Member Reviews

I forced myself to get through this book but can't say that it was a favorite of mine. Perhaps it requires the concentration of a full reading session..

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I enjoyed this book and how the author developed the characters of Alaric and Annabelle. They both have their own things to deal with and at the same time are drawn to each other regardless of whether the timing is right or no.t

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Alaric and Annabelle went to high school together. When they meet each other again years later, Alaric decides he isn't willing to let her go this time. Get ready to embark on this heartfelt, passionate journey about overcoming heartbreak, trauma, danger and finally getting the chance for them to be with who they should've been with all along. Spice: 3 chili peppers

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In my opinion, this book is missing substance and surprisingly, stream. I struggled to get through this one and it’s a pretty short read. It’s difficult to pinpoint why but I think mostly because of the constantly changing POVs. I never felt connected to the characters, didn’t have a strong understanding of who they were and felt like their dialogue came off a little unnatural. There is potential, but it needs some polishing.

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First of all I want to thank the publisher for providing me an ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

This is the story of Alaric and Annabelle high school classmates who have a chance meeting right after Annabelle's marriage ends. Once they reconnect Alaric and Annabelle decide they want to spend more time with each other to distract from their real lives and find they have a stronger bond than expected. As their relationship grows they learn there are other aspects at play which could ruin what they just found with each other.

What I Liked:
- Second Chance, they were high school classmates who knew of each other but never connected romantically until they reconnected as adults
- Alaric's poems, in high school he was Annabelle's secret admirer and he wrote her poems which he never forgot as she was the "one who got away"

Overall this book really wasn't my favorite, it jumped a lot between characters and was a bit hard to follow from time to time. Also for being such a short book there is a lot of extra "stuff" that I'm not sure really added to the story and kind of took away from the core relationship between the two main characters. If you are looking for a second chance romance with two people who never got their chance as kids then you might be interested in reading this story.

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Her Passion by Felix Alexander is a romance. While I enjoyed the plot, I disliked that a majority of the story was told in narrative form, instead of learning it organically or from dialogue. The story has potential, and I enjoyed the plot. I liked the characters but overall this was just an ok read. It had some phrasing issues that were irritating as well.

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I did like this book and the story was very interesting. I thought the MMC and FMC had good chemistry and the erotic scenes were pretty steamy. I did like that the relationship between Alaric and Anabelle developed over time and wasn’t instant. I did think there places where it dragged a bit, but overall the pacing was good. I definitely recommend.

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Really sorry but I found the dialogue really stiff and unnatural - the overall writing felt strangely put together as if it had been translated from another language - Sorry I DNF. The plot seems interesting.

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A great read in this genre.
Great characters with a good story line which I read in one sitting.
Romance, love and revenge all in one sitting

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I thoroughly enjoyed this book.
The storylines between Alaric and Annabelle, Isabella and Cristiano, Pedro and Henri; and how they are all intertwined for a massive conclusion.
This paragraph will forever stay with me
*"Think of love as the sea. We linger along the shores when we flirt. We step into the water for our first crush. We swim with our first love, and we dive deeper into the waters of desire in pursuit of passion"*
I can't wait to see it come to its full conclusion.

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The quickest way for an author to annoy their readers is to mislead them, and right now I feel duped. I selected this book because I was in the mood for a steamy read and it is listed under erotica.

One, I repeat 1, sex scene does not make for an erotic story. Not to mention, the scene didn’t fit the narrative, in my opinion. It was awkward to read and made me squirm. and not in a good way.

Speaking of the narrative, there's a lot of info dumps. The story is told through numerous points of views, and I struggled with the head-hops. I hate being in one character’s head and getting the other character’s thoughts. It’s jarring.

In all honesty, I felt like this story tried to be too many things. We have a recently divorced mother (with kids who drop off the page as fast as they appeared until the end), a dying mother, an ex-husband who was in the closet, his story with his lover, a bit of suspense, numerous characters who've been cheated on, longwinded discussions on the sanctuary of marriage, and more…. Oh, everything except what for what the story promised.

Would I have enjoyed this had I gone into this without any preconceived ideas? That’s hard to say, but chances are I wouldn’t have stuck with it until the end.

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3 stars

Wow I just finished this book in one sitting. I enjoyed the main plot and the characters. However, I do wish it would have had more substance. If you're looking for a short sweet read where the mmc is obsessed with the fmc, this is the book for you!
A few minor grammatical errors here and there that I hope the editors will look into.
Will definitely look into the other works by the author.

Thank you to Netgalley and the author for the review copy.

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This story captured my attention immediately. I liked how the author explained each of the main character's backgrounds and how it leads to the purpose of the book. I will remember this one for a while! Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC.

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Overall Thoughts on *Her Passion* by Felix Alexander

Felix Alexander has crafted a compelling narrative in *Her Passion*, blending erotica, adult romance, and contemporary themes seamlessly. The story revolves around Alaric Ruiz, a successful real estate developer, and Annabelle Thompson, a resilient divorcee rebuilding her life. Their chemistry and shared history provide a solid foundation for a captivating romance.

The novel excels in character development, particularly with Alaric's multifaceted nature and Annabelle's strength. Alaric's struggles with his past and his complicated relationship with his mother add depth to his character. Annabelle's journey from a troubled marriage to embracing new love is both inspiring and relatable.

The story is rich with tension and emotional complexity. The prologue sets a sultry tone that is maintained throughout, with well-paced erotic moments that enhance the romantic plot. The chapters are filled with significant events and interactions that keep readers engaged, from nostalgic reunions and passionate encounters to dramatic revelations and personal conflicts.

Pedro's role as the antagonist, driven by hypocritical motives, adds a layer of intrigue and highlights the impact of past actions on present relationships. The heartwarming conversations, particularly between Annabelle and her mother, offer valuable insights into the characters' inner worlds.

However, the novel's brevity leaves some storylines, especially Pedro's fate, underdeveloped, leaving readers craving more resolution.

Overall, *Her Passion* is a richly woven tale of love, revenge, and personal growth. Alaric emerges as a romantic hero with depth, while Annabelle's journey is a testament to resilience and the pursuit of happiness. Despite its brevity, the novel's emotional intensity and well-crafted characters make it a memorable read.

**Rating: 5/5 stars**

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