Member Reviews

I admit it, I slept with my light on after finishing this book! I really believed I knew who was to blame, then a twist followed. I definitely did not see that ending coming either. This book kept me wondering what would happen next and if Beck would survive to return to her life or if the past would find a way to ruin it. A good book to read (in daylight hours)!!

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'" Of course we've met Beckett. I'm your best friend"'

Well, that was quite the thrill. I picked up Pretty Little Thing on a bit of a whim, liked the title, loved the creepy cover, and was looking for a bit of a psychological thriller for an afternoon of entertainment, and that, I got. In Pretty Little Thing, we meet Beckett Ryan, as she goes back to her sleepy little hometown after both her parents die and she needs to handle the estate. We quickly learn that the town has turned Beckett's dad into a bit of a hero, and blames Beckett for the deaths of her parents as she left them alone and never looked back. As Beckett stays in town to handle her affairs, the town seems to be against her at every turn, except for the strange Leanne, who claims to be her best friend, and her boyfriend Kai, who appears to have a strangely comforting effect on Beckett. As memories of her own past start to surface, Beckett needs to figure out who is friend, and who is foe.

So, the first part of the book was a little slow, but my goodness did it have all the creepy vibes. Creepy in a very real sense, with Beckett reliving some of her childhood trauma and nightmares in the old, creaky mansion on the edge of the town she grew up in, cliffs crumbling at just a few steps away. The (to me somewhat more than I usually like) freaky nightmares, visions and occurrences, made me think of a movie I once watched: El Orfanato, similarly dark and mysterious. Another thing that made the beginning interesting was the character of Leanne, as it is so hard to place her. Similarly, the omnipresent threat of the neighbours and 'mob' of the village, adds to the atmosphere.

It is the second part of the book where the pace really picks up and as reader you are thrown from following one line of thinking to another, never quite sure who you should believe, who you can trust, and honestly, who is who. I liked the rollercoaster it presented, but I feel more time could have been spent on certain details to make things just ever so slightly more believable and less reliant on convenient happenstance. All in all, I would recommend this one for someone who is looking for a quick and easy read that will keep them guessing, even after the book is finished.

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This book once again proved to me it's more fun to dive into a story without previously reading the synopsis. I was expecting a supernatura story but the reality is much worse. The biggest evil in this story are people. The author leads you somewhere but then presents you with unexpected twists which always fit into the story well but always keeps you on edge.

Beckett has just lost both of her parents unexpectedly. She returns to the small-town she grew up in to deal with everything and attend the funeral. She reunites with her childhood best friend Leanne, who Beckett forgot about and who is kind of a stalker. Beckett also meets Kai, Leanne's boyfriend, and the baroness, who helps Beckett. There are many side characters but most of them not that significant. Beckett has a hard time trusting anyone and it is justified. Are all the people really who they truly are? Or not? As Beckett discovers new and long lost secrets, she also has one to hide about her father. He is believed to be sort of hero who dedicated his life to running the school while in reality, he was abusive. But only a handful of people knew.

Now adult and known book author, Beckett has a lot of trauma to deal with - from abuse to nightmares and being sure her childhood home is haunted. The story is really griping and tense. It deals with some heavy and very real themes. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone looking for some mystery.

The writing was smooth and easy to read. There weren't any typos or grammatical mistakes. The book seemed to be quite well written and edited.

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Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for my copy of this book

When both her mother and father die within days, author Becket Ryan returns to her childhood home to prepare it for selling. A woman, Leanne, approaches her with a reminder that she was her best friend. With no memory of this Beckett tries to trust her. Staying in the house memories flash back of an imaginary friend a haunted feeling. Who can she trust.

This was good. There was a chunk in the middle that seemed a bit supernatural for me, but overall this was a good thriller with a real creepy sense to it. I found the flashbacks confusing, but everything made sense later in the book. I truly did not know who to trust with so many twists and turns. The final few lines were truly mind blowing!

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Pretty Little Thing by Kit Duffield was a phenom thriller!
I flipped through the pages so quickly to see what was happening next. So many surprises and twists.

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Beckett has been living in London and has had some success working as an author.
When both her parents die within days of each other she has to return to her home town to settle their affairs. She hasn’t been home in many years and has no intention of staying there any longer than she has too.
A chilling psychological thriller that I couldn’t put down.
Thank you to NetGalley and Thomas & Mercer for my e-copy in exchange for an honest review.

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This book really packs a punch with suspense and a shocking ending. Beckett has returned home where she had a traumatic childhood, after both her parents die. She meets Leanne who claims they were best childhood friends and leannes boyfriend kai. As she spends time in the sad home of her past she begins to have traumatic flashes of horrible memories. The townspeople who loved her educator dad seem to think that Beckett killed her own parents. Not knowing who is friend or foe Beckett Is struggling. If you want to read an interesting book pick this one up

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Beckett Ryan returns to her hometown after the death of both her parents. She hasn’t been back in years because her parents were terrible to her but wonderful to everyone else who has no idea how she was treated. So of course to the town she looks like the ungrateful daughter only returning for their estate. Then she runs into Leanne, who claims to be her best friend from childhood. But Beckett was sent to boarding school at age 9 and barely remembers anything from before. Which was an issue I had with the story. No health problems, she just doesn’t remember. Sure, her childhood was traumatic, but not the kind of trauma that causes you to block out years of your life. To not even remember a best friend you spent so much time with. But that’s the only way to introduce trepidation about Leanne’s honesty. Beckett wonders if she really was friends with her, starts to become suspicious, etc., and that’s the main mystery throughout the story.

The other issue I have is that Beckett has plenty of chances to let the town know how cruel her father was and how her mother enabled him, but she never bothers to, fearing no one will believe her. Well, if they already loathe you why not tell the truth anyway so that it’s officially out there? If they choose not to believe you, fine, but you’re standing up for yourself and explaining why you’ve stayed away.

I enjoyed the author’s writing and will be checking out his other stories based on this one. There’s more to the plot that can’t really be touched on without heading into spoiler territory but I was delighted that the ending was trickier than expected! Anyone with a dysfunctional childhood would appreciate this book, but it’s not a necessity if yours was quite normal!

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As psychological thrillers go, Pretty Little Thing is quite a twisty, tense affair. The story is set in 2023, with flashbacks to 1999/2000, and is told from two POV'S. It's a little slow to begin with, but when things start to happen, there's a definite sense of unease. The author's use of misdirection and plot twists serve to keep the reader intrigued and interested. All in all, Pretty Little Thing is a thoroughly engaging read.

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This book is a creepy gem!

Beckett, a famous author, returns to her hometown after the death of her parents, and is treated with suspicion by the locals. All except for Leanne, a weird fan/stalker who claims to be Beckett’s best friend from childhood. Beckett has no memory of Leanne.

The scares in this book gave me literal goosebumps. It’s tense and there are parts that will have you jumping at the smallest sound. Beckett was a relatable character in that I was able to empathize with what she was feeling, and the dual points of view between Beckett and Leanne made the read more interesting, especially with not knowing how reliable these narrators are.

I’m adding this author to my must-read list! Thanks for the opportunity to read!

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Beckett returns to her hometown for her parents funeral and meets up with her childhood friend leanne.

Beckett had an unhappy childhood but the locals thought her parents were good people.

Set in two timelines, 5 years apart This is a fabulous read. There are a few twists along the way and a shocker toward the end that I did not see happening.

It is an intriguing tale and I absolutely loved it.

All the stars

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I had some fun with this book. I enjoyed both main characters (which is not common to me - usually I like one and hate the other haha), I loooove the coming-back-home-with-secrets trope, I also thought this story is very atmospheric, and it's full of mysteries. I appreciate the suspense.
Lately, personally, I've been more into suspenseful stories other than thrillery ones. Sp, this book was a perfect fit for my current preference.
I'll admit, though, that some twists did not convince me that much. Yet, nothing bad or wrong with it.
I had a good time with it and I do recommend it to other readers who enjoy suspenseful mysteries.

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Beckett swore she would never return to her childhood home on the coast of England, but when her parents die within days of each other, she returns to bury them. Most of the locals are downright hostile to her, but one person, who claims to have been her best friend in childhood is the strangest of all. Because Beckett has no memory of this woman at all. Creepy and atmospheric.

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Thank you NetGalley for this arc! Overall I enjoyed this psychological thriller, there was definitely a few twists throughout to keep me engaged.

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A creepy and twisty thriller.
Well written with interesting characters.
Spooked myself out when reading late at night!
Overall a great twisty drama.
My thanks to netgalley and the publisher for my copy.

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I devoured this book in 1 sitting! It is creepy and eerie and full of twists and surprises! I couldn’t put it down!! Huge thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for my ARC

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There was a lot of things I liked about this book. The beginning really drew me in and it had a great atmosphere. It almost felt like a horror novel in terms of the setting and I really enjoyed that. As the story built, I was completely taken in by it and had to keep reading to see what happened. I loved most of the twists and wasn’t expecting them. That being said, the last chapter of the book felt like it was almost an afterthought and just tacked on to try to get the reader one last time. I still had a good time reading it and would still try more by this author in the future.

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Thanks to Netgalley for this arc.
Our FMC Beckett who is a writer goes back to her hometown for her parents funeral. She comes in contact with Leanne who said that they were childhood friends. There is dual timeline. 1999 and 2023. The locals don’t approve of Beckett but the only one who knows her parents was Beckett and how vicious her dad was behind closed doors as the locals idolized him and thought he. Was the best. Beckett has to constantly deal with hostility from the locals but she pushes through and her memories keep coming up. Beckett tries to figure out where Leanne fits into her past and the twists of this story are really good. This isn’t the best thing I have read and some parts are hard for me to focus on in the beginning but I like the mystery of trying to find out who Leanne really is. Lots of twists more at the end but dang.. around the 70% mark I wasn’t expecting what happens.

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The author kindly gifted me an ARC through NetGalley

Fair to say that this book creeped me out hahahaha
I don't read scary stuff often (I used to as a teenager but hardly ever do nowadays, note to self to read more from now on) as I get scared quickly.
So much so that I honestly couldn't read this before going to sleep. Hence why it took me a while to finish the book.

There were plenty twists and turns that I did not see coming. All in all I'd say it is a great thriller debut, but since this is not my go to genre, people who read thrillers all the time might have a better informed opinion than me.

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Pretty Little Thing is the story of Beckett Ryan and her journey back to her small home town to bury her parents. While there, she runs into a mysterious woman who claims she is her best friend from childhood….but Beckett has no idea who this person is.

This book has suspense, plot twists and turns and kept me reading long after I should have gone to sleep. I loved getting to know each character as the story progressed. The character development is top notch. I loved some characters, hated some and wasn’t sure how I felt about others. That is one of the things I look for in a thriller - characters that are complicated enough that you aren’t sure how to feel about them, “Do I like them? Do I hate them? Should I hate them?” I particularly enjoyed the character of Naomi and would love to see Kit write another book with her as the main character. She really needs a book of her own and to tell her story. I felt there was so much more to her.

Kit created a compelling atmosphere in which I became fully immersed. I swear I could see and smell the town, its buildings and even its inhabitants. Despite the tense scenes in Beckett’s childhood home, I want to visit that house in real life and could see each room as if I was standing in it.

This is a great story that I cannot recommend enough. A full 5 out 5 stars - read this one, you wont regret it.

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