Member Reviews

This is a concise version of Ortlund's 'Gentle and Lowly' and it is such a beautiful reflection of God's love for us.

Each chapter is short (1-2 pages) where Ortlund reflects on a characteristic of God's heart using a bible verse (or part thereof) as his reference or guide. It's easy to understand and doesn't require huge amounts of thought, just a willingness to accept God's love.

Like the Matthew 11:28 verse the bigger book is based on, this concise version reads gently. It's lovingly reassuring and for some who might doubt God's love for them, it may be a fresh revelation.

I particularly love how Ortlund ends it. Don't think there's any need to apply the 'lessons' from the book, simply "Come to me', approach Jesus because he awaits with open arms and immense love, irrespective of what you might have done even in the last 5 minutes. Just go to Him and enjoy His love.

I'm delighted to have received an early ebook copy of the book from Crossway via Net Galley with no expectation of a positive review. I'm pretty sure I will be buying a few copies to give to friends who might enjoy the refreshment this book brings.

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Excellent book! Already loved Gentle and Lowly. That book changed my perspective on who Jesus was. This was a condensed version of the book that I imagine I will be buying to have copies on hand to give away to people. Easier to get into with short digestible chapters makes it a great book to give away as a wonderful introduction to who this Jesus is we are following! Awesome!

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An impactful book that gives us a portrait of Jesus' heart toward his children. It reminded me that Christ's heart toward us when we fall short (which we will do) is one of love and understanding and not shame/punishment. Thank you to #NetGalley for the advanced reader copy.

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Brief Summary

The Heart of Jesus: How He Really Feels About You, a concise adaptation from the bestselling Gentle and Lowly by Dane Ortlund, is a unique resource. The author's goal is to make scripture more approachable, particularly for young believers, new believers, and those who find reading the scriptures challenging.

My Review

I would like to formally thank NetGalley and Crossway Publishing for allowing me to be part of this book's ARC team.

The author successfully accomplished his goal of creating an easy-to-read, theologically sound book. This book is truly a resource that will benefit the church and Christian community alike. The author used relatable examples to bring a tangible image to the scripture being discussed. As a seasoned believer in Jesus Christ, this book was a much-needed refresher. Those who have been running this race of faith with endurance would also benefit from reading this book, along with young and new believers. Overall, this book is theologically sound and maintains the integrity of God's word. My only personal theological discrepancy is within the last chapter. I am taking my interpretation of the book at face value. Verbatim, the author said, "In Christ's death, God has secured your eternal happiness." The Bible doesn't explicitly say anything about "eternal happiness". There is a scripture about "eternal joy" (Isaiah 35:10). Unless the author correlates the promise of heaven with "eternal happiness." If that is the case, my personal theological discrepancy is nothing more than a misunderstanding of the author's intention.

The author succeeded at explaining complex theological concepts to the average believer. This book will be a practical tool for churches and Christians.

The Heart of Jesus: How He Really Feels About You by Dane Ortlund receives a 4 out of 5 stars from me. I recommend this book; I enjoyed reading it.

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The Heart of Jesus is a new, concise version of Ortlund's book Gentle and Lowly. Having previously read Gentle and Lowly I was interested to see how the truths could be condensed down for a broader audience.

Ortlund's writing conveys so much of the Lord's gentle heart for us. The chapters are encouraging and full of biblical truths backed up with Bible verses. The shorter length of the chapters means that it is easy to reflect on each truth, showing how it is more than just a concept but a reality that is extended to all even through our pain and suffering.

The bible references and excerpts taken from other authors to further explain his points are worked into the text beautifully, conveying Jesus' tender love for us, a love so great that we can barely begin to fathom it.

This book will be a great addition to any bookshelf and I will be recommending it to people I know.

My thanks to Crossway and Netgalley for the ARC.

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Having absolutely loved Gentle and Lowly, I was excited to read this new concise version. Designed to be accessible to a broader reading audience, it retains all the comfort of the original in fewer pages and simpler sentences.

Once again, Ortlund takes us through a number of Bible verses which show how Christ is far more gentle and patient with us than we dare to hope, and how his loving heart towards us does not change in the way that our fickle hearts do. His gentle tone as he lays out these wonderful truths further adds to the encouragement they give.

After a quick flick back through some of the same chapters in Gentle and Lowly, I can confidently say that Ortlund has done a masterful job of selecting which material to keep and how to make it more easily readable.

I recommended Gentle and Lowly to many people, and it will be a joy to recommend The Heart of Jesus even more widely.

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In my roollercoaster of my life, especially the lowest part of my life, I sometimes think that I cannot know why Jesus leave me in that condition so I become disappointed and angry with Jesus. Dane Ortlund reminds me the love of Christ who sacrifice His own life for me and this is the heart of Jesus to humanity, his full loving kindness overflow.

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I can not talk highly enough about this book! it was just beautiful. I loved the way it was laid out from start to finish, and how easy of a read. But the take away was so great. I was so touched.

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Dane Ortlund offers a profoundly comforting and theologically rich exploration of the heart of Jesus. From the very first page, Ortlund's compassionate and gentle prose draws the reader into a deeper understanding of the tender love that Christ extends to all, especially those who feel the weight of their sins and the pains of their sufferings.

One of the most striking aspects of this book is Ortlund's ability to distill complex theological concepts into accessible and heartfelt truths. He seamlessly weaves together Scripture, insights from other writers, and personal anecdotes, creating a book that is both intellectually satisfying and deeply moving.

Each chapter serves as a reminder that Christ’s love is not merely a theological concept but a lived reality that meets us in our deepest need.

There truly is nothing like the heart of Jesus. This beautiful book reflects it well.

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