Member Reviews

I really enjoyed this book and how real the characters felt. Phoebe and Lila bickering back and forth was so funny. Phoebe practicing at being her true self was great. We had a chance to see where she was, where she is now and what she want be after betrayal of her husband. Loved that. She connected with everyone so well. My only gripe was that I wished they didn't include the romance elements. This book also reminded me of the movie The Family Stone with the partner swapping stuff. It took me out of the story when Pheobe and Gary plus everyone else commented about their chemistry. I think we could have removed it and still would have had a great story.

The narrator was amazing and brought all the characters alive.

Thank you for providing this review copy.

3.5 stars

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This book surprised me in the very best way. I was in the middle of a reading slump when I decided to try this and was instantly hooked. This is a very character driven story with some pretty heavy elements but is handled with such honesty and humor that I could not put it down. I loved Phoebe so much and how she decided to be her true self around all of these strangers at the wedding and in doing so ended up finding her people. I thought the narrator did a wonderful job as well. Highly recommend this book! Thank you NetGalley and Macmillan audio for this ALC!

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Thanks NetGalley Henry Holt and Macmillan Audio for the advanced listener copy.

I saw a few share about this one in their stories and I forgot which one convinced me to look it up. What sold me was that Helen Laser narrates! If that name sounds familiar it’s because she did the audio for Yellowface and she was fantastic.

Don’t let the title and cute cover fool you, this one deals with some heavy and dark topics. It’s not a cute romcom but a story of the power we have in each others’ lives and how one act can make a huge difference; how strangers can become found family. It’s not all serious as you will find some lighthearted moments and dark humor (related to the heavy topics, see trigger warnings). But while the overall message is a positive one, there was still some content that made me cringe and when utilizing an audiobook it makes it harder to skip these moments.

Content and trigger warnings include a character intends to commit suicide, infertility and miscarriage, infidelity and divorce, sexual content (between spouses, a character tries to stimulate herself and someone walks in, various discussions), profanity and vulgar references, loved ones die by cancer (off page), and likely more.

Even though I decided to DNF at 56% because I wasn’t really connecting with the characters, I give it a halfhearted 3 out of 5 from what I did. Again, message 👍🏼 but some content 👎🏼. It just isn’t my taste.

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I have been very excited for this book since I saw the cover. It’s so beautiful. I am notorious for going into book without having any idea what it’s about. This book is nothing what I was expecting, in the very best way. I related to Phoebe in so many ways, as strange as it feels. The more of the book I consumed the better it got. Such a unique plot. Having the book on audio was such an experience. There was so much humor in the book that I was able to laugh out loud too hearing the inflections from the narrator. She did a phenomenal job, loved the voices she supplied to the characters. I feel like it was really an experience listening to this on audio. The only weird thing on this narration is I could like tell when clips were recorded at other times and cut into the original. The voice/sound quality changes and I noticed it everytime.

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I enjoyed listening to The Wedding People. There were both familiar and unfamiliar elements of the story. I was drawn in to the unfolding of the main characters, and there were some entertaining minor characters as well. This was a great book!

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Our main character, Phoebe, has been suffering from depression for a while (especially after undergoing miscarriages, her beloved cat's death and her husband's cheatings and ultimately leaving her) and she now has decided to end her own life. For that, she books the best and most exclusive room at an isolated hotel where she plans to kill herself in the first night. What Phoebe didn't expect was that the hotel was full of people, all other rooms were fully booked by a sociliate, Lila, who was about the get married in the next few days. Lila and her groom, Gary, booked the entire hotel capacity for their friends and family to splurge on a 'wedding week'. Phoebe gets bothered by all those rich people, how they talk, how they behave and doesn't like that all those people will be there while she does what she's planned to do.
Meanwhile, Lila finds out that Phoebe doesn't belong to either her side of the family or Gary's. And Lila, being a control freak that she is, doesn't accept that Phoebe got the best room in the hotel and when Phoebe admits being there with the purpose of suicide, Lila simply won't have that tragedy ruining her wedding/festivities plans.
Despite not managing to convice Phoebe not to ruin her plans, Lila eventually leaves Phoebe alone. But right after that Phoebe gets surprisingly caught up in the middle of the drama of those other guests she then calls "the wedding people". And that is the turning point for Phoebe's "rebirth". She then observes the wedding people by distance but then gets thrown (by Lila) into the middle of their activities. Phoebe and Lila end up in a weird and unconventional relationship based on true and raw honesty and vulnerability, from both sides.

This is a very character-driven story, a character study on a character who had lost everything, had no intentions of getting better and suddenly realises life can pull you out of the dark bottom and lead you to a hopeful and bright future.
THE WEDDING PEOPLE might start off with a dark and heavy topic, but the story never surrenders to the gloom entirely. There is always a touch of humour. Even Phoebe makes some sarcastic and dark-humour notes and observations in the beginning. (Personally, I laughed out loud when she would give silly and sarcastic nicknames to some of the guests - how she would adress them in her mind).
I'd say the first 1/3 of this book is more focused on Phoebe's depression and will to ending her life. The suicide topic might be triggering for some readers, so be aware of that! But also be aware that this book IS NOT about suicide. It is about overcoming some traumas, dramas and allowing oneself to start over.

The writing, in my opinion, is great. I personally felt engaged with all the characters and invested in everything and everyone. Phoebe and Lila dynamic is fun, funny, adorable and inspiring. There is drama, there is comedy, there is sadness, there is romance. It has a little of everything to please different types of readers, so I can easily recommend this book to a lot of readers out there.
This is the second book I read by this author and now is my favourite. I cannot wait to see what Alison Espach is gonna do next.
I listened to the an audiobook copy of this novel and the narration is pure perfection!
I will even dare say this book works perfectly well as an audiobook. If you're an audiobook lover/addict like myself, please do yourselves a favour and listen to the audio!

Thank you, NetGalley and Macmillian audio, for the delightful honour to listen to an early audiobook copy of this great novel in exchange for my honest review.

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Thank you netgalley and publisher for the chance to read this book for free in return for my honest opinion.

This book made me laugh so much. It was very sad in some parts but made me laugh out loud in other parts. The vintage car part.. IYKYK.

Phoebe shows up at a hotel with a mission. Unfortunately she’s mistaken for someone of the wedding party and she spends half of her time trying to convince the bride to leave her alone in peace to do what she came to the hotel for. Phoebe gets more than she bargained for with this extravagant wedding.

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Loved this one. I wasn’t fully prepared for the emotional toll this book would have on me, but the dark humor definitely balanced out the tough topics. Such a good reminder that things can change at any point. No stage lasts forever.

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I have mixed emotions about The Wedding People - I enjoyed reading, but the theme of suicide is always a tough one for me. Here's the set up: Phoebe, the main character, has suffered from depression and has made the decision to end her life. Over the past few years she has suffered infertility, miscarriage, her husband's infidelity, and the end of her marriage. Her career as an adjunct professor is in a stalemate - she is unable to finish her dissertation. When her beloved cat dies, Phoebe becomes focused on a plan to end her life. She chooses a beautiful Newport hotel, does not pack a bag, and flies off to her destination.
Once at the exclusive hotel and booked in the Penthouse, Phoebe discovers that literally every other guest is there for a wedding between a young socialite named Lila and her doctor finance, Gary. Lila and Phoebe meet, and of course Lila is aghast at Phoebe's plans - feeling that her suicide, no matter how discreet, will ruin her elaborate wedding.
After talking, and Phoebe's failed attempt at suicide (after taking her cat's pain killers???). the two form a friendship - sharing secrets, fears, and truths. I don't want to give too much plot away - it's better to go in cold. Despite the suicide theme, there are many funny moments. Some frank talk about sex and sexuality as well. I do get frustrated at these books (Think a Man Called One) where a suicidal person gets in a new situation, meets new people, and POOF - their depression and suicidal thoughts are gone. Some very unlikely plot lines, too - but I went along for the ride. A good read for the middle of summer. I did a combination of audio book (solid narrator) and digital ARC - thank you Netgalley.

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Publishing July 30th

After several failed attempts at IVF, an early pregnancy loss, her husband leaving her for a close friend with a child, and her beloved cat dying, Phoebe decides she's had enough of this life. In the middle of a workday, she leaves to travel to a place she's never been, a splurge hotel she'd envisioned as her happy place for ages.
Arriving at the hotel, Phoebe is initially mistaken as a wedding guest until she meets the bride, Lila. Lila is young and wealthy and has planned every aspect of her perfect wedding week, and she's not about to let Phoebe ruin it by dying. Somehow, these two women find the comfort of sharing their hopes, disappointments, and regrets. And as the wedding week continues, they learn to be more present for themselves and to find their own paths.
These characters were rich and complex, and so very easy to love.
The narration by Helen Laser was impeccable.

Thank you to MacMillan Audio and NetGalley for this Audiobook in exchange for my honest review.

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Love it!
I listened to the audio version. The narrator was excellent!
This book was so well written, the characters so developed.
I fell in love with each and every character in the book.
This book touches on so many deep and painful topics such as infidelity, death, suicide, infertility just to name a few. The characters struggle with the meaning of life and what “happiness” truly means.

Thanks for this eArc Netgalley and Macmillan Audio!

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Welp, that was something. Best way to describe it is absurdist black comedy, I think. And it’s fantastic!

Phoebe shows up at the Rhode Island’s Cornwall Inn dressed to the nines, carrying nothing with her. She’d once dreamed of spending time at the extravagant hotel with her husband, but they’re not married anymore, so she arrives alone, for one last hurrah.

Phoebe is going to kill herself. (I struggled with whether or not to include this but it happens in the opening pages and I don’t consider it a spoiler.)

In the lobby, it’s assumed she is one of the wedding people and is quickly swept up into all of it.

And that’s because the rest of the estate has been rented out to Lila, a bride with bottomless pockets and a lot on her mind.

In fact, Lila has planned everything and planned for everything - except Phoebe.

Without apology or authority, Lila refuses to let Phoebe ruin her wedding with a suicide, knocking on the door of her suite and just…never really leaving.

Phoebe quickly gets caught up in the intricacies and dramas of the wedding people over the course of the week. In fact, she befriends first the groom, then his preteen daughter, and ends up as maid of honor to Lila.

Following a symbolic death, it’s a rebirth for Phoebe. As she watches the utter craziness of wedding preparations, she’s able to gain perspective of her own life and what she wants.

And it’s delicious in a way you wouldn’t expect a novel that begins with the threat of a suicide to be.

The narration by Helen Laser is perfect. She’s able to capture both the despair and the humor, darkly chuckling when the narrative calls for it, whimpering in quiet tones at others.

I loved this one. Went in blind, left feeling all the better for having walked beside both Phoebe and Lila.

Thanks to @netgalley and @macmillanaudio for the early audiobook to read and review. This one comes out July 30, 2024.

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Phoebe checks into a luxury hotel which she has chosen as her "happy place," in order to commit suicide. She ends up meeting the bride and is included in the "wedding week" festivities.

This is an interesting premise, and the narrator does a great job, but I feel this book is too lighthearted for a suicide topic. Suicide is a dark, deep , devastating thing. I would have liked to see less wedding-related activities and delve more into Phoebe and her thoughts at that time.

Overall, though, it is an enjoyable read. I think I would have liked it better if suicide wasn't even part of it.

I received a free copy of this audiobook from Macmillan Audio. My review is voluntary and the opinions expressed are my own.

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I listened to the audiobook and the narrator was wonderful. I loved the characters and humor even amidst the seriousness of some of the book. Some of it was predictable but always with an additional twist that I didn’t see coming. I loved this one and will look for more by the author. Highly recommend!

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Loved this one.

There’s a wonderful rhythm to Alison Espach’s writing. I was drawn into this book right away and didn’t want it to end!

The Wedding People is perfectly paced. I Loved the setting, the structure of the story, and especially the character development. None of the characters in this book are great people, yet I was somehow rooting for all of them by the end. They’re layered and complicated in ways I found both entertaining and relatable. Phoebe, the protagonist, delivers the perfect amount of sarcasm. Chef’s kiss.

This book is funny without the dumb wit and emotional without the cheese. Highly recommend.

4.5 rounded up to 5.

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Best book I have read this year, and I don't fee presumptuous saying it will be in top 10 of the last few years. Loved the characters, the theme, the pacing, the narration, all of it. 5 well deserved stats. Bravo.

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🍾 The Wedding People - Alison Espach

3.75 ⭐️ - Part of me didn’t like this one as much as I wanted to, but also I did enjoy it? I’ve been feeling a little undecided since I finished. It’s very character driven with wonderful messages, so maybe it’s just a me thing?

I enjoyed this one. There were some parts that felt wordy or lost my attention but overall it’s good. I could really relate too - I’m in my “wedding people” era as I’ve been in lots of friends weddings, especially recently. It was funny to “hear” about it from an outsiders point of view as the wedding people run around for a week before trying to make sure everything is perfect. I’ve been there. But aside from that, the messages in this book are really important. Finding things in life that make us happy, that drive us to keep going, is so important. Anyone who needs that, needs to read this book.

Thank you Netgalley, Henry Holt, and Macmillan Audio for the early ARC and listener copies. This one walks down the aisle on 7/30!

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Thank you NetGalley for the advanced copy of this audiobook. A ridiculously expensive 6 day destination wedding rented out an entire resort only for the guests but Phoebe somehow got a reservation and was moved into all the hoopla. Overall fun characters great narration.

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Wow, I really loved “The Wedding People” by Alison Espach, skillfully narrated by Helen Laser. I can see why this book is getting so much buzz. A great summer read about an adjunct literature professor, Phoebe Stone, who goes to Newport, RI, planning to end her life after some great disappointments. She winds up being the only guest at a hotel who is not there for a lavish wedding. Phoebe’s unlikely friendship with the bride Lila is a heartwarming and laugh-out-loud funny tale. Great side characters including the groom Gary and his daughter "Juice." Is it too much to hope for a sequel? Thanks to Macmillan Audio and NetGalley for the eARC.

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Thank you Netgalley and MacMillan for the free ALC. My opinions are being left voluntarily. I was very surprised how well this one turned out. I was very close to throwing in the towel and dnf it but kept going and I'm glad I did I loved the twists I loved the turns I poved the characters and the entire plot worked for me.

This book belongs on my shelf


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