Member Reviews

A Whisper of Death by Darcy Burke
Raven & Wren #1

Delightfully deadly delicately detailed introduction to a series I look forward to following avidly.

What I liked:
* Miss Matilda “Tilda” Wren: twenty-five years old, lives with her grandmother, father was a detective and taught her his skills, caring, responsible, not close to her mother, supportive, inquisitive, bright, capable, rather intrigued with Hadrian
* Hadrian Becket, Earl of Ravenhurst: thirty-years-old, politically active, wealthy, nearly killed and his case swept under the rug, suddenly has a new “ability-curse”, wants to find out why he was attacked, hires Miss Wren to investigate, is intrigued by Tilda
* The slow growth of the potential relationship between Raven & Wren
* Some of the supporting characters that I wouldn’t mind seeing again
* That the writing felt “of the period” as did the characters dialogue and behavior
* The descriptions that engaged all of my senses
* The plot and sub-plots, pacing, setting, and writing
* That I was invested in the characters, story, and outcome of the murder mystery
* Knowing that justice was served…eventually
* That there is another book in the series to look forward to

What I didn’t like:
* Who and what I was meant not to like
* Thinking about how evil and harmful some of the characters were
* Thinking about the divide between the classes and genders during this time period

Did I like this book? Yes
Would I read more in this series? Definitely

Thank you to the author and Oliver Heber Books for the ARC – This is my honest review.

5 Stars

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What a fascinating start to a series! This historical mystery has a great paranormal element and a slow-burn, romantic subplot as well. I only wish I could dive into the sequel right away!

Hadrian Becket, Earl of Ravenhurst, fights an attacker at the start of the book and manages to grab an identifying ring before passing out. As he recuperates from his ordeal, he realize that he now has the ability to see visions if he touches objects. His attacker strikes again and he decides that Scotland Yard's disinterest in investigating doesn't preclude him from tracking down the [now] murderer. His visions lead him to a home where he runs into a woman who is leaving...

Matilda Wren lives with her grandmother is attempts to get more money from a relative who is managing their investments. She finds out the relative has died and likely left them without money when she runs into the Earl of Ravenhurst. As she's done some investigative work for a lawyer with divorce cases, the Earl hires her to investigate his attack. They wind up sleuthing together as the chemistry grows between them.

While it takes a little suspension of disbelief at Matilda being hired by Ravenhurst, it was great fun to see them on the trail of clues for his case. Both of the investigations merge in a neat way and we get satisfying confrontation and action scene as the killer is finally discovered.

This was a fast, fun read and the dual points of view allowed for the budding attraction to be seen from both character's (at a time when, realistically, these two wouldn't be together). Hadrian is somewhat scared to touch Tilda at the end and she's a little disappointed, but it added some great romantic tension that makes me eager for the next book.

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A new direction for Darcy Burke, A cozy mystery with a paranormal twist. Matilda Wren is an uncommon woman in her time, trying to make a living by doing investigations and using the skills her policeman father taught her. Lord Ravenhurst survives an attempt on his life and somehow develops an ability to see things when he touches items. The two start working together to solve the attack, leading them to more than they ever expected. Book Two will be interesting!

I received an ARC for free and gave my honest opinion voluntarily.

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Darcy Burke’s foray into historical mystery is amazing. Hadrian and Wren will become immediate favorite characters of readers. The plot is super engaging and entertaining as they try to solve the clues that will lead them to a murderer. The writer keeps us in suspense until she is ready to reveal all. The characters are excellent and well developed. The dialogue is smooth, engaging and makes the story flow. You will want to get a copy and start reading this magnificent series.

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I am in awe of this book!

This was such a smooth flowing, easy read with strong characters. Women being strong and independent at a time when people only thought of them as burdens, is one of my favourite things to read in a historical mystery. And when she is an investigator by profession, wow.

But more than that I am totally in love with Hadrien's character. The way he didn't think twice before hiring Matilda, and treated her as an active partner in the investigation, being there to protect her, rather pushing her to the background, made me respect him so much.

I would recommend this book to everyone who likes historical mystery with strong characters and great plot.

I received an advance copy of the book and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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A different type of story from the author.
I found myself engaged from the beginning with the initial assault on the Earl of Ravenhurst and the investigative skills of Matilda Wren.
The two of them, Raven and Wren, complemented each other with their ideas and unique special skills.
Some mystery with character stories and pursuit of the truth lends to pace of the action.
Friendship is special but perhap turn to something a little more romantic.
Terrific foundation for a new series.
I received an ARC but the honest opinion is my own.

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A Whisper of Death is such a great book to read on a Autumn day, rainy day. I loved the vibe of it so much. It's immaculate. I gave it 5 stars.

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Hadrian Becket, Earl of Ravenhurst is randomly attacked and stabbed on the street. As a result of injuries, he has started having random visions of his attacker. In an effort to ease his mind and explain these odd symptoms he begins investigating his assault as the police seem oddly uninterested in doing so. He discovers one of the men with a connection to the assault has recently died under suspicious circumstances and his great niece, Matilda Wren, is also an investigator and interested in finding out the truth. Hadrian and Matilda team up and their inquiries soon discover an elaborate cover-up and several more mysterious deaths along the way. This is a good start to a new historical fiction series with inetersting characters and great period detail. I will definitely be reading the next one.
#NetGalley #AWhisperOfDeath

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Mystery, murder and paranormal. A new series with two great characters in Hadrian Becket (Raven) and Matilda Wren. A very entertaining read, and much promise with this series starter.

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Thank you Oliver Heber Books, Netgalley and Darcy Burke for this arc.

The cover was the reason I was pulled into wanting to read it cause it is GORGOUS 😍

This is a darker, historical mystery.
This is out of my comfort zone as I don't read a lot of historical fiction but glad I read it.

Enjoyable, but that's all for me. It was okay, but I didn't connect with the characters and it started slow. I was hoping for it to be darker, so I felt a little let down by it. But I can see others will enjoy it more when they are more use to historical fiction.

2,5 ⭐

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I am a fan of this author and I have been getting in to historical mysteries that are on the cozier side (not graphic in violence/sex) and this fit the bill. I liked the slightly paranormal aspect with the MMC having the curse, which is different than the typical paranormal mysteries I read where the MFC are the magical being some how. It was dual POV and is a slow burn romance. I really liked that Matilda was the experienced investigator and Hadrian acknowledged and expressed his admiration for how great she was at her job. I love a man that just gives adoration. She was so smart and she was so kind at the same time. Her kindness towards her uncles butler was so sweet. I liked Hadrian at the end he was like working hard to find a reason to spend time with her again, as a man should! I can’t wait for the next one. Thank you NetGalley and to the Author for the ARC in exchange for my honest opinions.

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New series in a new genre for Ms. Burke, and I love it. Wren and Ravenhurst are a bit reminiscent of Speedwell & Revelstoke and Spencer & Tracy.

Hadrian Becket, Earl of Ravenhurst, is the victim of a nonsensical crime, stabbed and left to die, without being robbed. He does recover and discovers that he had grabbed onto the criminal's hand and came away with a ring; a ring that seems to have mysterious powers that allows him to see visions from the previous wearer and eventually to miscellaneous objects. After Scotland Yard inexplicably closes his case, he starts his own investigation, which brings him to meet Ms. Matilda Wren. Tilda was trained by her father who worked for Scotland Yard, until he was murdered, but because she is a woman, she is only allowed to help a lawyer find evidence for women seeking divorce. He hires her to help him find his attacker and along the way of following the evidence a beautiful friendship develops.

Love the characters, mystery and interesting details like the description of the inquest. Looking forward to reading what happens in the next book. I was lucky to have been gifted an Advanced Reader's Copy as part of the author's review team. This I s my unbiased, honest and voluntary review.

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This is a good, complicated mystery with worthy characters. Lord Ravenhurst, a victim of a knifing, sets out to find who did it and why. Tilda Wren, a private investigator, is pulled into his inquiry. Raven's concussion left him with an added extra talent which could send him to Bedlam. Can he confide in her? His attack is linked to more deaths, one of which directly affects Tilda and her grandmother. Their temporary partnership is beneficial to both. I hope there will be more shared investigations in the future.

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Any Bones fans in the house? slowly raises hand while looking around to make sure she’s not alone 👀

Ok, good. I’m glad I’ve got your attention.

You know that dynamic chemistry that Booth and Brennan have? The combination of his fierce protectiveness and her intellect? That’s what I was feeling with Raven and Wren.

Set in London in 1869 and told from third person multiple PoV, A Whisper of Death is a historical mystery but with a delightful supernatural element.

In which, Hadrian Becket (Earl of Ravenhurst) and Matilda Wren team up to form an unlikely investigative duo.

As they work together to unmask this story’s villain, they begin to realize there may be something more between them than just a professional relationship.

Cue the slow burn! Like, I’m begging them to fall in love already while also just really, really enjoying the tension.

You had better believe that I am chomping at the bit for the next installment in the Raven and Wren series! And if I have my facts straight, I can look forward to reading A Whisper at Midnight in February!

In case you haven’t guessed it, I highly recommend A Whisper of Death by Darcy Burke and am so glad I let this stunning cover lure me in.

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I was extremely fortunate to receive an ARC of A Whisper of Death written by the amazing Darcy Burke via Netgalley. This is the first in what I would assume to be a new series of suspense and murder mysteries. The investigation is conducted by Matilda Wren, a woman with a background of men in the police force and the fight for justice. Her newest client is Hadrian Becket, the Earl of Ravenhurst, who was stabbed one night and was on death's doorstep as a result. He now suffers badly from headaches and seemingly has the ability to see visions related to the perpetrator of his attack. The two work together to solve the crime of who attacked Hadrian, why he was attacked and how his stabbing is possibly related to some other murders and crimes. A great new beginning.

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Loved reading the mesmerizing and engaging story. When Hadrian, an Earl, is almost killed, he wants to solve the mystery and hires Tilda to help him discover the culprit responsible. Read the highly recommended, wonderfully written, and a must read riveting story. Can't wait to read the next story by the phenomenal author, Darcy Burke!

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///// English /////

*Disclaimer: I had received a free eARC in exchange for an honest review.

Rating: 7 / 10 – 3,5 stars out of 5
Genre: graphic novel, fantasy

A slow-burn, historical romance with different investigators.

The book is good, interesting and quite dynamic. The romance is not the main plot
in this book, although we see how a special friendship is forming between them and your heart is warmed from time to time by their interactions.

As for the story itself, it is a well-paced thriller. However, I found it predictable,
though enjoyable. The twist of the ‘curse’ adds an extra touch and allows us to intensify the emotions even more.

The characters are really good and I must highlight the fact that the male protagonist doesn't put up any obstacles to the fact of the sex of his female companion. In fact, in some moments it seems unreal that he doesn't even take it into account, that he doesn't know the limitations of his partner's sex (or the ones she may have).

I have the feeling that there are things that are still unknowns.

They make a very good couple and, after reading what the second one is about, I'm already looking forward to reading it.

///// Español /////

*Aviso: Recibí un eARC gratuito a cambio de una revisión honesta.

Puntuación: 7 / 10 – 3,5 estrellas de 5
Género: misterio, thriller, crímenes, romance

Un romance a fuego lento de época con unos investigadores diferentes.

El libro está bien, es interesante y resulta bastante dinámico. El romance no es principal en este libro, aunque vemos cómo se va formando una amistad especial entre ellos y se te calienta el corazón de vez en cuando con sus interacciones.

En cuanto a la historia en sí, es un thriller bien llevado. Sin embargo, me ha parecido predecible, aunque disfrutable. El giro de la “maldición” le añade un toque extra y nos permite intensificar más las emociones.

Los personajes están bastante bien y debo destacar el hecho de que el protagonista masculino no ponga impedimentos en ningún momento por el sexo de su compañera. De hecho, en algunos momentos parece irreal que ni siquiera lo tenga en cuenta, que no sepa las limitaciones que puede llegar a tener…

Tengo la sensación de que hay cosas que quedan en el aire, todavía con incógnitas.

Hacen una muy buena pareja protagonista y, después de leer de lo que va el segundo, ya estoy deseando leerlo.

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I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own. (via Netgalley)

This was a fun read. I enjoyed the mystery and the characters. I also enjoyed the relationship progression between the two main characters. Looking forward to more adventures from these two!

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This was a bit of a departure from what I am used to from Darcy Burke and I absolutely loved it! I love her straight-up romances as well, but it was so great to see her take on the supernatural and mystery genres as well. The characters of Tilda and Hadrian are fantastic and the mystery part of the story was really well crafted with plenty of suspects and possible motives. I appreciated that Tilda was already an established investigator and came from a pretty strong background for solving crimes rather than her just getting caught up in what was going on here. And of course I loved that Hadrian immediately say her value and expertise and never discounted her ideas because she was a woman. The more I got to know about Sir Henry the more I disliked him - definitely not a sympathetic victim by the end. Luckily, the killer was even less sympathetic. Although there is a hint of romance/attraction between the two characters the book primarily focuses on the investigation/mystery aspect of the story. I'm half expecting it to come out in a later book that there is more to the death of Tilda's father than has been previously thought. I'm so excited to read the next book in this series to see how Tilda and Hadrian continue to work as a team and how his supernatural power manifest moving forward, and having it involve Hadrian's former fiancé should certainly make things interesting.

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I love Darcy Burke’s romances, but this new mystery series isn’t for me. I’m sure others will enjoy it.

Thanks, NetGalley, for the ARC.

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