Member Reviews

This story was great. Taught to persevere and be brave. The illustrations were beautiful. Will recommend to friends with littles.

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I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily. This is an amazing book to read to young children. It seems at first to be a sweet story about finding and rebuilding home. However, taking a more indepth look at the story, it can be used to help young children understand migration, especially immigration in a way they can understand and develop compassion and empathy for those who may have joined their classrooms after the start of the recent wars.

Favourite Quote:
"On the way, Flora discovered they were not alone. There were those who had journeys of their own to make and those who had stories of their own to tell. Then there were those who couldn’t understand at all."

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Thank you for the gifted arc!

Such a beautiful story for young readers. It tells the importance of community and being welcoming! So well written with beautiful illustrations!

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What a beautifully illustrated and poignant tale for young readers about a family of weaver ants who lose their home. Their difficult journey to find a new community shows the importance of being open and welcoming to those different from us. An important lesson for all!

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This was so sweet and light and whimsical. I was so worried -- how are they going to find a home? The pictures, the colors, everything worked to make me care. I was so happy with the ending.
Thanks to NetGalley for letting me read this

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Thank you NetGally and Victoria Turnbull for the advanced readers copy.

A Home That Means the World by Victoria Turnbull is a sweet and cute little children's book with pretty detailed illustrations that I'm sure you can find new little details when you read again and again. Overall, this children's book was very good I would have liked some more stuff in the middle while they were traveling but that doesn't take away from the story as a whole and I think it has a good message behind it and I would highly recommend this.

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The illustrations are beautiful, they fit perfectly with the story. The message was simple and clear and one that has importance for kids! Overall a good read.

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"They were lost, but lost can be found, broken can mend"

The story follows Flora and her mother’s journey to finding a new home after theirs is destroyed. The artwork is a mix of realistic and whimsical. There are aspects of the illustrations, such as the leafs and grass, that look so realistic, and then we have flora and her family that look a little out of place because of their art style and colour used on them. But this kinda adds to the point that they’re trying to find a home, and they feel out of place everywhere else.

Thank you so much to NetGalley and the author for giving me a free copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

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This picture book demonstrates for children what displacement might feel like for families that have lost a home. The Weaver ant family faces hardship, but eventually they find community and can rebuild their lives. This book artfully takes difficult concepts and presents them in a way that will help encourage empathy in young readers.

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Lovely story with beautiful illustrations. This was a very simple story that packed a nice punch to the gut. All about finding your home and where you belong in the world.

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Flora happily lives at home with her family until they can no longer stay and have to find a new place to live. They travel through many different places and meet lots of other creatures looking for a new home just like them. Eventually they find a to live and learn the importance of being part of a welcoming community. This was a nice enough story but my worry is that, with so many brilliant books on this theme, I'm not sure it'll stand out on the shelves.

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The best part of this book were the illustrations which were in a vintage style. I'm not sure if kids would appreciate the style as much as adults. The story isn't super fun, but I may be wrong and kids could enjoy it.

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This book is BEAUTIFULLY illustrated. Just, wow! The illustrations lent to the beauty of the message being shared as well. I do wish there were more words to go with the illustrations that would bring more meaning to the story, but the point was made.

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A wonderful book with a great messages for youngsters on the importance of home and what it means to us. Fantastic illustrations that are both engaging and well connected to the story.

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A Home That Means The World is a story that way too many children in this world can relate to, unfortunately. This is such a wonderful, beautiful way to tell little ones who are part of families that have been displaced that they're not alone and that kindness still exists. It's also a great way to encourage empathy in children through the gift of storytelling. The illustrations are stunning, I enjoyed the classic feel of the images. This book is wonderful for children ages 2-5.
Thank you to NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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A Home That Means the World is a super sweet children's book that focuses on a family of ants that is abruptly displaced from their home. The book follows their journey to find a new home, and their eventual realization that home is wherever they are together.

There was some beautiful prose in this book & I loved the soft watercolor illustrations. Thank you to NetGalley, Victoria Turnbull, and Quarto Publishing for the chance to read and review! My thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Cute idea, I just think that it won't be a hit with a young audience. The main positive thing with this book was the idea. It was sweet and present. The other two comments I have are negatives.
Firstly, I think that the small detailing of the drawings was almost too small. It was difficult to fully understand every illustration, due to the delicate and thin lines and touches. However, this was only the case for a few of the drawings, not all of them. Most of the drawings were beautifully done and the pastel colors are perfect for a young audience.
Secondly, and lastly, I believe that the story will not appeal to or please little kids. It might stir up feelings of confusion, boredom, or anxiety. Or, similarly, the whole premise might just go over little ones' heads.
In a nutshell, there was an attempt at a good book here, but it fell short.

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This is a great book that teaches children about how important home is. The illustrations are beautiful!

I appreciate the publisher and NetGalley for allowing me to read this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Oh my WORD, this is the sweetest book with the softest and most beautiful illustrations. I can't get over how darling the pictures are. I absolutely fell in love with this short little children's story. "lost can be found, broken can be mended". I just love it. I will be buying this for the children in my life. Highly recommend.

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"But lost can be found, broken can mend."

A beautifully touching, particularly relevant story about a family of ants who are displaced from their home. They search endlessly for another perfect place to be, enduring both good and bad along the way. Eventually, they realize that they can remain together and rebuild their home. In turn, they open their new home to others in need on their own journeys.

Everyone deserves a home of their own and a community, and this book does a wonderful job of capturing that. It also must be said that the illustrations are just as beautiful as the sentiment. ♥

(Thank you to NetGalley and the author for providing me with a free digital copy in exchange for an honest review.)

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