Member Reviews

Senior year of high school was suppose to be the best right? Well when your boyfriend dumps you, you botch your college audition, and everything in your life takes a turn, what's a girl to do but get through it. Seventeen year old Essie had senior year planned out, yet when her best friend goes off to college and barely responds to her texts, her brother is off in rehab, her fights with her mom increase, and her long time boyfriend dumps her... Essie's life is taking a turn. It doesn't help that she botched her college audition and her plans are all crumbling, and a new complicated romance has come into her life. Essie is falling for the charming guy who just happens to be the younger brother of the drug dealer who got Essie's brother hooked.... every decision that Essie has made has turned her life around and now this could be just another bad one if she isn't careful. Being 17 isn't easy, and when everything you had planned goes awry, senior year is bound to be complicated. This was an interesting young adult novel that deals with family drama, relationships, and growing up. While I personally didn't vibe with Essie, I do think someone out there will and will enjoy the journey Essie goes through as she grows. The art is absolutely beautiful though and I did like that we got to see Essie grow.

Release Date: March 4,2025

Publication/Blog: Ash and Books (

*Thanks Netgalley and First Second Books | First Second for sending me an arc in exchange for an honest review*

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