Member Reviews

I can’t stop thinking about this book! It’s such a beautiful story and I loved how the characters lost and found themselves. Phoebe and Lila are especially well written and I loved how their relationship and personalities came across. A great read.

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The Wedding People is a witty book that’s a must read for those who love dark humor. The journey of growth and discovery in this story is relatable and entertaining, making this an unputdownable story.

I really loved everything about this story. The writing is excellent, and the characters are vibrant.

I listened to the audiobook version of this story which was well done. I listened at 1.75x speed (my normal audiobook listening speed is 1.75-2x speed).

Thank you NetGalley and Macmillan Audio for this advanced audiobook copy.

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The opening of the book is relatively common...husband goes through a mid-life crisis, dumps his wife, beds another woman, and eventually moves in with her. What is not common is the wife's reaction. Not being able to shake her depressed state, she books a room at a swanky resort and plans to kill herself with feline tranquilizers. What she does not plan on is being instantly dropped dead center into a wedding party where the bride practically takes over life. During her stay with the wedding people, the protagonist's, Phoebe's, life is turned upside down, and this also holds true for other members of the party. Read to find out the profound messages and tidbits of wisdom sprinkled throughout Alison Espach's novel.

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This was really quite good (and really should have had a content warning at the top - perhaps it will be added when it’s out in the world?).

Phoebe is the only guest at a very fancy hotel who isn’t one of the wedding people – she’s there because she long dreamed of going on a fancy vacation there with her husband, and now he’s left her. Mistaken for one of the wedding people, Phoebe’s plans (the relaxing and then the very, very dark) are repeatedly interrupted by a bride who simply can’t fathom anyone who might inflict the tiniest imperfection to her wedding week. On the surface, Lila (the bride) is a nightmare, her relationships to friends and family just an inch deep, and her relationship with her older fiancé – well, at least he treats her well.

The Wedding People isn’t really a romance: It’s a story of a woman discovering who she wants to be and learning to fight for that version of herself, and to be seen and valued for who she is. The writing is so self-assured, funny, dark and sweet rolled into one. Told alternately between the wedding week and in flashbacks to earlier in Phoebe’s relationship, it pulls no punches. Yet instead of checking if I’ve got a bloody nose, I want to give Alison Espach a hug for gifting us with this gem.

Narrator Helen Laser is just the right touch of sardonic for a woman who’s at the end of her rope - and finds herself badgered by a bridezilla back into herself.

CW: Suicidal ideation (on-page attempt), infidelity, death of a spouse.

Thanks to NetGalley and Macmillan Audio for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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5 very strong stars! The Wedding People was the second book that I had the pleasure of reading by author, Alison Espach. I had read Notes on Your Sudden Disappearance several years ago and enjoyed it, so when I saw that Alison Espach had written a new book and that it was getting a lot of good reviews I jumped on the bandwagon, too. I wasn’t sure what to expect but I was pleasantly surprised how fast I was able to immerse myself in the plot. It was primarily set in Newport, Rhode Island with its posh mansions, spectacular beaches and a full service inn called the Cornwall Inn. I listened to the audiobook that was brilliantly narrated by Helen Laser. She was able to capture the individual nuances of each of the many characters in this most sweet yet humorous book.

Phoebe Stone had just received the most devastating and unexpected news of her life. She knew that she wanted to get as far away from previous life as possible. Phoebe knew exactly where she wanted to go. Years ago, Phoebe had found a charming inn in Newport, Rhode Island that she wanted to go to with her husband. Phoebe and her husband never got there but Phoebe would go now. It was the perfect spot for what Phoebe was contemplating. Phoebe arrived with only the clothes she was wearing. She had no luggage or anything of impotence with her. When Phoebe checked in, she learned that the whole inn had been reserved for a wedding. The person who had checked Phoebe in just assumed that Phoebe was a guest that was attending the wedding. Little did they know but Phoebe had other plans for herself. She wanted nothing to do with a wedding. As luck would have it, or maybe it was fate, Phoebe found herself face to face with the bride to be, Lila, in the elevator as she was on her way to the room that had been assigned to her. Lila started a conversation with Phoebe and soon learned about the plans Phoebe was intending on carrying out. This admission led to a very unconventional friendship of sorts. After that, Phoebe became more involved in the wedding plans and decisions than she ever would have expected or imagined.

The Wedding People was clever, humorous and touching. I really enjoyed all the characters and missed them when I finished the audiobook. They were authentic and made me feel like I was right there by their sides. I enjoyed the setting very much. It is a place that I would love to see and explore. The ending was perfect and quite satisfying. I can’t say enough good things about The Wedding People except read it or listen to the audiobook of it. I highly recommend it.

Thank you to Macmillan Audio for allowing me to listen to the audiobook of The Wedding People in exchange for an unbiased review.

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The description sounded lighthearted and fun; this book was anything but. I kept listening waiting for it to get funny but it went from depressing and sad to a book about nothing really. It felt like a long, drawn out episode of Seinfeld, which I am not a fan of. I felt for Phoebe and Lilah, as they were both in rough situations but I found the story to be slow and heavy.

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I absolutely loved everything about this book. I hated when it ended and would have kept reading even more hours. As a "woman of a certain age" I get it. I SO get it. I loved the cast of characters, from Juice to Jimmy. The tuna flavored pills made me giggle. I want a bath in that tub and to sleep in that bed and to go back again. It was delightful!

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This read was different than what I was expecting but that’s not a bad thing. The story took on a life of its own and was funny and thought provoking. It dealt with real feelings and all the hard stuff around life, because let’s face it, life it hard-with a capital HARD!
The narrator was so good that I forgot she was reading me a story.
I will highly recommend.

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This book was fun and humorous while also being sad and heartwarming. I loved the characters in this story. I kind of didn't want it to end. I think listening to this one is the way to go. I could just picture the characters and was so immersed in their stories.

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4.5 stars rounded up!

Phoebe is a depressed woman who is 2 years out from her beloved husband leaving her for his mistress. Phoebe is feeling lost and alone, particularly given her prior struggles with infertility. She heads to a fancy hotel in Newport, Rhode Island to attempt suicide but her plans are disrupted when she inadvertently crashes a wedding taking place that week. As Phoebe gets to know these ‘Wedding People,’ her own view on love and life will be forever altered.

This was a delightful novel that was rich with characters and development. The cast was fully fleshed out and I found myself rooting for every single person. I loved the message this book conveys and felt it did a great job doing so. I do wish there was an epilogue at the end to tie everything together!

Highly recommend this to all! May especially be great for fans of Elin Hilderbrand and anyone who is feeling a bit lost in life. I look forward to picking up more by this author!

On a side note, the audio book was a bit strange in that - while I loved the narrator and thought she did a great job bringing these characters to life - the lines delivered were at times different quality. It felt like they had gone back to re-record lines but not melded the different recordings together well. While a bit distracting, this didn’t necessarily preclude me from enjoying the audiobook. Just good for thought for those trying to debate which format to enjoy this book with!

Thank you to NetGalley and Macmillan Audio for access to this audiobook in exchange for an honest review!

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Every once in a while, I read a book that so perfectly captures what it means to be human -- the vulnerability, the messiness, the mistakes and contradictions, the joys and heartbreaks, the moments you get it all so right and so spectacularly wrong -- that it takes my breath away. The Wedding People was one of those books for me.

Phoebe thought she'd be visiting the Cornwall Inn in Rhode Island with her husband, but, well, things didn't work out that way. Instead she arrives by herself, in a fancy green dress with no luggage. She plans to spend one night at the Cornwall -- and has no plans for her life after that. When she checks in, she realizes she's the only guest at the hotel who isn't there for a week-long wedding celebration. Phoebe is determined to stay away from the wedding people...but a chance encounter with the bride changes everything.

Alison Espach accomplishes quite the balancing act with The Wedding People. The book deals overtly with suicidal ideation and depression; many characters struggle with dark thoughts and bleak feelings, and the narrative doesn't shy away from any of that. But at the same time, it's one of the most life-affirming novels I've ever read. I don't think I would call it "heartwarming," which implies a purity that I don't think it has. It's irreverent and wry, unflinchingly honest and so incredibly genuine. The character development is phenomenal, and so is the dialogue; there are lots of conversations in this book, and they felt so authentic.

I love how Espach explores the idea that a random encounter with a stranger can prompt genuine connection, how we can sometimes be more vulnerable with strangers than with our loved ones, because who cares what a stranger thinks of us, right? Espach answers that question in The Wedding People, when the strangers Phoebe encounters become so much more than that, when the truths that are shared become the building blocks for real relationships.

I listened to the audiobook read by Helen Laser, who did a phenomenal job of bringing the characters to life. The Wedding People is so smart and hopeful, and is a book I'll be recommending and gifting to all the readers I know. Thank you to Macmillan Audio for the complimentary reading opportunity.

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Thank you, NetGalley, for an advanced audio copy of “The Wedding People” by Alison Espach in exchange for a review.

I saw somewhere that the best way to go into this book is completely blind, and it’s the best advice I’ve gotten! The cover gives off lighthearted romance vibes, but this book is so much more than that in the best way.

I loved everything about it. The characters were amazing, real, and age appropriate. Phoebe is everything. I loved that she was messy and incomplete, even at 40.

I don’t want to give any of the plot away, so I’ll just say that it’s a must read. I wanted to do house chores to have time to listen to this. That says it all.

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This is a summer must listen! The narrator Helen Laser was excellent, This book was unexpected and beautiful. Alison Espach’s characters are flawed and relatable I did not want this book to end and I am hoping there will be a second book following Phoebe and her latest adventure.
This book started out a bit slow and depressing for me and at times I thought can I continue but hang in there listeners because it will be worth it I promise. By the end I was laughing and smiling!

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Moving and life-affirming. Be aware of the TWs but so glad I read this! A summer read with some heft. Sad but funny!

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First of all, I loved this book. It was hilarious and creative and amazing. I am kind of surprised more people aren't commenting on a couple things, so I'll address that first.

1- the suicidal character was actually sarcastic, hilarious, and full of life and it seems like a callous way to portray depressed people. that said, I am sarcastic and I loved the dark humor.
2- the writing style was extremely basic. since I did audio, I can't really provide examples, but it just felt like a lot of short sentences. It totally worked for this book, but it was something I could see bothering people.

So now that that is out of the way, we are presented with our main character Phoebe who is at a crossroads in life. Her husband left her for a coworker, her cat has died, her job is a dead end. With nothing left to lose she books a room at a fancy hotel and becomes the only guest not there for a wedding. She meets the bride in the elevator and drama and hilarity ensues. I don't want to give away the rest, it was such a fun story and I actually took my time finishing it because I never wanted it to end, which is super rare for me. I would even read (listen) to it again, I liked it so much.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC!

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I had no idea what to expect going into this book (please read the trigger warnings if you follow my lead), but I’m so glad I gave it a chance.

I loved Phoebe and her mind, and felt every single emotion she was going through right along with her. I want to give her all the hugs and tell her how special she is. Because she really is—and deserves better.

I don’t want to say much else because everyone should experience this book without spoilers, but I will just say I absolutely loved the found friendships and banter.

I wish I could read this for the first time all over again.

(Thank you, Macmillan Audio and NetGalley, for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.)

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"She is so good at predicting what will happen in books, so bad at predicting what will happen in life. That is why she has always preferred books--because to be alive is much harder."

i really enjoyed this book! this was sad and funny all at the same time. content/trigger warnings for suicidal ideation, infertility, mentions of sex, and language.

Phoebe is a character that i can see a lot of people connecting to, and i really connected to her love of books and thinking of everything around her through the lens of literature. the characters are all quirky in their own ways, and you see the character dynamics change throughout the book. while i was invested in what would happen with Phoebe, the plot is fairly predictable and similar to other stories i've read before.

the setting was also gorgeous and made me feel like i was in an old castle on the breezy and rocky Newport coast. it definitely gave the same vibe as the song "the last great american dynasty" by Taylor Swift.

there were so many great quotes in this book, and i would love to get a physical copy to reread and annotate it. the writing was very good (although i felt like Phoebe's name was repeated a bit too many times). i had a copy from my library, but mostly listened to the audiobook. i would definitely recommend the audio! Helen Laser did an amazing job.

i would recommend this if you like:
- sad yet funny books
- coastal settings
- stories about women discovering what they want out of life
- characters who love books
- flawed and fun characters

thank you to Macmillan Audio for a copy of this audiobook in exchange for an honest review!

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A woman deciding to commit suicide, a bride not sure of becoming a wife, a fancy hotel with a slew of wedding guests and of course bridesmaids adds up to be a fun trip to the altar (maybe!).

When Phoebe (the would be suicide) and Lila (the would be bride) meet up at the hotel in Rhode Island, there becomes a link between them. Both seem to be on a path to save one another from disastrous results. However, all the razzmatazz that accompanies weddings puts both ladies in a mostly fun and snarky situations. However there are some serious themes going on and although the language was often offsetting, ( and not especially needed), I did enjoy the story of how decisions can change and make things definitely better.

Thanks to Allison Espach, Macmillan Audio for the ability to listen to this story.

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The book has all of the feels. It’s a perfect romcom! The protagonists come from different stages of life experiences, ages, weath and is very complex. It is a perfect “beach type” read/listen. The narrator did a really good job bringing the characters to life too.

Thank you #NetGalley, #MacmillianAudio, #AlisonEspach, #HelenLaser and #TheWeddingPeople for the advance listeners copy for my honest review.

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Really cute little beachy read. I thought from the blurb this would be corny, self help coded, but it was quite the opposite. I loved how you hated some characters in moments and loved them in others. I loved the miscommunication and the drunken antics, and dare is say, the edibles chapter wasn’t cringey! (Take note Emily Henry)

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