Member Reviews

4.5 stars

It’s hard to categorize the Wedding People by Alison Espach. If I had to choose a genre, I guess I would consider it women’s fiction. But, it’s also a romance, a comedy and a story about grief. Phoebe Stone is a great lead character. She is a strong, intelligent woman whose husband left her for her best friend. Pheobe meets, Lila, a bride who is getting married in a week. Lila is entitled, impulsive and very pretentious, but I found myself rooting for her too. The two start a very unlikely friendship under very funny, but sad circumstances (as I said, it’s hard to categorize this book).

I really enjoyed this quirky, dark book. I loved the friendship between the two women and how they really had each other’s back (something that I find you don’t see too often in women’s fiction). I can’t say much more without giving the story away, other than I would love a sequel to this story.

On a side note, the narrator of the audiobook was fantastic!

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The book - The Wedding People - is a story that’s both funny and tender, showing how the unexpected ways our life can surprise us.

The novel is set in Newport, Rhode Island, where we meet Phoebe Stone. She arrives at the elegant Cornwall Inn alone, wearing a green dress and gold heels. Everyone assumes she’s part of the wedding, but she is actually the only guest who not attending. She had once hoped to visit this beautiful inn with her husband, but now she finds herself visiting the inn alone, for the weekend.

Despite being on the outside, Phoebe ends up connecting with the bride in a way she never expected. Espach’s writing explores the ups and downs of marriage, the sting of infidelity, the ache of loneliness, and the challenges of dealing with disappointment. But alongside these tough themes, the book also highlights the power of friendship, the resilience of love, and how we cope with loss. The audiobook, brought to life by Helen Laser’s narration, makes the characters even more vivid and relatable.

I found this story to be a thoughtful, engaging read that speaks to the mysteries we all experience in life.

If you enjoy stories with strong, but likeable characters or/and are looking for a mix of humour and heart, this book is for you! I highly recommend this book to anyone after a meaningful, yet enjoyable read.

I listened to the Audiobook - Thank you Netgalley and MacMillan Audio.

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Overall a fun and enjoyable read that kept me wanting to know what happened at the end. It felt a bit slow at times and started out a bit dark, but I enjoyed most of it!

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This was a book that I wanted to savor. Some books I fly through because I love it so much, but this was one where I didn’t want it to end so I just took my sweet time. I loved all of the characters and they each brought something special to the story. I loved the setting of the gilded age mansions of Rhode Island.

It’s about Phoebe, whose life is falling apart in every way possible and so in a whim she books one night at a super exclusive resort in Rhode Island, only to find that she was the only guest who was not part of a weeklong wedding celebration. It takes only one day for Phoebe to meet and become part of what she called “the wedding people” and in her week emerged as a new, stronger, confident woman.


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I received a complimentary copy of this book "The Wedding People" and all opinions expressed are my own. I listened to the audio book. I thought the narration was really good. I enjoyed listening to all the crazy stuff happening throughout the story. Phoebe really did go on a journey to find herself. Overall 5 stars.

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The Wedding People - Alison Espach

When Phoebe arrives at the grand Cornwall inn, she had her life plan in place and nothing was going to stop her. One night of bliss then on with her plan but fate doesn't work the way we want and when the bride of the wedding that has booked most of the Inn out takes Phoebe under her wing, they end up becoming the rock that holds each other up.

WOW. This book was WOW! It wasn't what I was expecting but it was exactly what I needed. The book has some beautiful teaching moments in it from some amazingly wonderful characters. I felt all the feels reading this book and I think this is the best book of the year so far for me.

It doesn't get much better than this. The narration was amazing and I didn't stop listening. It's listed as a dark comedy and it is definitely one of the best I've read. 5 stars

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Thank you NetGalley and Publisher for this arc!

What a great book! This one had me blocked right away. Great storyline and great writing! Perfect summer read. I enjoyed this book more than I thought I would. Also my first by this author but will not be my last!

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This was not at all what I expected! There is an extremely unlikely friendship between two women, and it is fast and furious. The majority of the book takes place over like a week. Both women have extremely complex lives, and a lot going on. They are really able to help each other, and they learn a lot about themselves.

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Alison Espach’s The Wedding People is a delightful read that had me laughing from the start and smiling by the end. It’s not often I pick up a romance, but this one hooked me with its unique premise: Phoebe, reeling from a breakup and planning to end her life, checks into a hotel reserved for a wedding. When the bride discovers her intentions, chaos and hilarity ensue.

Espach’s writing is sharp and witty, making this a standout in its genre. The audio version, narrated by Helen Laser, adds an extra layer of humor. Highly recommended for fans of romance and comedy.

Thanks to NetGalley, Henry Holt, and Macmillan Audio for the review copies.

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Book: The Wedding People
Author: Alison Espach
Format: Audiobook
Genre: Fiction, Drama, Self-Discovery/Change, Drama
Places Featured: Newport, Rhode Island, United States
Review Score: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2 (rounded down)
Review: I’m not quite sure what I expected with this one but it wasn’t this. I was very pleasantly surprised with this heart-warming, yet realistic story about the complexities of life, people, and relationships.

Phoebe has treated herself to a special night at the Cornwall Inn in Newport, Rhode Island (somewhere she has always dreamt of going), but the night goes nothing like she planned when she runs into Lila, a bride who has every detail of her wedding week perfectly planned…though that’s not working out either.

The two become an unlikely set of friends confiding in each other and learning from each other (the wine helps, of course). Everyone else at the Inn (mostly guests of Lila’s wedding since the Inn was supposed to be just for them) contribute to this quirky novel that captures life as it is: sometimes messy, sometimes funny, sometimes fun, sometimes challenging, and sometimes just right.

(The narrator was great--just enough emotion to capture the complexities of the characters without being too much.)

I often think it’s weird when a book is described as “tender” but this is one of those where it fits perfectly–you’ll be left with a little bit of hope and a warm fuzzy feeling for this thing called life.

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The Wedding People by Alison Espach

* Thank you to @netgalley and @macmillanaudio for providing the audiobook in exchange of a honest review.


The perfect summer book that will cheer anybody up. Phoebe is an amazing person, she deserves the best and I just wish for a sequel! I absolutely adore the way the story is told.

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It’s a good sign when I finish reading a book, and I’m smiling. Alison Espach’s new novel, The Wedding People, not only left me smiling at the end; it made me laugh out loud almost from the get-go, and it will do the same for you.

My thanks go to NetGalley, Henry Holt, and Macmillan Audio for the review copies. This book is for sale now.

I’m not usually fond of romances, but a friend mentioned the premise of this one, and I couldn’t resist. In a nutshell: Phoebe, the protagonist, worn down by the pandemic and devastated when her husband leaves her, heads off to the posh hotel where they’d intended to spend their vacation. She takes no luggage or even her phone, because she plans to kill herself once she’s inside that lovely place.

Upon arrival, it’s clear that a mistake has been made. The entire hotel has been reserved for a wedding. But Phoebe’s room hasn’t been double booked, and so she is allowed, with apologies, to proceed to her room. However, the bride—wealthy, entitled, Bridezilla—learns of Phoebe’s presence, goes to her room, and orders her to leave. As they argue, Phoebe discloses her reason for coming, and assures her that she’ll be gone—so to speak—by the time the wedding takes place. But Lila, our bride, is having none of it. How dare Phoebe spoil her wedding! Absolutely not. She isn’t going to have guests gathering just as a corpse is being wheeled out to the morgue, right through the lobby! Phoebe must change her plans.

I won’t share any further developments, but I will tell you this: Espach can write.

Long ago, I decided that five star reviews should not be reserved for the rare gem bound to become a timeless classic. I give five stars to any novel that makes me unusually happy, and that represents the best being published within its genre. This book is one of those.

Helen Laser is the voice actor narrating the audio version, and she makes it even funnier. If you are strictly a visual reader, that’s fine, but if you like both formats, go with the audio this time, or use the audio and print versions together, which is what I did.

Highly recommended to those that enjoy a good romance, a good laugh, or both.

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I tried twice to get through this book. The infertility and suicidal thoughts were pretty heavy topics to start the book, thought I was not expecting this to be a light read, but the narrator also had the most depressing voice and every time I tried to listen to this it depressed me too much to keep going.

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First, if you're thinking about reading The Wedding People, you should check content warnings to make sure you're the right reader for this story.

If you are, I think this is a really beautiful and compelling story about the trials and tribulations of life. Many of it's twists are unexpected, and despite many of the characters being somewhat unlikeable, they're really engaging.

Thank you NetGalley and Macmillan Audio for the ARC in exchange for an honest review. The narrator was absolutely phenomenal and I will now be looking her her other narration projects because it was so good!

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The Wedding People is absolutely phenomenal! I adored listening to it as an audiobook, but I’m itching to read it because the context and themes are simply fantastic. The story is captivating and beautifully crafted, brimming with humor and heartfelt moments. At its core, it’s about human connection and the idea that everyone we meet is there for a reason.
The characters are incredibly engaging and each brings their own unique story to the table. Their interactions are electric and add so much depth to the narrative.
The two main female characters complement each other perfectly. Though they’re opposites, their dynamic is spot-on and works brilliantly together!
The writing and dialogue are flawless, seamlessly blending to create a vivid and realistic experience. The narrator’s performance made the story come alive, forging a strong emotional connection.
I highly recommend this book—it’s a standout read that resonates no matter where you come from. The Wedding People offers a fresh and relatable experience unlike any other.

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After seeing how much buzz this book got, I was worried it wasn't going to live up to the hype and man am I glad that it did. This was such a perfect, uplifting book about friendship, relationships, and identity. The writing was sharp and witty, which made the characters compelling and the story compulsively readable. There were moments that made me laugh and moments that made me cry. In short, I really loved this book.

The audiobook was fantastic and felt the story worked well via audio and the narrator embodied the characters effectively.

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Had to mull this over for a bit before I wrote this review. So many gave this rave reviews and I’m somewhere in the middle. Phoebe is ready to call it a day. She shows up to the a hotel she’s been dreaming about visiting to commit suicide when she discovers she is the only guest not a part of a week long wedding celebration. The weeklong almost celebration is filled with a bizarre cast of characters, most of whom are not terribly likable. I finished it, but now feel like I need somewhat of a palate cleanser for my brain. There are a lot of difficult and real life issues involved that created the fabric of the story. Love, loss, death, suicide, narcissism, step-parents, weird relatives, friends who don’t actually seem like friends and more. I did finish up happy for Phoebe and hopeful for Gary and his daughter, but the rest eh. Interesting, but not an easy relaxing listen/read.

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The Wedding People by Alison Espach is an absolutely Amazing book that is full of emotion.
The characters and their stories are so well written and developed. The stories have many life changes with feelings of depression, friendship, laughter, loneliness, challenges, disappointment & love.
I listened to the audiobook in 1 day and absolutely loved it and have thought about this book a lot since I finished it. The narrator Helen Laser does such an amazing job.
Thank you NetGalley and Macmillan Audio for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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The Wedding People follows Phoebe, a woman who has booked herself a stay for a night at a grand hotel. And she intends to end her own life on that night. When she arrives at the hotel she is surprised to find that there is an extremely (EXTREMELY! As in “$1 million was spent on it” extremely) extravagant week long wedding celebration starting to take place there. Through a series of strange and increasingly intimate interactions with Lila, the bride, she finds herself becoming more and more entangled with the wedding, and she finds healing, closure, and positive change in her life through this surprising little deviation from her original plans for her time at the hotel.

The first thing I want to say: in MULTIPLE places I saw this book labeled as a romance. You might’ve seen me complain in my stories that I accidentally got a book on NetGalley that was a romance. This is the book I was talking about. But what??? What???? WHAT????????? If like me you’ve seen this book categorized that way I need you to know: This. Is. Not. A. Romance. Not by any stretch of the imagination. Ok let’s move on. I just couldn’t start properly reviewing it without letting you know that lol.

I very much enjoyed my time reading this. I loved Phoebe and really wanted her to be happy. As I think we all know from experience, when you love a character you feel really protective of them. So because of that I REALLY hated her cheating ex husband and her former “friend.” I don’t think I cared about Lila’s happy ending and personal growth as much as the author wanted me to, but I did enjoy every section her character was in because she was definitely as entertaining to me as the author wanted her to be. I felt for Juice, Lila’s future stepdaughter who hates that the wedding is happening and just wants her deceased mother back, and reading about her made me really remember what being that age felt like. Lila’s mother was… well she was a handful. But I loved reading about her. I’m going to stop listing my feelings about individual characters here now, but if I chose to I could continue going on and on about the characters because so much attention was put into making them unique individuals who, although some were over the top and ridiculous, felt like real people. I cared about all of them except for Jim, the best man. I thought he was completely uninteresting. My point is: what really made this book for me was the characters.

The story is well paced. Also Phoebe is a professor, and as someone who loves academia and wants to be a researcher myself I love reading books about professors and/or researchers. I also just love weddings lol. So that’s a random combo of my interests that made this book enjoyable to me on an individual level.

You know what’s really annoying? I’m not able to share the things I disliked about this book. Sharing ANY of the things I disliked would be spoiling some very significant things. So now you’re not able to know why I gave it four stars instead of 5 after all that gushing you just read. All I can say without spoiling anything is “There were some pretty significant aspects of the plot and things that characters did that I really didn’t like.” Now how good of a review is that?

I definitely do recommend this book, especially if you’re someone who likes to read “beach reads.”

The last thing I’ll say is that if you do read this I highly suggest reading it in audio format. The narrator, Helen Laser, was absolutely FANTASTIC.

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This is a story of figuring out how to live and love and find your way when life gets hard. It is a story of love and loss and friendship. It was beautiful and moving and I could not stop listening to it. The narrators did a good job of giving voice to the characters and keeping me listening.

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