Member Reviews

"The Storm Breaks" by Valerie Storm is a gripping young adult fantasy novel that immerses readers in a world filled with magic, intrigue, and complex characters. The story follows the journey of the protagonist, Elara, who discovers her latent magical abilities and must navigate a treacherous path to save her kingdom from impending doom.

One of the standout moments in the book is Elara's transformation from a naïve and uncertain young woman into a confident and powerful leader. Her character development is both believable and inspiring, making it easy for readers to root for her. The scenes where she masters her magical abilities are particularly exhilarating, showcasing Storm's talent for vivid and dynamic action sequences. However, the pacing in the middle of the book tends to lag, with several chapters dedicated to political maneuvering that, while important to the plot, feel a bit drawn out. This slowdown detracts from the otherwise fast-paced and engaging narrative, making it a bit challenging to stay fully immersed during these sections.

Overall, "The Storm Breaks" is a compelling read that balances character development, world-building, and action. Despite its occasional pacing issues, it remains a great book for those interested in the young adult fantasy genre.

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If I'm going to be honest I really didn't excepted to like this book as much as I did... I love the story and Kari and Guine, some parts were a bit difficult to understand but nothing too complicated.. In general things it was a fun and cozy read

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The Storm Breaks is such a good book. Valerie Storm is such a fantastic author. She could portrait so well the emotions on this book. 4 stars from me.

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