Member Reviews

This is very much a case where I wanted to like a book but I just couldn't get into the narration style that felt quite flat. I might try to get this one as a physical copy because the story had potential but the format was not working for me.

I requested this one because it might be an upcoming title I would like to review on my Youtube Channel. However, after reading the first several chapters I have determined that this book does not suit my tastes. So I decided to DNF this one.

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A woman with significant memory loss due to a traumatic brain injury witnesses a murder, and uses her artistic talents in order to help her remember what she saw and assist in the investigation. She also has to outrun the killer before she becomes the next target.

This book had an interesting premise, but too many long-winded passages had me tuning out often. Great happy ending as the main character continues to heal from her injury and recover her memory. I enjoyed the audiobook narration.

Doesn't hurt to skip this one unless you don't mind the slow burn.

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This is a brilliant written story of Quinn Fleming as she struggles to remember the past, experiences seeing a horrible crime and she tries to bring justice to the victim in the present and hopes for a brighter tomorrow, by hopefully remembering the crime. The first two police officers didn't believe her, but luckily the detective that later came on the case did. Quinn was attacked on her way home about 3 months earlier where she was brutally beaten and left for dead with no evidence of the suspect except some skin particles under her finger nails. The attack left her with no short term memory, she learned to keep a journal with every detail of her day to day living. This book is very interesting, I enjoyed it and would recommend it to others.

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Echoes Of Memory is a slow burning thriller that unfortunately failed to keep my attention entirely. The beginning started off strong and intriguing, but it slowly started going downhill around halfway. It started to get very repetitive, very technical and felt like a textbook sometimes instead of entertaining, the writing didn't grasp my attention either so it was hard for me to truly focus.

There were a lot of plot holes in this one also, some things were highly unbelievable and I had a hard time getting past those. The dialogues were also lengthy and the story developed a bit too slowly for me. I think prior fans of this author will enjoy but maybe she is just not for me.

🎧 The narration by Cynthia Farrell was just Okay for me. She didn't grasp my attention enough to keep me fully invested. So both with the slow pace of the story and the narration it was hard for me to love it.

✨️Thank you to @netgalley, @rbmedia & Sara Driscoll for my gifted ALC in exchange for an honest review.

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Took a while to get into the audio. The narrator was perfect. The build up and anticipation. I enjoyed listening to this Audio bookđź’•

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This book was incredible. Quinn is a resilient character who has had terrible bad luck, but has found a way to function in a world she doesn't quite remember. The twists were really unexpected.

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I found the story good, thriller aspect excellent. Really enjoyed the narrator and audiobook was well done.
Only complaint would be that the scenes talking about her memory loss were incredibly over dialogued. Story could have focused more on the thriller aspect and less on over explaining the memory loss. Over all a decent audio book,

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I really enjoyed the plot but the pace was really off for me. It was super sonic slow and I felt like the story wasn't moving fast enough for me.

I thought the characters were decent but I needed something more.

If you like slow burn thrillers, this is a top contender but I need a better pace to truly love a book.

3.5 stars

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Unfortunately this started strong for me and just dragged on through the second half. I will, however, recommend it to library patrons because I can think of many that would enjoy it more than me.

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3.5, rounded up to 4. This was a slowwwww burn in every sense. I enjoyed the concept of the book and loved the strong female leads. It just needed a bit more for me to have been completely captivated.

It felt as though the author used way too much detail for filler purposes. Some portions dragged and seemed like a bit too much. I did feel invested in sticking it out to the end. It just wasn’t a pace I typically read.

The narrator was super slow at 1.0, 1.25 seemed perfect.

Thank you to NetGalley and RB Media for the advanced copy.

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Quinn has ongoing brain drama from a violent assault that occurred months prior to the start of the story. She is unable to form new permanent memories that are not part of her daily routine. One evening she witnesses what she believes is a murder. When the police investigate, she finds herself in an incredibly unique position. I found this story to be compelling and the narration of the audiobook was well done.

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Echoes of Memories follows Quinn, a post traumatic TBI survivor who witnesses a murder but cannot trust her memory. The TBI comes from an unrelated assault, but explains why Quinn doesn’t have the ability to recall her short term memory. As a result, she leaves herself notes and post-its to get her through daily life. While in the back alley of the floral shop she works at, Quinn witnesses a murder- but did she? Can she remember anything? Can she trust what she remembers?

Every day she wakes up is a new day- filled with zero memories of anything from yesterday, the day before, or any day before her assault. So when Quinn witnesses what looks like the murder of a stranger, she immediately writes everything she can in her notebook to relay to the police. Unfortunately, they don’t take her serious and she’s left feeling helpless. It’s not until the next day when she’s confronted by a different detective who remembers Quinn’s assault case, that she can even share her thoughts. Together, they work as a team to overcome Quinn’s disability to solve a murder without a body from a witness without a memory.

Overall, the story was enjoyable. I felt like there was a lot of over explaining of things, like the author couldn’t find a more natural way to introduce an idea or topic (ie the silver pain). This could’ve been left until the end when she was explaining it back to the other characters. It felt a little far fetched, but the story was still suspenseful. I also did not like the audio narrator- it felt forced and a little aggressive.

Thank you NetGalley and RbMedia for this advanced listening copy in return for my honest review.

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Thank you to Sara Driscoll for sending me a copy of this book earlier in the year and thank you to Netgalley/RB Media for the audio! “Echoes of Memory” may honestly be the most unique book I have read this year! While the mystery Quinn stumbles into definitely plays a big role in the story, she is also working through a lot of her own things too. The attack she suffered at the hands of an unknown assailant has left her without her short term memory, and the way she is coping is nothing short of remarkable. I loved her “tricks” to ensure she was able to live as normally as possible and although it was difficult, she never gave up. She was an amazing person, and nothing beats a strong female main character! I was rooting for her all along and I had several suspicions of who the “bad” guy was, and I was hoping I was wrong - LOL! But I didn't predict how the story was going to end or the twists it was going to take. With a well-developed plot, a very likable main character and a lot of heart, “Echoes of Memory” is a book that I wish I read sooner! Cynthia Farrell brought the story to life on audio.

”Echoes of Memory” is out now! This review will be shared to my instagram blog (@books_by_the_bottle) shortly :)

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This was really hard for me to finish. It was hard to stay focused on what was going on and it just didn't feel like I was getting the whole story without it bouncing to something else. I was more focused on the switch from what seemed like 3rd person to first person.

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A twisty psychological murder mystery where the only witness has memory loss problems and struggles to remember what she actually saw. Great on audio narrated by Cynthia Farrell and perfect for fans of books like Megan Goldin's Stay awake. This was my first by Sara Driscoll and I really enjoyed it! It was taut and thrilling and kept me guessing til the end. Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an early audio copy in exchange for my honest review!

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based on uniqueness of the story, I give it five stars. I felt sometimes it just went on and on. You wanted to feel some kind of way or see a positive outcome. Also relationships with a therapist are a big no

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"Echoes of Memory" by Sara Driscoll stands alone and once again showcases Driscoll's talent for maintaining high suspense.

Driscoll skillfully incorporates detailed information about memory loss, keeping it engaging throughout. Despite Quinn's efforts to rebuild her life after an attack and short-term memory loss, she witnesses a murder and strives to help solve it. She uses techniques like writing in a notebook and sketching glimpses from her dreams or memories that surface during the day.

I initially worried that Quinn's repetitive review of events might become monotonous, but after the beginning, Driscoll kept it interesting. Although the story started a bit slow for me, it picked up pace once Det. Reyes was introduced, and I quickly turned pages to see what would happen next.

The mystery was well-crafted with some excellent twists along the way. I'm not sure if Det. Reyes appears in any of Driscoll's other books, but if so, I would definitely read them. Her handling of Quinn and this case makes her a wonderful, strong female character.

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This is an exciting crime/mystery/thriller book!
The main character’s short term memory was lost because of a horrible attack that she had months earlier. Because of this, she has to write herself notes in order to remember things. Through these notes and drawing pictures, as well as some flashbacks, she is able to help piece together a crime.
This book is filled with action and isn’t a dull read! A lot of the story does focus on her traumatic brain injury and memory loss though. I enjoyed the writing style of the author; it’s fun and easy to understand.
I listened to the audio version and the narrator did a very good job!

Thank you to NetGalley for an audio copy of this fun mystery!

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Thank you RB Media, Sara Driscoll and Netgalley for the audio arc of Echoes of Memory.
Narrated by Cynthia Farrell

Quinn Flemming, a florist witnesses a murder. The problem is after she was attacked several months before, she suffers from post traumatic memory loss so she can't retain memories. By the time the crime was reported and the police arrive, there is no body and just a few details written on a pad. With the help of her note book, DSI Reyes and a self help group for Brain damage victims. They slowly put together pieces of the puzzle from written details and sketches as Quinn's memories start to flashback.

I really enjoyed this mystery/thriller. It is more mystery but it's very intriguing all the same. The plot line gets straight into what Quinn witnessed and the multitude of emotions and feelings that she experiences while trying to help herself and the police. I really enjoyed the dynamics between DSI Reyes and Quinn. Reyes almost dismissing her because of no evidence was found at the scene but takes heed and slowly helps Quinn believe in herself, her ability of drawing which opens her up for her memories to break through. I feel that this book airs of the side of almost cosy mystery but its the thriller elements keeps it psychological.

4 stars

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What do you do when your own mind betrays you? Quinn Fleming is trying to figure out that very thing. Suffering from limited memory loss after surviving a traumatic attack, Quinn can no longer retain short term memories.

So, when she finds herself witnessing a murder, she has the presence of mind to record everything that she sees down in some scribbled notes, knowing full well that she will not remember anything the following day. And to make matters worse, when the police investigate the scene, there is no evidence to indicate that anything ever happened there.

The incident has also somehow made Quinn realise that there is some kind of link between her memory loss and the events that she has just witnessed. The problem is, the perpetrater also knows that - so unless Quinn can get to the bottom of this quickly, she may find herself in danger once again.

Armed with only her notes from a crime that she doesn't remember, she must find the elusive answers behind the mystery of her own condition as well as the murder that has just been committed.

This is a fast moving and suspenseful story. Well narrated and based on a fascinating premise, it successfully holds the readers attention throughout. this one gets 3.5 stars.

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