Member Reviews

Ty to the publisher and NetGalley for the ARC :)



It has me a little confused in the best possible way.

Read if you like:
Fae bargains
Elemental magic
Unbreakable bonds
A woman in her villain era ✨
shadow daddy's
Love triangles

This was a wild ride and a breath of fresh air. The writing style was so beautiful, and it deserves all the gold stars
Spice: 3/5

The chemistry between Xander and Ameris was sizzling, but the chemistry between Ameris and Oberon? Yessss. I'm here for it.

I can't wait for the second book (hopefully there is one in mind?!). Would definitely recommend.

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I’d give this a solid 3.5 rating. The morally grey FMC is a new experience for me and I have to say I don’t mind it one bit. I did not love the MMC Xander, something about him just didn’t do it for me. Ameris often had me waiting on the edge of my seat to see what she would do next and the magic elements were really quite interesting and built a gripping story.
I am not someone who can appreciate a love triangle, reverse harem all day long for sure but if you are someone who enjoys that this might be the book for you. Looking forward to the next one after that cliff hanger.
Thank you to Netgalley and victory editing for the Arc in exchange for my honest review.

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Received this book as an ARC via NetGalley, thank you!!

This book is a romantasy story with witches, fae and elemental magic. It is full of tropes I love like enemies to lovers, forced proximity, touch her and die.
What I loved the most about this book was the fact the the FMC was morally grey which was a new twist for me! Ameris is a sassy, sharp tongued FMC who knows what she wants. Her journey and choices through the story I did not see coming and I cannot wait to read the sequel!!!

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I ate this book up! This was fast paced and I was intrigued the entire time.

The elements of this fantasy romance book were really refreshing. There is a bond that occurs, but it is done so differently and it had me questioning everything (in a good way). The politics, magic system and overall plot were great.

I changed who I was rooting for so many times and was on the edge of my seat.

Perfect for anyone who likes:
-dual POV
-some spice
-morally grey FMC
-elemental magic
-love triangles
-witches & fae
-shadow daddy

The cliffhanger at the end left me wanting the next book asap.

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*ARC received from Netgalley - all opinions are my own*

TL;DR: The book explores human and fae magic systems, features a degree of found family, and presents a morally grey female main character (FMC) amid a light vs. dark romance. While not an entirely unenjoyable read, the story's characters often fall flat which brings down my rating.

"Born of Blood and Shadows" marks my first encounter with a truly morally grey FMC, and it was interesting to see Ameris grow and change throughout the story. Watching her struggle with her choices between staying with “light” magic or succumbing to dark and destructive magic was intriguing. However, despite understanding her loss and the rationale behind her feelings and actions, Ameris's constant hostility becomes exhausting. It is particularly frustrating when she repeatedly refuses to take accountability for two significant choices that altered her life, instead blaming everyone else and completely disregarding their experiences.

My feelings towards Xander, our male main character (MMC), are mixed, leaning towards the negative. He is selfish, rude, and dismissive of Ameris until a certain bit of the book, at which point he suddenly acts like an infatuated teenager despite his age. Even if Ameris pushed him to the brink of death, he would still be content just to be near her. I find this dynamic between characters unappealing, especially since Xander continually disregards Ameris. He speaks over her, hides things from her, underestimates her power and abilities, and generally shelters her, then wonders why she is hostile toward him. There's a scene later in the book where he leaves her behind despite her begging to be involved and we get an inner monologue from him, essentially saying, "I'll bring her back a present from the city, and that will make everything better".

The overall story is pretty interesting, and I would love to learn more about the world's history and the events during the war. It would be nice to get a bit more clarification on Rhiannon as she is portrayed both positively and negatively, even by her supposed “friends” so it’s a bit difficult to know whether she was liked or even a good leader.

Our interactions with Oberan, our "villain", were pretty brief and feels like a bit of a lost opprtunity as he was unlikeable from the start. I think it would have been a great time to pit her against Xander as Oberan was willing to give and nuture her magic.
*potential spoiler taken away for Netgalley review*

Despite some frustrating moments with our main characters and some side characters (I’m looking at you Zorria), Born of Blood and Shadows offer a truly morally grey female character struggling with past and recent trauma all while trying to navigate her new life and powers. It’s very light and slow-burn on the serious romance side, so do with that what you will.
I do think it would be worth the read for many people but maybe read around other reviews or grab a copy from the library as it wouldn’t be my personal choice to read.

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Born of Blood and Shadows - Jamye Smith

This book really surprised me with how much I enjoyed it! I’ve struggled to continue with fantasy since ACOTAR and ToG as I feel like nothing will live up to them, but Born of Blood and Shadows really had everything I could want from fantasy.

I’ll just start by saying, the beginning of this book had me HOOKED. Ameris is a little girl who’s magic is trapped by her mother while both her parents are burnt at the stake for being/enabling witches. The tension, character building and general start made for a great beginning.

I loved Ameris’s story. The idea that she knows she has abilities but can’t access them, living in a village where people suspect her magic but won’t act on it due to her ability to heal. Until coming across Xander, a being who she has only heard about in stories passed down by generations. And here comes my favourite fae storyline… What better way to introduce yourself to another being than saving their life in bargain for helping access her magic?

The journey of grief for Ameris had me bawling. In a short space of time, she loses everything and everyone and is stuck with Xander, a fae who recognises that she is a descendant of another great fae. Armed with a grimoire and an influx of memories, Xander and Ameris plan to undertake a trip to Xanders home, but the main problem is, the only way to do so is through blood magic and a bond… Which Ameris is aware of, yet Xander is yet to discover.

Their story of rebellion and submission of the ruler Oberon was written in a way that made me think twice about which characters were inherently bad, and reconsidering their motives. The plot twists and other characters were just as elaborate.

I will say though… Ameris isn’t fussy when it comes to her men. Does she just kiss everybody she comes across?

Regardless, this book was fantastic and I thoroughly enjoyed diving back into the fantasy world through this story!

Thank you NetGalley for the ARC in return for an honest review!

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Morally grey tale where witchcraft, elemental fae magic, and strategic romances collide.

Ameris, desperate to escape relentless witch hunters, strikes a dangerous bargain with Xander, a captivating fae heir, to learn magic in exchange for saving him. Together, they form a bond that transports them to Elysium, the fae kingdom under the shadowy rule of King Oberon. As Ameris navigates a world of ancient rivalries and dark allure, she finds herself torn between Oberon's seductive shadow magic and her intense connection with Xander. With the throne at stake and threats looming from all sides, Ameris must decide whether to claim her power or remain ensnared by blood and shadows.

Born of Blood and Shadows is a captivating read, offering a fresh take on the world of magic with a rich tapestry of history and character dynamics. At its heart, this novel presents a unique spin on the history of witchcraft, descending from elemental fae magic that explains their deep connection to the earth. This distinctive approach breathes new life into the genre, emphasizing the ease of which Ameris comes into her powers.

The novel excels in its portrayal of character dynamics. Each character is intricately developed, with personalities that shift and adapt depending on their surroundings and the relationships they navigate. This fluidity adds layers of complexity to the narrative, especially when it comes to romantic interests. Relationships are portrayed with an air of mutual benefit rather than mere affection, making every interaction feel charged with strategic intent. Readers are left questioning the motives and allegiances of each character, mirroring Ameris’s own uncertainty and growing mistrust.

Ameris embraces the morally grey trope. Straddling the line between light and dark, she embodies the complexities of a character shaped by trauma and a quest for control. Her journey is one of profound internal conflict, where her powers, morals, and worldview are in constant flux. This inner turmoil is both heartbreaking and relatable, providing a nuanced exploration of how past suffering can shape present choices.

Overall, I enjoyed the blend of witchcraft and fae and the power of light vs. dark. I cannot wait to see how the fae world is expanded upon in future novels.

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This had so many tropes that I loved to read, so I was already excited to dive in! And I loved the morally grey FMC. I honestly have read one done like this before and it was great. The world building was phenomenal and very unique. I’m looking forward to the next book!

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Book Review: Born of Blood and Shadows by Jamye Smith

*Born of Blood and Shadows* by Jamye Smith is an extraordinary dive into a world where magic is both a gift and a curse. The intricate world-building is nothing short of masterful, creating a setting that is as dangerous as it is enchanting. The novel's captivating storyline, rich with magic and complex bonds, pulls readers in from the first page and refuses to let go.

Ameris, the protagonist, is a compelling character whose struggle to unbind her magic sets the stage for an epic journey. Her alliance with Xander, the dangerously attractive fae heir, adds layers of tension and intrigue, especially as they navigate the perilous political landscape of Elysium. The chemistry between Ameris and Xander is palpable, and their blood bond adds an extra dimension to their relationship, heightening the stakes at every turn.

The plot is a rollercoaster of ambition, lust, and betrayal, with each twist and turn meticulously crafted. The witch hunters' relentless pursuit of Ameris keeps the tension high, while the fae kingdom's ancient vendettas and the shadow king Oberon's machinations add depth to the narrative. Oberon, in particular, is a standout character, his dark allure and ruthless ambition making him a formidable antagonist.

Smith's writing is immersive and evocative, painting vivid pictures of the magical landscapes and the intense emotional battles within. The climactic ending is nothing short of jaw-dropping, leaving readers desperate for more.
*Born of Blood and Shadows* is undoubtedly a standout read of the year. It's a book that lingers in the mind long after the final page is turned. For fans of fantasy and romance, this novel is a must-read, earning a well-deserved 5-star rating. Jamye Smith has crafted a tale that is both enchanting and thrilling, and I eagerly await the next installment in what promises to be an unforgettable series.
#NetGalley #BornOfBloodAndShadows

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This book has everything I love in a story! It's fast paced, as a unique magic system, the author has done an amazing job with the world building, the fantasy world definitely needs more morally grey FMCs like Ameris. All the characters have a great back story and I absolutely loved the character zeke!

I cannot wait for the next book because that ending had my jaw on the floor!

Thanks to netgalley for providing the ARC

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Thank you so much to the author and Net-gallery for the chance to review this ARC!

I should fear him, but I’m angry.
I want to see how far I can go- how much I can get him to give me. Sink my own talons so far into his flesh that he won’t be able to escape my grasp. To become the predator he doesn’t see coming.

I was not expecting this book to turn out how it did but damn was it good!

Can I just say I need the sequel like right now?

Ameris who is a witch in hiding after her parents death, Xander a banished fae stuck in the human realm and Oberion a dark delight what could go wrong…

This was a quick and easy read that really sucks you in!

Definitely one to add to your TBR list ASAP!

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Ameris, a fiercely determined protagonist with a powerful, unbound magic that has made her the target of relentless witch hunters. Her desperation to unbind her powers leads her to strike a dangerous bargain with Xander, the dangerously alluring fae heir. The chemistry between Ameris and Xander ignites the narrative with a simmering tension that adds layers of complexity to their tumultuous partnership. Readers will find themselves rooting for their bond while simultaneously questioning the depths of their respective ambitions. The novel's pacing is meticulously crafted, propelling the narrative through thrilling twists and turns as Ameris and Xander navigate the treacherous landscape of the fae kingdom of Elysium. With the imposing shadow king Oberon as their adversary, the stakes of their journey become increasingly dire. Ameris’s discovery of her unbound magic as a potential key to the throne adds an intriguing element of political intrigue, making the reader wonder about her next move in a game fraught with peril.
The darker tones of the story are masterfully balanced with moments of levity and vulnerability, particularly as Ameris grapples with her duality—her desire for freedom and the seductive draw of the very darkness she is warned against. Oberon is a compelling antagonist, embodying the seductive nature of power and the lengths one will go to secure it. His presence in Ameris's life adds layers of tension that keep readers on the edge of their seats. Magic takes on a life of its own, serving both as a source of strength and vulnerability for Ameris. The author does an impressive job of exploring the consequences that come with such power. The intricate magic system is both fascinating and dangerous, creating a vivid world where every spell comes with its risks, and alliances shift like shadows. This fantasy novel is a must-read for fans of dark fantasy and those who enjoy a strong, complex female lead navigating a world filled with danger and intrigue.

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Thank you to Victory Editing, NetGalley and author Jamye Smith for this eARC.

So I went into this book thinking it was a standard fae fantasy romance. Imagine my surprise when Born of Blood and Shadows took a completely different turn and went almost into villain origin territory.

I gotta admit, our FMC Ameris annoyed me at first. She doesn’t think any of her actions through and when things inevitably go very wrong she blames everyone but herself even when she was warned about the consequences. Through the later part of the book however she develops into a beautifully morally grey, almost villain character and I loved it!
Out two male love interests were… fine I guess. Neither really stood out to me.
I really hope this is the first book in a series because I am so excited to see where Ameris journey takes her!

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4.5 stars
Born of Blood and Shadows is a fast-paced, action packed fae romantasy book with tropes that I love and new concepts that kept me intrigued from the start. Ameris is a morally grey main character with unlikeable qualities akin to Nesta from A Court of Thorns and Roses, which made me immediately relate to her. She has a sharp tongue and a guarded heart built up from so much grief and loss. I loved that she had something to guide her out of the darkness which was learning how to use her magic. The elemental magic that is used in Elysium really intrigued me and I’m excited for her to hopefully explore it even more in the sequel. This had amazing writing and is a very strong start for a debut series. The highlight of the book for me was the blood bond. I loved the heightened emotions and the consequences of the bond. The tension and banter were great and the dual point of view made the romance even stronger. After that ending, I will be highly anticipating the sequel. I won’t be surprised if this ends up being a wildly popular romantasy book after it releases!

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First what a beautiful cover I love it. This book reminded me a lot about all the other romantasy style books out in the market right now but with a nonreliable FMC which i enjoyed but at times it was a bit too much if that makes sense. I think I will still purchase a copy when this is published I just feel like there could be way more story to tell with these characters.

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Finally!!! It's the FMC that's morally gray :) I'm sure a lot of people have said that about this book but it is fantastic when tropes are switched around. This book was fast-paced with a great plot and characters, the world building was good as well. I absolutely enjoyed it and couldn't put it down. I feel like I say that a lot these days, but there are so many great books out there and this is one of them. Love it!! and I am definitely looking forward to seeing what Ameris does next! Jamye Smith did a great job with this fantasy novel.

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Ameris, a witch desperate to evade relentless witch hunters, is plunged into an escape out of the human realm. Now that she has saved Xander, a fae king who had lost his kingdom to a shadow king, Oberon, he intends to get her to help him get Eylysuim, his fae kingdom. Ameris will go to any length to unbind her magic, even bargain with Xander. Ameris agrees to save him in exchange for learning fae magic. Their relationship is a blend of desire and strategic maneuvering. Ameris and Xander enact a blood bond, transporting them to the fae kingdom of Elysium. Oberon realizes that Ameris's magic holds the key to the throne and will do whatever it takes to keep the throne and make Ameris his. The blood bond between Ameris and Xander intensifies their connection, while Oberon's dark allure introduces a seductive yet dangerous element. Torn between the intoxicating allure of Oberon's shadow magic and her intense bond with Xander, Ameris has no choice but to take the throne or be bound by blood & shadow.

The book's dialogue was repetitive at the start, and character interactions did not flow and seemed clunky. The romance needs more of a build-up and doesn't have any emotional connection. Then, midway through the book, something changes, and character development and storylines improve. The last half of the book was firing on all cylinders. I was interested and enjoyed Ameris's internal struggle and ultimate decision that shaped the story's resolution. I can't wait to read the next book.

I received an ARC ebook for my honest review. Thank you, NetGalley and Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op

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One thing that blew me away was the presence of elemental magic : it is simply one of my weaknesses in a fantasy book, so you can only imagine how much I loved its presence. Plus I really appreciated how well the author managed to define the difference between witch magic and fae magic.

As a good lover of morally gray characters, I couldn't help but love the main character and I loved her growth and determination to get what she wants no matter what.

Plus I found the world building original and well explained with a complex magic system and the fae - humans dynamics very complex.

In conclusion it was a quick read , dark and addictive. It certainly has its flaws but nevertheless I want more of it!

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4/5 ⭐️
2/5 🌶

Born of Blood and Shadows is a well written, fantasy book that kept me on the edge of my seat. It follows our female main character, Ameris, who is a witch whose magic has been bound, living in hiding in the mortal world. Her life is changed when she stumbles across an injured fae, Zander, and agrees to help him return to his Fae land, which he was banished from. On this journey, Ameris struggles to overcome the trauma she's encountered in her life and is determined to get control of her magic and finally feel in control of her life.

Things that I loved :

✨️ Elemental Magic: I absolutely love a book that has elemental magic (water, air, earth,fire, shadows). I loved the difference the author made between human witch magic and fae elemental magic and thought it was a really unique twist to have. Ameris journey with her magic was interesting to read about and kept me wanting to keep reading.

✨️Morally Grey FMC: It was really refreshing having a Morally grey female main character for a change. I really enjoyed how, throughout the book, it was made very clear that Ameris' only priority was herself and getting control over her magic, by any means possible. Her resolve to take what she believes to be hers, no matter the cost, is something we rarely see with female main characters

✨️Dual POV. I always love being able to have insight into the characters from differing points of view. I do wish we could have had at least a view chapters from Oberons point of view so we could understand his character more.

Things that could have been better:

✨️ I wish that the relationships between Ameris and Zander as well as Ameris and Oberon were explored more. I found it hard to root for either relationship because they felt a bit surface level. While I appreciate that Ameris was focused on herself and wasn't willing to give anything up for either of the love interests, the romance felt lacking and underdeveloped.

✨️ I think a bit more of a backstory would have been helpful. Rhianon is mentioned a lot but we never get a full understanding of what it looked like when she ruled. Considering the connection Ameris has with her, it would have been nice to know a bit more about Rhianon to get a better understanding of her as a ruler and person.

Overall I enjoyed this book and the ending is definitely intriguing. I look forward to seeing where the story goes in the next book.

Thank you NetGalley, Jamye Smith and Publisher for providing me with this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Born of Blood and Shadows by Jamye Smith hooked me right from the start with its fast-paced plot and a protagonist who walks the line between right and wrong. Ameris, our fierce FMC, is complex and compelling, making her journey through anguish and determination a rollercoaster I couldn't get off.

The world-building is top-notch, blending a unique magic system with intricate fae-human dynamics that add depth to every twist and turn. The story is packed with spice, betrayal, and enough tension to keep you on your toes.

While I really enjoyed Born of Blood and Shadows, it's not without its quirks. Sometimes the writing veered into telling rather than showing, which took away a bit of the immersion. The romantic side felt a tad rushed too, lacking the deep build-up I usually crave in fantasy romance. But these are minor bumps in an otherwise thrilling ride.

Overall, this was a dark and addictive fantasy that left me hungry for more. It's not flawless, but its strong characters, intricate plot, and that tantalizing promise of what's to come make it a solid recommendation for anyone who loves morally complex heroes and endings that leave you desperate for the sequel.

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