Member Reviews

This book had be gripped from the first few pages the way not many other YA books have recently but honestly, Boba could do that to anyone.
The chemistry between these two was really interesting and I enjoyed the back and forth in emotions between the two of them.
Out main characters back and forth was something that I really had fun with, it was witty and funny. Emotionally when it needed to be, it really hit the heart strings in parts.

I think the one thing that really brought me out of it was specifically mentioning songs titles and artists, it kind of took me out of the groove a little.
But honestly, it was the only thing that really gave me that feeling within the book.

Loved the writing style and pacing was okay, could use some finetuning but it wasn't anything to be concerned about to be honest.

- coming of age
- dual pov
- cheerleader x lacrosse player
- slow burn
- he falls first
- asian representation

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This book was a cute summer romance read! The chemistry between Tyler and Serena was on point! It felt very YA but there is a spice scene that did kinda come out of nowhere and felt like it didn’t fit.

•he falls first
•friends to lovers
•dual povs
•brother’s best friend
•lacrosse player x cheerleader

Things I liked-
I think Seraphina did a good job touching on deeper feelings and anxiety in this book! I think it’s important to show that the characters in the books we read are just like us and not everyone is rainbows and butterflies.

Tyler was always there for Serena and kept her calm and grounded. I love him calling her sunshine and seeing the beauty in what Serena considered her flaws.

I loved the chemistry and slow build up between Tyler and Serena’s relationship as well. That even though Serena was trying to push her feelings away Tyler was there waiting for her.

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Wonderstruck is a refreshing take on high school romance that blends the excitement of senior year with personal growth and unexpected twists. Serena Inthavong, who’s determined to break free from her old, safe routines, finds herself navigating a chaotic high school world and a return to cheerleading. Tyler Westman, juggling responsibilities and seeking something real, is drawn to Serena’s vibrant spirit. The book captures the essence of teenage struggles and romance in a way that feels genuine and relatable. I loved how it portrayed the complexity of growing up and finding oneself, making it a great read.

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can i get a round of applause because seraphina chen served this book on the FINEST golden platter. imagine if 'high school musical' and 'to all the boys i've loved before' had an extremely successful child, that is this book in a nutshell. from the first page, i was HOOKED!! i didn't know how much i loved a good rom-com before this

the amount i smiled reading this is UNREAL omgggg!! facial muscles were fr working overtime.
the dialogue was soooo cute and i cannot wait to share my favourite quotes on release day which is August 2nd. thank you to '' for providing me with this eARC. I NEED to buy a physical copy for my shelf so bad

even though i just finished this i'm going to have to add it to my 'to be read' AGAIN!! SERAPHINA GIRL, WHAT DID YOU PUT IN YOUR BOOK BECAUSE MY GOSH!! I can't wait to read her future work, (sis better drop Jarred and Allie's story next ) best believe i'm going to be first in the queue for EVERY next release. overall yes. I highly recommend you read this one!!

I already miss Serena and Tyler so muchhh. Tyler is such a green flag, from the get-go and it's adorableee how shy this golden boy gets when he's around his crush. Like I'm actually obsessed with them both. seeing serena flourish into the main character of her own story made me feel like a proud mum guys I could pick a high school romance to experience in real life it would be this one!! I do want to note that there are a lot of pop culture references which had me cackling as it was exactly my humour. however, this may not make sense if you aren't familiar with gen-z lingo. YOU guys have to read this, especially if you're a boba or Thai green latte enthusiast. personally i'm a boba girliee <33

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I really wanted to like this, but I was not vibing with it. It felt so cheesy and like the author was trying way too hard to be relatable. I’m not sure if English is just maybe not the authors first language, but the wording and sentence structure was weird a lot of the time. I’m not usually picky about things that like, but it was very obvious and I just didn’t enjoy it.

I think the concept had potential but I think the author tried too hard.

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Rating: 3/5
Genre: Romance

Read if you love the following tropes 📋:
- Friends to Lovers
- Brother's Best Friend
- Dual POV
- Cheerleader/Tutor x Lacrosse

Thank you NetGalley & Seraphina Chen for giving me an ARC in exchange for an honest review!

Wonderstruck follows two high school seniors, Serena and Tyler, both navigating their own personal grief.

Serena, homeschooled for four years, decides to conquer her fears and attend Skyline High School for her senior year. Where she meets, Tyler Westman, Skyline High lacrosse player & Thai green tea lover!

In the first half of Wonderstruck, I truly enjoyed the chemistry between Serena and Tyler, as well as her friendship with Alli.

However, the second half of the book felt extremely repetitive, as if the same conversations were on loop.

The pace and smoothness of the story also stood out to me, as I felt the transitions between scenes were abrupt. The dialogue, with its modern-day references, had me cringing at times.

Regardless, I believe this is a good beginner book for anyone who wishes to read or escape the horrors of a reading slump.

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Thank you NetGalley!!
Release date: August 2nd, 2024

Serena meets Tyler at work when he orders a Thai green tea, which happens to be Serena’s favorite drink as well. Then BOOM *instant chemistry* They keep meeting and…

This was a fun, lighthearted read but it also had some serious themes in it, like parent loss and bullying. I liked Serena and Tyler a lot! Even so, I really didn't have a lot of feelings for this book. It just wasn't what I was looking for. While Serena had vulnerable moments, Tyler didn't have any and I didn't feel as connected to him as I should have. Also, the spice scene was completely random and unnecessary, especially with them being 18. This would be a good book to read if you are looking for a happy palette cleanser, although not an amazing 5-star read. It was really fun and I enjoyed the vibe! I would recommend it as a back-to-school read :)

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One of the things I really liked about this book was the fact that first it has both perspectives and I love a book with that.. But to be honest and yes I did liked Serena perspective but I did prefer Tyler, but I also think that miscommunication can screw things and I know they were still growing up but still they should have talked more

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Simply cute, with a surprising amount of character nuance and description. Very easy read, and easily absorbing, but fairly lightweight.

Oh and I beg all authors of this genre to stop name dropping Taylor Swift - we get it!!

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Hold onto your hearts, folks! 💖 Wonderstruck is the high school romance you didn’t know you needed. Serena is ready to shake up her senior year and ditch her old, safe ways, and Tyler? He’s juggling school, lacrosse, and life’s mess while craving something real. When these two collide, sparks fly! This book is all about finding your place and someone who gets you. If you’re looking for a sweet, fun, and totally relatable read that’ll make you feel all the feels, grab this one ASAP! 📚✨

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"I’m tired of not being the main character in my own story"

Firstly, I want to thank NetGalley and Seraphina Chen for the ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

This is such a cute book, really easy and digestible to read.

The story follows Serena and Tyler as they navigate the challenges of their final year of high school, including self-discovery, personal growth, and the development of a sweet and endearing relationship.

I really liked the characters as individuals. I could identify with many of their experiences and emotions, which enhanced my connection to the story and made it more enjoyable.

I was worried it was going to be an insta-love story, but it wasn't! While there was indeed an undeniable attraction between the characters since their first meeting, the development of their story was written in a genuine and tender way, where they actually took time to get to know each other, building a relationship based on trust and care. Honestly, I don't have a single bad thing to say about their relationship.💓

However, there's one thing I found odd, and that was the +18 scene. In my opinion, it shouldn't have been in the book. It was unnecessary and a bit random.

Also, I noticed some instances of repetition throughout the book. Regardless, I think it's a good book! 🫶🏽The story is charming and engaging, and I couldn't put it down.

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Okay this was a cute read. It took me some time to really get invested but I really enjoyed both Serena and Tyler’s conversations but I’d often feel like putting the book down. I mean, I did just read a psychological thriller, so maybe it’s the stark contrast between both genres that made me feel this way, since I usually have no problem with my romances. I especially loved reading from Tyler’s perspective and seeing how he was pretty much hooked on her straight away from their first meeting. Reading something like this where, the guy’s feelings or attraction to the fmc is quite clear straight away feels like a breath of fresh air 🤭

Rating: 3.75

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I loved the character development of the Darling Devils and I can;'t wait to get more in the other brothers book. As it the case with most 3rd act breakups I wish the characters had just communicated.

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I had mixed feelings about this one. Overall I liked it. But there were certain parts that didn't come across... right, I guess. I know I'm no longer the target audience here, but is this really how teenagers are now? I thought Tyler was too possessive at times. I wish we'd gotten slightly less romance and a bit more focus on the platonic relationships (friends and family).
The chemistry between the leads was great, it drew me in immediately. But then certain stylistic choices took me out of the story...

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Wow this was so cute! I loved the Taylor Swift references, and the ease with which the Author wove her songs throughout this story. It felt like I was reading a Taylor Swift song come to life. I really enjoyed the banter between these two characters and would definitely recommend this to fans of Better than the movies by Lynn Painter. I give it a 4.25 stars overall.

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I loved this so much. Such a perfect, easy to read high school romance with minimal spice. I loved the fact that Tyler was the definition of a perfect boyfriend despite Serena’s issues. I loved that they communicated the majority of the time and always found their way back to each other. The characters were just so perfect and I thought it was written so well and was so easy to read. I didn’t think I would enjoy it as much but once I got through the first couple of chapters I couldn’t put it down, it was so sweet.

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If you want a super sweet and fast paced high school romance, this one is definitely for you!! It’s dual pov and friends to lovers (which we love thank you very much) and honestly it was really fun to read. The only problem for me was that at one point it got a little bit repetitive but otherwise it was good. Extra points for how the relationship between Serena & Tyler developed.

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Wonderstruck by Seraphina Chen is a wonderful story about teenage love and character.

This book had me laughing, giggling at all the friendship interactions, and Aunt Lina. The characters were fleshed out, and I felt that I knew them by heart. Especially because some of the them felt relatable to some experiences that I have been through in my own life. I was able to connect with each of the characters, and share my love for Thai Green Tea. I mean, it truly is the best drink for a summers day.

I really enjoyed the relationship between Serena and Tyler. The way that they trusted each other was something I hope to experience sometime in my life. They were patient, and caring, always having each others back. It was the cutest thing to see when reading this book.

However, one thing that stuck out to me in this book was the fact that the characters were 18 going into senior year. I felt that this came across as a little unrealistic compared to my own experiences. Additionally the fact that Serena has been accepted to schools like Duke and Clemson via early acceptance even before she went into senior year also stuck out to me as odd.

It also felt like there was a bit of repetitiveness around the last 50% of the book, and a spice scene that was a bit random.

However, none of this stuff detracted from the content of the book!

However, none of these things detracted from the content of the story!

Overall, I really had a fun time reading this book, and enjoyed this cute romance!

Thank you to Netgally and BookBuzz for accepting my request and allowing me to review this!

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“It’s much easier to keep them locked away, buried beneath layers of rationalization and denial. Because saying it out loud makes it real, and real means that it has the power to change everything.”

This teen rom-com was such a cute, heartfelt story about learning to take a risk in opening up your heart to others and learning to forgive yourself for things that happened in the past. I really enjoyed Seraphina Chen’s debut novel with her lovable characters. Serena and Tyler reminded me so much of Lara Jean Covey and Peter Kavinsky from To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before so if you like those books or movies, you’ll likely enjoy this book! 💞

I related to Serena in her quiet demeanour in front of others but extroverted ways with her friends. As an Asian girl, I totally understood her struggles with wanting to be perfect to make her family proud even though it wasn’t attainable and realistic. There’s a lot of internal pressure that she has about wanting to move on from the past and embrace being vulnerable in front of people she loves, which I identified with. She does talk quite a bit about not wanting to be abandoned even though she gave the cold shoulder a lot to Tyler and her friends when she went through bad times. Overall, I liked her character development throughout the book and I’m glad she was finally able to let her walls down.

I also felt I related to Tyler in how he never wants to be a burden on his family and how he would prioritize them over and over again. He’s very loving and selfless, especially when respecting Serena’s space even though he struggles to contain his feelings for her and the fear he has about losing his friendship with her amidst his growing feelings. I thought it was really important to show someone respecting the other’s space in a ya romance because it’s a healthy way that Tyler was able to support her whether or not he realizes it at those times.

I liked how Serena and Tyler’s relationship started off with them being strangers, friends, and then lovers. This is a slow burn romance that I really enjoyed reading and although it was based off of initial attraction from their first meeting, I think the author did a good job of showing how their relationship progressed more thoroughly and how they got to know each other on a deeper level. There is one explicit scene of spice that was a little unexpected since it was marketed as young adult; I think I would consider this closer to a contemporary romance. I think there could have been less telling of how they got close and more showing of how their little moments together added to their fondness of each other ☀️

I liked the conversation that Serena had with Cassie and how there was a mutual understanding and respect between them by the end of it. I thought it was really refreshing for her to get closure with the initial antagonist of the story since you don’t usually see that much in books. I also really enjoyed seeing Jared’s protectiveness over Serena and I would’ve loved to see more scenes of them together!

There were a few instances where the writing switched from past to present tense, but overall I really enjoyed the author’s writing style and it made for a super fast, enjoyable read that reminded me of my favourite rom-com movies! Hopefully we get to see Jared and Alli’s relationship in a future book!

Tropes: 💕
- Dual pov
- Friends to lovers
- Brother’s best friend
- Boy falls first, girl falls harder
- Cheerleader x lacrosse player
- Found family
- Slow burn romance
- Asian representation

Thank you to NetGalley and Seraphina Chen for giving me the opportunity to receive an e-arc of this book in exchange for an honest review! 💜

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Wonderstruck by Seraphina Chen is the authors debut novel, but is nothing short of amazing. Most of the time, with an authors first book you can tell by the writing that it is the first but with Wonderstruck that was not the case.

Wonderstruck follows Serena as she begins her senior year of high school, and the first year that she hasn't been homeschooled since middle school. One day while working a shift at the coffee shop she works at, Tyler Westman walks through the door and orders the drink that Serena has come up with on the menu, a drink that almost no one orders. They begin to interact with each other, finding themselves at the same places until she begins her senior year at the high school where is deemed the "golden boy" of the school.

When she begins tutoring him in Math and they begin to spend even more time together, things begin to change. Find out what happens between them by reading this book by Seraphina Chen!

- cheerleader x lacrosse player
- he fell first
- she tutors him
- friends to lovers
- brothers best friend
- dual pov
- high school romance

Thank you to Netgalley and Seraphina for providing me with an ARC of this book and I can not wait to read more by this author!

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