Member Reviews

This book was such a pleasant surprise. I could not stop listening. The characters were so personable, they sucked me into their lives from page one...and I am still invested days after the book ended. It touches on difficult topics - suicide, depression, parent death, trauma from childhood, infidelity, but in a tasteful not overly dark way. It felt real, emotional and just wonderfully well done. I really loved the two main characters - both women who are incredibly different but also mesh really well together. That opposites "attract" in a platonic type of way. I liked that the book did not feel like it was finished, but also was not an abrupt end. I just really enjoyed every aspect of this book - a 2024 must read.

Thank you netgalley for my advanced audio copy.

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The Wedding People was an absolutely brilliant book. I am happy to notate that I got a copy of the audiobook and oh my, did it not dissappoint. As someone who loves weddings, but hated the planning of them, this book was chefs kiss. The writing was spectacular, the characters and their individual characteristics were so well expressed, I felt like I really knew them. The conversations were deep, funny, and hopeful. I listened to this book in one seating, mostly because I was so engaged I wanted to know what was happening next.

This is a book I will absolutely recommend to my friends and followers, and possibly one I will gift to new friends that are brides to be.

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Wow, I really liked the book, but I liked the audiobook even better. The narrator did a great job bringing the characters to life!

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Thank you to Net Galley and the publisher for an advanced copy of this audiobook. My 3 star rating is an average of my opinion of the writing and narration (4 stars) and my feelings about the story (2 stars). I couldn't get past the flippant attitude of the bride towards a potential suicide. It set me on a downward spiral that the funny circumstances never quite redeemed. The narrator was quite talented and I wasn't bored while listening to the story, but I had a hard time actually liking any of the characters and I didn't appreciate the humor the way other reviewers have. All in all, it wasn't a bad selection, but I probably won't recommend it to friends.

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I was pleasantly surprised by this book. I went in blind and was expecting more of cliche and this was such a thoughtful and heartwarming story. Trigger warning for suicide ideation: at the begging it starts because our protagonists shows up to a hotel to end her life. She is the only guest that is not part of the wedding and immediately meets the bride, and later the groom separately, and this chance encounter changes their trajectory. Somehow it was still lighthearted and hopeful even with those harder topics. The characters were lovable and relatable even when they were annoying. My main fear was a love triangle, I tend to have a pet peeve of emotional cheating. But I believe she handles that with care so it did not bother me. My favorite part was the friendships that develop, even at times when it seems lopsided it always goes deeper and we get a glimpse that nothing and no-one is that one dimensional and that there are more complex things at play. When it started leaning toward the romance, I was afraid it will overshadow and replace the budding friendship storyline as so many of these book do, but I was pleasantly surprised that she always returned to that the original friendship relationship was not dropped and forgotten by the author.

The audiobook narrator was excellent. She really captured the humor and the despair of all the characters and made it a truly enjoyable listen.
The only issue I had with the audiobook was a technical one that perhaps was such because it is not a finished copy. However, I had a hard time with the audio sometimes having some ADR clips added that seemed a different tone or pitch. Sometimes this would take me out of the story.

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I went into this blind and was pleasantly surprised! I recommend going in blind as well. The mix of characters' personalities made for an entertaining story, which, one or two chapters in you'll probably think I'm crazy for saying that! This is fresh and, while heavy, has lots of moments of light and laughter.

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This story is absolutely amazing. Alison did a heck of a job on this one. It was deep and filled with tons of emotions.
The entire thing felt so real and like I was living in it. I became so attached to each and every character. The narrations was aboslutely fabulous.

Thank you so much NetGalley for a copy of this audio.

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For months I’ve been eagerly awaiting my chance to read The Wedding People and let me just tell you…it did not disappoint! The story unfolded beautifully. Espach has such a gift for creating compelling characters!

After much hardship and feeling very much at the end of her rope, tired Phoebe checks into a gorgeous Newport inn to end it all. Bold (and very stressed) Lila will do whatever it takes to make sure her wedding week goes off without a hitch – and that includes making sure Phoebe doesn’t end her life and ruin the whole event. I loved how real their interactions felt, and the rest of the characters were eccentric and intriguing.

Phoebe’s journey was full of heart, heartache, and humor. I was invested from the very first moment, and I eagerly listened to “just 5 more minutes” at every opportunity. I’m not sure that the romantic aspect was my absolute favorite thing, but it didn’t take anything away from the story for me.

If you love character-driven stories full of big personalities, healthy doses of humor, and people navigating challenging life circumstances, check The Wedding People out! I don’t think you’ll regret it.

Thank you so, so much to NetGalley, Macmillan Audio, and Alison Espach for the free ARC in exchange for my honest review!

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Amazing! The way the story evolves is wonderful and actualized. Life is largely what we think it is and Phoebe finds that out as things progress over the wedding week. The story was so ordinary but in such an extraordinary way, if that makes any sense. Every day things that could happen that move along in such a way that made me realize that we’re all battling our own issues and we just need the find the right people to help get each other through them. Great read!

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3.5 ⭐️s rounded up

Before I was past chapter 4, I was already reaching out to my book-reading besties recommending this book. The first scene in the hotel lobby, I was laughing to the point of tears. I compared the author’s wit and funny truisms on human nature to Fredrik Backman (one of my favorite authors of all time.)

Then there’s a shift. The humor went from whip-smart yet relatable to almost slapstick. I still enjoyed the book, but where before I was laughing like, “That’s so funny, because that’s so true” I was now gasp-laughing at things that were silly or absurd.

I don’t think the promo blurb for book does right by potential readers. I won’t wordsmith the perfect sentence, but something like: Phoebe checks in to her bucket-list hotel, prepared to check out of her life by the morning. Then she meets the wedding people. Something that hints at a topic that could possibly trigger some people, especially when they’re expecting a 100% light-hearted, girl power friendship, rom com beach read. Personally, I wasn’t bothered by the initial dark mindset of the main character, but I’ve read other reviewers who were.

I hesitate to include this because… side tangent, but pandas/panda breeding strategy are briefly mentioned in this book. It’s cute and funny in a work of fiction, but not an accurate portrayal of pandas. I worked in the education department of a zoo with a world-renowned panda program, so let me reassure you that pandas aren’t sad at being housed alone. They are solitary animals. Even in the wild, other than mating and mothers raising their young, pandas spend most of their life on their own. Imagine an introvert forced to be around other people all of the time, and you’ll understand the stress “group housing” would impose on animals that prefer “me time.” Also, panda porn is not a proven or wide-spread breeding strategy. While humans are visual creatures, pandas rely much more on scent. So no, zoos are not showing panda porn behind-the-scenes.

Despite my quibbles, if you’re a fan of books that mix darks with lights, this is a great book to check out.

The narrator, Helen Lassr, was fantastic! I looked her up and she’s voiced several other audiobooks I’ve really enjoyed, so props to casting such a talented and experienced actor.

Thank you to NetGalley and Macmillan Audio for an advanced copy of the audiobook in exchange for my honest review..

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"The Wedding People" by Alison Espach offers a delightful blend of humor, charm, and heart.. The novel's premise is intriguing: two women at a crossroads in life meet at a luxurious Newport hotel. Phoebe, an academic with a failed marriage, inadvertently becomes part of Lila's elaborate wedding celebrations. Through the eyes of Phoebe, we experience the highs and lows of this six-day event, filled with eccentric guests and over-the-top wedding preparations. Espach crafts a story that, while light on the surface, delves deeply into themes of personal growth and the complexities of womanhood.

Espach's storytelling is both witty and emotionally resonant. Phoebe's journey from a place of personal turmoil to finding unexpected connections is beautifully portrayed. The humor is dry, with sharp observations about the wedding industry and the rituals that come with it. Despite the novel's lighthearted approach, it tackles serious themes such as divorce, depression, and grief with sensitivity and depth. The characters, especially Phoebe, are well-developed and evoke empathy. Her initial aloofness transforms into strength, making her a protagonist worth rooting for. The unexpected romance and satisfying conclusion add to the novel's charm.

While I found "The Wedding People" enjoyable, it didn't fully connect with me on an emotional level at the beginning - but by the end i was hooked in. The audiobook version, with its excellent narration, made for an immersive experience. The novel's setting, a picturesque seaside inn, and the eccentric cast of characters add to its appeal. Despite my reservations, I recommend this book for its wit, heart, and the insightful exploration of life's milestones and relationships. Just be mindful of the content warnings, as the book addresses several heavy themes.

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"I think we talk about happiness all wrong. As if it’s this fixed state we’re going to reach. Like we’ll just be able to live there, forever."

My notebook is full of quotes from this book now, but the one above sticks the hardest.

Professor Phoebe Stone has just walked away from her life in St. Louis to take a trip to the Cornwall Inn, a grandiose 5 star hotel in Rhode Island. It wasn’t a difficult decision– her life has been in shambles for years. Things are so bad in fact, that she has arrived at this beautiful hotel with one goal in mind – she plans to end her life.

But as spontaneous as this decision was, Phoebe wanted to make an event of it, to come to this hotel she’s dreamt of since before her divorce, and wear a beautiful dress that she never would have been caught alive in. Awkwardly for her, when Phoebe enters the reception area she encounters a sea of people also in green. They are here for a wedding, and Phoebe has accidentally snuck in wearing the party’s color.

Regardless, Phoebe has come to this hotel with a plan, and when she runs into the bride Phoebe is not afraid to be honest with the woman. The bride, Lila, is not impressed with this plan and demands Phoebe reschedule. A dead woman at her wedding is unacceptable, so if she could just wait til the wedding is over that would be great, thanks.

The original meeting between Phoebe and Lila has that magical ‘say anything’ vibe that conversations with total strangers has. They are both at the end of their rope, Phoebe from depression and Lila from stress, and their interactions with each other are shockingly honest after a long period of what feels like fake socialization.

One thing I loved about this book is that is takes place in our world, where Covid lockdowns happened and destroyed the waning sanity we all had. The effect the pandemic had on the characters is actually incorporated and for that reason it makes the story feel so much more real, like these are people that I could run into at a hotel.

Lila is a young woman in her late 20s, Phoebe is 12 years older and approaching middle age. The differences between them in age and personality is initially so striking but as we progress through the story we get to see how similar everyone really is to each other, and how all people are just trying to do their best to be happy, even if they have not yet figured out what that means. Especially when they do not know what their happiness looks like.

This is truly a beautiful story and the type that will stick with me for a long time. It is a story of loss, grief, and new beginnings. It’s about the power of wanting, and asking for what you want. In a world that makes us feel like we have everything, it is hard to actually desire anything. - Thanks for the lesson Sex Woman!

But seriously, this book made me cry and it made me laugh out loud. The humor was so perfectly timed and the characters were so real they popped right out of the page. (In this case, out of my phone). Truly this is one for the ages and I know I’ll be coming back to it again.

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Thanks to Netgalley for the advance copy. I will give my honest opinion. This book surprised me but didn't hit me enough to give a higher score. You have to be in a good place mentally, since there is no trigger warning. I really liked the development of the characters. However, I didn't like Lila's attitude throughout the book even if it was necessary for the end. The story was well written. Glad to have read it.

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This novel was such a pleasant surprise! From the title I expected it to be a light beach read but it is much more. It's a story about loss, honesty, endings, and new beginnings. It's about family. It starts with a woman checking into an expensive resort hotel for one night. There's been an error, in that the bride-to-be insists that all the rooms in the hotel were reserved only for wedding guests. Who is she, and why is she here? We quickly learn that the woman intends to end her life this evening, but the bride-to-be objects strongly as this will ruin her perfect wedding weekend. As silly as this bride sounds, she soon unpeels the layers of the woman's story and, in so doing, exposes her own vulnerabilities. There's a lot more to the engaging story, including parents acting badly, a sulky pre-teen who insists on being addressed as Juice, and the ghost of the groom-to-be's late wife (not in ghost form: it's not that type of book). The audiobook is well-narrated and the story is engaging. I quite enjoyed it and look forward to reading more by this writer.
My thanks to the author, publisher, and #NetGalley for the advance audiobook loan for review purposes. Publishing July 30, 2024, so pre-order this gem today!

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After seeing all the buzz The Wedding People was generating on Instagram, I requested this audiobook on NetGalley, and I was thrilled when my request was approved. It exceeded my expectations in every way!

Helen Laser's voice perfectly fit Phoebe’s sarcasm! All the voices were great, but the narrator killed it with Phoebe’s dialogue, bringing out her humor and wit. The pacing was impeccable, keeping me engaged throughout the entire book. Her performance was so distinct that it felt like each character was brought to life with its own unique voice. One particularly memorable moment was when one of the characters had something stuck in her teeth, and Laser performed the dialogue as if she were removing the food. It was these small details that made the audiobook a standout experience. The narration truly elevated the experience, making it a perfect 5-star listen for me.

It was such a thrill to read a book set in Newport! I vacation there yearly and love hearing about places I recognize, like Bowen’s Wharf and The Forty Steps. The story itself was hilarious due to Alison Espach’s clever writing, and I especially loved that Phoebe is a professor. Espach's writing is truly remarkable. Even simple phrases like "Take care now" from a husband to a wife carried much weight and meaning. The book beautifully captures what it's like to meet someone and immediately feel connected. For fans of literature, art, and Jane Austen, there are plenty of references that you'll appreciate. It is also important to mention this is a book that tackles serious topics that might be triggering for some readers, like infertility, infidelity, and suicide. However, the story is told with such a hopeful and delightful touch; I imagine that is not an easy feat for an author.

The Wedding People was an outstanding audiobook experience, and I highly recommend it. Helen Laser's narration was a perfect match for Alison Espach's brilliant writing, making it a must-listen for any audiobook enthusiast!

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Thank you Macmillan Media and Netgalley for the advance reading copy. This is an unusual and unique novel about Phoebe, a woman going through heartbreak that becomes an unexpected wedding guest at a beautiful Rhode Island resort. I instantly felt connected to the main character and her journey of self discovery through this novel.

The wedding guests are wild characters that make this novel fly by and unable to put down. There is a little bit of romance in this novel but it is more about journeying through life and the detours we have the courage to take that reroute us.

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I already can’t wait to read this again!
I will be buying the hardcover because 1. I loved the story 2. I love the cover 3. There are so many good quotes I just want to highlight.
I received this ARC as an audio and I really enjoyed listening except I kept wishing I had a physical copy that I could sit and binge but also so I could soak in the special moments/feelings more.
This book was so well done. The characters were so great and I thought there was a relatable part to all of them. The author did such a good job talking about the human experience, the negative thoughts and the hard times but also all the little joys that we can forget to enjoy day to day. There are tough topics but the author also kept it humorous and fun. I feel grateful for books like this. 🥹
PUB DAY 7/30. 🥳🍾

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The Wedding People has romance, it is damn funny, but it is NOT a rom-com. It's better. The Wedding People is a dark dramady which starts with Phoebe, the protagonist, barely treading water through life after failed IVF, being left by her husband for another woman, when her cat Harry dies. Phoebe heads to the Cornwall Inn, in Newport, Rhode Island, not to rest and rejuvenate...but to kill herself. Unfortunately, she finds herself one of the only guests at the Cornwall who is not there for the wedding of Lilah and Gary. Fortunately, due to her no bothers left to give attitude, she admits to the bride (on questioning why is she at the hotel) that she is going to kill herself and Lilah, the lovely bridezilla is NOT HAVING IT.

There is so much I loved about this book. In a world where people are desperately seeking honestly the radical candor of Phoebe and her interactions with Lilah and the other guests is refreshing. There is so much character development, so many little life lessons, so many laughs; I couldn't stop listening. The narrator was wonderful. This has been one of my top listens of the year.

Thanks to NetGalley, The Author, & Henry Holt & Company for an advance copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Macmillan audio for the advanced audio copy of The Wedding People.

I adored this book. I loved the realness of the characters and how Alison Espach didn't try to make anything prettier than it actually was. I loved the whacky conversations and Phoebe just trying to figure out what is next. The narrator did a stellar job. It was a joy to listen to.

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Is this my new favorite book? It might just be my top pick among non-fantasy/sci-fi reads. The Wedding People feels like it was crafted specifically for my soul—it's my soulmate book. I know I'll revisit it again and again. I was initially drawn in by the captivating cover (and a good enough premise), and I was overjoyed to discover the audiobook on NetGalley. (Huge thanks to MacMillan Audio and NetGalley for the ARC!)

Imagine coastal grandmother vibes, akin to Elin Hildenbrand but with a darker, melancholic twist and a sprinkle of delightful sarcastic humor. The Wedding People had me hooked from start to finish. Phoebe finds herself at a luxurious yet cozy Rhode Island hotel teeming with a wedding party celebrating a weeklong weekend, while she's there to... well, not celebrate. But she can't help but be drawn into the world of the wedding people. It's a blend of darkness, humor, and warmth that kept me sucked in at every moment.

All I want now is to be in a beach house, rain tapping against the windows, a glass of wine in hand, immersed in Phoebe, Gary, Lyla, Jim, and the rest of the characters' lives. Pub day is July 30th!

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