Member Reviews

this is an adorable romance, it was such a quick read!i loved that its set in high school, the setting and the characters were very fitting. i loved the boba shop as they’re meet cute.i did find it a bit fast paced at certain times and i thought it felt a little rushed at times but i enjoyed it. it’s the authors debut novel and i thought it was a great one! thank you to NetGalley and Seraphina Chen for giving me an opportunity to read this book!

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A really lovely (and mostly clean) friends to lovers romance with some touching moments, let down however by some shoddy writing and moments where things didn't seem to completely match up. I feel as though this book needs further editing, but nevertheless the story itself is nice.

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Read from July 24th, 2024 to July 28th, 2024. Written on August 3rd, 2024.


I's always hard for me to write reviews of books I didn't like. The idea was interesting and I did like it, but maybe the execution wasn't for me. Warning: spoilers ahead, though not a lot.

The main character, Serena, had a really bad childhood. That is her focus on the book 75% of the time. And then, she hates telling people what happened to her and doesn't want their pity. Yet, everything she does and says just makes me feel like she, deep down, wants a little bit of the attention that comes from it. She just seems insufferable to me.

Then Tyler, the other main character and romantic interest, is...well...a stalker. I mean, he went to her place of work for a whole week because he saw her there once. And then he keeps flirting with her when she doesn't even show any interest in him. My dude, stop.

Both are characters are trauma filled, parentless and just in need of therapy and not s*x. Also, anyone who says this is YA...please don't. It's for 18+ readers, not 14 year olds. And also, they kiss. And then they do it. Like, right after. Not even dating or defining what they are or anything. Also they do it public. Also she's a virgin. Also I am tired.

I am sorry, I was excited for this but it just didn't work for me.

Signing off,

(Free ARC from NetGalley that I chose to review after reading)

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I really enjoyed the plot and characters in this book but it wasn’t perfect. There were a lot of errors in grammar that at times made it hard to understand what was being said. I also felt that every now and then (specifically the sex scene) the characters did things that didn’t seem in line with their character. All in all a good book but just maybe could’ve used another round or two of editing.

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3.5 ⭐️


I really enjoyed this book.. it was sweet and easy to read romcom!
I really loved both Serena and Tyler as individuals as well as a couple. They were both going through their own personal struggles, but throughout the book they really had some growth separately as well as between the two.

However, there's was one spicy scene that I think shouldn't have been in the book. It felt very spur of the moment and if that wasn’t in the book, I could see this as being a really good YA novel! I feel it is a very great story that could relate to the young ones.

But all in all, I really did enjoy the book and the story!

Thank you NetGalley and Seraphina Chen for the arc.

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“you’re not average, serena. you’re far more than average. you’re out of this world.”

okay lets start by saying, i’m not forcing you to add this book to the tippy top of your tbr but 👀👀👀 i HIGHLY encourage it !!!!

for a debut novel this was amazing !!! honestly seraphina, girl, give yourself a damn pat on the back for this masterpiece. usually i am not a fan of coming of age stories as they usually fall so flat for me, and often a little cringe, but this was so perfectly done i totally forgot that it was classified as just that!

“serena, i want you to live your life. whether you got to college, travel the world, or anything really, i want you to live. i meant it, like truly live your life.”

after being homeschooled for most of her life, serena attends high school with her best friend, opening up new opportunities, new adventures, and most importantly, fresh starts. i loved this so much, we saw her struggles coming back into cheer; all the personal growth and the chaos that came with high school!

tyler may just take the #1 position for golden retriever boyfriend 👀 mans was whipped from the start and was ordering thai green tea DAILY just to see her face… obsessed, i am here for it. i loved how these two found comfort in each others loss, how their friendship formed through tutoring sessions and than turned into something more.

overall this was such a heartwarming read, a perfect slow with a dash of spice. i 1000% recommend picking this one up!

“i have one question for you.”
“ask away, sunshine”
“will you stay?”
“for as long as you’ll have me.”

thank you again to both seraphina and netgallery for giving me the opportunity to receive this ARC <3

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wonderstruck is a story about young teenage love, following the lives of tyler and serena. two seniors in high school trying to navigate through their personal struggles.

this book was a sweet and short read. It was very fast paced and it was easy to relate to the characters especially serena and how she feels like she has to be perfect all the time, also finding it hard to handle disappointment and failure (she's just like me). i love how tyler was so patient and gentle with serena and the way both serena and tyler supported each other when they needed it. i loved how they were both very open with each other and trusted the other, it was very heartwarming to read about it.

however there were somethings that made me bring down the rating of this book. firstly the story felt a bit rushed and i feel like the book could have been a bit longer to allow me as a reader to really get the full effect of everything. it just felt like things were happening like BAM BAM BAM especially when the spicy scene happened it felt very unnatural and kind of random. i also didn't enjoy the high amount of modern references in this book, which has always been and ick of mine when a book mentions anything related to tiktok.

overall this was a fun book to read, and i would recommend it to anyone looking for a faced paced quick romance read. thank you to Seraphina Chen and NetGalley for providing me with this arc!!

➢he falls first
➢brother's best friend
➢coming of age
➢friends to lovers
➢cheerleader x lacrosse

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This book was really cute. I loved both our main characters Serena and Tyler.

I just want to say thank you to NetGalley and the author Seraphina Chen for trusting me to read and review your book.

I think it was quite a good book considering it was a debut book. I can’t wait to read other books this author writes.

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✨ARC Review ✨

A beautiful, cute, clean, heartfelt teen rom-com... That's how I would like to describe wonderstruck. And yes, if you love "To all the boys I have lived before" you might like this one.

The story is about grief, abandonment and trust issues, with someone who struggles with getting closure. And that too with a backdrop of teen romance. Serena and Tyler reminded me of two other fictional couples, Lara Jean Covey - Peter Kavinsky, and Rory - Dean from Gilmore Girls. Tyler is the best boyfriend any teen could hope for.

For a debut novel, I loved it. The story telling was good, I loved the side characters, especially aunt Lina, Jared and Alli. They are very lovable. Though the relationship started with insta-love, and honestly I was worried for a bit because of that, I liked how their relationship evolved along the story. The teen drama part was enough and not overly written. "I'm tired of not being the main character in my own story!" Yes, I really felt it when Serena said those... Afterall, we all felt that atleast once!

The only negative I could say is that some repetitiveness here and there in the book. If that was avoided, maybe this could have been a 5 star. But regardless, it's a cute, enjoyable, swoony story.

Also I'm waiting for Jared and Alli's story next!

And if these tropes excite you,
🔣 Dual POV
🔣 She is his tutor
🔣 Brother's best friend
🔣 Coming of age
🔣 Friends to Lovers
🔣 Bucket list
🔣 Cheerleader × lacrosse
🔣 Calls her sunshine
Give this a try

Thank you Author Seraphina Chen, NetGalley, and for sending me this ARC. I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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3.25 ☆

⤿ the plot: wonderstruck follows serena and tyler, two seniors in high school who are trying to navigate through personal struggles and challenges. this book explores topics like grief, bullying, self discovery, and personal growth.

i want to start by saying that at first, i really enjoyed the book! it was fast paced and the characters were very lovable, especially tyler. it wasn’t giving 5 star feelings but it was still really enjoyable. although, after some time, it started to get repetitive and some scenes just didn’t make sense to me, making me lose interest. don’t get me wrong though, i still had a fun time! the chemistry between tyler and seren was exquisite! and tyler was literally so sweet and caring!! 💗

⤿ ”you’re my ray of sunshine.”

another thing i didn’t quite enjoy was the many modern references that were mentioned. it didn’t take away anything from the book, but… i would’ve appreciated it if their were less of them mentioned.

also, there was an 18+ scene in the book. i feel like it was weird and unnecessary. and if im being honest, quite unexpected, especially considering the book is marketed as ya.

overall, i had such a fun time reading the book and i’d definitely recommend it to those looking for a quick romance read! just don’t go into it with high expectations! it is a debut novel after all 🫶🏻💗

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ARC Review!!

Serena has been homeschooled, sheltered herself from connections. Her senior year has come and she is ready to go back to high school. Serena has her expectations and wants of what she wants her senior year to go like. However she still has her own trauma she hasn't dealt with and this becomes a problem.
Serena ends up meeting Tyler, having a spark and not thinking anything of it as she believes they won't run into each other again. Turns out they go to the same high school and are put together in multiple situations.
Serena is trying to juggle her feelings for Tyler but is scared of getting hurt due to her own trauma. Tyler tries to pull away at her walls but will it be enough?

This book was cute, I liked the plot and the storyline. Two people who put off dating, wanting to focus on their future who end up finding each other. I have always thought you find your person when you aren't looking for them and this is exactly what happened to Serena and Tyler. Very high school vibes, a little unrealistic in my option. I feel like they were written as characters who weren't in high school therefore it felt unrealistic to me. It does have spice scene.
The ending was super cute, I loved seeing where they were at 2 years down the line. It was an okay book overall.
2.5 stars!

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This was a cute cozy read about a high school romance between Serena and Tyler. Both of them are on their last year of high school and are dealing with trying to understand who they are and what they want to do in the future. The chemistry between Serena and Tyler was so good, and the way they cared for each other.

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Well. I have mixed feelings about this. On one hand, it was a cute read but on the other hand it just felt a bit cringey. Some parts just didn’t fit the current atmosphere of the book and felt out of place. I’m giving it 3 stars instead of 2 as it is a YA romance and it was a light quick read that in my opinion is perfect if you just want something chill especially now in the summer weather.

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I loved how the plot was the characters having internal conflict/growth. I was rooting for Serena andTyler, not just for their relationship, but for them to get stronger as people. The plot was also the right pace for me! The author did a wonderful job of building Serena and Tyler’s friendship and chemistry and it’s also a slow burn romance.

I could personally relate with Serena on not letting people in because they might leave. She also plays with a hair tie to help with her anxiety and I have something similar for helping my cope and it was so nice to feel represented as someone who struggles with anxiety. I also liked her sunny personality and how she works at a boba shop! Tyler is a new book boyfriend! He was one of the sweetest guys I have ever seen in books. This is what all boyfriends need to aspire to be. He also has a sunny personality and was very respectful towards others. He also has anxiety and the way he helps Serena with hers was so heartwarming.

I want more of these side characters and I wish they were featured more but I understand they weren’t the main focus of the book. They were so fun! Alli and Jared need their own book and if they do, I'm reading it in a heartbeat.

This is one of the best teen romance novels I’ve ever read. It has great representation, loveable and relate characters, and cozy vibes (fall fest!!!) read this book when it comes out.

𝒓𝒆𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝒐:
► people who like friends to lovers

► he falls first and harder trope lovers

►slowburn stans

►high school romance readers

𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒌 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒕𝒐 𝒏𝒆𝒕𝒈𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒆𝒚 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒃𝒐𝒐𝒌𝒃𝒖𝒛𝒛.𝒏𝒆𝒕 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒂𝒓𝒄!

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first, I want to thank the publisher for allowing me to read the eARC of this book.

I went into this with high expectations, as I had seen some great reviews online. Sadly, I was greatly disappointed.
I gave this novel 2.5 out of 5 stars for the following reasons:

1. The Writing
I am so so sorry but the writing just was not it for me. It did not feel smooth in any way whatsoever. I regularly stumbled across phrasing that just stopped my reading flow.

2. The Grammar
Similarly to point number 1, it just stopped my reading flow. I am not an expert on english grammar, as it is not my native language, but I noticed a lot of sentences that were just not correct. This is obviously not the authors fault alone! I just think more people should have proofread this before publishing it.

3. The mmc (Tyler)
He is just such a red flag. Let me show why with some of my *favourite* quotes...

""More like surprised to see someone else who appreciates quiet corners at these things. Most girls are usually taking selfies or trying to play beer pong.”"
you might think, "what is wrong with this sentence, he just doesn't like beer pong". WRONG! He is trying to compliment our main girl, but he apparently is incapable of doing that without belittling other women!

"she looks so… cute being angry.”

“It's clear she's feeling uneasy, but I'm here with her, and that's all that matters.”
ONCE AGAIN her feelings are ignored!!!

“I have this urge to keep her by my side so the world knows she's with me.”
just no.

4. The absolute lack of feelings
I felt nothing. I did not feel anything for the main characters, not even pity at their backstories. And the romance had some cute scenes in theory, but they were just written so poorly, that I did not get butterflies once. I guess this is technically just an extension of point 1.

5. The side characters
I swear I do not know anything about these people. It is just like: This is Alli. Her role is best friend. She maybe has a relationship with someone but we don't really care. She has no backstory and no personality except from weird slang and one hobby.

What I will say however is that I liked the premise of this book. The story itself was cute, just executed really poorly. I feel like most of this review could have been avoided by more proofreading.

my detailed commentary of this story can be found in my goodreads reading activity!

This review will, as always, be available on Goodreads, NetGalley and Storygraph!
I will not be posting about this on my Instagram, as I choose not to post about books I rated less than 3.5 out of 5.

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This book was perfect.
I loved the side plots and both main characters back stories. They added so much depth and meaning to the plot. Tyler is one of my new favourite book boyfriends and Serenas character development was amazing.
The music references were on point and some of the quotes were just perfect. "Meeting him was like listening to a song for the first time and it just clicks - becoming my favourite song that I want to have on repeat forever."
One of my favourite romances this year. ❤️

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First of all – I Love the dedication. It’s not often that a dedication can set the tone for a book, but Seraphina Chen’s heartfelt note at the beginning of "Wonderstruck" does just that, hinting at the warmth and charm to come.

The best way to describe this book is cute. It’s an absolute swoon-fest, a feel-good YA romance that left me with a smile that lasted long after I finished the last page. Tyler, the leading man, is the epitome of a cinnamon roll character. His sweet demeanor and unique flirtatious style make him utterly irresistible. Despite being the big man on campus, Tyler brings an unpretentious energy to the story, proving that sometimes, the quietest hearts hold the most fire.

Chen's strength lies in her character depth. The devil is indeed in the details, and this book is brimming with them. Serena and Tyler are crafted with such nuance and care that they leap off the page and into reality. Their interactions and growth feel authentic, making their romance even more endearing.

Speaking of character development, let’s not forget the side characters, who are nothing short of phenomenal. From the quintessential best friend who’s always there to offer support and sage advice, to the protective brother with a heart of gold, and the long-past nemesis who adds a touch of drama, each character enriches the story. Their presence enhances the main narrative, creating a vibrant, well-rounded world.

If you’re a fan of the cinnamon roll leading lad with a perfect “he falls first” trope and are looking for a feel-good high school romance sprinkled with some spectacular cheer drama, then "Wonderstruck" is definitely the book for you. Seraphina Chen’s latest is a delightful read that wraps you in its warmth and leaves you eagerly awaiting her next story.

Thanks to via NetGalley for the ARC.

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I absolutely loved this book and read it completely in one sitting!! The way the relationship builds and he does everything he can to protect her is so cute!! I can’t wait to recommend it to my friends!!!

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This was such a cute story! 🥹 I love the chemistry between Tyler and Serena. It was a quick read, ideal if you want to get out of a reading slump! I hope that Seraphina will write a book about Jared and Alli 🤭 You should read this if you’re looking for a brothers best friend, high school romance!

Thank you Netgalley and for this arc!

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Book Review
Book Title-> Wonderstruck
Release date-> August 2024
Author-> Seraphina chen
Tropes-> Friends to lovers, Brother's best friend, bucket list, teen love story, high school romance, sunshine mmc × sunshine fmc, cheerleading FMC, dual POV, slowburn romance, she's his tutor

The book is good with a simple plot and beautiful scenes.

Serena Inthavong, the fmc joins high school after years of being home schooled. She decides to live her life for herself and makes a bucket list to complete before her school ends.

Tyler, the mmc decides to stay away from parties, love and relationships after his breakup. He is so hard on himself while trying to be the responsible son and best brother.
After serena and tyler meet for the first time, they both feel a pull that brings them close to each other no matter how hard they try to suppress their feelings. Tyler is the first one to realize his feelings and eventually serena admits her feelings too despite of her having abandonment issues. Ofcourse yes cause it would be almost impossible to not fall in love with the boy who helps her to tick every single wish from her bucket list.
Tyler is the perfect sunshine mmc and his nickname for Serena is cute.
But at some scenes i felt the description or placement a little odd. Like the lake scene where they start kissing and making out, it felt like a rush of things while reading. And there are few more scenes where i felt the same way. But considering this is authors debut novel, she did a very good job to bring the life to the story.
I enjoyed reading the book as i'm in search of simple plots with no high drama. I liked taylor swift references, they are cute.

Dear Author,
Congrats on your first book. The story, description, scenes, emotions are all very good. I'm definitely gonna add Tyler in to my book boyfriends list (like who wouldn't love a boy who listens to Taylor Swift). And the funny thing is i tried Thai green tea and i actually liked it. Hoping to read more books written by you in the future.
All the best.

If you're looking for a high school romance with a bit touch of sports romance, Brother's best friend tropes, grab this book and get in to the story.

Thank you NetGalley and BookBuzz for the book arc.

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