burke's books and loved every one of them so I approached her new field in "mystery" historical literature with some trepidation. No need to worry! Darcy Burke is as much in charge of this newer genre as she is of her historical romance series and her contemporary ones. I loved the combo of Hadrian and Tilda and can't wait to read the next novel(s?) featuring their ongoing story and connection. The plot is amazing with twists and turns, yet all very believable and not far-fetched. I encourage all readers to pick up this novel to start a whole, wonderful series. You won't regret it! While I received an ARC, my opinions are my own.

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Darcy Burke enters the sphere of historical mystery with, A Whisper of Death that released earlier this week.

Miss Matilda Wren and the Earl of Ravenshust make for an unlikely investigative team, but with her investigation skills, she learned from her former constable father and his newfound visions- even the craftiest villain won’t be able to cover their tracks and stay undetected for long!

After Ravenshust is stabbed and left for dead in the streets, he awakens, but not only the urge fine the assailant, but with a special ability that will help him on his quest… Matilda has also experienced a loss, that of her uncle under mysterious circumstances that her and Ravenhurst together.

This mystery had a lot of twists and turns, and kept me guessing through till the end. I loved all of the subtle reveals and the fun element of Ravenhurst’s visions. The chemistry between Matilda and Ravenhurst was great to see as it built up and I’m excited to watch their slow burn relationship evolve as the series progresses!

This is a great introduction to this unique crime, fighting duo and I can’t wait to see what they’ll uncover in the next adventure!

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I've been reading and loving Darcy Burke's historical romances for a few years now. As a lover of historical mysteries I was thrilled to see that she was branching out into another favorite genre. This one definitely didn't disappoint. The first book in a new series is always a bit of a gamble - there's a good bit of set-up involved and this is no exception. But Burke did an excellent job of setting up the premise for this series. Raven is Hadrian Becket, Earl of Ravenhurst, who's attacked and left for dead on a London street. He survives, but is left with questions as to who attacked him and why. More importantly, he's also left with a head injury that's led to visions and feelings he believes to be connected to people involved in his attack. Wren is Matilda Wren, an investigator trying to track down her grandmother's missing investments, and when they cross paths at the wake for a mutual acquaintance they realize their interests may well be connected somehow, and decide to work together to find the answers to both their questions. I loved both characters, and the characters around them. The mystery was a good one, one I didn't guess until it was revealed near the end. Overall an excellent read that leaves me already looking forward to the next installment in the series.
Thanks to Netgalley and Oliver Heber Books for providing a digital copy for an unbiased review.

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This has got to be one of the most boring mysteries I have ever read.
Nothing in this story made me want to keep reading. I was never invested. The main characters, Matilda and Ravenhurst, as likeable as they might be, were a bit bland.
I feel like the whole book was a lot of tell and not enough show. The pacing was slow and the way information was given sometimes felt repetitive.
As for the paranormal aspect, I think the author didn't put Ravenhurst's new ability to good use. It was only used to get the story going and in certain convenient situations. But at times, it was as if Ravenhurst was just a regular person.
The premise of this book sounded so good, I'm saddened that the story didn't live up to it. Needless to say, I won't be reading the sequel.

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This first book in the RAVEN & WREN Series takes Darcy Burke fans in a new direction. The well-written main characters come alive off the page and their unlikely and unique arrangement takes readers into the underbelly of their world. Victorian England's incredibly primitive limitations in solving serious crimes left victims without closure and perpetrators avoiding prosecution and punishment. There were a few instances where I felt the writing became a bit repetitive but as a whole, this multi-layered story grabbed me from the outset and kept me guessing until the end. I liked it and can't wait to see what happens next for this dynamic duo!
WHAT I LIKED: Wonderful Characters-Entertaining-UnpredictablE-Action Packed

I receive a complementary copy of this book and am voluntarily providing my honest review.

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Left for dead on the streets of London Hadrian Becket, Earl of Ravenshurst wonders in the days of his long recovery, why he was stabbed and why, even more worryingly, he now appears to be having visions, which terrify him and leave him with a blistering headache.
Matilda Wren is not of the usual style for a well bought up young lady, as she does not want to marry, but wants to be a Detective, following in her beloved father’s footsteps; that of a London Policeman.
When the household funds are stretched to the absolute limit Tilda decides to go and see her cousin Sir Henry, in regard to advancing her Grandmother some more funds, but when she arrives at his home there is a funeral wreath hanging on the door. Sir Henry has succumbed to a heart attack.
Leaving the bereaved household, she sees a well-dressed man standing starring at the house; a most arresting man, obviously a man of wealth, possibly nobility who is also looking for Sir Henry and is equally surprised to discover he is dead.
They discuss such matters as why, how and when this happened and realise that maybe they can be of assistance to each other, as there is definitely something not quite right about the situation. And so the unlikely partnership of Raven and Wren is formed to try and discover what is behind a series of stabbings, leaving the Earl still alive, but two other men dead.
As the body count rises, with more murders committed, along with a devastating fire, the pressure is on them to find out who is behind the deadly plot and where the money has gone that Sir Henry was supposed to have been managing for Tilda’s grandmother. The more they discover about Sir Henry’s affairs, it seems that the deaths, the money and the fire are all laced tightly together.
Danger levels rise as they dig into the past of the deceased men, taking them both down pathways neither of them ever expected to travel, with both Hadrian and Tilda having to face some truly shocking truths about their families.
Darcy Burke has written a captivating novel in A Whisper of Death with an unlikely pair of detectives that charm their way across the page’s, both of whom have vowed never to marry, both of whom love to solve a mystery and both of whom accept each other for who they are, not their standing in society.
A Whisper of Death is Book one in what is going to be a series of incredible charm and murder mystery as Raven and Wren come back together again in A Whisper at Midnight due out in February 2025. I for one can’t wait!

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I really enjoyed A Whisper of Death!

It’s a fun, well paced murder mystery with a twist of paranormal and romance. The main characters work well together and go from strangers to colleagues to friends to the beginning stages of attraction.

I’m excited to see where this series goes and can’t wait for the next book.

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I received a copy of this title from the publisher, but all thoughts and opinions expressed are my own. Whisper of Death is the first in what looks to be at least a 3-book series and is the first mystery written by Ms. Burke. I loved both the mystery and the characters and can only wonder why this is the author's first mystery. Hadrian, Earl of Ravenhurst, was attacked and severely injured while leaving Parliament one night; as he recovers, he discovers he has developed the ability to see things when he touches objects by touching the ring of his attacker. As he continues to get recover, he is determined to figure out who attacked him and if it was indeed a case of mistaken identity, who was the intended victim. Miss Matilda Wren, better known as Tilda, is the daughter of a slain inspector at Scotland yard who is trying to make a living as an investigator to support her grandmother. As money is tight, Tilda plans to consult with her grandfather's cousin to locate an additional investment that her grandmother should be getting funds from. Unfortunately, the cousin died unexpectedly leaving Tilda with more questions than answers. Hadrian and Tilda think that there may be a connection between her cousin and the attack on him, so he decides to hire her to assist him with his investigation. I really liked both Tilda and Hadrian as characters, especially how Hadrian admired and respected Tilda's skills. The mystery was very nicely well done, there are interesting secondary characters, and the chemistry between Hadrian and Tilda is sizzling. I am looking forward to additional titles and to see the relationship between the two continue to grow.

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I have really gotten addicted to historical mysteries and when I saw this book by Darcy, I could not wait to read it.

Needless to say, I was grabbed from the beginning and anxious to find out what would happen. A little different in that a slight paranormal twist with the Earl of Ravenhurst, Hadrian.

He is attacked and in the melee pulls a ring from the assailant. When he puts it on he sees visions.
Trying to get help from the police is futile and he ends up with the help Miss Matilda Wren.

Intrigue, mystery and a journey to trying to find the answers.

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A Whisper of Death book 1 in the series Raven & Wren by Darcy Burke was a fantastic find! If you liked The Business of Blood by Kerrigan Byrne (part of the Fiona Mahoney Mystery series) and the Netflix shows Enola Holmes & The Law According to Lidia Poët you will love this book. Tilda Wren is the spinster who has a penchant for solving mysteries. She is hired by Lord Ravenhurst to investigate his near fatal attack. Together, they make shocking discoveries that lead to a much greater conspiracy. Darcy weaves family dynamics, social injustices, romance, and an awesome cast of characters into a tale that keeps you hooked. I loved every minute of it! I look forward to the next book in this series.

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1868 One evening Hadrian Becket, Earl of Ravenhurst is attacked. Resultingt in seeing visions. The first vision leads to the home of the very recently deceased Sir Henry Meacham, at the same time as Miss Matilda Wren, an investigator. Soon Matilda is employed by Ravenhurst, as they become suspicious of Meacham's death.
An entertaining and well-written historical mystery with its likeable main characters, supported by a cast of varied personalities. A good start to this new series.
An ARC was provided by the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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This was a great start to a new series! I liked the character of Matilda Wren, she was very determined and intelligent. She worked as an investigator, having been taught by her late father how to conduct an investigation. Matilda finds herself working for Hadrian, Earl of Ravenhurst. Hadrian had an inquisitive nature and it wasn’t long before they were working together. Hadrian’s rank proved to be useful, as well as the fact that not all men took a female investigator seriously. Hadrian was quite forward thinking for this period. There are quite a number of secrets to uncover before they get to the truth. I enjoyed the paranormal element to the story and I’m looking forward to the next in the series. I received a copy and have voluntarily reviewed it. All thoughts and opinions are my own. However, I did preorder my own copy.

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Oh my gosh! I need more stars. This deserves so many more than a measly five. This book pulled me in from the moment it opened and never let go. Even now that it’s over, I’m still kind of hung up on it. It was a twisty, deceptive mystery that kept me guessing, and I loved following along as Tilda and Hadrian uncovered the clues. I’m completely charmed by the unlikely friendship these two have struck, and I’m (not so) secretly hoping to see it turn into something much more. The premise of the next in the series has my jaw completely unhinged and I absolutely can’t wait to get my hands on it.
I received a complimentary advance copy of this book through NetGalley.

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