Member Reviews

Rating: 4/5 stars

Hera is an exhilarating dive into mythology, intrigue, and power dynamics. From the very first page, I was hooked by the complexity of Hera, a character often relegated to the sidelines in other retellings. This book offers her a much-deserved spotlight, revealing the layers of her personality—her strength, vulnerabilities, and deeply-rooted sense of justice.

The world-building is lush, with vivid descriptions that pull you into the grandeur of Olympus and its tumultuous politics. The pacing is tight, and the stakes are ever-present, which kept me turning the pages late into the night. The relationships between characters are fraught with tension, manipulation, and passion, making for compelling interactions throughout.

Where this book truly shines is in its portrayal of Hera’s growth. Watching her navigate her complicated marriage, her sense of duty, and her desire for autonomy is both heart-wrenching and empowering. The feminist undertones add a modern twist to the story, giving depth to Hera's struggle for respect in a male-dominated pantheon.

While I adored most of the book, I felt that a few side characters could have been explored more deeply. Their motivations sometimes felt surface-level, especially when contrasted with the intricacies of Hera herself. Nonetheless, these are minor criticisms in an otherwise superb tale.

Overall, Hera is a must-read for fans of mythological retellings, offering a fresh perspective on one of history’s most misunderstood goddesses. It’s a story of power, love, and the cost of ambition, and it will stay with you long after the final page.

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Here’s an original review for Echoes of Memory:

Rating: 4/5 stars

Echoes of Memory is a captivating exploration of time, loss, and the power of remembrance. From the moment I began reading, the lyrical prose transported me into a world where past and present blur, creating a hauntingly beautiful narrative that lingers long after the final page.

What truly stood out to me was the atmosphere the author created—rich, almost dreamlike, with an undercurrent of melancholy that pulses through every chapter. The main character's journey through memories, both their own and others', felt deeply personal yet universal, a reflection on how we carry our histories with us.

The plot unfolds with a slow, deliberate pace, allowing readers to sink into the emotional weight of each moment. While this worked wonderfully in building tension and depth, there were moments when the pacing felt a bit too languid, and I found myself wishing for a stronger drive forward in the story. However, the emotional payoff in the later chapters made the slower moments worthwhile.

The author’s ability to weave together the themes of memory and identity was particularly striking. The characters are shaped by their pasts, yet the book also explores how memories can distort, fade, or even imprison us. This balance between nostalgia and the pain of remembering gave the book a poignant, almost bittersweet tone.

While Echoes of Memory might not be for those seeking a fast-paced read, it’s perfect for anyone looking to reflect on the fragility of time and how memories define who we are. It’s a poetic, contemplative story that resonates deeply and leaves you thinking long after the last page is turned.

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Echoes of Memory by Sara Driscoll – 4 stars

Echoes of Memory delivers a captivating mystery centered around Quinn Fleming, a San Diego florist with post-traumatic amnesia. After surviving a brutal attack, Quinn relies on her notebook to capture fleeting memories before they fade. When she witnesses a murder and records the details, she’s thrown into a tense investigation—despite no one believing her due to the lack of evidence and her memory loss.

Quinn’s struggle with amnesia adds an intense layer to the mystery. The concept of her forgetting everything within hours creates a constant urgency, and her resourcefulness makes her a strong protagonist. While the medical explanations sometimes slowed the pace, they added depth to her character. The partnership with Detective Reyes and the vivid San Diego setting added to the intrigue.

Overall, a gripping and emotional read that kept me engaged, despite a few slower moments. Driscoll’s unique premise and well-developed mystery make this a standout thriller.

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Quinn Fleming has survived a horrific attack that almost left her dead. She is unable to retain new memories because of her head injury. While at work one evening, she witnesses as possible murder. Quinn has adjusted to her new lot in life by using Post-Its and notebooks for anything short-term memory so she doesn't forget. She typically doesn't remember faces either. This really made me remember a great movie called Memento in the 90s. The book is a fun ride and you can't stop listening in order to find out if they will finally solve the crime. What the truth is will shock you.

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The memory loss after a trauma is a common trope in mystery and thriller books, but this gave it enough of a twist to keep it interesting. Having the main character dealing with two very different traumatic events while struggling with her memories made the story more compelling.

Sometimes the dialogue moved along fairly slowly, but it still kept my interest throughout. I'd be very interested in reading more books by this author.

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for providing me an ARC of the audiobook.

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Imagine not being able to remember anything after witnessing a traumatic experience. Some say that would be good, but when bits and pieces keep replaying in your head, you just want to know. Well put together, keep me engaged, and I would recommend.

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This is a gripping tale of suspense that pairs an intricate, intense plot with compelling insights into the psychology of memory. The story revolves around Quinn Fleming, the sole witness to a San Diego murder, who grapples with short-term memory loss due to a brain injury. Driscoll deftly weaves in the complexities of traumatic brain injury (TBI) throughout the narrative, providing readers with a thought-provoking exploration of memory challenges. While the book excels in its portrayal of memory loss, some readers may find the dialogue between characters unbelievable.

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Audiobook review - the story was well narrated and offered enough variation in tone to create an atmosphere. The narrator gave a thorough and absorbing read, and made me feel involved. A difficult topic that was carefully handled and read by Cynthia Farrell - thank you
The tale is an intriguing and complex story demonstrating the fear and horror of lost memories. The scary depiction of lost reflections and then mechanisms that can be used to offer a bright light to a dark tunnel. Absorbing, Entertaining, Chilling, Disturbing

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2.5 stars. The premise of this intrigued me and I was interested to see how the storyline was executed. Unfortunately, I am an outlier here, but I felt like the way the story was told, it was drawn out and quite repetitive. This wasn't a bad read, just slow and boring at times. The mystery was interesting. The narrator did well with telling the story.

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Quinn Fleming is an unusual protagonist, because her short-term memory has been severely damaged after an assault. When she witnesses a murder in the dark alley behind the flower shop where she works, she does what she has become accustomed to doing: writing down everything that happened immediately after, and then forgetting it by the next day. The police who come to investigate are quite unsatisfied by her story, the way that she has to tell them what happened by reading her notes, and the fact that there is no body and little evidence of the crime. I really loved the fragile character of Quinn, learning about her amnesia and how she functions, and how the story moves forward after she connects with Detective Reyes. How the murder is solved is a complex and twisty tale. The narrator, Cynthia Farrell, beautifully voices the audiobook. Thanks to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for the opportunity to provide an honest review of this fantastic book.

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This was such an interesting premise and such a unique read. This was a very original read and I really enjoyed the fast paced ride this took me on. I'm so glad that Quinn was able to help solve a case and gain some closure. I am heartbroken for the friend she lost since Driscoll made her feel so isolated and alone. And that level of foreboding was present throughout the book- so much so, that I didn't even trust Quinn's therapist. Thank you for the opportunity to listen to this audiobook. I really enjoyed the narrator as well!

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It is a compelling and well-crafted novel that captivates with its rich narrative and engaging characters. Driscoll’s skillful storytelling and intricate plotting keep the reader invested throughout. However, the story's predictability in certain aspects slightly diminishes its impact. Despite this, the novel's emotional depth and strong character development make it an enjoyable and thought-provoking read. Overall, it's a solid 4/5 stars for its well-executed premise and engaging delivery.

Thank you RBmedia for providing this audiobook for review consideration via NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the chance to read an early copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. Echoes of Memory by Sara Driscoll released on July 23rd, 2024.

Echoes of Memory had a VERY interesting premise. I'm always a sucker for memory issues, especially in mystery/thriller books but it just didn't stand out. The audiobook was great, the story was great, but it was all...very forgettable, no pun intended. It was a good book to have on in the background.

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Echoes of Memory was the first book that I had the pleasure of reading by author, Sara Driscoll. It can best be described as a stand-alone gripping mystery thriller. I listened to the audiobook that was very well narrated by Cynthia Farrell. She really brought this well plotted, fast paced book alive. It was so easy to visual the scenes and the characters as she expertly narrated Echoes of Memory. It took place in San Diego, California in the Gaslamp District.

Quinn Fleming had been a victim of a vicious attack that had left her with a post-traumatic brain injury. The brain injury interfered with Quinn’s ability to remember details and pertinent information. To compensate for this loss, Quinn had started using a journal to record anything that had occurred during the course of her day and simple directions, routines, appointments and placement of things she needed on daily basis. Since Quinn relied heavily on her journal, she always kept it close by to her.

After Quinn recovered enough physically and emotionally, she returned to her job as an assistant in a flower shop. Since her injury, it took Quinn a little longer to complete the tasks that she was expected to complete. There were some nights that she stayed a little later to finish her tasks. On one of those evenings, Quinn had just finished everything she had to complete for the following day, when she decided to take the trash out rather than leave it for boss. The container for the trash was located in the alley behind the flower shop. As Quinn tossed the trash in the receptacle she sensed that she was not alone. She saw a shadow of a man hovering on the opposite side of the ally. He appeared to be hiding. Suddenly, more shadows appeared and the man disappeared. What had she witnessed? Had the man who had been hiding in the alley been the victim of foul play? Quinn knew that she had to write down everything that she had witnessed before those memories were gone forever. After Quinn recorded everything that she witnessed, she called the police. To Quinn’s frustration, the police officers didn’t believe Quinn’s account of what she had witnessed. There was no body, no trace of a fight and Quinn could not recount the events that just occurred without reading it from her journal. When the report passed Detective Nura Reyes desk, though, the detective remembered Quinn’s harrowing attack and the post- traumatic brain injury she suffered as a result. To Quinn’s frustration, she was unable to convince the police officers to what she had witnessed but was rewarded with Detective Reyes’s complete belief in the things Quinn had seen. Memories of that night started to come back to Quinn through dreams she had. Quinn was a gifted artist. She was able to sketch what she remembered from her dreams. Would Detective Reyes and Quinn be able to piece together the fragments of Quinn’s memories to solve the murder mystery? Would Quinn’s involvement put her in danger? Will Detective Reyes be able to keep her safe?

Sara Driscoll created believable characters who were interesting, flawed and quite compelling. There were lots of twists and turns that kept me guessing until the very end. The ending was very satisfying and tied up all the loose ends. Quinn’s challenges were many but she almost never felt sorry for herself for long. She accepted what had happened to her and was making baby steps in her recovery. Mental illness played a major role in this riveting book. I really admired Quinn’s character and how she handled her recovery, made the connections and friendships she did and used her talents to help solve the mystery. Echoes of Memory was well written and very much worth reading. I highly recommend it.

Thank you to RB Media/Recorded Books for allowing me to listen to the audiobook of Echoes of Memory by Sara Driscoll through Netgalley in exchange for an unbiased review.

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Quinn, a local florist, was attacked after work drinks one night and as a result, has a traumatic brain injury and doesn't retain memories anymore. She carries a notebook with her everywhere she goes and writes everything down so she can remember it. One night at work, while putting the trash outside, she witnesses a murder but once her memories fade, how does she know what's real and what's not?

I wanted to love this premise because it's really interesting but it's definitely a slow burn and I found myself distracted a bit. I did like the audio narrator so that helped a lot.

I think the author really does a great job of making Quinn and her condition believable and the concept of TBI is treated really well. She's never portrayed as 'crazy' and she was likeable overall. I did find that the balance of her condition vs the murder itself was a bit out of whack and I didn't expect the book to be so focused on TBI.

This is an easy listen and great if you're looking for something that shows how TBI can affect people's lives and how to manage with the idea of memory.

With thanks to NetGalley for an audio ARC.

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“She knew her life had once been joyful, and so, so easy. Nothing required advanced strategy or excessive note-taking. She just…was.”

“Two people can have nearly identical injuries and the effects can be significantly different. Every TBI is unique, as is the person suffering from it.”

The survivor of a vicious assault, Quinn Flemming has a traumatic brain injury (TBI) and can’t retain new memories. Trying to get through each day is tough enough, but then she witnesses a murder! She quickly records every detail before she forgets. With no body and no evidence of any crime, the police don’t believe her. However, a Detective who sees the report of the incident, does. Quinn begins to experience flashbacks in her sleep and does sketches of what she remembers. it really memories or is it what she THINKS happened? How can she trust her own mind?

Not only is this a murder mystery, it’s an exploration of many facets of memory and the effects of trauma and brain injury. With encouragement from the Detective, a few understanding friends, and her artistic outlet, Quinn is able to provide more pieces to the puzzle. As a person who has suffered a mild TBI, ECHOES OF MEMORY made me feel SEEN. Brain injury is scary at best, and feels like you’re losing your sense of self at worst. Sara Driscoll deftly weaves a suspenseful mystery filled with increasing unease, into the struggle of living with the largely invisible consequences of a TBI.

Cynthia Farrell’s performance for the audiobook was emotive in the best way and I’m so glad I did dual formats. I could FEEL Quinn’s self doubt and fear, yet also her determination and strength. A heroine who relies on her wits and intuition while pursuing justice despite personal danger, is someone I can root for! I loved everything about ECHOES OF MEMORY and it resonated with me so much, I had difficulty writing my review. I was completely immersed in Quinn’s world and on the edge of my seat more than once!

Thank you Kensington Books for the gifted notepad, flower & physical copy & Recorded Books & NetGalley for the ALC. All opinions are mine.

Content warnings by me below.

⚠️Content warnings by me: traumatic brain injury, fatal hit & run, home invasion, Mention of assault

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I was really excited for this one because I heard great things. But it was not it for me. I honestly think if I would have read the book on my kindle instead of doing to the audiobook, I would have liked it more. The narrator was great for the main character, Quinn’s voice, but all other voices were the exact same. They all sounded like “frat bros”, even the female characters. The dialogue was awkward and it felt like there was tons of explaining that was unnecessary. Again, the dialogue could have to do with how it was done via audio and I would have liked it more with physically reading it.

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Quinn is moving through life robotic and deliberate after experiencing an violent attack that left her with a traumatic brain injury. She is able to maintain her job at the florist, where she was working before the attack, and function enough to get by. That doesn't mean it is easy for her however. Sara Driscoll, author, shows what a careful balance Quinn's existence is. From notes all over her house, to a support group for TBI victims, to a notebook Quinn carries with her to act as her memory, Driscoll delicately leads the reader through the days of someone with memory loss. Quinn's notebook and lack of memory make her seem suspicious after she witnesses a possible murder. Until Detective Reyes comes along and has done her research on Quinn. Det. Reyes works with Quinn to see what she might remember, and what her brain is trying to show her through her dreams and drawings.
I listened to this audiobook, narrated by Cynthia Farrell, courtesy of Net Galley and the publishers. I loved the way Detective Reyes gave Quinn the support she needed to figure out what was happening, but I felt her voice and actions were a bit robotic. Will, the leader of Quinn's TBI support group, seemed suspicious after giving Quinn a ride home after learning of her as a witness and his inquisitiveness at the coffeehouse (but those doughnuts sounded mouth-watering!). The narration and storyline were both good and I would recommend this audiobook to friends!

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Just loved listening to this full of suspense and well narrated. I know that there are a lot of amnesia books floating around right now but this worked really well.
The story got me going from the start.

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Eerie, exposed, and ENTICING… ECHOES of MEMORY…

Sara Driscoll imagined a well-developed, purposeful cast in this whodunit mystery with thrilling, yet still terrifying psychological roots.

Despite Quinn’s retrograde amnesia, she is ardently committed to helping find the assailant who she witnessed committing murder in a dark alley. Not only does she want to help aid in the investigation, but she is trying to relearn some basic things… namely how to manage her memory and NOT allow it to manipulate her.

For me, the SCARIEST PART of Quinn’s ordeal was understanding that our brains retain this capacity to turn on us… In a nutshell, if we fail to keep our minds safe, our brains have the unique superpower to make us (as beings) strangers to our very own lives!

There is some fantastically enchanting information about how memories are formed, what to expect after TIA, and human responses to trauma in this book. My interest in this book grew exponentially as a result of my experience with Imposter by Bradeigh Godfrey. Godfrey’s standalone book remains one of my favorite books. Much like Imposter, I can imagine reading Echoes again as I am sure there is plenty I didn’t let soak in as my haste to find out they ending took over! I became so invested by end! It got so I just needed the resolution—short story: This is DEFINITELY WORTH READING!!!!

#EchoesOfMemory #Imposter #NetGalley #Audiobooks #whodunit #mysteries #psychologicalthriller @cynthia_farrell @kensingtonbooks @saradriscoll @bradeighgodfrey @bookshell_F

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By looking at the cover, i couldn't tell if it was horror, suspense or romance, lol. What it is was a psychological thriller about a woman who witnesses a crime, but whose memory is unable to recall the events.

This has been done before, many many times. The dialog was fantastic, but i didn't feel like this book brought much to the table. It was very hard for me to get into in the beginning. I prefer my thrillers to be a little more fast paced. All in all, I'd still for sure recommend it (it's getting AMAZING reviews, but it's not one that i'll remember forever.

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