Member Reviews

Murakami is one of my top three favorite authors. His work has an element to it that is difficult to put your finger on. Why is it you are delivered along so intensely when the writing is very much the opposite?
With 'The City and Its Uncertain Walls' I would HIGHLY suggest reading the afterword first. It does not spoil anything for you, but if you have read his other work, specifically Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World, that niggling feeling of "I've read this before' is grounded. I knew going in that this novel and the earlier Hard Boiled Wonderland were connected. They are connected in context, space, and ideas. But this is a wholly different book.

There were times while I was reading when I wondered if all of it would ever come together. And yet, at the same time, I didn't really mind if all the strands simply did not connect. They do, very late in the book. This is also, certainly, a work from an older writer. The examinations of time, life, meaning, and loneliness, all come from a place of great experience and understanding.

Any qualms I had during reading were eventually relieved. Murakami has spoken about not always knowing where his books are going until he gets there. So there is disorientation for the reader as well. But have faith with this one, there aren't necessarily answers, but there is clarity.

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I want to thank the publisher and NetGalley for the advanced reading copy of this book.
I was absolutely charmed and captivated by this newest work of Murakami's. It was an interesting mix of components from all of their work, and yet totally fresh and new. It states in the afterword that the basis is a longer story they published early in their writing career, and that it germinated over the past 30+ years and you can really see the growth on the page. It is all here, mysterious caverns, cats, parallel universes and brain functions. Perfect Murakami!
A haunting companion to Hardboiled Wonderland and the End of the World. I look forward to reading the new translation of this when it comes out.

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